HDL Cholesterol: Precipitant
HDL Cholesterol: Precipitant
HDL Cholesterol: Precipitant
REF: 266 001 (1 X 50 ml) 100 test IVD For in-vitro diagnostic use Use by/Expiration Date
REF: 266 002 (4 X 100 ml) 800 test LOT Batch Code/Lot number CAUTION. Consult instructions
REF Catalogue Number for use
Consult instructions for use Manufactured by
Spectrum HDL cholesterol reagent is supplied ready-to-use Females 48.6 - 75 mg/dL 1.26 - 1.94 mmol/L
and stable up to the expiry date labeled on the bottles when Males 41.0 -58.7 mg/dL 1.06 - 1.52 mmol/L
properly stored at 15 - 25 oC . Childern 51.8 - 71.9 mg/dL 1.34 - 1.86 mmol/L
To calculate LDL cholesterol ORDERING INFORMATION
in mg/dL
LDL Total Triglycerides - HDL
Cholesterol = Cholesterol - 5 Cholesterol CATALOG NO. QUANTITY
266 001 1 x 50 ml
in mmol/L 266 002 4 x 100 ml
Clinical Interpretation
HDL Cholesterol
Females (mg/dL) >65 45 - 65 <45
(mmol/L) >1.68 1.16 - 1.68 <1.16
Males (mg/dL) >55 35 - 55 <35
(mmol/L) >1.42 0.90 - 1.42 <0.90
LDL Cholesterol
(mg/dL) <150 150 - 190 >190
(mmol/L) <3.38 3.88 - 4.91 >4.91
Total Cholesterol
(mg/dL) <200 200 - 300 >300
(mmol/L) <5.17 5.17 - 7.76 >7.76
1. National Cholesterol Education Program Recommendation for
Measurement of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Executive
Summary. Clin Chem. 1995;41:1427 - 1433.
2. Friedewald , W.T. et al. Clin. Chem. 1972; 18: 499.
3. Lopes- Virella, M.F. et al. Clin. Chem. 1977; 23: 882.
EC REP Schiffgraben 41
30175 Hannover, Germany
IFUFCC26 Rev.(2), 1/1/2007