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Manual Prisa 1.0

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Manual PRISA 1.

PRISA program works only on Windows operating system. It is very easy to install:
download the setup file and run it. There is no other version available for other operating
systems such linux, mac, etc. The processes to use the software are mentioned below.
1. The measured transmission spectrum data could be either .txt, or .ascii, or .xl, or .csv file
with the two columns separted by either by space or tab. One example is given as follows:
Wavelength(nm) Transmission(%)
605 81.99
604 82.15
603 82.36
602 82.55
601 82.77
600 82.89
599 83.04
598 83.18
597 83.4
596 83.62
595 83.86

2. Select x- and y- value of the wavelength vs transmission data. The x-axis for wavelength
can be either in nanometer (nm) or micrometer (µm), while the y-axis for trasnmission
can be either in percentage (%) or absolute unit (a.u.). Two data are attached as examples.
3. Once the data type is checked. Now the step by step procedures are followed to derive
required optical parameters and thickness of the thin films.
Step-1: double click on the shortcut button of the installed PRISA software, the GUI
window as shown below will appear on the screen.
Step-2: Now choose the data [(either nm or µm for wavelength) and
(either % or a.u. for transmission)] and then import data by clicking the “Import data”
button. Then the GUI will look like as shown below:

Step-3: Now click “Make envelope” which determines the maxima and minima of the
spectrum and create corresponding upper and lower envelope by extrapolating the data.
Consequnetly, the GUI will look like as shown below:

Step-4: Provide the input value of substrate refrcative index in the “Sub index ns”. For
example, if the substrate is glass then give ns = 1.51 in the input box.
Then, click on “Determine (n, k, & d)” that derive refractive index, extinction co-
efficient and thikcness of the film as shown in the figure below. The thickness value is
appeared on the “ouput result” in the GUI. Subsequnetly, the n, & k data are fitted and
extrapolated using Cauchy’s dispersion relation.
The obtained n, k, and d are used to retrieve the transmission spectrum using single
layer model expression for trasnmision. If the retrived spectrum exactly overlaps the
measured spectrum, then this confirms the relaibilty of the obtained values of n, k, and d.
If it does not overalp, then either the refractive index value provided for the substrate
could be wrong or the thin film is inhomogeneous or both.

Step-5: Click on “Determine Ed, & E0” to determine dispersive energy (Ed), and
oscilator energy (E0) and refractive index n0 at E=0 eV. The values of the obtained
paramaters are shown in the “output results” section as shown in the below GUI.

Step-6: Click on “Determine Absor. α” button that determine absorption co-efficient as

a function of energy in the strong absorption region, which subsequnetly used to
determine the optical bandgap of the film. The GUI will look as shown below:
Step-7: To determine bandgap, one has to choose whether indirect or direct bandgap by
selecting “ind” or “dir” radiobutton, respectively. Then click on “Tauc plot” button that
will plot the corresponding Tauc plot (αE)m vs. E, where m=1/2 and 2, for indirect and
direct band gap material, respectively. Now the GUI will look as shown below:

Step-8: Now look at the Tauc plot and select the linear region to determine band gap. The
initial and final energy value of the linear region is placed in the input boxes under the
label “linear ΔE range to cal Eg”. For example, in the below shown Tauc plot of (αE)1/2
vs. E, the plot looks linear in the energy range 2.37-2.46 eV, therefore, the input boxes
will be filled with the values 2.37 eV and 2.46 eV, respectively. Then click on “Calculate
bandgap Eg” button that determines the bandgap value by linear fitting the Tauc plot.
The obtained value of Eg is shown under “output results” section of the GUI.
One can calculate direct as well as indirect band gap at one go by selecting one after
another. For example, first select “ind” radio button to calculate indirect band gap value
and save their corresponding Tauc plot and Tauc fit data. Then, select “dir” radio button
to calculate direct band gap value for the same sample and then save its corresponding
Tauc plot and its Tauc fit data.
Step-9: The ouput results or data can be saved in .txt file by clicking the corresponding
buttons under “save data” options. “TMaxTmin” gives maxima and minima data of the
transmission spectrum. “Envelope” gives extrapolated lower and upper envelope of the
spectrum. “nk data” and “Cauchy_nk” gives derived n and k, and their Cauchy fitted
values. “Retrieved transmission” gives the retrieved transmisison spectrum. “1/n2-1 vs
E” gives the corresponding data used to obtain Ed, E0, and n0. “Absorption” gives
absorption co-efficent as a function of energy data. “Tauc plot” and “Tauc fit” gives
derived Tauc plot along with its linear fit for direct as well as indirect bandgap.
Step-10: Once you stored your results and now time to analysis another data. Before
analysing next sample, click on “CLEAR” button. This clears the GUI as shown below.
Now you can import your new data for analysis.

4. The “CLEAR” button can be used at any point during analysis to clear the GUI for new
data analysis. Moreover, the software also supports the import of new data and further
calcualtion at any stage of analysis. It simple clears the input data as well as output
results data. Hence, if at any point you feel you have provided wrong value for sub index
ns or imported wrong data, you can simply start importing new data or you can click on
“CLEAR” button and start your analysis by importing data again.

5. The output results section gives the value of following thin film parameters:
Dispersive n and k data
Upper and lower envelopes with maxima and minima of the spectrum
Retrieved transmission spectrum
Absorption co-efficient in strong absorption region having unit cm-1
Thickness (d) in nm and error in thickness as standard deviation (Δd) in nm
Dispersion energy (Ed) in eV, Oscillator energy (E0) in eV, Refractive index n0
Optical bandgap (Eg) in eV
Tauc plot for both direct and indirect bandgap

6. The navigation toolbar under the Graph containing plots can be used to (i) see the values
of x- and y-axis of the plots, (ii) zoom a plot, (iii) click on home of the toolbar to return to
the original plots, and (iv) save the whole figure clicking the save figure option in the
toolbar. One can also see the linear region on the Tauc plot using the toolbar which will
help to derive accurate band gap of the thin film samples. The toolbar is highlighted in the
GUI as follows:

Home/Zoom in Zoom out Save figure

Mouse cursor

x- and y- axis values

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