January 2017 (IAL) MS - Unit 2 Edexcel Biology A-Level
January 2017 (IAL) MS - Unit 2 Edexcel Biology A-Level
January 2017 (IAL) MS - Unit 2 Edexcel Biology A-Level
January 2017
Pearson Edexcel
International Advanced Subsidiary Level
in Biology (WBI02)
Paper 01 Development, Plants and the
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January 2017
Publications Code WBI02_01_ 1701_ MS*
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This mark scheme provides a list of acceptable answers for this paper. Candidates will receive credit for all correct
responses but will be penalised if they give more than one answer where only one is required (e.g. putting an additional
cross in a set of boxes). If a candidate produces more written answers than the required number (two instead of one,
three instead of two etc), only the first answers will be accepted. Free responses are marked for the effective
communication of the correct answer rather than for quality of language but it is possible that, on some occasions, the
quality of English or poor presentation can impede communication and lose candidate marks. It is sometimes possible for
a candidate to produce a written response that does not feature in the mark scheme but which is nevertheless correct. If
this were to occur, an examiner would, of course, give full credit to that answer.
All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as
they mark the last.
Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather
than penalised for omissions.
Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries
may lie.
There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately.
All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e.
if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s
response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader
must be consulted.
Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.
2. outer membrane and {inner membrane / cristae} ; 2.NOT cell membrane/cell wall
2. NOT cisternae instead of cristae
2.ACCEPT double membrane/envelope
4. matrix ;
5.6. and 7. A drawing (not detailed) to
5. stalked particles represent them is needed as well as label
being in correct position. (Quality of drawing
6. (circular)DNA ; is not being assessed in these marking
7. (70S)ribosomes ; 5. Drawn attached to cristae
(4) EXP
6. and 7. Drawn in matrix and not attached
to membrane
5.same temperature ;
3-6.ACCEPT growth conditions/abiotic
6.same light (intensity / wave length / exposure/daylength) ; factors for 1 mark if none of the named (2) GRAD
growth conditions are specified
2. because the diameter of the fibres in the two groups are not the 2. ACCEPT only one diameter/only 0.080 is
same / eq ; the same in both groups
4. idea that NaOH does not reduce tensile strength at all diameters ; 4. ACCEPT There are anomalies
5. credit correct manipulation of figures ; EXAMPLE the tensile strength of 0.080 (3) EXP
diameter is reduced by 244 (Nm-2)
5.ACCEPT 31.3% decrease
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(a) PIECE TOGETHER answer if needed
IGNORE comments about rate of
1. number of cells {decreases /doesn’t increase/ eq} ; 1.IGNORE quoted values
1.ACCEPT in context of γ radiation
graph alone or as a comparison with
untreated group
(2) EXP
2. cell length increase is same as untreated cells / radiation has {very
little /no effect} on cell length compared to untreated cells ; 2.ACCEPT up to 155/160 hours stem
length is (slightly) reduced compared
to untreated cells / after 155/160
hours length of cells (slightly)
increased compared to untreated
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(b) IGNORE comments about mutation
IGNORE comments about rate of
1. idea that γ radiation prevents {new cells from being 1. ACCEPT fewer cells so height is (2) EXP
made/mitosis/cell division} so height does not increase as much ; lower (than untreated coleoptiles).
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
*3(c) (*QWC – Spelling of technical terms must be correct and the answer QWC Emphasis is on logical
must be organised in a logical sequence.) sequence
NB use of root tips would only
prevent mp1 being awarded
1. idea of using coleoptiles tips with and without γ radiation ; 1.PIECE TOGETHER if necessary
2. place (coleoptiles) in acid and {acetic orcein /Feulgen’s 2.ACCEPT if done in two stages (ie
stain/Schiff’s reagent/Toluidine blue}; acid is added then stain added later)
2.IGNORE context of heat
3. idea of teasing (cells / coleoptiles) apart ; 3.eg use of needle to break tip /
spread cells
3.ACCEPT macerate the
4. description of mounting (cells / coleoptiles) ;
4 ACCEPT use of slide with {acid /
stain / water} [care: this is
sometimes described in two
different sentences]
5. description of squashing (cells / coleoptiles) ; 5. eg pressing cells/tip/eq with
coverslip/second slide
6. idea of warming slide to intensify stain ;
2. (phase II) involves small number of patients / eq ; 2.ACCEPT idea that there are more
people than in phase I
3. (phase III) involves {large/larger number} of patients / eq ;
3.ACCEPT > 1000
4. reference to a double blind trial ;
1. pre-clinical (to phase I): idea that {animals harmed by drug / not
safe to use on people} ;
2. phase I (to phase II): idea that drug had {side effects/showed 2. ACCEPT an example eg nausea/dizziness
toxicity} ;
3. phase II (to phase III): idea that {patients were not cured / drug 3. ACCEPT idea of further side effects noted
had no effect on condition/drug was less effective than existing (3) EXP
drugs} ;
4.ACCEPT long term side effects OR idea of
4. phase III onwards: idea that drug was not successful enough rare side effects/eq that only show in large
compared to the placebo/existing treatment ; samples
A is not correct because neither xylem vessels nor sclerenchyma fibres are organs
B is not correct because xylem vessels are not an organ and sclerenchyma fibres are not an organ systems
C is not correct because the xylem vessel label is pointing to sclerenchyma fibres (1) COMP
D is not correct because the labels are the wrong way round
A is not correct because xylem vessels are also involved with support
(1) COMP
B is not correct because sclerenchyma fibres have no transport function
D is not correct because xylem vessels are also involved with support and sclerenchyma fibres have no transport
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(e) Any two from ACCEPT correct chemical symbols of
magnesium ACCEPT any other two correct ions
calcium e.g. sulfates or sulphates/
nitrates ; phosphates /chloride/ potassium
/ sodium /iron / manganese
/zinc / copper / ammonium
(1) GRAD
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(f)(i) 1. idea that as pressure increases so does rate of flow ; 1.ACCEPT positive correlation
2. Example calculation: for a
2. {(directly) proportional / linear increase / eq} / credit correct diameter of 200(µm) when pressure
manipulation of figures ; increases from 0 - 0.2(au) rate of (2) Expert
flow increases by 200(mh-1)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(f)(ii) 1. idea that as diameter increases so does rate of flow ; 1.ACCEPT positive correlation
2.Example calculation: (at pressure (2)
2. {non-linear increase / eq} / credit correct manipulation of figures ; of 0.2) when diameter increases from Expert
100-200(µm) rate of flow increases by
70(mh-1 )
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
6(a)(i) 1. Length of head with correct units ; ACCEPT a range of 9-10mm / 0.9 –
1.0cm; (1)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
6(a)(ii) NB allow error carried forward from
1. length of head divided by 2000; (a)(i)
2. (multiplied by 30) to give correct answer; Units must be stated to gain full
2. Answer must be expressed to 2 or
3 sig figs
EXAMPLE calculations: (2) expert
(30 x 9)/2000 = 0.135mm
(30 x 10)/2000 = 0.15mm
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
6(b) ACCEPT converse statement
ACCEPT secondary oocyte / ovum /
1. sperm has a {flagellum/tail} (but a female gamete does not) ; egg cell for female gamete
1. ACCEPT idea of a comparison of
2. sperm has an acrosome (but a female gamete does not) ; shape eg sperm is streamlined
female gamete is spherical
3. no cortical granules in a sperm (but there are in a female gamete );
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1. both are forms of nuclear division ; A statement about both is needed
1.IGNORE cell division
2. mitosis produces two cells but meiosis produces four cells / eq ;
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
6(c)(ii) ACCEPT secondary oocyte / ovum / egg cell
for female gamete throughout
1. release of {acrosin/enzymes} from sperm / eq ; 1.ACCEPT reference to the acrosome
2. {sperm/enzymes} digests the {follicular cells /zona pellucida/ 2. ACCEPT jelly layer
eq} ;
3. {fusion / penetration / touches /eq} of sperm with female 3.ACCEPT head as eq to sperm
gamete membrane;
A is not correct because autism is affected most by the genotype and most by the environment
2. idea that the number of Iberian lynx originally from wild 2.DO NOT ACCEPT in the wild
increases (from 2000) to 2006 ;
3. idea that the number of Iberian lynx born in captivity increases 3.ACCEPT after 2004
from 2005;
4. Example calculation Total number in
4. credit correct manipulation of figures (to show an increase) ; breeding programmes increase by34 overall (3) EXP
2. idea that Iberian lynx originally from the wild {increases gene 2.ACCEPT increases number of alleles in
pool/genetic diversity/reduces inbreeding}; population [as alternative to gene pool]
3. idea that Iberian lynx being born in captivity shows that the
{breeding programme is successful / the animals are not
stressed} ;
4. idea that fewer lynx need to be originally taken from the wild
because they are breeding in captivity ; (3) EXP