2PAA101888-610 A en System 800xa 6.1 Tools

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This document provides an overview of the ABB Ability System 800xA reference tools and includes information about the product, notices, trademarks and more.

This document contains information about ABB products and may include descriptions or references to standards relevant to the products. It also provides instructions for determining specific product features and disclaimers about intellectual property and liability.

The Advanced Services - Service Products Data Collector (SPDC) tool and AC 800M Fingerprint Tool are mentioned for collecting diagnostic data from controllers and nodes to generate reports for analysis.


ABB Ability™ System 800xA


ABB Ability™ System 800xA


Document Number: 2PAA101888-610

Document Revision: A
Release: February 2019

Trace back information Main Publication:

Tool version: 5.2.025
Build date: 2019-02-01 at 11:24:26
Domain: ABBPA
Workspace, version, checked in: 800xA Main, a207, 2019-01-29
Master: ix-358747-Tools.xml
Recipe: ix-363960-6.1_Tools.rcp
PDF stylesheet: ix-315381-PDF-Stylesheet.xml
Customer stylesheet: ix-315380-CustomerStylesheet.xml
This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a description of or a reference
to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to the ABB products. The presence of any such description of
a standard or reference to a standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document
support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine the specific features supported
by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the product specifications for the particular ABB product.

ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intellectual property in the ABB
products described in this document.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

Products described or referenced in this document are designed to be connected, and to communicate information and
data via a secure network. It is the sole responsibility of the system/product owner to provide and continuously ensure
a secure connection between the product and the system network and/or any other networks that may be connected.

The system/product owners must establish and maintain appropriate measures, including, but not limited to, the
installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs,
and so on, to protect the system, its products and networks, against security breaches, unauthorized access, interference,
intrusion, leakage, and/or theft of data or information.

ABB Ltd and its affiliates are not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security breaches, any unauthorized
access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.

ABB verifies the function of released products and updates. However system/product owners are ultimately responsible
to ensure that any system update (including but not limited to code changes, configuration file changes, third-party
software updates or patches, hardware change out, and so on) is compatible with the security measures implemented.
The system/product owners must verify that the system and associated products function as expected in the environment
they are deployed.

In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind
arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use
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This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the
contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed
only in accordance with the terms of such license. This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive
2014/30/EU and in Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.

All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective owners.

Copyright © 2019 by ABB.

All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About this User Manual

User Manual Conventions ................................................................................. 9
Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons ...................................... 9
Terminology ....................................................................................................... 10
Released User Manuals and Release Notes .................................................... 10

1 Introduction
2 ABB Start Menu
3 System Configuration Console
3.1 Understanding the User Interface ..................................................................... 19
3.2 Using the System Configuration Console ......................................................... 21
3.2.1 Start-up Mode Tasks - Create System ................................................. 21
3.2.2 Configuration Tasks ............................................................................. 21
3.3 Alarm Management ........................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 Alarm Grouping .................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Alarm Response Navigation ................................................................ 22
3.4 Appearance and Personalization ...................................................................... 23
3.4.1 Device Status Indication ...................................................................... 23
3.4.2 Object Highlight .................................................................................... 23
3.4.3 Process Object Lock ............................................................................ 23
3.4.4 Tag Information .................................................................................... 23
3.4.5 Workplace Configuration ...................................................................... 23
3.5 Clients and Servers ........................................................................................... 24
3.5.1 Load Balancing .................................................................................... 24
3.5.2 System Directory Configuration ........................................................... 26

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Table of Contents

3.6 Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 26

3.6.1 Backup ................................................................................................. 27
3.7 Network ............................................................................................................. 28
3.7.1 Configure System Network .................................................................. 28
3.8 Security ............................................................................................................. 28
3.8.1 Audit Trail Configuration ...................................................................... 28
3.8.2 Authentication ...................................................................................... 29
3.8.3 Default Security Settings ...................................................................... 30
3.8.4 Digital Signatures ................................................................................. 30
3.8.5 Logover ................................................................................................ 31
3.8.6 Point of Control .................................................................................... 32
3.9 Users ................................................................................................................. 32
3.9.1 Add User .............................................................................................. 33
3.9.2 Modify User .......................................................................................... 33
3.9.3 Remove User ....................................................................................... 34
3.10 Extended Control Room .................................................................................... 34
3.10.1 Illumination Areas ................................................................................ 34
3.11 System Setup .................................................................................................... 34

4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window ............................................................. 36
4.1.1 System Software User Settings ........................................................... 38
4.1.2 Create System ..................................................................................... 40
4.1.3 Connect Node ...................................................................................... 40
4.1.4 System Administration ......................................................................... 40
4.1.5 Start Server .......................................................................................... 47
4.1.6 Stop Server .......................................................................................... 48
4.1.7 Restore System ................................................................................... 48
4.1.8 Maintenance ........................................................................................ 48
4.1.9 AppLog ................................................................................................. 51
4.1.10 Disconnect Client ................................................................................. 53
4.1.11 Diagnostics .......................................................................................... 53

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Table of Contents

5 Import/Export Tool
5.1 The User Interface ............................................................................................ 56
5.1.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 56
5.1.2 Structured View .................................................................................... 57
5.1.3 Reserve Information ............................................................................. 58
5.1.4 Production Specific Aspects ................................................................ 59
5.2 How to Use the Import/Export Tool ................................................................... 60
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus ................................................... 62
5.3.1 The File Menu ...................................................................................... 62
5.3.2 The Edit Menu ...................................................................................... 65
5.3.3 The View Menu .................................................................................... 66
5.3.4 Details .................................................................................................. 73
5.3.5 The Tools Menu ................................................................................... 75
5.3.6 The Actions Menu ................................................................................ 81
5.3.7 The Help Menu .................................................................................... 83
5.4 Detailed Difference Report ................................................................................ 84
5.4.1 Benefits of Detailed Difference Report ................................................. 85

6 Reference Tool
6.1 Using the Reference Tool .................................................................................. 87
6.1.1 Tab Views ............................................................................................. 87
6.1.2 Main Window ....................................................................................... 88
6.1.3 Changing References .......................................................................... 90
6.1.4 Resolving References .......................................................................... 90
6.1.5 Viewing References ............................................................................. 90
6.1.6 Approving References ......................................................................... 90
6.1.7 Find and Replace ................................................................................. 91

7 Consistency Check
7.1 Consistency Check Tool ................................................................................... 94
7.2 Performing a Consistency Check ..................................................................... 96
7.2.1 Resolving and Repairing Errors ........................................................... 99
7.3 Consistency Check for Libraries ....................................................................... 101

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Table of Contents

7.4 Workflow for Consistency Check ...................................................................... 102

7.4.1 Aspect Assignments ............................................................................ 102
7.4.2 Log Configurations ...............................................................................103

8 AC 800M Fingerprint Tool

9 Start Values Analyzer Tool
10 AC 800M OLU Qualification Tool
11 Diagnostics Collection Tool

Revision History ..................................................................................................... 113

Index .......................................................................................................................... 115

2PAA101888-610 A 8
About this User Manual
User Manual Conventions

About this User Manual

The System 800xA Safety AC 800M High Integrity Safety Manual (3BNP004865*)
must be read completely by users of 800xA High Integrity. The recommendations
and requirements found in the safety manual must be considered and implemented
during all phases of the life cycle.
Any security measures described in this user manual, for example, for user access,
password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, and so on, represent
possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider based on a risk
assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk assessment, as well
as the proper implementation, configuration, installation, operation, administration,
and maintenance of all relevant security related equipment, software, and procedures,
are the responsibility of the user of the system.
This User Manual describes some of the tools used to configure, check, and verify an
800xA system.

User Manual Conventions

Microsoft Windows conventions as defined in the Microsoft Manual of Style are normally
used for the standard presentation of material when entering text, key sequences,
prompts, messages, menu items, screen elements, and so on.

Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This user manual includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate to
point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to point out
useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as follows:

Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in electrical

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in personal injury.

2PAA101888-610 A 9
About this User Manual

Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept

discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard that could result in
corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.

Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to use
a certain function.

Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that operation
of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in degraded
process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, fully comply with
all Warning and Caution notices.

A complete and comprehensive list of terms is included in System 800xA Terminology
and Acronyms (3BSE089190*). The listing includes terms and definitions that apply to
the 800xA System where the usage is different from commonly accepted industry standard

Term/Acronym Description
SPDC Service Products Data Collector
SCC System Configuration Console
OLU Online Upgrade

Released User Manuals and Release Notes

A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA is
provided in System 800xA Released User Documents (3BUA000263*).
System 800xA Released User Documents (3BUA000263*) is updated each time a
document is updated or a new document is released.

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About this User Manual
Released User Manuals and Release Notes

It is in pdf format and is provided in the following ways:

• Included on the documentation media provided with the system and published to
ABB Library and myABB/My Control System portal when released as part of a major
or minor release or System Revision.
• Published to ABB Library and myABB/My Control System portal when a User Manual
or Release Note is updated in between any of the release cycles listed in the first

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2PAA101888-610 A 12
1 Introduction

1 Introduction

The latest version of this manual is available in ABB Library and myABB/My Control
System portal.

This manual describes the tools available and their purpose in the 800xA System. These
tools help in administration and configuration of a 800xA System:
• ABB Start Menu
• Configuration Wizard
• System Configuration Console
• Import/Export Tool
• Reference Tool
• Consistency Check
• AC 800M Fingerprint Tool
• Start Values Analyzer Tool
• AC 800M OLU Qualification Tool
• Diagnostics Collection Tool

All the above mentioned tools can be accessed through the newly introduced ABB
Start menu.

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2 ABB Start Menu

2 ABB Start Menu

ABB Start menu provides easy access to ABB applications . Figure 2.1 is a snapshot of
ABB Start menu. It has various menu items categorized under different folders that are
organized in a collapsible tree structure. Users can open the relevant folder and click
the appropriate menu item to launch the required ABB application.

Figure 2.1: ABB Start Menu

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2 ABB Start Menu

The ABB Start menu can be accessed in the following ways:

• The ABB Start menu is available as a shortcut on the Desktop as shown in Figure

Figure 2.2: Accessing ABB Start Menu through the Desktop shortcut

• The ABB Start menu is available in the Apps screen as shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Accessing ABB Start Menu through the Apps Screen

• The ABB Start menu can be opened using Windows Search as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Accessing ABB Start Menu through the Search Window

The ABB Start Menu can be pinned in the taskbar as shown in Figure 2.5.
Select the ABB Start Menu available from the Desktop or Apps screen or Windows
search and right-click Pin to Taskbar.

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2 ABB Start Menu

Figure 2.5: Accessing ABB Start Menu through the Taskbar

If a user installs or un-installs any ABB application, it's automatically reflected in the
ABB Start menu.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.1 Understanding the User Interface

3 System Configuration Console

The System Configuration Console is a dashboard that provides a single entry point for
the global configuration settings of an 800xA system. The simple and intuitive user
interface of this tool logically classifies the configuration task groups that the user can
use for configuring the system. The task-centric framework allows easy navigation
between the tasks and task groups.

The System Configuration Console provides an easy-to-use user interface for

configuring the system and does not replace the Configuration Wizard.

The System Configuration Console is loaded as part of the 800xA Base installation.
Open ABB Start Menu > ABB System 800xA > System > System Configuration

3.1 Understanding the User Interface

The System Configuration Console user interface consists of a navigation bar, a left
pane, and a task pane, see Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: System Configuration Console

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3 System Configuration Console
3.1 Understanding the User Interface

The navigation bar includes navigation buttons and search options. The navigation bar
also provides breadcrumbs that allow the user to track the location of a current page on
the UI. The Home link allows the user to return to the default page from any
The left pane provides a quick access to the recent events and tasks. The left pane is
by default collapsed. Click on the expanding button on the margin of the left pane as
show in Figure 3.2. The Recent events list displays links to important events that require
immediate user action, for example, Last backup failed. The Recent tasks list displays
the recent tasks in a chronological order that the user has executed.

The history of recent events and tasks is lost when the application is closed and

Figure 3.2: System Configuration Console - Left pane

The task pane displays the main administrative tasks and tools. To modify or administer
an item, select it and click a task in the task pane to view the details.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.2 Using the System Configuration Console

3.2 Using the System Configuration Console

The System Configuration Console is started in different modes based on the system
availability. If no system is available, the application is started in the start-up mode. For
more information about start-up tasks, refer to Start-up Mode Tasks - Create System on
page 21. If there is an existing system, the application is started in the configuration
mode. For more information about configuration related tasks, refer to Configuration
Tasks on page 21.

3.2.1 Start-up Mode Tasks - Create System

The Create System task is available in the start-up mode. The user can create a new
800xA system while following the System Installation process described in System 800xA
System Getting Started Installation Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*).
US English should be used when creating the system. If you want the system to be
in other language than US English, you should install the translation of the wanted
language and add the translation using Add System Extension.
Follow the steps to create a new system:
1. Click the Create a new 800xA System task. Enter the Name and Description of
the new system.
2. Select the Server Type as Aspect Server or Aspect and Connectivity Server.
3. Enter the folder path to store the following data:
• Server Data.
• Server Data 2.
• Workplace Data.
• System Data.
4. Configure the network depending on the number of network areas.
The System Configuration Console creates a system with the preferred configuration.
The Create System task also loads all the appropriate system extensions.

3.2.2 Configuration Tasks

The SCC tool in the normal mode displays the tasks to administer a running 800xA

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3 System Configuration Console
3.3 Alarm Management

Configuration tasks are grouped as follows:

• Alarm Management.
• Appearance and Personalization.
• Clients and Servers.
• Maintenance.
• Network.
• Security.
• Users.
• Extended Control Room.
• System Setup

3.3 Alarm Management

The Alarm Management task group allows the user to setup and configure the Alarm
Grouping and Alarm Response Navigation functionalities.

3.3.1 Alarm Grouping

Alarm Grouping is a feature in the 800xA system that allows grouping of several alarms
that requires a similar response from the operator. For more information about Alarm
Grouping, refer to System 800xA Configuration (3BDS011222*).

3.3.2 Alarm Response Navigation

The Alarm Response Navigation feature allows the operator to navigate quickly to different
aspects from an object. The following are the features of Alarm Response Navigation:
• Quick navigation to single or multiple aspects using the object context menu or
through the Alarm and Event List.
• One time configuration or detailed configuration to enable quick navigation for all
types of objects or for an object or object instance respectively.
For more information on configuring the Alarm Response Navigation, refer to System
800xA Operations Operator Workplace Configuration (3BSE030322*).

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3 System Configuration Console
3.4 Appearance and Personalization

3.4 Appearance and Personalization

The Appearance and Personalization task group includes the settings that affect the
appearance of the 800xA system.

3.4.1 Device Status Indication

The user can configure if device status should be indicated in process graphic displays.
Device status indication is a way to notify the operator about the status of hardware
related to the process objects. It can be used when the controller software supports
device status such as NE107.

3.4.2 Object Highlight

The user can configure the following object highlight settings:
• Object Highlight Mode / Behavior (None, Follow Faceplate, Follow Mouse).
• Highlight Layout.
Highlight Layout includes the style of the frame, width, padding, and color.
Refer to System 800xA Operations Operation (3BSE036904*) for more information about
object highlighting.

These settings will apply only to PG2 graphics.

3.4.3 Process Object Lock

The user can configure process object lock using this user interface. Refer to System
800xA Administration and Security (3BSE037410*) for information about Process Object

3.4.4 Tag Information

The user can configure if tag information should be displayed in graphic displays. It's
also possible to customize the style and content of the tag.

3.4.5 Workplace Configuration

The user can use the Workplace task group to manage workplace configurations.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.5 Clients and Servers

3.5 Clients and Servers

The Clients and Servers task group includes the following tasks:
• Load Balancing.
• System Directory Configuration.

3.5.1 Load Balancing

Balancing the client load among the redundant servers increases the overall performance
of the system. Load balancing configuration through the System Configuration Console
depends on the number of redundant servers and the corresponding failover scenarios
that can occur in the system.

Assigning Clients to Servers

The 800xA system supports redundant server configurations that increases system
availability, performance, and lessen the loss of data. Refer to Redundancy topic in
System 800xA Technical Data and Configuration System Guide (3BSE041434*) for more
Load balancing controls how clients connect to servers in different scenarios:
• A normal operation when all the servers are up and running.
• When one or more servers are down.
When a server is down, to balance the load, drag and drop clients from the
Unassigned Clients list on a server representation.
Refer to Affinity topic in System 800xA Post Installation (2PAA111693*) for more
Clients can be assigned automatically by Clicking on Assign All.

Whenever a new redundant server is added to the system the re-assignment of the
clients must be done manually

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3 System Configuration Console
3.5 Clients and Servers

Figure 3.3: Load Balancing - Assign Clients

System Configuration Console automatically distributes the clients to various servers in

the respective server group.

Figure 3.4: Load Balancing - Review of the Assignment

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3 System Configuration Console
3.6 Maintenance

It is recommended to review the default allocation of the clients before proceeding further.
System Configuration Console is not aware of the physical placements of the various
operator workplaces. Example in case of Extended Operator Worplaces, the Operator
workplace screens are located side by side.
It is strongly recommended to review the load balancing along with phyisical placement
of operator workplace screens and assign different server nodes to side by side
operator workplace (screen) nodes.
System Configuration Console has limitation to identify combined Aspect Service and
Connectivity Services in a single node, perform load balancing manually in such

3.5.2 System Directory Configuration

When a single disk is used to store the data of all the services, it reduces the system
performance significantly. The System Directory Configuration task allows the user to
specify separate disks for storing the data to optimize the system performance.
The configuration for this task is a two step procedure:
1. Each service that needs to store the data must be configured to use the Server Data
or Server Data 2 path.
2. The Server Data or Server Data 2 paths are then configured on each node running
the respective service, to point to one of the existing disks on the node.

After moving the Operate IT Data folder, a reconcile of all the FF OPC Servers is

It is recommended that changes are made one node at a time to ensure that there
is no loss of data.

The services using the same path will be disabled when changing the disk used by
that path.

3.6 Maintenance
The Maintenance task group includes the tasks to configure the maintenance tasks such
as, backup of the application data and load system extensions. A user with an Application
Engineer role can perform the Maintenance tasks.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.6 Maintenance

3.6.1 Backup
This function allows the user to back up application data in the following ways:

Backup Now
When the user clicks the Backup now link, the default configuration is used to back up
the data.

The backup can be stored only in nodes where backup service is running.

After the backup operation, the View existing backups dialog is displayed, refer to View
Existing Backups on page 27.

Schedule Backup
An operator can select to back up the data at specified intervals. When the user enables
this feature, the user can select how often the backup must be performed, how many
backups to keep before purging the oldest backup, and the location where the backup
must be performed and saved.

Purge Backup
The user can select the number of schedule backups to store on the disk before they
are removed. When the specified number of backups is reached, the system automatically
deletes the oldest backup.

The purge function only applies to backup taking using the system configuration
console it does not include backups created using the workplace configuration.

View Existing Backups

This window displays details about the existing and ongoing backups. The user can abort
an ongoing backup or remove an existing backup from this view.
The following four colors represent the different states of a backup:
• Blue – Ongoing backup.
• Green – Backup finished without errors.
• Yellow – Backup finished with warnings.
• Red – Backup finished with errors.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.7 Network

3.7 Network
Network task group includes task to configure system network settings.

3.7.1 Configure System Network

The following settings can be configured or changed:
• Network Filtering (Recommended)
This is mandatory for systems with redudnant networks. Default settings is "Enabled"
• Number of Network Areas.
• Client/Server Network Areas
Based on the number of network areas, the same number of Areas are displayed
here with Primary network address, Secondary network address and Network Adress

The Network area addresses are automatically filled with default values, Make sure
to update them before proceeding further.

Click on Apply and Yes to save the settings.

For more information about RNRP and areas see System 800xA Network Configuration

3.8 Security
Security task group includes tasks to setup and configure the security in 800xA System.

3.8.1 Audit Trail Configuration

Enable Audit Trail by checking the Audit Trail active checkbox. Configure the Audit
Event Filtering options to suit the requirements of the installed system.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.8 Security

Figure 3.5: Audit Trail Configuration

3.8.2 Authentication
For process critical operations, an aspect category or property can be configured to
require an explicit authentication before the operation is performed.
Enable Authentication by clicking on Yes, enable user authentication and click Apply

Figure 3.6: Authentication

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3 System Configuration Console
3.8 Security

3.8.3 Default Security Settings

Configure the default permissions for users and groups in the system. Security settings
allows to select what permissions to grant for a specific user group (or user).

Pleae note that these permissions can be overridden by configuring Security Definition
aspects in the system.

Repository Permissions should be configured in the Environment Object only.

Figure 3.7: Default Security Settings

For more information and guidelines of configuring security permissions for Users and
groups refer to System 800xA Administration and Security (3BSE037410*)

3.8.4 Digital Signatures

Aspects in the system can be signed electronically. The feature is typically enabled in
sites with strong requirements of traceability.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.8 Security

Figure 3.8: Digital Signatures

For more information and guidelines of using Digital Signatures on aspects in the system
refer to System 800xA Administration and Security (3BSE037410*)

3.8.5 Logover
Logover is used to allow an user to temporarily run the workplace under different user
privileges. Enable and configure logover and click Apply.

Figure 3.9: Enable and Configure Logover

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3 System Configuration Console
3.9 Users

3.8.6 Point of Control

Point of Control makes it possible to divide a process into sections and ensure that only
one operator can control a section at a time. Enable Point of Control by click on Yes,
enable Point of Control and click Apply.

Figure 3.10: Enable Point of Control

For information about configuration and guidelines about using Point of Control in the
system refer to System 800xA Administration and Security (3BSE037410*)

3.9 Users
This task group allows to configure Windows Users to System 800xA user roles and
permissions from Users task. This task group needs system engineer role to manage
users in the system.
Note that an Application Engineer does not have an Operator Role by default. This
means that there are tasks an Operator can perform, that an Application Engineer
can not.
It is recommended to add the System Engineer to the Application Engineer group. It
is also recommended to add the Application Engineer to the Operator group.
The users and user groups must first be configured in Windows Operating System
before configuring them in System 800xA. Refer to System 800xA Administration and
Security (3BSE037410*) for detailed information to create users and groups in
Windows operating system.

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3 System Configuration Console
3.9 Users

3.9.1 Add User

A system engineer can select to add a new user in the system. To add a new user, select
a user from the list of domains available and click Create user.

Figure 3.11: Create User

3.9.2 Modify User

This task allows the system engineer to modify the user details and permissions.

Figure 3.12: Modify User

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3 System Configuration Console
3.10 Extended Control Room

3.9.3 Remove User

The system engineer can select and remove a user or a user group from the system.

Figure 3.13: Remove User

3.10 Extended Control Room

This task group allows to setup and configure Extended Control Room features.

3.10.1 Illumination Areas

Setup and Configure illumination Areas. An illumination area is backlit sound absorbents
for ceilings or walls.

Add Illumination Area

This task allows to add an illumination Area to the system.

KNX Connectivity Services must be assigned and deployed inorder to configure this

3.11 System Setup

System Setup task group allows setup and configuration of 800xA System and node
functions. Configure node redundancy, add/ remove system nodes, validate configuration,
perform centralized or individual deployment of nodes.
For detailed information of various task, refer to System 800xA System Getting Started
Installation Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*)

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4 Configuration Wizard

4 Configuration Wizard

User logged in must have IndustrialIT Admin rights to perform the tasks in this

The Configuration Wizard is used for performing specific configuration and administration
tasks as described in below section.

Multiple functions in Configuration Wizard are not supported and expected to be

performed from System Configuration Console.

Open ABB Start Menu > ABB System 800xA > System > Configuration Wizard.
You can browse through the steps by clicking the Back and Next buttons at the bottom
of each dialog box. You can always return to a previous dialog box and make changes
before applying the configuration data. No data will be applied until the last dialog box
of each wizard task is reached, where you click Apply or Finish.
During installation, upgrade, and configuring the system, use System Configuration
Console (SCC) instead of Configuration Wizard. SCC is used to configure the system
for the following configuration items:
• Creating a new system.
• Adding and removing Clients and Servers.
• Connecting Clients.
• Handling System Extensions.
• Feature Pack
When Configuration Wizard is started, a message appears as shown in Figure 4.1.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Figure 4.1: Configuration Wizard Warning Dialog Box

4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

When the Configuration Wizard is started it shows a start-up window from which all
wizard tasks are started, see Figure 4.2. The tasks are:
• System Software User Settings, configuration of the service account.
• System Administration, start, stop, delete and maintenance of systems.
• Start Server, starts all manually started systems on a server.
• Stop Server, stops all systems running on a server.
• Create System, creation and initialization of systems.
• Restore System, restores a saved system.
• Maintenance, maintenance of the server.
• AppLog, applog configuration.
• Connect Node, connect a client or server node to an existing system.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

• Disconnect Client, disconnect a client connected to a system.

• Diagnostics, enabling of fault detection routines.

Additional tasks may be added depending on connect families used. They are
documented in product specific manuals.

Figure 4.2: Configuration Wizard Start-Up Dialog Box

If you are running the Configuration Wizard from a server the tasks in Figure 4.2 are
shown. If you are running the Configuration Wizard from a client the tasks System
software User settings, Create System, Restore System, Applog, Connect Node,
Disconnect Client and Diagnostics are shown.
The System Administration, Start Server, Stop Server tasks are shown, on a
server, when the system is created. The Disconnect Client task is shown on the
client when you have connected it to a system.
If only System software User settings is visible, make sure you are a member of
the IndustrialITAdmin group and have the right to administrate users on the local
machine or on the Domain Controller, and repeat the task System software User

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

4.1.1 System Software User Settings

The user administration is based on Windows user administration. To register a user as
a Windows user, see Microsoft documentation.
When you select the task System software User settings, Configuration Wizard, System
software User Settings dialog box is displayed, see Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: System Software User Settings Dialog Box

• System Admin, group name

Members of this group have full rights in the System. Very few should be members
of this group. By default this Windows group is named IndustrialITAdmin.
• System User, group name
All 800xA System users must belong to this group. By default this Windows group
is named IndustrialITUser.
• Service Account, used by System software
All System services run under this account. At startup the default account name is
displayed. The Service Account must be local administrator on all machines.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

The entered groups are added to the Windows system if they do not already exist.
If you want to register the System Administrator and System User groups in a domain
other than the local machine, you have to enter the domain in the Domain field.
If the user selects the Autostart System on Windows startup, the 800xA server starts
automatically along with the computer. This is not a recommended setting when using
a notebook, since the system requires a lot of resources.
If you select the Apply these settings to Application logging, too the Applog function
(see AppLog) will start with the specified service account.

Use the NetBIOS name of the domain, eg “PTTDOMAIN” and not the fully qualified
domain name “pttdomain.abb.com”.

The windows groups created by the system are:

• IndustrialITAdmin (may be renamed during installation in the installation wizard).
A member of this group runs all the services and has full access to the system.
• IndustrialITUser (may be renamed during installation in the installation wizard).
All 800xA users.
After the new Windows groups are created, users can be added to the groups.
All users of the 800xA System must be members of the System User group, which
by default is, the Windows group IndustrialITUser.
Members of the System Admin group is running the system with full access,
i.e. with the Security system disabled.
Do not perform any configuration or administration work as 800xA Service user (the
account reserved for use by 800xA system services). Major functions like audit trail
and import/export will not work properly if configuration is performed while logged in
as the Service user. It is recommended to disable the interactive login possibility for
the Service user. It is also recommended that each person using the 800xA System
has a user account with the appropriate user roles defined for this. This enables the
possibility to synchronize or export the modifications performed by a certain person.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

System Software User Settings is part of the product installation if needed, can also
be applied after the installation.
If a wrong setting, regarding to the windows accounts is detected, a padlock is shown
in the tray icon (shown in the lower right corner of the screen). This is to prevent the
windows accounts of the user to be locked.
See the padlock in the figure below.

In most scenarios, the padlock is a result of an account verification that is not permitted
by the domain controller. To remove the padlock symbol and release the lock state,
reapply the System Software User Settings with the settings used when installing the

4.1.2 Create System

Create System function in the System Configuration Console must be used. Refer to
Start-up Mode Tasks - Create System for procedure to create system. It is recommended
that the same user account that installed the 800xA also shall create the system.

4.1.3 Connect Node

This functionality is no longer performed from the Configuration Wizard, instead refer to
System 800xA System Getting Started Installation Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*).

4.1.4 System Administration

To enter the Configuration Wizard task for system administration select the System
Administration task in the Configuration Wizard and click Next, see Figure 4.2.
In the Select System dialog box, select the system you want to administrate, see Figure
4.4. Click Next.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Figure 4.4: Select System Dialog Box

In this version only one system is supported.

The Configuration Wizard task for system administration appears.

Figure 4.5: System Administration Dialog Box

The following administrative tasks are performed with this Configuration Wizard task:
• System Extension Maintenance.
• System Extension Load.
• Systems
– Start, start of the services for a system.
– Stop, stop of the services for a system.
– Delete, delete a system.
– Set Default, setting the default system.
• Nodes
• System Network, configure system network and network area addresses.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

• Users, add and remove users to/from a system.

• Environment setup, enabling of multiple environments.

System Extension Maintenance

This functionality is no longer performed from the Configuration Wizard, instead refer to
System 800xA System Getting Started Installation Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*)
and System 800xA System Update Manual (2PAA114580*).

System Extension Load

This functionality is no longer performed from the Configuration Wizard, instead refer to
System 800xA System Getting Started Installation Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*)
and System 800xA System Update Manual (2PAA114580*).
After the system extension maintenance load is completed, sometimes the older customer
adaptations are overwritten by the default system configuration updates that exist in the
same import file.
Therefore, it is recommended that a list of customer adaptations is extracted from the
existing system before the update or upgrade. This can be done using the Find Tool.
The Find Tool provides functionality to search for Objects and Aspects. It is possible to
extend the tool and search features with attributes, columns, and additional operations.
It is possible to search for Aspects created by a system extension, which has been
modified by an user account.
To know more on collecting the data of the customized Aspects before the system update
or upgrade, refer to the System 800xA 5.1 to 6.0 Upgrade Manual (2PAA111694*).
For more information about using the Find Tool, refer to the System 800xA Operations
Operator Workplace Configuration (3BSE030322*).


Start System. To start a system follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Configuration Wizard and select System Administration,
click Next.
2. Mark the system you want to start and click Next.
3. Select Systems, click Next.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

4. Select Start in the Systems dialog box and click Next.

Figure 4.6: Systems Dialog Box

5. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box. The system is now started.

Stop System. To stop a system follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Configuration Wizard and select System Administration,
click Next.
2. Mark the system you want to stop and click Next.
3. Select Systems, and click Next.
4. Select Stop in the Systems dialog box and click Next, see Figure 4.6.
5. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.

Delete System.
When the system is deleted all application data is also deleted. If you want to save
the data, you have to export it using the Import/Export tool, or you can perform a

When making an upgrade from one version of the system to another you use the
Backup and Restore function.

The following does not apply to a system running with redundant Aspect and/or parallel
Connectivity Servers. Then you first have to stop the servers by choosing Stop Server
in the Configuration Wizard Startup window before deleting the system. For more
information about stopping the server see Stop Server on page 48.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

To delete a system follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Configuration Wizard and select System Administration,
and click Next.
2. Mark the system you want to delete. Click Next.
3. Select Systems and click Next.
4. Select Delete, see Figure 4.6, click Next.
5. Select system and click Next.
6. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.
7. Wait a few minutes, and when the Configuration Wizard appears again with the
System dialog box the deletion of the system is completed.
8. Click Exit.

Set Default . If you want to have a certain system as default system follow the steps
1. Select Set Default in the Systems dialog box, see Figure 4.6.
2. In the next dialog box, choose which system that shall be the default system,
then click Next.
3. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.
The selected system is now the default system, and the System Administration
dialog box will appear.

The functionality of managing nodes in the system is no longer performed from the
Configuration Wizard, instead refer to System 800xA System Getting Started Installation
Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*) and System 800xA Maintenance (3BSE046784*).
Adding or Removing nodes from Configuration Wizard make the system configuration
inconsistent as this operation will not be aware to System Configuration Console.
The System configuration changes must be only performed from System Configuration

System Network
This function is no longer performed from the Configuration Wizard, instead refer to task
group Network in System Configuration Console.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Operator Workplace User Administration. This function is no longer performed from

the Configuration Wizard, instead refer to task group Users in System Configuration

Environment Setup
The Environment Setup dialog box is used for enabling of multiple environments.

A license is required both for the Environment support option and for the
Load-Evaluate-Go support option.

Follow the steps below to enable the function:

1. Start the Configuration Wizard and select System Administration > Environment
2. Select the Environment support check box if you want to enable version handling.
This action is non-reversible. See Figure 4.7.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

3. If you want to enable the Load-Evaluate-Go support (only possible to select if

Environment support is selected) select the Load-Evaluate-Go check box.

For more information regarding version handling and Load-Evaluate-Go see System
800xA Engineering Engineering and Production Environments (3BSE045030*).

Figure 4.7: Environment Setup Dialog Box

4. Click Next.
5. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.
The Refresh engineering environment check box is used if you want to make the
Engineering Environment identical to the Production Environment. Note that this action
will remove all modifications made in the Engineering Environment.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

4.1.5 Start Server

To start a server follow the steps below:
1. Select Start Server in the Configuration Wizard and click Next. The system in some
scenarios can prompt for a reboot. For details, refer to the information after step

Figure 4.8: Configuration Wizard - Start Server

2. Select the server that shall be started.

3. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.
The system prompts for a reboot.This happens if Stop all processes associated
with the Process Portal A has been executed on the selected node and that node
has not been rebooted. If Start Server is executed locally the user is given the option
to reboot immediately. If Start Server is executed on a remote server that node must
be rebooted there.

If the system is stopped the user needs to start the system apart from starting the

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

4.1.6 Stop Server

To stop a server follow the steps below:
1. Select Stop Server in the Configuration Wizard and click Next.

Figure 4.9: Configuration Wizard - Stop Server

2. Select the server that shall be stopped in the Shut-down Server dialog box, and
click Next.
3. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.

4.1.7 Restore System

The restore will recreate an equivalent system. It is also a recommended way to transfer
data between one version of the system to another during an upgrade. A restore of a
system is performed from the Configuration Wizard. The same or a later version of 800xA
System and any System Extension that was installed when the backup was done, need
to be installed before the system is being restored.

4.1.8 Maintenance
Available under the Maintenance wizard task are functions to use when upgrading, see
Figure 4.10.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Figure 4.10: Configuration Wizard - Maintenance

If you want to change the Service Account password when you already have a created
a system, refer to System 800xA Maintenance (3BSE046784*).

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Stop all Processes

1. When upgrading all processes must be stopped. Mark the Stop all processes
associated with the Process Portal A and click Next.

Figure 4.11: Maintenance - Stop All Processes

2. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.

3. The system prompts for a reboot. The node must be rebooted before the server is

Set Default Drive

When adding a server you might not want to have the Workplace Data of the system on
the same drive as the Installation Files. You can change this by selecting
Set Default Driver for remote actions, and select your own drive. See Figure 4.12.

You must change the drive locally in the server before you can add it to the system.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Figure 4.12: Maintenance - Set Default Drive

4.1.9 AppLog
AppLog is a tool for getting information of an 800xA System and for examining how the
system is working.

The Applog tool is mainly used by ABB service engineers.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Start AppLog
To configure the AppLog manually follow the steps below:
1. Select Applog in the Configuration Wizard and click Next.
2. Mark the Enable AppLog Service check box in the Applog configuration dialog
box. Enter the User ID with domain and password in the AppLog service settings
Mark the Autostart service on Windows startup check box. AppLog will then be
started when Windows is started. Select Start in the Action area.
See Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13: Applog Configuration Dialog Box

3. Click Next.
4. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

Stop AppLog
To stop the AppLog server follow the step below:
1. Select Applog in the Configuration Wizard and click Next.
2. Select Stop in the Actions area.
3. Click Next then click Finish. The AppLog server is now stopped.

Restart AppLog
To restart the AppLog server follow the steps below:
1. Select Applog in the Configuration Wizard and click Next.
2. Select Restart in the Actions area.
3. Click Next then click Finish. The AppLog server is now restarted.

4.1.10 Disconnect Client

This functionality is no longer performed from the Configuration Wizard, instead refer to
System 800xA System Getting Started Installation Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*)
and System 800xA System Update Manual (2PAA114580*).
Disconnecting a node from Configuration Wizard make the system configuration
inconsistent as this operation will not be aware to System Configuration Console.
The System configuration changes must be only performed from System Configuration

4.1.11 Diagnostics
In the Diagnostics task you can configure the Watchdog function.

The Diagnostics settings should only be used by ABB service engineers.

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4 Configuration Wizard
4.1 Configuration Wizard Start-up Window

To configure this function follow the steps below:

1. Start the Configuration Wizard and select Diagnostics and click Next.
2. To enable the Watchdog function select the Enable Watchdog check box, see
Figure 4.14. When this function is enabled, unresponsive windows are indicated
with a red frame. The Heartbeat Time is by default set to 30 seconds.
A dump file can be saved containing information about the state of the workplace.
This information can be used by ABB service engineers to facilitate their fault

Figure 4.14: Diagnostics Dialog Box

3. Click Next when you are done with the configuration.

4. Click Finish in the Apply Settings dialog box.

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5 Import/Export Tool

5 Import/Export Tool

The Import/Export tool should be used to transport small applications in the form of object
types and/or object instances between configurations. For backup and restore actions,
use the Backup/Restore tool described in System 800xA Maintenance (3BSE046784*)
reference manaul.
Do not export or import very large amounts of aspect objects at the same time.
Operational disturbances might then occur because the Import/Export tool loads the
system significantly.
An upper limit of about 50 000 objects at a time is recommended.
Do not export standard objects that are created as a result of creating the Aspect
System, or as a result of adding the various system extensions.
In some configurations upload from an OPC server is used to create objects and
aspects. This applies for example when using Generic OPC to connect to a 3rd party
OPC server. If the uploaded objects have been extended with aspects such as graphic
displays, it is important to make the import and upload in the right order. As a general
rule the import should be done first and then the upload.

Run a consistency check on all imported items after an import as inconsistencies

may exist. Refer to the Consistency Check for more information.

Export can be done by drag and drop from the Plant Explorer to the Import/Export tool,
via AfwExport.exe, or by using the Find Tool in the Plant Explorer. Import can be done
by selecting Import in the Import/Export Tool or via AfwImport.exe.

If an object is a member of more than one structure, perform an export of that object
for each structure.

Close your Plant Explorer when making a large import. If that is not possible, close
the application that you are importing to. For example, if you are importing a control
application, make sure the Control Structure in Plant Explorer is closed.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.1 The User Interface

5.1 The User Interface

The user interface is designed to resemble the Plant Explorer as much as possible. The
Import/Export tool has two views; Structured View and Entity View (Overview).

5.1.1 Overview
Figure 5.1shows the Import/Export tool in the Overview. It consists of three main areas;
the entity area, the object browser and the aspect list.

Entity Area Object Browser Aspect List


Figure 5.1: The Import/Export User Interface - Overview

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.1 The User Interface

The Overview presents the entity and entity extensions in the archive. This view gives
a simplified overview of the actual objects and aspects in the archive which is of
importance when working with engineering items such as libraries and control applications.
From this view it is easy to for example selectively import specific control module types
or function block types. In the case where the archive does not contain any entities this
view is disabled.
Archive files created before 800xA 5.0 will not have the meta-data information about
entities and therefore the Import/Export tool can not perform any
entity-specific actions for those files. This means that an AC 800M control library
exported before 800xA 5.0 will contain all objects and aspects that make up a control
library and the control types. Because it was exported before entities existed the
Import/Export tool will handle them as objects and aspects when for example importing.
Archive files created in 800xA 5.0 or later will contain all the necessary meta-data
information about entities and entity extensions to perform the necessary actions
when making changes to the archive file, for example deleting an entity extension,
or when importing an entity into the system.

5.1.2 Structured View

Figure 5.2 shows the Import/Export tool in the Structured View.
It consists of two main areas; the Object Browser and the Aspect List.
The structure view presents all objects and aspects arranged in structures. The icons of
objects and aspects are only present if the application is connected to a running system.
Note that if the icons are in the archive they will not be extracted and the generic object
or aspect icons will be used.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.1 The User Interface

Object Browser Aspect List

Main Menu

Structured View

Figure 5.2: The Import/Export User Interface - Structured View

The figure above shows the Import/Export tool with a file opened and an object selected.
The aspects of the selected object are shown in the aspect list. The window at the bottom
shows dependencies that are required in order to import the objects and aspects into a

5.1.3 Reserve Information

When importing objects and aspects into a running system, the reservation state of those
objects and aspects (if present in the system) can be an important piece of information.
Especially if there are objects and aspects that are reserved by another user because
that prevents any other user from overwriting those objects and aspects. The reserve
information can be displayed in the Import/Export tool if it is connected to a running
system, see Figure 5.3.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.1 The User Interface

Figure 5.3: Reserve Information

5.1.4 Production Specific Aspects

In a system with environments enabled, there are cases when aspects can only be
imported into the production environment. Any attempt to import such aspects into any
other environment will not work and the import will either fail or those specific aspects
must be skipped during the import.
If the Import/Export tool is connected to a system where environments are enabled, it is
possible to highlight those aspects to make it clear what objects and aspects that must
be imported into the production system and what objects and aspects can be imported
to other environments such as the engineering environment. See Figure 5.4.

2PAA101888-610 A 59
5 Import/Export Tool
5.2 How to Use the Import/Export Tool

Figure 5.4: Production Specific Aspects

5.2 How to Use the Import/Export Tool

Exporting objects and aspects are done by either using drag and drop from the Plant
Explorer or using the Add Items dialog, see Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5: Add Items

2PAA101888-610 A 60
5 Import/Export Tool
5.2 How to Use the Import/Export Tool

In this dialog you can see a summary of what was dropped and also in what context.
You can choose to import a larger context than by using drag and drop. As an example,
if the you drop an object that is part of a Control Module Type created through 800xA
for AC 800M, the dialog will present the object dropped and the context it lives in; the
Control Module Type and the Library. It is then possible to select to either add the Control
Module Type or even the entire Library.
It is also possible for you to include or exclude dependencies, children or extensions.
Children is only available when an object or an entity has been dropped. Extensions are
only available when an entity has been dropped.
Information about what references each aspect reports at the time of exports is saved
even if dependencies are excluded. This information is used later to calculate missing
dependencies and the import order.
Select OK to start the Export. The Adding items dialog will appear.

Figure 5.6: Adding Items Dialog Box

In this dialog you can cancel the export by selecting the Cancel button.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.7: The Main Menu and Toolbar

An action or option can be available from more than one place in the User Interface, like
the toolbar or the context menu. The action or option is described in the Menu description.

5.3.1 The File Menu

The File menu includes the following options:

Click New to create an empty archive. If a file is already open and changes have been
made, the user will get a question about saving the file before closing it.

Click Open to open an archive file. If a file is already open and changes have been made,
the user will get a question about saving the file before closing it, then the new file will
be opened.

Select Close to close the file. You will get a prompt to save the file if there are unsaved

Allows you to locate a specific object or aspect in any afw-file on disc. From the result
list it is possible to select the located archive file and open it to perform further actions.

2PAA101888-610 A 62
5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.8: Search for Afw-file Dialog Box

Click Save to save the file to disk and to perform the actual export.

Save As
Click Save as to save the file with a new name and to perform the actual export.
When an afw-file is saved, the Import/Export tool makes sure that the entire contents
of the new file can be successfully written to the file-system. This is done before it
actually saves the new contents to a temporary file and overwrites the old file. When
the disc does not have enough space for the entire new file, a Save As dialog will be
presented, so that a new location with enough space can be selected.

Select Properties from the menu to bring up the Properties dialog.
In this dialog it is possible to set the properties that will be saved with the file.
With every archive file, the following properties are saved:
• Source System Name
• Source System id

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

• Source Environment name

• Source Environment id
• Creator
• Short description of file (optional)
• Tool name and version
• File Version

Figure 5.9: The Properties Dialog Box

The information in the Properties dialog box is also available via the context menu
of an archive file. This is a good way to get information about old archive files before
they are converted.

Select Exit to exit the tool. You will get a prompt to save the file if there are unsaved

2PAA101888-610 A 64
5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

5.3.2 The Edit Menu

The Edit menu includes the following options:

Add Item
This option opens the Add Item dialog box in which you can add objects, aspects, entities
and entity extensions to the afw-file.

This option removes the specified aspect, node, entity or entity extension from the archive

Select All
This option selects all objects (if you are in the object browser) and all aspects (if you
are in the aspect list).

Select Find in the Edit Menu to bring up the Find Tool dialog. In this dialog it is possible
to search for objects and aspects within the archive file.

Figure 5.10: The Find Dialog Box

2PAA101888-610 A 65
5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

The example above shows a search for all objects starting with the “a” letter of the Area
object type. The result is displayed in the list to the right.

5.3.3 The View Menu

The View menu includes the following options:

When the Difference dialog is launched from the View Menu or the Difference button
in the toolbar, you can select to view differences between two archive files, two items in
the same file, or the open file, the entire archive and another archive or a running system.
See Figure 5.11.

Figure 5.11: Show Differences Dialog Box - Entire Archive

When launched from the context menu (see Figure 5.12), it is possible to show differences
between the selected aspect/object and another aspect/object that resides in the current
archive, another archive, or the system.

2PAA101888-610 A 66
5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.12: Show Differences Dialog Box via the Context Menu

When you have selected Differences from the menu the Difference setup dialog box
will appear, see Figure 5.13. Depending on what you selected to show the differences
for, the setup dialog will contain the possibility to select what to compare with. For
example, if you selected a single aspect, the difference setup dialog will select the
corresponding aspect in the currently connected system. If you selected a single object,
the dialog will select the corresponding object in the currently connected system.

Figure 5.13: Show Differences for a Specific Item

2PAA101888-610 A 67
5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

The Settings tab in the Show Differences dialog contains the settings that should be
used when the difference report is created. The default values are usually enough for
most reports, but in some cases for example when there are a lot of objects and aspects
to compare, changing the settings to only show the information needed, will increase
the performance.
If the System radio button is selected, uncheck the Show items that are in the
“target” location check box. Otherwise the capacity of the system might be
Check the Exclude Aspect Structure check box to skip all structure aspects when
comparing objects.

Figure 5.14: Show Differences - Settings

When the correct settings are made for the report, select Finish. The difference report
will appear. The dialog can display the result in two different ways, the normal structural
view as shown in Figure 5.15 or as a list as shown in Figure 5.16.

2PAA101888-610 A 68
5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.15: Difference Report - Structural View

Figure 5.16: Difference Report - List View

The toolbar contains a button for each type of difference. Each type of difference can
be toggled by pressing/depressing the corresponding button.
• Added - The item only exits in the source and importing it will add it to the destination.
• Deleted - The item only exists in the destination and importing the archive will delete
that item. This typically applies for objects and aspects that are part of entities or
entity extensions.
• Conflict - The item has been modified in the source and in the destination
independently. Importing the archive will by default overwrite the change made in
the destination.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

• Updated - The item has been modified in the destination but not in the source, i.e.
the data in the destination is newer. Importing the archive will by default overwrite
that new change in the destination and that change will be lost.
• Modified - The item is newer in the source and importing it will by default overwrite
the destination.
• Equal - The items are considered equal and importing the archive will not affect that
object or aspect.
• Destination - The aspect only exists in the destination and importing the archive
file will not affect that object or aspect directly.
It is possible to double-click on an aspect to see the aspect details for the source and
target aspect. When double-clicking on an aspect, the Aspect Details dialog box in Figure
5.17 will appear.

Figure 5.17: Aspect Details

The difference report can be saved to file. It can be opened in the Import/Export tool
even though the archive file may not be loaded and the target may not exist or be different.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Select Messages in the View Menu or click the Messages button in the toolbar to
show/hide the message window at the bottom of the Import/Export tool. The window
displays all messages that have been generated within a session. See Figure 5.18.

Figure 5.18: The Messages Window

From the context menu it is possible to clear, print or save messages. For some type of
messages it is possible to navigate from the message context menu to the actual aspect
or object. To do this select Goto Aspect/Object in the context menu. Messages can be
filtered by status, for example so that only warnings and errors are displayed. If a message
contains detailed information, you can to select Details from the context menu to read
the complete message.
It is also possible to load previously saved messages in order to find out what went wrong
with a particular import or export.

Select Dependencies from the View Menu or click the Dependencies button to display
the dependencies view. This view displays all dependent aspects, objects, entities, entity
extensions and system extensions.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.19: Dependencies Page

When the Import/Export tool is connected to a running system, the dependencies are
also compared with that system and the dependencies page will display warnings for all
For example, if an archive file requires a specific system extension and that system
extension is not loaded in the system, it will be presented as a warning since it will affect
the possible to import the objects and aspects into that system.

If you have an entity which contains an aspect that is related to an aspect within
another entity, the related entity is shown in the dependency view.

The placements dialog shows the insertion point needed for the objects and aspects in
the archive file. Any missing placement will be indicated as an error or warning in the
dialog and can be corrected before import by selecting new insertion points in the system.
Right-click on the missing placement and select a new insertion point from the system.

Some objects must be inserted at specific locations in the system. For example a
Control Application must be inserted under a 800xA for AC 800M project.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.20: Placements View

5.3.4 Details
You can view extended information about aspect or objects by selecting details from the
context menu.

Aspect Details
If you want extended information for one or several aspects, select it/them, right click
and select Details from the context menu.
The Aspect Details dialog displays information about the aspect.
See Figure 5.21.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.21: The Aspect Details Dialog Box

Object Details
To view extended information for an object; select the object and select Details from its
context menu.
The Object Details dialog displays information about the object. See Figure 5.22.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.22: The Object Details Dialog Box

The Restore Path and Translated Restore Path areas are for fault finding.
The Restore Path is information about the object’s location during the export. It is
represented by a list of structure nodes.
The Restore Path area contains the GUIDs of the structure nodes (<object-id> :
<aspect-id>). The Translated Restore Path area also includes the restore-path,
but translated in the selected system.

The information in the Object Details dialog is possible to copy.

For example the ID/GUID number.

5.3.5 The Tools Menu

From the Tools menu the following options are found:

Select Target
Brings up the Select Target dialog. The dialog displays the system which the application
is connected to by default. You can also select Environment.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Figure 5.23: The Select Target Dialog Box

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

This Option button brings up the Options dialog. In this dialog you can set application
wide options of different kinds. It is possible to reset the options to the default options
by selecting the Reset button. The Options dialog is divided into four parts all described
• Presentation Options - contain information that affect different aspects within the
import export interface.

Figure 5.24: Presentation Options

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

• Add Options - controls the default behavior of the Import/Export tool when items
are added to the import/export archive, either through drag and drop or via the Add

Figure 5.25: Add Options

If the Include Dependencies check box is selected, the tool will add the selected
items in dependency order.
If the Include Children check box is selected the application will add the selected
object’s children.
If the Include Extensions check box is selected the application will add the selected

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

• Import Options - controls the default behavior of the Import/Export tool when items
are imported to a system.

Figure 5.26: Import Options

The Import Detail area has four check boxes:

– If the Include Dependencies check box is selected, the tool will import the
selected items in dependency order.
– If the Include Children check box is selected the application will import the
selected object’s children.
– If the Include Extensions check box is selected the application will import the
selected Extensions.
– Keep Reservation will automatically reserve the imported items after the import
is complete.
In the Overwrite Existing Data area, the following four radio buttons are
– Yes - Always overwrite old data with new data, never bother the user with
questions about over writing existing data.
– No - Never overwrite old data with new data and do not bother the user with
questions about over writing existing data.
– Prompt if Different - Prompt the user if new data is different than existing data.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

– Prompt Always - Always prompt the user before overwriting any existing data.
When importing objects and aspects, information about the creation and
modification user is the same as in the afw-file. For example, if you create a
new object and make an export, the object will get your creation user information.
When this file is imported, the object will retain the user information stored in
the afw-file, and therefore you will still be the imported object’s creation user.
In some cases, the user-information in the afw-file is not valid, e.g. the creation
user is a system extension, and you don't want this information to be imported
into the system. When the Force User Info option is enabled, the Import/Export
tool will change the creation and modification user to the user doing the import.
When the Force Time Info option is enabled, the Import/Export tool will change
the creation and modification time of the objects and aspects to the time when
the import is done.
The structure of objects and aspects in an afw-file is used only when objects
are imported for the first time. If an imported object and structure node already
exists in the system, the position of the object will be retained. This happens
even if the user says Yes to overwrite the existing object. By checking the
Rearrange Nodes option, the Import/Export tool will rearrange existing objects
so that the layout of the structure becomes identical to the structure layout in
the afw-file.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

• General Options - controls additional functions of the Import/Export tool itself. When
the Close When Finished check box is selected the progress dialog will automatically
close when the an operation succeeds. The Drag from Import/Export controls if
the user can drag objects or aspects from the Import/Export tool into either another
Import/Export tool or the Plant Explorer. Please note that this operation is not the
same as importing the object or aspect. It creates a copy of the object or aspect.

Figure 5.27: General Options

5.3.6 The Actions Menu

The Actions menu includes the following actions:
• Import / Import All
• Messages

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

Import / Import All

Select Import/Import all from the Actions menu or click the Import button to bring up the
Import dialog. By clicking the Import button in the toolbar the entire archive will be
This functionality is also available from the context menu of both aspects and objects.
When the Import dialog is opened from the context menu, it will by default import the
selected aspect, object, entity or entity extension but it is possible to change to import
the entire archive.
• Import Items

Figure 5.28: Import Items Dialog Box

In the Import to System drop-down menu you select to which system the import
will be made, and to which Environment in the Environment
drop-down menu.
In the Import area it is possible to select which system the import will be made to,
whether or not to include children or dependencies.
It is possible to filter out aspects by simply deleting them from the archive before
importing. The aspects can either be deleted manually one by one from the aspect
list, or by using the Find Tool and delete the aspects from there.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.3 The Main Menu, Toolbar and Context Menus

When importing entities, the import performs differently then when just importing
objects and aspects. When objects are imported, the aspects in the system are
merged with the aspects in the archive file which means that the result is the
combination of the aspect in the archive and the aspects in the system.
When an entity is imported, any additional objects and/or aspects in the system are
deleted. If the archive file contains and entity and it has one or more subentities,
the import will replace/overwrite what is included in the archive file. Subentities only
present in the system but not in the archive file will be merged into the structure. If
the archive file contains an entity with one or several entity extensions, import will
make sure that only those entity extensions present in the archive file are present
in the system after the import. Any additional entity extension will be deleted.

When importing a library with a library version, other existing libraries will not be
deleted. When importing a control project, other existing libraries will not be deleted.

• Import Options - Has the same function as in the Options dialogs in the Tools
Menu. But when you select your options in this dialog, the new options will override
the default options for this particular import you are about to do. See Options.

Have a submenu from where you can clear, save or print the selected message.

5.3.7 The Help Menu

The Help menu includes:

Select this option to launch the on-line help for the Import/Export tool.

This option displays the current tool version and file format.

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.4 Detailed Difference Report

5.4 Detailed Difference Report

Detailed Difference Report is a feature that easily produces documentation, reduces
customer burden for testing and verification of changes during QA procedures promoting
better change management practices. It works in environment enabled architectures or
single systems.
Detailed Difference Report uses Afw file to compare archive file to the current system

Figure 5.29: Detailed Difference report

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5 Import/Export Tool
5.4 Detailed Difference Report

Below are two different data view in Detailed Difference Report:

1. Tree View:
An overview of the difference in function diagram with a tree like structure is
2. Text View:
Selecting individual components on the tree view, detailed difference is displayed.
For example: Aspect properties such as DFO, aspect objects.

For sequence logic, text view displays the overall differences of the sequences.

Detailed Difference Report provides more detailed information on configuration changes

• Control Logic (Control Builder M and Function Designer).
• Process Graphics 2.
It supports save and print features as shown in Figure 5.29. It has a filter feature to check
the changes made to the function diagrams.
It enhances readability by color indication.

5.4.1 Benefits of Detailed Difference Report

1. Enhanced change management for graphics and control logic.
2. Complements Audit trail ends and shows the changes.
The below table depicts the aspects and their support details to tree and text differences:

Table 5.1: Tree and Text Differences Supported by Aspects

Aspects Tree Differences Text Differences
Process Graphics 2 X X
Function - General X X
Function - Sequence Programming X
Control Builder X

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6 Reference Tool
6.1 Using the Reference Tool

6 Reference Tool

Reference Tool is used to view the references of a single aspect or several aspects on
the same object. The tool is started by selecting Reference Tool from the context menu
of an aspect or an object. The tool can also be started from the Start menu, and an
aspect or object can be dragged into the tool.
If the tool is used for an entire object, it displays the references of all aspects on the
object that contain references. The references are then grouped by the source aspect.
Main functions of Reference Tool are:
• View the current references.
• Change the target of references.
• Automatically resolve the broken references.
• Approving non-approved aspects.

6.1 Using the Reference Tool

The Reference Tool with two source aspects (Graphic Element and Graphic Element 2)
is as shown in Figure 6.1.

6.1.1 Tab Views

Dynamic References
Dynamic References are context specific and reference other target aspects if the source
aspect is inherited. These references are called Data References in Graphics Builder.
The Dynamic References tab always shows the translated references. If it is used in the
Object Type Structure, it displays the references within the object type. If it is used on
an inherited aspect on an instance, it displays the translated references valid for that

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6 Reference Tool
6.1 Using the Reference Tool

Static References
Static References are not context specific and do not change if the source aspect is
inherited. These references are called Resource References in Graphics Builder.

The number of references displayed in each tab can be seen in the tab header. The
dynamic reference tab is selected by default.

6.1.2 Main Window

Tree view in the dialog shows the references at three levels: Object, Aspect and Property.
Tree view is built hierarchically and each referenced object or aspect is displayed once.

Figure 6.1: Reference Tool

For example, there are two referenced properties in the General Properties aspect of
the Tank object, see Figure 6.1. The hierarchical structure allows the user to move a set
of references from one aspect to another or from one object to another.

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6 Reference Tool
6.1 Using the Reference Tool

The object named Power is displayed in the group of referenced targets labeled Graphic
Element and in the one named Graphic Element 2. This is because both source aspects
have references to properties that reside on the Power object.

Changing the references for one source aspect will not affect the references for other
source aspects.

The Reference Tool is a general tool that does not have complete knowledge about
the internals of every aspect. Some operations might be done in aspect specific tools.
For example, if a broken reference in a PG aspect cannot be corrected using
Reference Tool, the user should open the Graphics Builder and correct it manually.
If references are changed, the Reference Tool window is immediately updated to show
the new references. Click Save to store these references in the source aspects.
The Reference Tool window is not updated automatically if changes are done in other
Reference Tool windows, or in the Graphics Builder. If the Reference Tool has been
open for a while, click Refresh to update the tool with latest information. This is
essential before performing the new changes.
The users are allowed to configure the columns visible in tree view of the Reference
Tool window, by selecting Show Columns in the context menu of the source aspect.
Table 6.1 shows the different columns.

Table 6.1: Reference Tool Columns

Column Name Description

Reference Displays the reference as a tree view. This column is visible
by default and can not be hidden.
Reference Type Displays the type of the reference (e.g.aspect, property
etc.). This column is visible by default.
Resolve Status Displays a status symbol followed by the status text of the
reference i.e. resolved, unresolved or any such status
message. This column is visible by default.
ID Displays the Unique ID of the referenced entity.
Relative Path Displays the relative path between the source aspect and
the reference target.

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6 Reference Tool
6.1 Using the Reference Tool

6.1.3 Changing References

To change a reference, the user can right click on a node in the tree view and launch a
browser by selecting Change in the context menu.
Right click an object to launch an object browser and right click an aspect or a property
to launch an aspect browser or a property browser respectively. Select a compatible
For example, when the user selects the Tank object (see Figure 6.1) and replaces with
another object, General Properties aspect should exist in the new object that contains
two properties with the same names. This resolves the references to both properties.

When a reference is changed, the tree view is updated to show the current information,
including the resolve status of the reference.

6.1.4 Resolving References

Select Resolve from the context menu of a node in tree view to resolve unresolved
references automatically. This is successful only if the source aspect contains symbolic
name information about the target aspect, and the aspect can be uniquely identified
using the name information. The resolve context menu option is dimmed out if the status
is not set to unresolved or if the source aspect for the reference is inherited.
The following context menu appears on right clicking header area of the columns in the
Reference Tool.

Select Resolve All from the context menu of the source aspect to resolve all unresolved

6.1.5 Viewing References

To follow the references recursively, select a target object or target aspect and select
View References from the context menu. This opens the Reference Tool showing
references from this object or aspect.

6.1.6 Approving References

Copying an aspect sometimes might set the aspect to an unapproved state. In such
scenarios, the user should view, possibly change, and finally approve the references of
that aspect. The aspect can be approved by using the Approve button. The Save button
will also approve the aspect after updating the changes.

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6 Reference Tool
6.1 Using the Reference Tool

6.1.7 Find and Replace

All references to an object matching a specified substring, can be changed to another
object by replacing this part of the object names. Click Find and Replace and the Find
and Replace window appears.

Figure 6.2: Find and Replace

Specify the substring to be searched and specify the replacement string. Click Replace
All to replace all searched substrings with the new string.
To keep changed object references, click OK.
For example, consider references to the objects A102 and A1104. By replacing A with
B, the references are changed to B102 and B104 (if these objects actually exist in the

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7 Consistency Check

7 Consistency Check

When a user is performing engineering tasks, configurations made to different parts and
aspects of the system may become inconsistent or ambiguous. This can not be obvious
and most of the times it is hard to find all such inconsistencies in a large system. For
example, you can build a Process Graphic that uses an expression based on a property
defined by an AC 800M Control Application. An application engineer can later remove
that property from the control program and your graphic has become inconsistent. You
can check this by either looking at the graphic display or open the graphic display in the
Graphics Builder. However, in a large system, you cannot possibly open all graphic
displays just to check if they work properly. Instead you use the Consistency Check Tool.
The consistency check can be used to find such inconsistent configurations and collects
them in a consistency report. In some scenarios, consistency problems can even be
repaired from the Consistency Check Tool, but usually, you have to manually reconfigure
the specific aspect that is inconsistent.
Checking the consistency of aspects in a system can be done at any time using the
Consistency Check Tool, but it is also a vital part of the deploy workflow (described in
System 800xA Engineering Engineering and Production Environments (3BSE045030*)).
Therefore, checking the consistency of the data you are about to deploy, update or
replace is encouraged by those tools. The Consistency Check Tool contains a few more
buttons and options, but in essence, the consistency report presented and the actions
you as a user can make are the same.
The consistency check control is used to check the consistency of aspects either from
the consistency check tool, or using the deploy, update and replace tools.

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7 Consistency Check
7.1 Consistency Check Tool

Figure 7.1: Flow chart

7.1 Consistency Check Tool

The Consistency Check Tool is started from the Plant Explorer by clicking the Launch
Consistency Check tool button in the engineering toolbar, see Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2: Consistency Check Tool Icon

A new instance of the Consistency Check Tool will then launch. You can have any number
of consistency check tools active at the same time. The Consistency Check Tool, when
launched from the Plant Explorer, is empty from start, see Figure 7.3.

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7 Consistency Check
7.1 Consistency Check Tool

Figure 7.3: Consistency Check Tool launched from the Plant Explorer.

The left area lists the items you want to check the consistency for. This may be anything
from a single aspect to a complete AC 800M Control Project. The right area lists the
inconsistencies found and also allows you to save the consistency report or load an
existing consistency report.
Items to check the consistency for can either be dragged and dropped from the Plant
Explorer or added by using the Add Item button. Clicking the add item button will show
the Select Item dialog, see Figure 7.4. In this dialog you can either choose what control
project, control application or library to check, or you can select the Structure View and
then select exactly what object or aspect to check.

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7 Consistency Check
7.2 Performing a Consistency Check

Figure 7.4: Select Item Dialog Box

7.2 Performing a Consistency Check

Consistency Checker Tool can run out of memory and crash if large structures are
checked for consistency. Restart the tool and check the structures by dividing them
into small parts.
When the items you want to check has been added, you click Check to start checking
the consistency. The consistency check then walks through all aspects of the selected
items and performs a consistency check on each aspect. Since this may take some time,
it is possible at any time to stop the consistency check by clicking Cancel. The consistency
check will then stop checking the consistency of the remaining aspects but the
inconsistencies already found will be presented in the consistency report.
When the consistency is checked for an aspect, the consistency checker first looks at
the aspect to find out if there are any inconsistencies that the system could discover by
itself. This includes checking aspect references and entity definitions. The consistency
checker automatically validates the references of the aspect against the system. The
broken or ambiguous references are reported as errors.
The aspect itself can perform additional consistency checks by implementing the aspect
consistency check interface. The consistency check will then call the aspect and the
aspect can perform any custom consistency check and report back to the checker.

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7 Consistency Check
7.2 Performing a Consistency Check

These checks are done by default, and the behavior can be customized through the
Options dialog window opened up by clicking the Options button in the toolbar. See
Figure 7.5.

Figure 7.5: Consistency Check Options

Select aspect checking (including entity checking) and reference checking individually.
Checking references between aspects consume more time. Hence this reference check
can be skipped if the user feels that all references are perfect.
Reference consistency, by default, checks only for target existence and not for the valid
target location scope. Select Scope consistency to check for the target objects residing
in a valid scope. For example, a valid reference scope may be within a composite object
type. When the Scope consistency feature is enabled, the consistency checker tool
detects any reference defined from one object type to another object type and reports
the scope inconsistency error.
Additional check of rescue information for references can be requested in the Options
dialog. The rescue data is an information (for example, the name of the target object),
and is used to repair the reference if broken. The existing rescue information (if any) is
checked for correctness and errors by enabling the Rescue consistency check box in
the Options Dialog.
By default, the consistency checker skips aspects in released libraries (they cannot be
repaired). The user can check released libraries by enabling Skip released libraries
check box in the Options dialog.

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7 Consistency Check
7.2 Performing a Consistency Check

In the example (Figure 7.6) below, a Control Project has been checked and two errors
detected. The two first inconsistencies comes from the same aspect; PX:Bookmark. The
warning was generated by the aspects custom consistency check and tells the user that
a file viewer aspect that was used no longer exists.
The second inconsistency was calculated by the Consistency Check Tool by validating
the references of the bookmark. It also detected that the referenced aspect no longer
exists and reports this as an error. In this case, the same aspect yielded two
inconsistencies for the same problem; that the configured file viewer no longer exists.
In some scenarios, it would make sense for the aspect to try to report a more detailed
description of the problem than the general type errors that the consistency checker can

Figure 7.6: Consistency Check with two Errors

The consistency report contains a lot of columns and the report can be sorted on each
column by clicking the column header. This can help to locate similar types of problems
by e.g. sorting the reported inconsistencies by aspect category by clicking the Category
column. It is also possible to see what system extension the specific aspect comes from
if you need help to resolve or fix the conflict.

Figure 7.7: Columns in the Consistency Check Tool

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7 Consistency Check
7.2 Performing a Consistency Check

By right-clicking an inconsistency in the report, you either repair the aspect or look at
the details for that specific inconsistency. The details will contain a lot of information and
some of it may only make sense to a skilled engineer.

7.2.1 Resolving and Repairing Errors

In most of the scenarios, the consistency problems reported by the Consistency Check
Tool will require that you locate the aspect that reported the problem, the source, and
use the configuration view or similar for that aspect to resolve the problem.
For example, if a graphic display has an expression that refers to a property that no
longer exists, open the Graphics Builder for that graphic display and correct the
In some scenarios, an aspect can be automatically repaired by the Consistency Check
Tool and this can be seen in the Repairable column. A repairable problem can be
repaired by right-clicking the row or rows that you intend to repair and select Repair from
the context menu. The consistency check will then repair the problem and update the
consistency report. In some scenarios, you may have to perform a new consistency
check again by clicking the Check button.
In the example below, the “SimpleModule” is a inconsistent entity that can be automatically

Figure 7.8: Inconsistency that can be repaired

Right-click the repairable aspect and select Repair Aspect.

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7 Consistency Check
7.2 Performing a Consistency Check

Figure 7.9: Repairing an inconsistent aspect

Before the reparation of the aspect is started a dialog appears that tells you to make a
backup before repairing the aspect. It is recommended to do that.

Figure 7.10: Repair Dialog Box

The Consistency Check Tool will then repair the aspect if possible and update the
consistency report. There may be scenarios when the repairable aspect still cannot be
automatically repaired because of some other problem. In these scenarios, you must
manually reconfigure that aspect to resolve the problem.

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7 Consistency Check
7.3 Consistency Check for Libraries

7.3 Consistency Check for Libraries

Consistency check of a specific library version, e.g. "MyLibrary 1.0-0" can be done in
two ways as described below:
1. By adding the library version to the Consistency Check tool as described above.
2. Using the Consistency tab on the Library Version Definition aspect for a library
version object. Refer to System 800xA System Configuration (3BDS011222*),
Appendix B Library Handling for more information on Consistency tab.

The Consistency Check tool performs a more complete check than the Consistency

The consistency errors that are displayed by the Consistency tab or Consistency
Check Tool for the PROFIBUS Device Types (delivered in the form of Hardware
Libraries) by Device Integration can be ignored.
The consistency errors that are displayed by the Consistency tab or Consistency
Check Tool for the Asset Optimization Object Type Libraries delivered by Asset
Optimization can be ignored.
The consistency errors that are displayed by the Consistency tab or Consistency
Check Tool for the PLC Connect Object Types delivered by PLC Connect can be
The Consistency tab is still useful to do a fast preliminary check of a library, but a
complete consistency check using the Consistency Check tool is recommended
before the library is released.
The Consistency tab is mostly intended for checking the internal object type and library
configuration, and does not check e.g. references to properties.

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7 Consistency Check
7.4 Workflow for Consistency Check

7.4 Workflow for Consistency Check

A consistency check should be done before and after any major changes to the system.It
is also recommended before a backup and after a restore of the system.
Consistency check can be performed as follows:
1. Consistency check of Libraries
a. Perform a consistency check on the library entities from the Consistency Check
tool. It is also possible to check consistency for a library entity on the Library
Version Definition aspect.
2. Assignments on Libraries
a. Check the aspects on all user defined libraries using the Aspects tab of the
Library Version Definition aspect. See Aspect Assignments. It is recommended
that all aspects are assigned to the library.
3. Consistency check of Applications and Controllers
a. Launch the Consistency Check tool and add all Applications entities from the
Control Structure. Check consistency.
b. Launch the Consistency Check tool and add all Controller entities from the
Control Structure. Check consistency.
4. Consistency of Log Configurations
a. Create a Log Summary aspect on the Root object in Control Structure. Verify

7.4.1 Aspect Assignments

Aspects that are not assigned to the library will not be part of the exported library. They
will also be left out when a new library version is created. Aspects located in extensions
libraries will also be listed as aspects not included in the library.

2PAA101888-610 A 102
7 Consistency Check
7.4 Workflow for Consistency Check

Figure 7.11: Aspects tab on the Library Version Definition aspect

If there are aspects in the “Aspects not included in the library” list where a library is not
assigned (the Library column is empty), move them to the “Aspects included in the
Library” list with the “<” button.

7.4.2 Log Configurations

If inconsistency error is detected on the Log Summary aspect, right-click on the line for
the erroneous Log Configuration and select
Autocorrect references from the context menu.

Figure 7.12: Log Summary aspect with consistency check

2PAA101888-610 A 103
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8 AC 800M Fingerprint Tool

8 AC 800M Fingerprint Tool

AC 800M Fingerprint tool is a data collection tool, which collects diagnostic data from all
the controllers on the network. This tool can be used on the 800xA 5.1 System to collect
data about the firmware versions, CPU load, hardware revisions and so on. The data is
collected in tab-separated text files and is saved with the IP address and the controller
name in a separate folder on the system. The data in the text files can also be exported
to a spreadsheet for data analysis.
The Fingerprint tool is located in ...\Engineering\Control Builder M\Tools\AC 800M
Fingerprint in installation media. Start the Fingerprint Tool after copying it to local node.

2PAA101888-610 A 105
2PAA101888-610 A 106
9 Start Values Analyzer Tool

9 Start Values Analyzer Tool

A firmware upgrade of the controller may reset variables to their initial value. This happens
in case the cold retain attribute has not been set. The Start Values Analyzer tool,
introduced in System 800xA 6.0, can check if the attributes and parameters set to the
variables are changed after an upgrade. The tool displays a list of the variables that may
be set to the initial values after an upgrade. The output from this tool can be exported
to a spreadsheet for data analysis.
Run this tool before an upgrade and collect the data regarding the variables and the
associated attribute values. Run this tool after an upgrade, record the data, and compare
the results with the data collected before the upgrade. If certain variables are set to the
initial value during an upgrade, it can be reset to the last configured value based on the
collected data. Refer to System 800xA Control AC 800M Configuration (3BSE035980*)
for more information on the Start Values Analyzer tool.
The Start Values Analyzer tool is located in ...\Engineering\Control Builder
M\Tools\StartValuesAnalyzer\SV50SP2_SV51\ in 800xA 6.1 installation media. Start
the Start Values Analyzer Tool after copying it to local node.

2PAA101888-610 A 107
2PAA101888-610 A 108
10 AC 800M OLU Qualification Tool

10 AC 800M OLU Qualification Tool

The OLU (Online Upgrade) Qualification Tool is developed as an interference free tool
and uses data collected from Control Builder, 800xA Aspect System and AC 800M
Controller to help verifying if an AC 800M controller should be qualified to perform an
The tool is not a mandatory step in the OLU procedure but could be run at different times
• To verify at early state of project, like at commissioning / handover that the
configuration is suitable for OLU when doing future upgrades.
• To verify after upgrade to new version of 800xA that the configuration is still suitable
for OLU
The OLU Qualification tool will not impact / change any settings in the safety system
but could if run in parallel with other operations, such as controller reconfiguration or
controller firmware upgrade, cause interruption in the process. This could lead to the
need to cold start the controller. It is also recommended not to run the OLU
Qualification Tool if an ongoing Load Evaluate Go (LEG) session is active in the
The AC 800M OLU Qualification tool can be downloaded from myABB/My Control System

2PAA101888-610 A 109
2PAA101888-610 A 110
11 Diagnostics Collection Tool

11 Diagnostics Collection Tool

The ABB Diagnostics Collection Tool is replaced with improved functinalities in various
tools available in System 800xA.
• System Reports - System Configuration Console now has "Reports" function to
generate list of installed software on all nodes of 800xA System. Refer to System
800xA System Getting Started Installation Update and Upgrade (2PAA111708*).
• AC 800M Diagnostics - AC 800M Fingerprint Tool has improved functionality to
collect diagnostic data from all controllers connected to networks.
• Advanced Diagnostics - The Advanced Services - Service Products Data Collector
(SPDC) tool is used to collect Performance data and Software details of the nodes
and controllers for analysis. The tool supports data collection of multiple control
system variants. The collected data is packaged into compressed and encrypted
cabinet (.zip) files and stored in local drive.
The collected data package (.zip) later can be uploaded to My Control System to
generate reports e.g. Benchmark, Fingerprint or System Health Check and
diagnostically analyze the system. Users can logon to My Control System portal
through www.abb.com\myABB. It can also be uploaded to ServIS for Installed Base
Latest version of the SPDC tool can be dowloaded from ABB Library and myAbb/My
Control System portal.

ABB Diagnostics Collection Tool will not be installed as part of 800xA 6.1 System.
The tool will be automatically uninstalled during update to System 800xA 6.1

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Revision History
Revision History

Revision History

This section provides information on the revision history of this User Manual.

The revision index of this User Manual is not related to the 800xA 6.1 System Revision.

Revision History
The following table lists the revision history of this User Manual.

Description Date
A Published for 800xA System 6.1 release December 2018

2PAA101888-610 A 113
2PAA101888-610 A 114

Affinity, 24 P
AppLog, 51 Personalization, 22
Approving references, 90 Power object, 89
Process Object Lock, 23
B Process Portal A, 47
Backup, 27 PROFIBUS, 101
Base installation, 19 Purge Backup, 27

Connect Node, 36 Recent events, 20
Consistency Check, 93 Recent tasks, 20
Redundancy, 24
D Reference Tool, 87
dashboard, 19 Reference Type, 89
Device Integration, 101 Relative Path, 89
Diagnostics, 37 Resolve Status, 89
Disconnect Client, 37 Resolving references, 90
Dynamic References, 87 Restore System, 36

Faceplate, 23 Server Data, 26
Find and Replace references, 91 Start Server, 36
Start-up Mode, 21
G Static References, 88
Graphic Element, 87 Stop Server, 36
System Configuration Console, 19
System Directory Configuration, 24
System Extension, 42
Hardware Libraries, 101
Viewing references, 90
Load Balancing, 24
Workplace, 23
Object Highlight, 23

2PAA101888-610 A 115
2PAA101888-610 A 116
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or the use of the content of this document
We reserve the right to make technical – including parts thereof – are prohibited
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2PAA101888-610 A

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notice. With regard to purchase orders, Copyright © 2019 ABB.
the agreed particulars shall prevail. All rights reserved.
ABB does not assume any responsibility
for any errors or incomplete information in
this document.

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