Prelim Lesson 1

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Lesson 1.

Patterns and Numbers in Nature


Looking very intently and with enough curiosity, one may find amazing patterns in nature.
Mathematics in its very essence allows everyone, from all walks of life, to be united with nature and
the environment. We see various human activity patterns that allows us to become fully aware of
their significance in our day to day living. 

Now, let us take a few moments to answer the following questions for these will lead us to real-life
experiences and that will guide us to develop appreciation on how beautiful and mysterious our
world is.

As a teenager or as an adult have you tried camping? May it be in school or just a family camping or
outing? How was the experience? What have you observed with the people and environment around

Have you tried walking through the sand and watched the sea waves going to and fro? Where do you
think the waves come from? Can you see patterns? Do you see mathematical connection in what you
are seeing?

Have you seen a tiger? What about a leopard? Were you able to look closely on its skin and
appearance? Though we do not have one in our country, but we have an animal zoo where different
kinds of animals from other countries can be found. Patterns found on animals can be explained by

Do you believe that mathematics is of great importance in understanding nature’s patterns? Can
nature and mathematics have something in common? Will it be beneficial to people knowing the
effects of such unique collaboration?

We do hope to find answers in all these queries as we will explore and learn from this module

Lesson 1. Patterns and Numbers in Nature


Symmetries come in various forms. Take a look at the following figures below.

 Mirror Symmetry

Figure 1a


 Rotational Symmetry

Figure 1b


            Mirror symmetry uses the concept of reflection. Try cutting the figure in half and one will
notice similarity among the 2 sides of the same figure.  Try looking yourself in a mirror? What do
you see? Do you recognize symmetry in your very own body? In your face? We found symmetry if
different sides can be viewed the same or alike. Figures possessing rotational symmetry are alike in
all sides. Can you mention other examples of symmetry?

 The natural world may appear complex and diverse, but there are regularities present and running
through it just like the spirals of a seashell, veins of a leaf, and hexagonal formation of a honeycomb.
(Ball, 2016).
Figure 1c


Another natural patterns we see in nature are the waves (figure 1c). Most of our family and friends’
past time is going out in a beach. There is something in its vastness and calmness that allows us to
get relaxed, healed and mesmerized.


When u wash dishes or cleaning up your clothes, we notice soap bubbles forming. What does it look
like? Can you see patterns? What do the bubbles form? What geometric figure do you see?

 A beer foam and a soap bubble in figure 1d are almost the same. In fact, a foam is composed of
bubbles.  A soap bubbles are actually forming a two-dimensional figure called a sphere. In simpler
terms, the figure formed by the foam and the bubbles looks like tiny little circles. Though sometimes,
the circle-like figure vary in size, it resembles that of a ball.

A fractal is a pattern that the laws of nature repeat at different scales. (Pearce, 2018). A property
called self-similarity makes the study of fractals even more interesting. So what is really a fractal?
How is it different from the other types of patterns? What made the study of fractals important and
relevant in our day to day dealings with nature, with the people around us? Where do we find
fractals? What is meant by Recursion?

Fractals are beautiful structures produced by nature. (Rose, 2012). Try dividing a fractal pattern into
smaller parts, and will notice that we almost have the same reduced copy of the same figure. Or try
zooming a part of the Romanesco broccoli pictured below (figure 1f), what have you observed? What
is the shape of the enlarged figure? Does it resemble that of the whole?

Study further the given illustrations below and try to check on the link provided for better
understanding of fractals.


            The fern illustrated in figure 1e above is composed of shapes that repeats over and over again.
Notice that the whole fern is actually just composed of the same smaller shapes. Romanesco broccoli
is the name of the plant in figure 1f. (Fractals in broccoli, 2019).

Let us study how the example below illustrates the concept of recursion and eventually explains how
fractals were created.


Take a look at the figure below. Starting with a filled-in triangle, connect the midpoints of each side
and remove the middle triangle. Try repeating this process all over again. 
Sierpinski triangle

The Sierpinski triangle is a fractal described in 1915 by Waclaw Sierpinski. Its structure possesses

what we call “self-similar”. Do the same process all over again, and one will see that any smaller
piece will look identical to the whole figure. The shape that is formed is called the Sierpinski gasket.
(Parsons, n.d.)

If you want to know more about Sierpinski triangle, you may visit the link below:

 What is The Sierpinski Triangle? - Pattern & History. :


  How Do Fractals Work?: Advanced Math.


In summary, we would like everyone to ponder on the following guide questions below.  Save your
answers and have it ready during our online forum discussion.

Guide Questions:

1. Where is the mathematics behind these patters? 

2. Can you see connections between patterns and mathematics?
3. Is there an interplay among nature’s patterns, mathematics, and the natural calamities? 
4. Will understanding patterns in the natural world help save the humanity and its natural
resources? Explain.

Having more time to explore? 

Try the following suggested link below.

Beauty of Numbers & Patterns — A World Shaped by Math. Retrieved
Patterns in Nature. Retrieved at:

Lesson 2. The Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio

What do you call this kind of number

0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …

                 or the sequence

1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …

Fibonacci sequence

The number sequence is known as the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci is named after the
mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci who stumbled across it in the 12th century. (Thomas, 2015).

The first term can be a zero or one. The three dots after 89 is called an ellipsis which means the
pattern continues without end. Aside from possessing some mathematical properties, it has an
extraordinary aspect that became evident among plants and nature. But where does the discovery of
the Fibonacci sequence started? What was the concept behind this amazing sequence of numbers?
Can you see pattern as you go along with the sequence? If you are to list the first 100 numbers in the
sequence, is it possible to do so without a computing machine at hand? The idea behind the sequence
is just to add the previous 2 numbers to get the next number. Though listing the first 100 terms can be
very lengthy, but the point is it can be done using paper and pen. 

A curious problem caught the attention of Fibonacci. It started with a pair of fictional and slightly
unbelievable baby rabbits, a baby boy rabbit and a baby girl rabbit. (Thomas, 2015).

Study the given illustration below and pay please attention to the symbols used for you to better
understand the concept of a Fibonacci sequence.

Observe that during the first month we have one infertile pair of rabbits. During the second month,
the infertile pair turned into a fertile pair, which eventually generates another infertile pair. Hence, in
the 3rd month we have 2 pairs of rabbits, the original pair that survives in the second month and the
new pair reproduced (the infertile pair). Now, observes what happened in the 4 th month. The fertile
pair generates another infertile pair. The infertile pair in the 3 rd month became fertile during the
4th month. Therefore, we have a total of 3 pairs of rabbits in month 4. Following the same trend or
concept, the 5th month will have a total of 5 pairs. After one year, how many pair of rabbits will we

In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers are the following sequence of numbers

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …

The first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1 by definition; and each succeeding term or number is
the sum of the previous two. Other sources do not start with 0, instead the sequence will start with
two 1s.

What is meant by Recurrence relation?

Take a look at the equation below:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …

Now, what if you are made to find the 25th term without actual listing of numbers?

What about the 125th term? The 220th term? Quite tedious, but all these can be made possible
through the use of a formula.

Binet's formula
The formula below is called as Binet's formula, named after the mathematician Jacques Philippe
Marie Binet. It is used to find the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence.

 Find time to explore the formula and get ready for our discussion forum in our portal. See
the course guide for reference.
 Active and honest contribution to our discussion forum is highly appreciated. See you then.

At this point, before we will look at some real-life application problems of the Fibonacci sequence,
let us study one more observation of the said sequence that helps us understand the famous golden

            Consider again the Fibonacci series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, … (Notice that we omit
zero as the starting number).

 Get the quotient of two successive numbers and try to observe what happens to the result. Let us
take a look at the first 12 pairs. (Rounded off to 6 decimal places)

Try to continue the process using your calculator. What have you noticed with the ratio between any
number and the previous one? What number is being approximated at?   That particular value the
ratio seemed to settle down is approximately 1.618034. We call this number the golden mean or
the golden ratio often denoted by φ (Phi).
In addition, a golden ratio (sometimes called the divine proportion is an irrational number that
possess unusual properties. The ratio is 1 to 1.618 (or 1.6180339…).

Recall the sequence,

            1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …

Now, where can we find the Fibonacci sequence in nature? How will the concept of the Golden ratio
be made visible and relevant in our life’s daily struggle?

“The most common appearances of a Fibonacci numbers in nature are in plants, in the numbers of
leaves, the arrangement of leaves around the stem and in the positioning of leaves, sections and
seeds.” (Meisner, 2012).

Suppose, we will do rectangle construction, starting with the innermost rectangle having a side of 1
unit. (See figure 3b).

 Notice the 2 smallest rectangles with an area of 1 square unit. Now make another rectangle using
one side of the smallest rectangle and have 2 units as its side. Continue the process with sides of
lengths 5, 8, 13, and 21. The rectangle will look like the one below.

Let us make some general notations using sides a, b, c, and d. Have a good look at the obtained ratio.
It is approximately at 1.618034. Refer to figure 3b again

TEDTalks will help us understand the Fibonacci sequence even more and how mathematics
added life to our universe and that how math can be an inspiring tool for people to fully become
aware of its practical and real use.

Enjoy watching!

The magic of Fibonacci numbers | Arthur Benjamin. Retrieved at:

The end product of the video is the figure 3c above. After constructing the rectangle, a spiral will be
created and its process is explained in details by the link provided.

Now, any observation of the figure/spiral drawn? Is it familiar to you? Where do you usually find a
spiral-like image in nature? In arts and designs? What about in architecture?

At the start of this lesson, remember that a Fibonacci sequence was explained by the fictional story of
the rabbits which made Fibonacci got curious about. The application of the said sequence can be
evident in most unexpected places and that there is a life far beyond the study of rabbits. (Kuepper,

Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio

a. Fibonacci sequence in flowers, in the leaves and in some plants.

The golden ratio show up in the “art” of the natural world. (Marshall, 2010). Notice the structure of
the sunflower and the spiral-like plant shown above.  “Sunflowers, which have opposing spirals of
seeds, have a 1.618 ratio between the diameters of each rotation. This same ratio can be seen in
relationships between different components throughout nature.” (Kuepper, 2020).

Something to explore:

Fibonacci in orchids, in sunflower, in lilies, and in various plants. Get ready to be mesmerized by its
hidden properties. Kindly visit “5 Examples of the Fibonacci Sequence in Plants”. Check on the link

b. In the Human Body

Figure 3e above would like us to verify if the golden ratio can really be seen and evident in our
human body such as the length of our arms. Please follow the measurement as shown above and try
this at home.

 What have you got?

  Try also that of your parents’ arms, what about that of your siblings?
  Were the values close to the golden mean?  

Figure 3f would suggest us to further explore the human body. Just follow exactly what to measure
and what to compare. Enjoy doing this with somebody or with a group of friends or family members
staying in the same household. Hope to be hearing from you soon in our discussion forum.

Read further the article below for additional learning.

The golden ratio: Secret to a perfect body. By John


c. In Arts and Designs

            A strong ties between nature and art have inspired some of the most important paintings and
artists. (Norval, 2020).  Various ancient patterns have made an influence, a great impact in most
significant creations in the modern times.
 Figure 3g is a drawing of a Vitruvian Man, which illustrates that a human body can fit into various
shapes. A shell-like formation can readily be seen in the image of Mona Lisa (figure 3h). Both
drawings were credited to Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian polymath who became famous because of
his marvelous drawings. Da Vinci was known as the greatest painter of all

Artists and even ordinary people became fascinated by this amazing pieces of art that explains the
divine proportion present on it.

Something to explore

Can you add on to our lists? 

Can you see other application of the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio?

 What about the financial aspect?

 Does it contribute wisdom in terms of financial literacy and wealth?

 How did the Golden ratio assist in the art of designing houses, buildings, bridges, and other
architectural design? Explore.

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