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EMC® Navisphere® Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) : Reference

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EMC® Navisphere® Analyzer

Command Line Interface (CLI)


P/N 300-004-210

EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
Copyright © 2006-2007 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

Published August, 2007

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.


Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable
software license.

For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on EMC.com.

All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

2 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference


Preface ..................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 1 About EMC Navisphere Analyzer

About Navisphere Analyzer ........................................................... 10
Analyzer chart types ................................................................. 10
Prerequisites....................................................................................... 11
Using online help .............................................................................. 12

Chapter 2 Analyzer CLI Commands

About Secure CLI.............................................................................. 14
Getting started with Secure CLI ..................................................... 15
Using the Navisphere 6.X security with Secure CLI ............. 15
naviseccli ........................................................................................... 17
analyzer -set ....................................................................................... 22
analyzer -get ...................................................................................... 24
analyzer -logging .............................................................................. 25
analyzer -start .................................................................................... 26
analyzer -stop .................................................................................... 27
analyzer -status ................................................................................. 28

Chapter 3 Client Tools

analyzer -archive............................................................................... 30
analyzer -archivedump .................................................................... 32
analyzer -archiveretrieve ................................................................. 47
analyzer -archivemerge.................................................................... 49


Index ...................................................................................................... 51

4 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference


As part of an effort to improve and enhance the performance and capabilities

of its product line, EMC from time to time releases revisions of its hardware
and software. Therefore, some functions described in this manual may not be
supported by all revisions of the software or hardware currently in use. For
the most up-to-date information on product features, refer to your product
release notes.
If a product does not function properly or does not function as described in
this manual, please contact your EMC representative.

About this manual This manual describes the CLI commands you use to monitor
storage-system performance using EMC® Navisphere® Analyzer
software. Each major section includes introductory and format

Audience This manual is intended for those who will use the naviseccli
command to monitor and tune CX3-series and CX-series disk-array
storage systems with analyzer. Readers of this guide should be
familiar with the following topics:
◆ The operating system running on the servers you will manage.
◆ Storage-system components and configurations.


Organization This manual contains three chapters, as follows.

Chapter 1 Introduces the analyzer software.
Chapter 2 Explains the naviseccli and analyzer CLI commands
for monitoring storage-system performance.
Chapter 3 Explains the analyzer client tools.

Related For additional CX3-series and CX-series storage-system CLI

documentation commands refer to the latest version of the EMC Navisphere Command
Line Interface (CLI) Reference (P/N 300-003-628).
For the most current management and security content for CX3-series
and CX-series storage systems, refer to the EMC Navisphere Manager
online help.

Conventions used in EMC uses the following conventions for notes, cautions, warnings,
this guide and danger notices.

Note: A note presents information that is important, but not hazard-related.

A caution contains information essential to avoid data loss or
damage to the system or equipment.

Typographical conventions
This manual uses the following format conventions:

This Indicates text (including punctuation) that you type

typeface verbatim, all commands, pathnames, filenames,
and directory names. It indicates the name of a
dialog box, field in a dialog box, menu, menu
option, or button.

This typeface Represents variables for which you supply the

values; for example, the name of a directory or file,
your username or password, and explicit
arguments to commands.

6 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference


This Represents a system response (such as a message or

typeface prompt), a file or program listing.
[ ] Encloses optional entries.
| Separates alternative parameter values; for
LUN-name | LUN-number means you can use either
the LUN-name or the LUN-number.

Finding current The most up-to-date information about the EMC Navisphere
information Analyzer CLI is posted on the EMC Powerlink® website. We
recommend that you download the latest information before you run
the CLI commands.
To access EMC Powerlink, use the following link:

After you log in, select Support > Documentation/White Paper

Library and find the following:
◆ EMC Navisphere Analyzer 6.X Release Notes
◆ The latest version of this manual that is applicable to your
software revision
◆ EMC Installation Roadmap for CX3-Series, CX-Series, AX-Series, and
FC-Series Storage Systems, which provides a checklist of the tasks
that you must complete to install your storage system in a storage
area network (SAN) or direct connect configuration.

Where to get help EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as
Product information — For documentation, release notes, software
updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and
service, go to the EMC Powerlink website (registration required) at:

Technical support — For technical support, go to EMC WebSupport

on Powerlink. To open a case on EMC WebSupport, you must be a
WebSupport customer. Information about your site configuration and
the circumstances under which the problem occurred is required.


Your comments Your suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy,
organization, and overall quality of the user publications. Please send
your opinion of this guide to:
[email protected]

8 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Invisible Body Tag
About EMC Navisphere

This chapter introduces the EMC® Navisphere® Analyzer

performance monitor application, which measures the performance
of disk-array storage systems.
Major topics are:
◆ About Navisphere Analyzer ............................................................ 10
◆ Prerequisites........................................................................................ 11
◆ Using online help ............................................................................... 12

About EMC Navisphere Analyzer

About Navisphere Analyzer

Navisphere Analyzer works within storage domains that the
web-based Navisphere Manager administers. It gathers
storage-system performance statistics and presents them in various
types of charts. These charts can help you find and anticipate
bottlenecks in the disk storage component of a computer system.
Analyzer has two parts: a provider program that accumulates
performance information and a user interface (UI). For information
about the analyzer UI, see the analyzer online help.
The analyzer enabler must be installed on any storage system you
want to analyze. It controls, accumulates, and manages access to
performance information on storage processors (SPs), logical units
(LUNs), and disks. The new information displaces the old. This
manual uses the term LUN to refer to LUNs and metaLUNs, except
where explicitly noted.
Analyzer can display the performance data directly (in realtime) or as
a file containing past performance data from an archive. It can display
real-time and archive file data simultaneously. You can compare
charts from different storage systems (using real-time data) or
compare different times on one storage system (using real-time and
archive data).

Analyzer chart types

Analyzer has seven types of charts:
◆ Performance Overview
◆ Performance Survey
◆ Performance Summary
◆ Performance Detail
◆ IO Size Distribution Summary (for LUNs and metaLUNs only)
◆ IO Size Distribution Detail (for LUNs and metaLUNs only)
◆ LUN IO Disk Detail (for LUNs only)

10 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

About EMC Navisphere Analyzer

Analyzer requires the following:
◆ Navisphere Manager must be installed and enabled on at least
one of the storage systems in the storage-system domain that you
want to analyze.

CX300, CX500, CX700, and CX3-series storage systems ship from the
factory with Navisphere Manager preinstalled and enabled. CX200,
CX400, and CX600 storage systems ship from the factory with
Navisphere Manager preinstalled, but not enabled. To enable Navisphere
Manager, the manager enabler must be installed.

◆ Analyzer must be enabled on the storage system you want to

◆ The correct versionof the JRE (Java Runtime Environment)(see
release notes) must be on the client from which you run the
For the latest requirements, see the release notes supplied with the

About EMC Navisphere Analyzer

Using online help

The following online help is available from the Navisphere Manager
◆ A set of organized, linked help topics
To access the online help table of contents, click Help > Help
Topics on the Menu bar in the application’s Main window, or
click the help icon in the toolbar.
◆ Context-sensitive help topics
To display context-sensitive help, click the Help button displayed
in each dialog box.

12 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

visible Body Tag
Analyzer CLI

This chapter explains the naviseccli command and the commands for
monitoring and measuring the performance of CX3-series and
CX-series disk-array storage systems with the analyzer option.

Note: If you currently use Java CLI to issue CLI commands, please note that
Secure CLI is replacing Java CLI; therefore, only Secure CLI will support new
features. We recommend that you use Secure CLI. Secure CLI is also faster
and more secure than Java CLI. Please refer to the Navisphere Command Line
Interface (CLI) Reference (P/N 300-003-628 Revision A02) for Java CLI support.

Note: The commands in this chapter function only with a storage system that
has the optional analyzer software installed.

Topics are:
◆ About Secure CLI ............................................................................... 14
◆ Getting started with Secure CLI....................................................... 15
◆ naviseccli ............................................................................................. 17
◆ analyzer -set ........................................................................................ 22
◆ analyzer -get........................................................................................ 24
◆ analyzer -logging ............................................................................... 25
◆ analyzer -start ..................................................................................... 26
◆ analyzer -stop ..................................................................................... 27
◆ analyzer -status................................................................................... 28

Analyzer CLI Commands

About Secure CLI

Secure CLI is a comprehensive Navisphere CLI solution that provides
one application and one security model for all CLI commands. Secure
CLI provides role-based authentication, audit trails of CLI events,
and SSL-based data encryption. You do not need to install a JRE to
run Secure CLI.

Note: Refer to the Host Agent/CLI and Utilities Release Notes, available on
the Powerlink website, for a list of supported operating systems. You must be
running FLARE ® Operating Environment version 02.19.xxx.5.yyy or higher.

Secure CLI commands run in a command window. Each command

consists of the naviseccli command (and switches) together with
another subcommand (and its switches).

Note: For commands that originated in Classic CLI, some command output
may be enhanced; for example, Secure CLI can retrieve and display
information from peer SPs. For Classic CLI commands that produce multiple
warnings and require multiple confirmations, Secure CLI provides a single
summary of warnings and a single confirmation. In general, Secure CLI
preserves original command syntax and output for script compatibility.

Secure CLI does not support commands targeted to host agents, such
as -lunmapinfo. For commands that you can issue to either an SP or
host agent, such as –getagent, if you issue the command to a host
agent, Secure CLI displays an error message. You must use Classic
CLI to issue commands to host agents. For a complete list of these
commands, refer to the EMC Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI)

Note: Secure CLI does not distinguish case of characters so, regardless of the
host operating system, you can use either uppercase, lowercase, or any
combination of characters as you type commands.

If a Secure CLI command fails and the CLI does not generate its own
error message, it displays an error message from the SP agent. Secure
CLI generates errors about command line syntax for commands and
switches and their values.
Secure CLI commands return 0 if the command is successful, or a
number greater than 0 if the command is unsuccessful.

14 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Analyzer CLI Commands

Getting started with Secure CLI

Before you begin to issue Secure CLI commands, you must create a
Navisphere user account on the storage system. To create the
required user accounts using Navisphere CLI, refer to the EMC
Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference. For details on using
Navisphere 6.X security, refer to the Navisphere Manager online help.
You can also choose to configure a Navisphere 6.X security file to
issue Secure CLI commands (see the next section, “Using the
Navisphere 6.X security with Secure CLI”) on the host. If you
establish a security file, you do not need to include the switches -user,
-scope, and -password (or the password prompt), in each command
you issue.

Note: Establishing a security file to use commands that originated in Classic

CLI ensures that other than the update from navicli to the naviseccli
command, you do not need to modify any established scripts you may have.
Secure CLI, unlike Classic CLI, requires the switches -user, -scope, and
-password (or the password prompt) in each command line; you do not need
to provide these switches in the command line if you establish a security file.

Using the Navisphere 6.X security with Secure CLI

A storage system will not accept a command from Secure CLI unless
the user who issues the command has a valid user account on the
storage system. You can specify a valid account username, password,
and scope (global or local or LDAP(Light Weight Directory Access
Protocol)) for each command you issue, or, more conveniently, you
can create a Navisphere security file.
The Navisphere security file is an encrypted file stored for each user
on each host. You can add or delete a user security file using the
-AddUserSecurity or -RemoveUserSecurity functions as arguments
to the naviseccli command. You cannot copy a security file to another
host. You must issue the -AddUserSecurity function on the host for
which you want to create the security file.
When you create a security file, the username you use to log in to the
current host is automatically stored in the security file, or you can
specify an alternative username for the security file in the
-AddUserSecurity request using the optional -user switch. If you
omit the -user switch, the security file uses your current username.

Analyzer CLI Commands

For example, to add yourself to the security file on the current host,
given the alternative username altusername, the password mypass
and the scope 0 (global scope), type:
naviseccli -AddUserSecurity -password mypass -scope 0 -user
Then, on this host, you can enter CLI commands to any storage
system on which you have an account that matches the username
altusername, with password mypass and global scope (scope 0).

Note: Username and password are case sensitive.

The security file is stored in your default home directory. With Secure
CLI, you can specify an alternative file path using the optional
-secfilepath switch.

Note: If you specify an alternative location for the security file, you must
specify the file path in every subsequent CLI command you issue to ensure
the CLI locates the security file.

To save the example used above to the alternative location

c:\altlocation\ type:
naviseccli -AddUserSecurity -password mypass -scope 0 -user
altusername - secfilepath c:\altlocation\
Then, for each subsequent command you issue, you must specify the
-secfilepath switch with the security file path location
c:\altlocation\ in the command line.

16 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Analyzer CLI Commands

Sends status or configuration requests to a storage system using
command line

Description The naviseccli command sends management and configuration

requests to a storage system using the Internet.

User access Anyone who can log in to a server running Navisphere CLI 6.X or
later can use this command.

Format Use the naviseccli command as follows:

naviseccli -help

[-address IPAddress|NetworkName|-h IPAddress|NetworkName]

[-f filename]
[-password password]
[-port port]
[-scope 0|1]
[-timeout |-t timeout]
[-user username]
CMD [optional_command_switches]

where the naviseccli switches are:

Displays the help screen and does not start the naviseccli process.
To start the naviseccli process, use one or more of the switches
that follow instead.

Analyzer CLI Commands

-address IPAddress|NetworkName|-h IPAddress|NetworkName

Specifies the IP address or network name of the targeted SP on
the desired storage system. The default, if you omit this switch, is
Directs the CLI to add user security information to the security
file on this server. You must use the -scope switch to add scope
information to the security file. You can use the -password switch
or enter your password into the password prompt (see
-password), to supply the required password information to the
security file. The -user and -secfilepath switches are optional
with this command.

Note: If you specify the -user switch, you can create an alternative
username to your server login name in the security file you create on this
server. If you use the -secfilepath switch, you can specify an alternative
location to your default home directory for the security file on this server.
You must then use the -secfilepath switch in each subsequent command
you issue.

-f filename
Specifies to store data in the file filename.
Suppresses output except for values. This switch is most useful
when used as part of a script.

Note: Only supported for commands that originated in Classic CLI.

Directs the feature provider not to issue a poll request. This
switch significantly increases performance when dealing with
large or multiple storage systems. The feature provider
automatically polls unless this switch is specified.

Note: When the -nopoll switch is set, get commands may return stale
data and set commands may erase previously changed settings. Use
caution when the -nopoll switch is set.

18 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Analyzer CLI Commands

-parse |-p
Directs the CLI to validate the command. The CLI verifies the
command syntax and displays a message stating whether the
command was valid. The CLI takes no other action.
-password password
Specifies the password on the storage system you want to log in
to. The password is visible in the command line. Passwords are
If you want to mask the password, and you are not using a
security file, you can omit this switch from the command line.
The CLI then prompts you to enter a password. The information
you enter into the password prompt is concealed.

Note: You can omit this switch if you are using a security file. See

-port portnumber
Sets the port number (type) of the storage system. The default is
443. If you choose to change the default port number,
management port 2163 will be supported, however you must
specify the -port switch and number 2163 in every subsequent
command you issue.
Suppresses error messages. This switch is useful when included
as part of a script.

Note: Only supported for commands that originated in Classic CLI.

Directs the CLI to remove user security information about the
current user from the security file on this server.
-scope 0|1|2
Specifies whether the user account on the storage system you
want to log in to is local, global, or lightweight directory access
protocol (LDAP). 0 (default) indicates global, 1 indicates local,
and 2 indicates LDAP.

Analyzer CLI Commands

A global account is effective throughout the domain. When the

administrator creates a global account, the software copies the
definition of this account to the domain directory, which makes it
accessible on all storage systems in the domain.
A local account is effective on only the storage systems for which
the administrator creates the account. The user can log in to only
those storage systems on which he has a local account.
LDAP maps the username/password entries to an external LDAP
or active directory server for authentication.
Username/password pairs whose roles are not mapped to the
external directory will be denied access.
-secfilepath filepath
Stores the security file in a file path location you specify. When
you create a security file on a server using the -Addusersecurity
command, the security file is saved to your default home
directory. If you want to store the security file in an alternative
location, you can use the optional -secfilepath switch with the
-Addusersecurity command.

Note: If you use the -secfilepath switch to set up an alternative path for
your security file, you must use this switch in every subsequent CLI
command you issue to ensure the CLI locates the security file.

-timeout |-t timeout

Sets the timeout value in seconds. The default is 600 seconds.
-user username
Specifies the username on the storage system you want to log in
to. Usernames are case sensitive. You can omit this if your
username has been added to the security file.

Note: You can use this switch when establishing a security file to specify
an alternative username. See -AddUserSecurity.

Enables verbose error descriptions. This is the default unless -q is

Note: Only supported for commands that originated in Classic CLI.

20 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Analyzer CLI Commands

Specifies command output in XML format. Use the -o (override
switch) when specifying -xml with commands that require
confirmation. Otherwise, the XML output will contain your
confirmation string.
One of a set of commands used with the naviseccli command.

CMD switches The CMD switches are described on the pages that follow.

Spaces in arguments Normally, each argument to a CLI command consists of numbers,

letters, and other valid printable characters for the operating system
on which the CLI is running.
If a filename or other argument includes a space, you must enclose
the entire string that includes the name in quotation marks ("xx xx").

Analyzer CLI Commands

analyzer -set
Modifies the performance logging properties

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -set switch lets you
modify the performance logging properties.

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command. If one of the switches is specified, the
user account needs the administrator or manager role.

Format analyzer -set is used with naviseccli (described on page 2-17) as

analyzer -set [-narinterval seconds] [-rtinterval seconds]
[-nonstop|-logperiod days] [-periodicarchiving 0|1] [-default]
-narinterval seconds
Changes the polling interval for performance logging. The
allowable range is 60 to 3600, and the default is 120. Modifying
this value affects the duration of the data in the file. For example,
at 600 seconds an archive should have approximately 26 hours of
data. If you lower the rate to 1200 seconds, the archive file would
have approximately 52 hours of data.
-rtinterval seconds
Changes the polling interval for real-time chart windows. The
valid range is 60 to 3600; the default is 60.
Sets performance logging to run non-stop.
-logperiod days
Sets performance logging to run for a period of days. The valid
range is 1 to 7 days; the default is 7 days.
-periodicarchiving 0|1
When you set -periodicarchiving to 1, performance logging
automatically creates archive files at periods of 156 samples. The
default is 0, no periodic archiving.

22 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Analyzer CLI Commands

Resets the values of all performance properties back to their
default values. It does not change the -nonstop or -logperiod
switch when performance logging is running.

You cannot specify -nonstop and -logperiod in the same command line. If
you do not specify any switches, you will get back the current values.

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -set -narinterval 1200

This command sets the archive interval to 20 minutes.
naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -set -default
This command sets the archive interval back to 2 minutes.

Output None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails.

Analyzer CLI Commands

analyzer -get
Returns the current values of the performance logging properties

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -get switch lets you view
the current values of the performance logging properties for the
switch you specify.

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command.

Format analyzer -get is used with naviseccli (described on page 2-17) as

analyzer -get [-narinterval] [-rtinterval] [-logperiod]
Returns the current archive polling interval in seconds.
Returns the current real-time polling interval in seconds.
Returns the current logging period (number of days or nonstop).
Returns the -periodicarchiving setting, No or Yes.

Note: If you do not specify any switches, the analyzer -get command displays
all the current values.

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -get -narinterval

This command returns the current archive interval.

Output For this example, the output is:

Archive Poll Interval (sec): 600

24 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Analyzer CLI Commands

analyzer -logging
Resets performance logging

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -logging switch lets you
reset performance logging.

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command. You need administrator or manager
privilges to use this command.

Format analyzer -logging is used with naviseccli (described on page 2-17) as

analyzer -logging [-reset]
Stops performance logging. It deletes all the data that the
analyzer provider has collected. Then it starts performance

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -logging -reset

This command resets performance logging.

Output None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails.

Analyzer CLI Commands

analyzer -start
Starts performance logging

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -start switch starts
performance logging. It turns on statistics logging if it is not on

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command. You need administrator or manager
privileges to use this command.

Format analyzer -start is used with naviseccli (described on page 2-17) as

analyzer -start

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -start

This command starts performance logging.

Output None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails.

26 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Analyzer CLI Commands

analyzer -stop
Stops performance logging

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -stop switch stops
performance logging. It restores the statistics logging state to what it
was before logging was started.

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command. You need administrator or manager
privilges to use this command.

Format analyzer -stop is used with naviseccli (described on page 2-17) as

analyzer -stop

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -stop

This command stops performance logging.

Output None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails.

Analyzer CLI Commands

analyzer -status
Displays performance logging status

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -status switch lets you
see the current status of performance logging. Possible status
includes the following:
◆ Running. Started on date time
◆ Stopped
◆ Stopped on date time

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command.

Format analyzer -status is used with naviseccli (described on page 2-17) as

analyzer -status

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -status

This command provides the current status of performance logging.

Output For this example, the output is:

Running. Started on 10/17/2006 13:27:32

28 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference


Client Tools

This chapter describes the Analyzer client tools that you use with
Topics include::
◆ analyzer -archive ................................................................................ 30
◆ analyzer -archivedump ..................................................................... 32
◆ analyzer -archiveretrieve .................................................................. 47
◆ analyzer -archivemerge..................................................................... 49

Client Tools

analyzer -archive
Manages archive files

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archive switch lets you
list, retrieve, or delete one or more archive files from a SP. It retrieves
both the encrypted and decrypted archive files.

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command.

Format analyzer -archive is used with naviseccli (described on page 2-17) as

analyzer -archive [-list] [-path pathname] [-o] [-all|-file filenames]
analyzer -archive [-new|-statusnew filename]
Lists all the archive files, ignoring all other switches.
-path pathname
Retrieves files to the path you specify. If you do not specify a
pathname, files are retrieved to the current directory.
Does not display warning messages.
Retrieves all archive files.
-file filenames
Retrieves archive files you specify.
Deletes files you select or specify with the -all or -file switches. If
you do not specify the -o switch, a warning message lists files to
delete and asks for confirmation.

30 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

Immediately creates a new archive file and output name for the
new archive file. If you cannot create a new archive file because
less than ten samples were collected, this switch returns the name
of the newest archive file.
-statusnew filename
Returns the status of the new archive file, filename, which you
created with the -new switch. The possible status is done or not

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -archive -list

This command lists all the archive files.

Index Size in KBLast ModifiedFilename
0 39 10/04/2006 16:07:24APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-04_20-07-21-GMT_M05-00.nar
1 60 10/06/2006 10:39:56 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-06_14-39-56-GMT_M05-00.nar
2 114 10/06/2006 13:49:51 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-06_17-49-50-GMT_M05-00.nar
3 68 10/08/2006 12:12:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-08_16-12-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
4 68 10/08/2006 14:48:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-08_18-48-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
5 70 10/08/2006 17:24:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-08_21-24-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
6 70 10/08/2006 20:00:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_00-00-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
7 71 10/08/2006 22:36:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_02-36-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
8 70 10/09/2006 01:12:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_05-12-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
9 70 10/09/2006 03:48:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_07-48-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
10 71 10/09/2006 06:24:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_10-24-41-GMT_M05-00.nar
11 69 10/09/2006 09:00:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_13-00-42-GMT_M05-00.nar
12 72 10/09/2006 11:36:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_15-36-42-GMT_M05-00.nar

Client Tools

analyzer -archivedump
Dumps analyzer archive files

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archivedump command

dumps the performance data, relationship, and configuration
information in a format that you specify.

Note: The -archivedump command recognizes and reports an error message

when you try to open an encrypted archive file.

User Access The host, user/password and scope options of naviseccli are ignored
since this command runs locally.

Format The -archivedump command includes the following subcommands:

◆ -data
◆ -stats
◆ -rel
◆ -config
analyzer -archivedump is used with naviseccli (described on page
2-17) as follows:
analyzer -archivedump -data filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join]
[-overwrite y|n] [-xml| -delim code] [- enquote code] [-eol code]
[-header y|n] [-object codes] [-format codes] [-stime starttime] [-ftime
endtime] [-timezone code] [-progress]
analyzer -archivedump -stats filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join]
[-overwrite y|n] [-timezone codes]
analyzer -archivedump -rel filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join]
[-overwrite y|n] [xml| -delim code] [- enquote code] [-eol code] [-root
objcode] [-level depth] [-progress]
analyzer -archivedump -config filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join]
[-overwrite y|n] [-xml|-delim code] [-enquote code] [-eol code]
[-object objcode] [-progress]

32 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

Dumps data from archive files. You must provide the archive
filename following the -data command.
The optional switches are as follows:
-out filename
Dumps multiple files. Specify multiple output filenames
separated by commas. The output filenames list corresponds
to the dumped filename list.

You can dump multiple files into a single file using the -join switch.

Appends the output from multiple files into a single file. The
header will be dumped only once if this switch is used and if
the header switch is enabled. This switch is valid only if you
specify multiple files. If you use this switch with the single file
following -data, the switch is ignored.
-overwrite y|n
Works with the -out switch. If you use the -overwrite switch
without the -out switch, it is ignored. The -overwrite switch
applies to all the output files if you specify multiple files to
y = Without a warning, overwrites the existing file specified
by the -out switch.
n = Displays an error message if the file that the -out switch
specified already exists.

If you try to overwrite a read-only file, an error message appears.

Specifies the output in XML format. This switch is optional,
and you cannot use it with the -delim type. If you do not
specify the -xml switch, delimited output results. If you use it
with the -data command and the -format switch, an error
message appears.

Client Tools

-delim code
Specifies a delimiter that separates the output data. With this
switch, you can specify the output as delimited type. It is
optional and cannot be used with the -xml switch. Specify the
delimiter when you use this switch. If you do not specify
either -xml or -delim, delimited output results.

Delimiter Code

Comma (default) cm

Semicolon sc

Colon cl

Tab tb

Slash sl

Backslash bs

Period pd

White space ws

If you use a slash or a period as a delimiter, you must also use the
-enquote switch with an option other than None.

Encloses each performance characteristic within a set of
special characters. By default, the special character None is
used. The possible special characters for the switch are listed

Enclosing character Code

None no

Quote qu

Apostrophe ap

Accent character ac

34 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

Use this switch only when you specify delimited as an output type

Specifies a particular end-of-line character. The output reaches
an end of line when all performance characteristics for one
specific object at a particular time have been output. The
underlying client system determines the default end-of-line
character. The possible end-of-line characters for the switch
are listed below:

End-of-line character Code

Carriage return cr

Line feed lf

Use this switch only when you specify delimited as an output type.

Specifies whether to output a column header. This switch is
optional. If you do not specify the switch, by default, it
outputs a header.
y = Output a header
n = Do not output a header.
-object codes
Specifies the objects for which to collect performance statistics
and the order in which to output them.

Object type Code

SP s


MetaLUN ml

Disk d

Snap session ss

Client Tools

Object type Code

Asynchronous mirror am

RAID group rg

Host h

Storage system stor

Port p

-format codes
Specifies which performance characteristics to output and the
order in which they appear. The -format switch requires one
or more of the codes listed below. If you do not specify this
switch, all performance characteristics are output in the order
listed below:

Performance characteristic Object type Code

Object Name All objects on

Poll Time All objects pt

Owner Array Name All objects oan

Current Owner LUN, metaLUN co

Utilization (%) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP u

Queue Length LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP ql

Response Time (ms) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP rt

Total Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN, disk, tb

SP,asynchronous mirror, port

Total Throughput (I/O/sec) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, tt

asynchronous mirror, port

Read Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, port rb

Read Size (KB) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, port rs

Read Throughput (I/O/sec) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, port rio

Write Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, port wb

Write Size (KB) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, port ws

36 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

Performance characteristic Object type Code

Write Throughput (I/O/sec) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, port wio

Full Stripe Writes/s LUN, metaLUN fsw

Used Prefetches (%) LUN, metaLUN up

Read Cache Hits/s LUN, metaLUN rch

Read Cache Misses/s LUN, metaLUN rcm

Reads From Write Cache/s LUN, metaLUN rfwc

Reads From Read Cache/s LUN, metaLUN rfrc

Read Cache Hit Ratio LUN, metaLUN rchr

Write Cache Hits/s LUN, metaLUN wch

Write Cache Misses/s LUN, metaLUN wcm

Write Cache Rehits/s LUN, metaLUN wcr

Write Cache Hit Ratio LUN, metaLUN wchr

Write Cache Rehit Ratio LUN, metaLUN wcrr

complete histogram (r512b through LUN, metaLUN histo


Read histogram (r512b through LUN, metaLUN rhisto


Write histogram (w512b through LUN, metaLUN whisto


Total histogram (t512b through LUN, metaLUN thisto


Forced Flushes/s LUN, metaLUN ff

Disk Crossings (%) LUN, metaLUN dcp

Average Busy Queue Length LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP abql

Disk Crossings/s LUN, metaLUN dc

Service Time (ms) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP st

LUN Read Crossings/s metaLUN lrc

LUN Write Crossings/s metaLUN lwc

Client Tools

Performance characteristic Object type Code

Average Seek Distance (GB) disk asd

Dirty Pages (%) SP dp

Flush Ratio SP fr

MBs Flushed (MB/s) SP mbf

High Water Flush On SP hwfo

Idle Flush On SP ifo

Low Water Flush Off SP lwfo

Write Cache Flushes/s SP wcf

Reads From Snapshot Cache Snap Session rfsc

Reads From Snapshot Copy LUN Snap Session rfsnl

Reads From Snapshot Source LUN Snap Session rfssl

Writes To Snapshot Source LUN Snap Session wssl

Writes To Snapshot Cache Snap Session wsc

Writes Larger Than Snapshot Snap Session wltsccs

Cache Chunk Size

Chunks Used in Snapshot Copy Snap Session cuscs


Average Transfer Size (KB) Asynchronous Mirror amats

Time Lag (min) Asynchronous Mirror amtl

Megabyte Lag (MB) Asynchronous Mirror amml

Cycle Count Asynchronous Mirror amcc

Average Cycle Time (min) Asynchronous Mirror amact

Read 512B LUN, metaLUN r512b

Read 1KB+ LUN, metaLUN r1kb

Read 2KB+ LUN, metaLUN r2kb

Read 4KB+ LUN, metaLUN r4kb

Read 8KB+ LUN, metaLUN r8kb

38 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

Performance characteristic Object type Code

Read 16KB+ LUN, metaLUN r16kb

Read 32KB+ LUN, metaLUN r32kb

Read 64KB+ LUN, metaLUN r64kb

Read 128KB+ LUN, metaLUN r128kb

Read 256KB+ LUN, metaLUN r256kb

Read 512KB+ LUN, metaLUN r512kb

Write 512B LUN, metaLUN w512b

Write 1KB+ LUN, metaLUN w1kb

Write 2KB+ LUN, metaLUN w2kb

Write 4KB+ LUN, metaLUN w4kb

Write 8KB+ LUN, metaLUN w8kb

Write 16KB+ LUN, metaLUN w16kb

Write 32KB+ LUN, metaLUN w32kb

Write 64KB+ LUN, metaLUN w64kb

Write 128KB+ LUN, metaLUN w128kb

Write 256KB+ LUN, metaLUN w256kb

Write 512KB+ LUN, metaLUN w512kb

Total 512B LUN, metaLUN t512b

Total 1KB+ LUN, metaLUN t1kb

Total 2KB+ LUN, metaLUN t2kb

Total 4KB+ LUN, metaLUN t4kb

Total 8KB+ LUN, metaLUN t8kb

Total 16KB+ LUN, metaLUN t16kb

Total 32KB+ LUN, metaLUN t32kb

Total 64KB+ LUN, metaLUN t64kb

Total 128KB+ LUN, metaLUN t128kb

Client Tools

Performance characteristic Object type Code

Total 256KB+ LUN, metaLUN t256kb

Total 512KB+ LUN, metaLUN t512kb

Queue Full Count port qfc

40 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

The options of new performance characteristics are as below:

Optimal Performance Nonoptimal Performance

Characteristics Characteristics Optimal/Nonoptimal Code Object Type

Utilization –Optimal [%] Utilization–Nonoptimal [%] uo/un LUN, MetaLUN

Queue Length–Optimal Queue Length–Nonoptimal qlo/qln LUN, MetaLUN

Response Time –Optimal [ms] Response Time –Nonoptimal [ms] rto/rtn LUN, MetaLUN

Total Bandwidth–Optimal [MB/s] Total Bandwidth –Nonoptimal [MB/s] tbo/tbn LUN, MetaLUN

Total Throughput –Optimal [IO/s] Total Throughput–Nonoptimal [IO/s] tto/ttn LUN, MetaLUN

Read Bandwidth– Optimal [MB/s] Read Bandwidth–Nonoptimal [MB/s] rbo/rbn LUN, MetaLUN

Read Size–Optimal [KB] Read Size–Nonoptimal [KB] rso/rsn LUN, MetaLUN

Read Throughput –Optimal [IO/s] Read Throughput–Nonoptimal [IO/s] rioo/rion LUN, MetaLUN

Write Bandwidth–Optimal [MB/s] Write Bandwidth–Nonoptimal [MB/s] wbo/wbn LUN, MetaLUN

Write Size–Optimal [KB] Write Size–Nonoptimal [KB] wso/wsn LUN, MetaLUN

Write Throughput–Optimal [IO/s] Write Throughput–Nonoptimal wioo/wion LUN, MetaLUN


Average Busy Queue Length–Optimal Average Busy Queue Length– abqlo/abqln LUN, MetaLUN

Service Time –Optimal [ms] Service Time–Nonoptimal [ms] sto/stn LUN, MetaLUN

Explicit Trespass Count etc LUN, MetaLUN

Implicit Trespass Count itc LUN, MetaLUN

Implicit Trespass Count–Optimal Implicit Trespass Count–Nonoptimal itco/itcn LUN, MetaLUN

Explicit Trespass Count–Optimal Explicit Trespass Count–Nonoptimal etco/etcn LUN, MetaLUN

The following table is an example of the -archivedump

command, which displays optimal and nonoptimal statistics
and also displays the current owner:

Utilization-Opti Response Time-Optimal

Object Name Owner Array Name Current Owner Utilization(%) mal [%] [ms]

LUN 2 HK192200361 A 0 0 0

LUN 1 HK192200361 B 8.153079 8.153079 34.986851

Client Tools

-stime starttime
Specifies an archive poll time from which to start iterating
through the data. The -stime switch requires start time to be in
the following format:
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
mm is the month of a year (1-12)
dd is the day of a month (1-31)
yyyy is the four-digit year
hh is the hour of the day (0-23)
mm is the minute in an hour (0-59)
ss is the second in a minute (0-59). You must enclose the time
in double quotation marks.
The -stime switch works in combination with the -ftime
switch, described below. If the start time is greater than the
end time, an error message appears. If you do not specify a
start time, this switch defaults to the earliest poll time in the
archive file.

If you use the -stime switch with the -timezone switch, you must
apply the time zone you specify to the start time.

If the start time you specify does not exist in the time interval
of the archive file, an error message containing the valid time
range of the archive file appears. Also, if the start time format
is not valid, an error message appears.
-ftime endtime
Specifies an archive poll time from which to stop iterating
through the data. The -ftime switch requires end time to be in
the following format:
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
mm is the month of a year (1-12)
dd is the day of a month (1-31)
yyyy is the four-digit year

42 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

hh is the hour of the day (0-23)

mm is the minute in an hour (0-59)
ss is the second in a minute (0-59). You must enclose the time
in double quotation marks.
The -ftime switch works in combination with the -stime
switch, described above. If the start time is greater than the
end time, an error message appears. If you do not specify an
end time, this switch defaults to the latest poll time in the
archive file.

If you use the -ftime switch with the -timezone switch, you must
apply the time zone you specify to the end time.

If the end time you specify does not exist in the time interval
of the archive file, an error message containing the valid time
range of the archive file appears. Also, if the end time format is
not valid, an error message appears.
-timezone code
Applies a particular time zone to the performance
characteristic, Poll Time, included in the output data. By
default, analyzer displays this characteristic in the local time
of the client system. The possible time zones for the switch are
listed below:

Time zone Code

Local time (default) local

Universal time utc

Displays information about the current dump status,
including the name of the file being dumped and the
percentage dumped. An approximate value is calculated
based on the number of objects for the percentage dumped
information. This switch works with the -out switch. If you
use the -progress switch without the -out switch, it is ignored.
Do not use this switch in scripts.

Client Tools

Dumps the statistical information for multiple archive files.
Dumped information of different files is separated by a blank
line. The output information includes the start time, end time,
total number of objects, LUNs, SPs, disks, metaLUNs, snap
sessions, and the number of other objects such as host, storage
You can use the following switches with the -stats command:
-out, -join, -overwrite, and -timezone codes (described above).
Dumps the relationship information among the various objects in
the archive file. You must provide the archive filename following
the -rel command. You can specify multiple archive files
separated by commas to dump the relationship information of all
of them.
In addition to the switches, -join, -out, -overwrite, -progress,
-enquote, -eol, -xml, -delim and -progress (described above), you
can also use the following optional switches with the -rel
-root objcode
Specifies the root for the dumped relationship information.
Dumps the relationship information about the specified root
and its subnodes. The following object codes specify the object
types of a root node:

Object type Code

SP s

Disk d

Snap session ss

Asynchronous mirror am

RAID group rg

Host h

Storage system stor

44 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

Object type Code

MetaLUN ml


Port p

Note: Not specifying the switch dumps the relationship information for
the storage system. If you specify multiple switches for this option, an
error message appears.

-level depth
Specifies the depth of the relationship information to be
dumped. Specify the level number as an integer. For example,
specifying the level as 2 dumps the immediate subnodes of all
the objects of the type you specified with the -root switch.
Specifying the level as 1 dumps the name of all object types
you specified with the -root switch . If you specify a level as 0,
an error message appears. Not specifying this switch dumps
the complete hierarchy of all the objects of the type specified
with the -root switch.
Dumps the configuration information of objects in the archive
file. You must provide the archive filename following the -config
command. You can specify multiple archive files separated by
commas to dump the configuration information for all of them.
You can use the following switches with the -config command:
-out, -join, -overwrite, -xml, -delim, -enquote, -eol, and
-progress (described above).
-object objcode
Specifies for which objects and in what order you want to
dump the configuration information.

Object type Code

SP s

Disk d

Snap session ss

Client Tools

Object type Code

Asynchronous mirror am

RAID group rg

Host h

Storage system stor

MetaLUN ml


Port p

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -archivedump -data archive.nar

-header n
This command lets you dump data from the archive file archive.nar
without outputting a header.
naviseccli –h ss1_spa analyzer -archivedump -stats archive1.nar,
This command lets you dump statistical information for multiple
archive files, archive1.nar and archive2.nar.
naviseccli –h ss1_spa analyzer -archivedump -rel archive.nar -xml
This command lets you dump relationship information of various
objects in the archive file archive.nar and outputs it in XML format.
naviseccli –h ss1_spa analyzer -archivedump -config archive.nar
-out archive.csv -overwrite y
This command lets you dump configuration information of objects in
the archive file archive.nar; if the output file archive.csv exists,
overwrites it without a warning.

Output Varies depending upon which switch you use.

46 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

analyzer -archiveretrieve
Retrieves analyzer archive files

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archiveretrieve

command lets you create, retrieve the archive files from the SP, and
delete them on the SP.

User Access You must have a user account on the storage system on which you
want to execute the command.

Format analyzer -archiveretrieve is used with naviseccli (described on page

2-17) as follows:
analyzer -archiveretrieve [-file filename] [-location pathname]
[-overwrite y|n] [-retry times] [-v]
-file filename
Specifies the name of the archive file once it is retrieved to the
-location pathname
Specifies the path location of the archive file once it is retrieved to
the client system. If you do not specify a location, analyzer uses
the current working directory.
-overwrite y|n
Specifies whether to overwrite an existing archive file on the
client system. If the specified archive file already exists and this
switch is not used, the command fails.
y = Overwrite existing file.
n =Do not overwrite existing file
-retry times
Specifies the number of times to retry a retrieve before giving up
completely. A retry occurs only when the actual move of the
archive file from the storage system to the client system fails.
As the retrieve process progresses, the status of each stage

Client Tools

Conventions and None.


Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -archiveretrieve -file archive.nar

-location c:\Temp\ -overwrite y -retry 3
This command retrieves an archive to the file archive.nar in c:\Temp,
overwrites the existing file and retries three times.

Output None

48 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Client Tools

analyzer -archivemerge
Merges analyzer archive files

Description The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archivemerge command

lets you merge two archives from the same SP or different SPs into a
single archive.

Note: The -archivemerge command recognizes and reports an error message

when you try to open an encrypted archive file.

User Access The host, user/password and scope options of naviseccli are ignored
since this command runs locally.

Format analyzer -archivemerge is used with naviseccli (described on page

2-17) as follows:
analyzer -archivemerge -data archive1 archive2 [-out outputarchive]
[-overwrite y |n]
-data archive1 archive2
Merges the data of two archive files that you specify.
-out outputarchive
Specifies an output file to which to write the merged archive. Use
quotation marks around the filename if it has spaces. If you do
not specify this switch, the output merged file will be in the
current directory with the default name
(DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_merged.nar ).
-overwrite y|n
Specifies whether to overwrite an existing archive file on the
client system.
y = Overwrite existing file
n = Do not overwrite existing file

Note: If you try to overwrite a read-only file, an error message appears.

Conventions and None.


Client Tools

Example naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -archivemerge -data

C:\Temp\archive1.nar C:\Temp\archive2.nar -out
This command merges the files C:\Temp\archive1.nar and
C:\Temp\archive2.nar and writes the merged archive in

Output None

50 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference


account, user 15 dump 32
addusersecurity 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 -config 32
altlocation 16 -data 32
altusername 16 -rel 32
analyzer chart types -stats 32
-IO Size Distribution Detail 10
-IO Size Distribution Summary 10
-LUN IO Disk Detail (for LUNs only) 10
file, security 15
-Performance Detail 10
-Performance Overview 10
-Performance Summary 10 L
-Performance Survey 10 lunmapinfo 14
analyzer CLI commands
-archive 30
-archivedump 32
-archivemerge 49 narinterval 22, 24
-archiveretrieve 47 naviseccli command 17
-get 24 Navisphere security 15
-logging 25 nopoll 18
-set 22
-start 26 P
-status 28 parse 17, 19
-stop 27 password 15
analyzer prerequisites 11 port 17, 19

case (of characters in CLI commands) 15 removeusersecurity 15, 17, 19
command line format, spaces in 21 requirements Secure CLI 15
rtinterval 24


secfilepath 16, 17, 20
Secure CLI
naviseccli command switches 17
requirements 15
security, Navisphere 15

Timeout 17
timeout 20

user, security 15
username 15

52 EMC Navisphere Analyzer Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

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