Ysmael V Barreto 51phil90
Ysmael V Barreto 51phil90
Ysmael V Barreto 51phil90
Defendants further alleged that under and by virtue of provision 12 of the Appellants rely on clause 12 of the bill of lading, which is as follows:
bill of lading referred to in plaintiff's amended complaint, the defendants
are not liable in excess of three hundred pesos (P300) for any package of It is expressly understood that carrier shall not be liable for loss or
silk unless the value and contents of such packages are correctly declared damage from any cause or for any reason to an amount
in the bill of lading at the time of shipment, etc. exceeding three hundred pesos (P300) Philippine currency for any
single package of silk or other valuable cargo, nor for an amount
exceeding one hundred pesos (P100) Philippine currency for any
4. Agreement limiting liability (b) as to amount of liability
Art. 1749 and 1750
single package of other cargo, unless the value and contents of the United States, that whatever limitations against its
such packages are correctly declared in this bill of lading at the common-law liability are permissible to a carrier, it cannot
time of shipment and freight paid in accord with the actual limit its liability for injury to or loss of goods shipped, where
measurement or weight of the cargo shipped. such injury or loss is caused by its own negligence. This is
the common-law doctrine and it makes no difference that there is
That condition is printed on the back of the bill of lading. The ship in no statutory prohibition against contracts of this character.
question was a common carrier and, as such, must have been operated as
a public utility. It is a matter of common knowledge that large quantities of PAR. 196. bb. Considerations on Which Rule Based. — The rule,
silk are imported in the Philippine Islands, and that after being imported, it is said, rests on considerations of public policy. The undertaking
they are sold by the merchants in Manila and other large seaports, and is to carry the goods, and to relieve the shipper from all liability
then shipped to different points and places in the Islands. Hence, there is for loss or damage arising from negligence in performing its
nothing unusual about the shipment of silk. In truth and in fact, it is a contract is to ignore the contract itself. The natural effect of a
matter of usual and ordinary business. There was no fraud or concealment limitation of liability against negligence is to induce want of care on
in the shipment in question. Clause 12 above quoted places a limit of P300 the part of the carrier in the performance of its duty. The shipper
"for any single package of silk." The evidence shows that 164 "cases" and the common carrier are not on equal terms; the shipper must
were shipped, and that the value of each case was very near P2,500. In send his freight by the common carrier, or not at all; he is therefore
this situation, the limit of defendants' liability for each case of silk "for loss entirely at the mercy of the carrier, unless protected by the higher
or damage from any cause or for any reason" would put it in the power of power of the law against being forced into contracts limiting the
the defendants to have taken the whole cargo of 164 cases of silk at a carrier's liability. Such contracts are wanting in the element of
valuation of P300 for each case, or less than one-eight of its actual value. voluntary assent.
If that rule of law should be sustained, no silk would ever be shipped from
one island to another in the Philippines. Such a limitation of value is PAR. 197. cc. Application and Extent of Rule — (aa) Negligence
unconscionable and void as against public policy. of Servants. — The rule prohibiting limitation of liability for
negligence is often stated as a prohibition of any contract relieving
The court cited Corpus Juris, volume 10, p. 154, says: the carrier from loss or damage caused by its own negligence or
PAR. 194. 6. Reasonable of Limitation. — The validity of misfeasance, or that of its servants; and it has been specifically
stipulations limiting the carriers liability is to be determined decided in many cases that no contract limitation will relieve
by their reasonableness and their conformity to the sound the carrier from responsibility for the negligence,
public policy, in accordance with which the obligations of the unskillfulness, or carelessness of its employees.
carrier to the public are settled. It cannot lawfully stipulate for
exemption from liability, unless such exemption is just and Based upon the findings of fact of the trial court which are sustained by the
reasonable, and unless the contract is freely and fairly made. evidence, the plaintiff delivered to the defendants 164 cases of silk
No contractual limitation is reasonable which is subversive of consigned and to be delivered by the defendants to Salomon Sharuff in
public policy. Surigao. Four of such cases were never delivered, and the evidence
shows that their value is the alleged in the complaint.
PAR. 195. 7. What Limitations of Liability Permissible. — a.
Negligence — (1) Rule in America — (a) In Absence of Organic SC RULING:
or Statutory Provisions Regulating Subject— aa. Majority Rule. — There is no merit in the appeal. The judgment of the lower court is
In the absence of statute, it is settled by the weight of authority in affirmed, with costs.
4. Agreement limiting liability (b) as to amount of liability
Art. 1749 and 1750
Granting, without deciding, that said conditions appearing on the back of
the originals might have legal effect, the court is of the opinion that in view
SUB ISSUE: of the fact that said conditions are not printed on the triplicate copies
Whether or not the plaintiff’s right of action is barred because it was not which were delivered to the plaintiff, such conditions are not binding
brought within 60 days from the time the cause of action accrued. NO upon the plaintiff.
The goods in question were shipped from Manila on October 25, 1922, to
be delivered to Salomon Sharuff in Surigao, plaintiff’s original complaint
was filed on April 17, 1923, or a little less than 6 months after the shipment
was made. The court held that the action was brought with a “reasonable
time.” It is true that both the plaintiff and the defendants are residents of
Manila, but it is also true that Surigao where the goods in question were to
be delivered is one of the most distant places from Manila. In the very
nature of the things, plaintiff would not want to commence its action until
such time as it had made a full and careful investigation of all of the
material facts and even the law of the case, so as to determine whether or
not defendants were liable for its loss.