HDL Cholesterol: Precipitant

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The Creative Approach to Bioscience


Authorised Representative Temperature Limitation

REF: 266 001 (1 X 50 ml) 100 test IVD For in-vitro diagnostic use Use by/Expiration Date
REF: 266 002 (4 X 100 ml) 800 test LOT Batch Code/Lot number CAUTION. Consult instructions
REF Catalogue Number for use
Consult instructions for use Manufactured by

Intended Use Deterioration

Spectrum Diagnostics HDL cholesterol reagent is intended for Do not use The HDL cholesterol reagents if precipitate forms . Failure to
the in-vitro quantitative, diagnostic determination of HDL cholesterol in recover control values within the assigned range may be an
human serum , heparinized or EDTA plasma . indication of reagent deterioration .

Background Specimen Collection and Preservation

High density lipoprotein measurement, in conjunction with other lipid Serum or plasma
determination, has been shown to be useful in assessing the risk of
coronary heart disease. HDL is responsible for carrying cholesterol EDTA and Heparin may be used as anticoagulants.
back from preipheral cells to the liver , therefore the risk of coronary
heart disease is lowered with increased levels of HDL. usually, very low Stability : 7 days at 2 – 8 o C
density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) 4 days at 20 - 25 o C
are selectivety precipitated from serum or plasma samples followed by
determination of cholesterol in the HDL-containing supernatant.
1 - Precipitation
Precipitation Method .
Pipette into centrifuge tubes :
Assay Principle Reagent 0.5 ml
low density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) Specimen 0.2 ml
in sample precipitate with phosphotungstate and magnesium ions.
After centrifugation, the cholesterol concentration in the HDL fraction, Mix and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature, then centrifuge
which remains in the supernatant, is determined. for 10 minutes at 4000 rpm .
Carefully collect the supernatant .
chol. esterase
Cholesterol esters + H 2 O Cholesterol + Fatty acid Stability : the supernatant may be stored up to five days at 2 - 8 o C
chol. oxidase
Cholesterol + 1\2 O2 + H2O Cholestenone + H2O2
2 - Cholesterol - Liquizyme
2H2O + 4-Aminoantipyrine + phenol Quinoneimine + 4H2O
Pipette into test tubes :
Reagents Blank Specimen

Distilled water 50 ml ------

Reagent (R)
Specimen supernatant ------ 50ml
Cholesterol Reagent 1ml 1ml
Phosphotungstate 0.52 mmol/L
Magnesium chloride 30 mmol/L Mix, incubte for 10 minutes at 20 – 25 oC or 5 minutes at 37oC.
Measure the absorbance of the specimen (Aspecimen) against reagent
Reagents also contain non-reactive stabilizers and blank at 546 nm (500 – 550 nm) within 60 minutes.
surfactants .

* Supplementary reagents : Apack for Spectrum liquizyme Calculation

cholesterol reagent is required

Precautions and Warnings HDL cholesterol conc. (mg/dL) = Asample x 570

Pay attention to all precautions and warnings listed in Spectrum Diagnostics

catalogue available upon request .

Reagent Preparation, Storage and Stability Expected Values

Spectrum HDL cholesterol reagent is supplied ready-to-use Females 48.6 - 75 mg/dL 1.26 - 1.94 mmol/L
and stable up to the expiry date labeled on the bottles when Males 41.0 -58.7 mg/dL 1.06 - 1.52 mmol/L
properly stored at 15 - 25 oC . Childern 51.8 - 71.9 mg/dL 1.34 - 1.86 mmol/L
To calculate LDL cholesterol ORDERING INFORMATION
in mg/dL
LDL Total Triglycerides - HDL
Cholesterol = Cholesterol - 5 Cholesterol CATALOG NO. QUANTITY
266 001 1 x 50 ml
in mmol/L 266 002 4 x 100 ml

LDL Total Triglycerides HDL

Cholesterol = Cholesterol - 2.2 - Cholesterol

Clinical Interpretation

Desirable Standard Increased

Risk Level Risk Level

HDL Cholesterol
Females (mg/dL) >65 45 - 65 <45
(mmol/L) >1.68 1.16 - 1.68 <1.16
Males (mg/dL) >55 35 - 55 <35
(mmol/L) >1.42 0.90 - 1.42 <0.90

LDL Cholesterol
(mg/dL) <150 150 - 190 >190
(mmol/L) <3.38 3.88 - 4.91 >4.91

Total Cholesterol
(mg/dL) <200 200 - 300 >300
(mmol/L) <5.17 5.17 - 7.76 >7.76

Spectrum Diagnostics does not interpret the

results of a clinical laboratory procedure ;
interpretation of the results is considered the
responsibility of qualified medical personnel .
All indications of clinical significance are
supported by literature references .

1. National Cholesterol Education Program Recommendation for
Measurement of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Executive
Summary. Clin Chem. 1995;41:1427 - 1433.
2. Friedewald , W.T. et al. Clin. Chem. 1972; 18: 499.
3. Lopes- Virella, M.F. et al. Clin. Chem. 1977; 23: 882.

Egyptian Company for Biotechnology (S.A.E)

Obour city industrial area. block 20008 piece 19 A. Cairo. Egypt.
Tel: +202 4665 1848 - Fax: +202 4665 1847
E-mail:[email protected]

EC REP Schiffgraben 41
30175 Hannover, Germany
IFUFCC26 Rev.(2), 1/1/2007

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