Estd. by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India
Estd. by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India
Estd. by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India
(मानि संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय का एक स्वायत्त संस्थान, भारत सरकार के
सैक्टर -81, नॉलेज वसटी, पो. ओ. मनौली, एस. ए. एस. नगर (मोहाली), पंजाब -
140 306
(Estd. By Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Sector – 81, Knowledge City, P.O.Manauli, S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali), Punjab-140306
Minutes of the 40th Meeting of the Senate of IISER Mohali held on 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. in
the Lecture Hall 5, Lecture Hall Complex, IISER Mohali. The following Members were
1. Professor A.K. Bachhawat, Member
2. Professor Arvind, Member
3. Professor J. S. Bagla, Member
4. Professor Purnananda Guptasarma, Member
5. Professor Kavita Dorai, Member
6. Professor Ramandeep Singh Johal, Member
7. Dr. Kausik Chattopadhyay, Member
8. Dr. N. G. Prasad, Member
9. Dr. S. Arulananda Babu, Member
10. Dr. Amit Kulshrestha, Member
11. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Member
12. Dr. Samarjit Bhattacharyya, Member
13. Dr. Anu Sabhlok, Member
14. Dr. R. Vijay Anand, Member
15. Dr. Sugumar Venkataramani, Member
16. Dr. Abhishek Chaudhuri, Member
17. Dr. Kamal Priya Singh, Member
18. Dr. KrishnenduGongopadhyay, Member
19. Dr. Ramesh Ramachandran, Member
20. Dr. Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Member
21. Dr. Parth Chauhan, Member
22. Dr. Sunil Anil Patil, Member
23. Dr. P. Visakhi, Member
24. Dr. Manjari Jain, Member
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 1 of 11
25. Dr. Jagdeep Singh, Secretary
The following members could not be present in the meeting. Leave of absence was granted to
these members:
1. Professor J. Gowrishankar, Chairperson
2. Professor S. Bandyopadhayay, Member
3. Professor Damodar Acharya, Member
4. Professor Kapil Hari Paranjape, Member
5. Professor Sudeshna Sinha, Member
6. Professor Sanjay Mandal, Member
7. Dr. Baerbel Sinha, Member
The Secretary informed the Senators that due to the requirement of home
quarantine after travel, Senate Chairperson will not join the meeting. Therefore,
as provided in Clause 7(6) of the IISER Statutes, the senior-most of the Deans
present, Professor Jasjeet Singh Bagla, was asked to chair the meeting.
The Chairperson and the Senators welcomed Dr. Jagdeep Singh as the new
Registrar and Secretary of the Senate.
The Chairperson informed the Senate that the institute has secured 59th rank in
NIRF ranking this year. He thanked Dr. Dipanjan Chakraborty for coordinating
compilation of data and ensuring completeness of data submission.
The Chairperson also acknowledged the important role played by Library in the
collection of data for NIRF Ranking.
Senate 20.40.02 Confirmation of the Draft minutes of the 39th meeting of the Senate held on
15th May, 2020
Draft Minutes of the 39th Meeting of the Senate held on 15.05.2020 has been
circulated. Comments received from Prof. Arvind, Dr. S. A. Babu and Dr. Amit
For confirmation please.
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 2 of 11
Item No. Agenda
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 3 of 11
Item No. Agenda
Title of the Thesis: DNA origami directed self- assembled hybrid nanoantennas
for single molecule spectroscopic applications
Date of Thesis Submission: January6, 2020
Thesis Examination Committee:
i) Dr. Tapasi Sen, INST Mohali (Supervisor)
ii) Prof. Anindya Datta, IIT Bombay(External)
iii) Prof. Arun Chattopadhyay, IIT Guwahati(External)
Based on the recommendation of thesis examination committee viva-voce was
conducted on June01, 2020
Viva-voce Committee:
i) Dr. Tapasi Sen(Convener)
ii) Prof. Arun Chattopadhyay, IIT Guwahati(External Examiner)
iii) Dr. Sangita Roy, INST
iv) Dr. Kamalakannan Kailasam, INST
The viva-voce committee has recommended that the PhD degree be awarded.
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Item No. Agenda
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Item No. Agenda
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 6 of 11
Item No. Agenda
Senate 20.40.04 Number of students who have submitted synopsis (since the last senate
meeting): 04
Date of
Name Reg. No. Dept. Supervisor Title of the thesis Synopsis
1. Avinash PH14041 PHY Dr. Harvinder Aspects of tachyon field 28.05.2020
Singh K. Jassal cosmology
Senate 20.40.05 Number of students whose viva voce is scheduled:02
Now, this agenda item has been merged with agenda item No.20.40.03.
Senate 20.40.06 Number of students whose viva voce is pending (since the last senate meeting):
S. Name Reg. No. Dept. Supervisor Title of the thesis Date of Thesis
No. submission
1. Keerthivasan PH15011 BIO Dr. Kuljeet Insulated domain 12.03.2020
RC Singh Sandhu organization and regulation
of metazoan genomes
2. Richa Singh PH14008 BIO Dr. Manjari Examining the effect of 26.05.2020
Jain environmental factors on
acoustic signalling of a
nocturnal ensiferan insect,
Acanthogryllus asiaticus
3. Harpreet PH13049 CHM Dr. Santanu Design and Synthesis of 23.03.2020
Singh K Pal Porous Organic Polymers
for Sensing and Visible
Light Photocatalytic
4. Rashmi Jain PH14203 INST Dr. Sangita Development of bio- 09.03.2020
Roy inspired hydrogels for
tissue regeneration
5. Preetika PH14043 HSS Dr. Anu Queering the Urban: An 20.03.2020
Sharma Sabhlok Ethnographic Study of
Kothi Subcultures in
6. Neha PH14017 MTH Dr. Galois Cohomology for 18.02.2020
Kwatra Chandrakant Lubin-Tate (φq, Γ LT )-
Aribam modules
7. Ruchi Tomar PH14226 INST Dr Suvankar Electronic Properties of 17.03.2020
Chakraverty Interfaces and Surfaces of
Perovskite Oxides
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 7 of 11
Item No. Agenda
Senate 20.40.07 The following students have resigned/left from the PhD programme (after
the last senate meeting): 2
No. Name Reg. No. Dept. With effect from
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 8 of 11
Item No. Agenda
5. Students have to declare their choice in this regard (whether they accept
the grade or whether they would like to appear in an exam) within two weeks
of the senate meeting approving the assigned grades. Any student choosing
to appear in the exam must accept the final grade after that exam.
7. In case some graduating students are held back from completing the
requirements of the BS-MS degree due to an I grade then a special evaluation
may be organized for them. This will be discussed in detail after finalization
of grades. Senate may choose to moderate grades or take other supportive
action for students who are close to completing graduation requirements but
have performed poorly in this disrupted semester.
Senate 20.40.09 Proposal regarding fellowship and tenure for Integrated PhD program
At present Int. PhD students get a fellowship of Rs.10,000/- per month during
course work and up to comprehensive exam, JRF and SRF fellowship after
comprehensive exam for up to four years, and can also apply for six months of
half fellowship from Endowment Funds after that. It is proposed that the maximum
duration for which Int. PhD students can draw fellowship be restricted to 6.5 years.
It is proposed that the maximum tenure for Int. PhD students be restricted to 8
Item on fellowship requires further discussion and is withdrawn.
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 9 of 11
Item No. Agenda
Senate 20.40.10 New courses for minors: The courses have been approved in the 37th Senate
meeting. Course numbers have been assigned.
Further, it was decided that if two external reviewers reject a thesis then the
student must take a minimum of six months if (s)he wants to submit a revised
Senate 20.40.12 Request of Mr. Mohit Barsain (MS15091) to stay for one more semester and
clear two F grades:
Mohit Barsain (MS15091) has requested that he be permitted to stay for one
more semester and clear two F grades in courses that will run during the
odd semester 2020 (IDC101 & PHY111).
For Reporting:
Senate 20.40.14 Revised fee structure for BS-MS, Int. PhD and PhD 2020-21 after receiving
direction from MHRD
MHRD has directed the Institute to hold the fees at the same level as last year. In
view of this, the revised fees charts are being submitted to the Senate for reference.
Minutes for the 40th Meeting of the Senate, 18.06.2020 at 2.30 P.M. Page 10 of 11
Item No. Agenda
Senate 20.40.15 Grade Card format for Graduating students
Specimen of the Revised Grade Card was presented in Senate meeting vide item
No.16.22.16 and the decision was noted for compliance. This has now been
implemented and tested in ERP for calculation of CPI/SPI. A few minor formatting
issues are being addressed. Grade Card will reflect all the courses (replaced or
repeated) attempted by the student during programme.
Senate 20.40.17 Termination from BS-MS Dual degree programme after show cause notice:
Ms. Jarupula Savithri (Reg. No.MS19133) was terminated from BS-MS dual
degree programme at IISER Mohali vide letter dated 04.02.2020.
Senate 20.40.17 Any other item with the permission of the chair.
Dr. Kavita Dorai flagged the issue of preparedness of the campus for return of
students and resumption of teaching. The chairperson noted the request and
informed the senators that a plan is being put in place and will be shared with the
faculty well before resumption of teaching activities.
Dr. Samarjit Bhattacharyya informed the Senate that many requests have been
received from students to waive off the fee for the forthcoming semester due to
COVID-19 as parents of many students have lost jobs due to this pandemic.
The Senate recommended that MHRD may be requested to allow the Institute to
defer fee for such students till December 2020.
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