Tango Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education IV

Prepared by: Shiela Marie Dasco

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 100 % of the students should be able to attain at least 75%
level of proficiency in:

1. Described the historical background and style of Tango briefly.

2. Identify and execute the proper rhythm and basic steps of the Tango.
3. Perform the Tango dance skilfully with feelings.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Basic Steps in Tango

Unit: IV- Ballroom Dances
Lesson: 14- The Tango

References: Enjoy Life with P.E. and Health- IV Year textbook

Materials: boxes, cartolina, marker, audio materials etc.

III. Teaching Procedures:

A. Rout nary Activities

1. Prayer
2. Greeting the class
3. Checking the attendance
4. Checking and passing of assignment
5. Warm-up

B. Developmental Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Review and Motivation

“Today we’re about to proceed in our next

lesson but before we dig inside, we are going
have an activity, and this activity will serve as
a recap about our recent topics and a clue for
our today’s lesson.”

“Are you in?!”

“Yes Ma’am!”
When I asked you, “Are you in?!” you are
going to shout “We are In!”

Again. Are you in?!

“We are in!”

“Alright. Listen to my instructions because I

will tell it once.”

“First I’ll group you into four.”

“If you notice there is a cartolina at the centre

containing questions that are related to our
recent topics and there are four boxes too.
Actually those boxes contain the answers that
correspond to those questions in cartolina. All
you have to do is to get the answers inside the
box one by one, one question-one member.
The first member will run toward the box to
get the answer in the first question and he/she
will paste it in his/her chest and afterwards
he/she must return in the group and snap the
hand of another group mate to get the answer
of the second question and will paste it in
his/her chest too, and so on, until you
complete the ten questions. In a group there
are 12 or 11 members, so one or two members
will remain, those members will be the
picker/s. After completing the ten questions
the picker/s must immediately get the bag that
contains puzzle pieces, and the group should
form and arrange the puzzle. When you are
done with the tasks, you will shout your

And these are your buzzer for each group:

Group 1 - Uno
Group 2 - dos
Group 3 - tres
Group 4 – kuwatro

“The winner group will receive prize.”

“Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Are you in?!”
“We are in!”

“Okay, get ready. At the count of three you’ll


(students start the activity)

1. A Latin dance which originated in
2. The recommended speed of music of
3. Ballroom dance that derived its name
from the German term “walzen”
4. The rhythm of waltz in in __ time.
5. The first and important position in
6. This ballroom dance includes the basic
7. Jive had its beginning since _____.
8. Ballroom swing started in _______.
9. “walzen” means?
10. Cha cha dancers use a pattern of ___
1. Cha-cha
2. 30 bmp (beat per minute)
3. Waltz
4. ¾
5. Closed position
6. Jive
7. 1920’s
8. New York
9. “to roll” or “to turn”
10. 8 (eight)

“Let’s give (3) three big claps for the winner

(students clapped)

“Good for all of you, I’m glad because you

still remember our last lessons.”
“And now, according to the pictures you had
formed in puzzle pieces what do you think is
our lesson for today?” “Ma’am I think it’s another kind of ballroom
dance, because the pictures shows two
couples in a dance position”

“That’s right! Then what kind of ballroom

dance do you think it is?” “Ma’am Rumba?”

“Nice try. Try to look at their outfit. What

have you notice?”
“The girls’ dress is sexier and more elegant
and the boys’ costume is formal”

“That’s right. Any wild guess?”

“Ma’am foxtrots?”

“Nice try again, but it’s not. Another clue is, it

is very popular in Argentina”
“Ma’am Tango!”

“You got it! Very good”

2. Lesson Proper

“Our lesson for today is Tango.”

“First, let’s talk about the history,
characteristics and style of Tango briefly
before we proceed to the steps.
Gauchos or
cowboys TANGO Buenos
“Barrio de la
“Baile Con Carte” Ranas

19th cen. 1900’s 1910-1911 1921

Tango was The Become Rudolf

first solo dance popular in Valento
dance spread New York. made Tango
performed through- a hit. Finally
by woman out the dance
Europe considered
and later
done with
even in

“And that’s the historical background of


“The basic rhythm of Tango is in 4/4 time,

which is count like this. 1,2 (slow)- 3, 4
(slow)- 1 (quick)-
2 (quick) – 3, 4 (slow)
(teacher clap the rhythm)
(students clapped the rhythm)
“All together clap the rhythm”

“Let’s listen to a Tango music and count the


(the teacher count the rhythm together with

the students while the music is playing) (the students count the rhythm while the
music is playing)

“Actually there are three styles of Tango: the

Argentina, American and International. And
we are going to execute the international style
of Tango. Now let’s proceed with the steps.
Stand up; face front then arms forward, down,
and arms side ward. Face left then sideward.
Face front and stand straight.”
(Students stand up; face front, arms forward
and sideward. Students face left then
sideward and face front, stand straight)
“First we will do the “Tango Closed for boys
and girls”

“Let have first the boys. Girls sit down.” (Girls sit down while boys remain standing)

Tango Closed Position for boys-

 step L forward in the line of direction
of the L foot, R toe in place, slow
(ct.1, 2)
 Step R foot forward, L toe in place,
slow (ct. 3, 4)
 Step L forward quick (ct.1)
 Follow through with R foot and step to
the R side quick. (ct. 2)
 Draw L slowly to the arch of the R
foot, weight on R. (ct. 3, 4)

Use the close handhold throughout the

execution of these steps.

(teacher demonstrate one by one (male students follow the demonstration of

repeatedly) the teacher)

“Okay next, boys sit down. Girls stand up.” (Boys sit down while girls stand up)

Tango Closed Position for girls-

 step R backward in the line of
direction of the R foot, L toe in place,
slow (ct.1, 2)
 Step L foot backwards, R toe in place,
slow (ct. 3, 4)
 Step R backward quick (ct.1)
 Follow through with L foot and step to
the L side, quick. (ct. 2)
 Draw R slowly to the arch of the L
foot, weight on L. (ct. 3, 4)
(female students follow the demonstration of
(teacher demonstrate one by one the teacher)
“Alright. Stand up both girls and boys, face
your partner and do the tango closed position.
Follow my counts. “
(partners do the tango closed position)
“...1 2 3...go!”

“Good. Now again boys remain standing and

girls sit down.” (Girls sit down while boys remain standing)

“Next step is the Tango Promenade”

Tango Promenade-boy
 Facing in the line of direction in
promenade position, step L sideways,
R toe remaining in place, slow (ct. 1,2)
 Step R across in front of L, the R,
swinging the girl into close position
towards the line of direction, slow
(ct.3, 4)
 Step L forward, quick (ct.1)
 Follow through with the R foot and
step to the R side, quick (ct.2)
 Draw the L foot slowly to the arch of
the R, weight remaining on the R,
slow (ct.3, 4) (male students follow the demonstration of
the teacher)

(teacher demonstrate one by one repeatedly)

(Boys sit down while girls stand up)

“Stand up girls and sit down boys.”

Tango Promenade-girls
 Facing in the line of direction in
promenade position, step R sideways,
L toe remaining in place, slow (ct. 1,2)
 Step L across in front of R, pivoting
into closed position, slow (ct.3, 4)
 Back in the line of direction, step back
with R , quick (ct.1)
 Follow through with the L and step to
the L side, quick (ct.2)
 Draw the R foot slowly to the arch of
the L, weight remaining on the L, slow
(ct.3, 4)

(teacher demonstrate one by one repeatedly) (female students follow the demonstration of
the teacher)

“And now stand up both girls and boys.”

“Execute the Tango Promenade step. I will


“...1 2 3...go!” (partners do the steps)

(Teacher guides the students)

“Alright, and that’s the basic steps of tango.

Actually there are many steps in tango but
those are the most important steps that could
not omit.”

3. Generalization

“Again what are the two basic steps of

tango?” “Ma’am, the Tango Closed Position, and
Tango Promenade”

“Again, what is the rhythm of Tango?

Who can clap the rhythm?” “Ma’am, 1,2 (slow)- 3, 4 (slow)- 1 (quick)-
2 (quick) – 3, 4 (slow)”
(student clap the rhythm)

“All together, do the Tango Closed

Position.” (students do the steps)

(teacher counts)
“And second, the Tango Promenade.
(students do the steps)
(teacher counts)

IV. Application

“And now we are going to apply all

the basic steps that we discussed a
while ago with music.”

“Execute the steps continually as the

music play. Understood?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Are you in?!” “We are in!”

“Okay, let’s start.”

(the teacher start the music) (students do the basic steps in Tango while
the music is playing)

V. Evaluation

A. Identify the following:

1. Another name of tango which means

“the dance with many dramatic or
artistic poses”
2. He made the Tango a hit in 1921.
3. What is the basic rhythm of Tango?
4. Term for cowboys of Argentina
which said the Tango was started.
B. Enumeration
5-7 the three (3) styles of tango
8-10 give the three basic steps of Tango

1. Baile Con Carte
2. Rudolph Valentino
3. Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow
4. Gauchos
5. Argentina
6. American
7. International
8. Tango Closed position
9. Tango Step-out position
10. Tango Promenade

VI. Assignment

Group dancing(Tango)
 Divide your class into four groups
 Performed all the basic steps that we
 Provide you own music (it must be in 4/4
 Maximum of 5 minutes and a minimum
of 3 minutes performance
 Criteria:

-Execution (proper steps, coordination)

-Timing (correct timing with the music)
-Projection (performed with feelings)
-Creativity (uses improvised materials,
stunts etc.for uniformity)
-musical selection
(Tango music in 4/4 time)


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