Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Explore various forms of IoT P1 Has introduced several functionalities of IoT in real life P1
Review standard P2 Defined a good architecture and design based on P2
architecture, frameworks, researches and investigation to develop IoT product.
tools, hardware and APIs
available for use in IoT
Investigate architecture, P3 Introduced a set of Sensors, Microcontrollers (such as P3
frameworks, tools, hardware Arduino, Raspberry), Networking Devices (ESP8266),
and API techniques available various cloud platform such as Google Cloud and Tools
to develop IoT applications. such as Arduino IDE
Determine a specific P4 Defined a Personas to explore User’s Problem, Want P4
problem to solve using IoT. and Needs.
Based on that, an IoT solution is proposed to solve and
adapt User’s problem
Evaluate the impact of M1 Have evaluated the impact of SDLC and several tools M1
common IoT architecture, when developing an IoT Product
frameworks, tools, hardware
and APIs in the software
development lifecycle.
Review specific forms of IoT M2 Have reviewed each IoT architecture, framework and M2
architecture, frameworks, tools to develop the device
tools, hardware and APIs for
different problem-solving
Select the most appropriate M3 Based on the research, a set of suitable tools, hardware M3
IoT architecture, and techniques have been chosen to develop the
frameworks, tools, hardware product
and API techniques to
include in an application to
solve this problem
Apply your selected M4 A nice development plan have been included such as: M4
techniques to create an IoT Gantt chart, chosen devices, overview of architecture
application development
Evaluate specific forms of IoT D1 D1
architecture and justify their
use when designing software
Make multiple iterations of D2 D2
your IoT application and
modify each iteration with
enhancements gathered
from user feedback and
Assignment 2
Employ an appropriate set of P5 Student have included a handful of: P5
tools to develop your plan - Source code of the IoT system
into an IoT application. - Image of the final product
- Video Demo
- Perform the Demo in class
Run end user experiments P6 Student have defined survey to run end user’s P6 There is no survey to run end user’s experiment
and examines feedback. experiment and a various end user type.
Evaluate end user feedback P7 Based on feedback of User, student have defined P7 No chart or data to extract insights from EndUser
from your IoT application. pro/cons of the system then explored improvements for
further development
Reconcile and evaluate end M5 Defined a Personas to explore User’s Problem, Want M5
user feedback and and Needs.
determine advantages and Based on that, an IoT solution is proposed to solve and
disadvantages of your adapt User’s problem
chosen IoT techniques
Undertake a critical review M6 Have developed a clear evaluation of the final product M6
and compare your final and the original plan with Pros/Cons review. Based on
application with the original that, an improvement plan have been proposed
Critique the overall success D3 Good critique of the final application D3
of your application. Did it
solve your problem? What is
the potential impact on
people, business, society and
the end user? What
problems might it encounter
when integrating into the
wider IoT ecosystem?