t3 SC 837 Separating Mixtures Cut and Stick Activity Sheet - Ver - 1

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Separating Mixtures Cut and Stick

Cut out the cards below and match them under their correct headings to complete the table.

To separate out a mixture of Insoluble materials won’t pass

liquid and solid, collecting both through the tiny holes of the
parts, e.g. pure water from ink, filter paper and so are separated
or sea water. from the soluble materials.

Different dyes in the ink can be

To separate out a mixture of
separated as they move through
dissolved solids from a liquid e.g.
the paper at different rates – they
get stuck at different points based salt water (this method collects
on their solubility. the solid only).

As the liquid is heated it will

The water will evaporate as
evaporate and rise. It is then
steam when heated, leaving
distillation cooled and returned to liquid
behind the soluble materials in
to be collected. Any solids will
the base of the dish.
remain in the flask.

To separate out a mixture of

To separate different dyes
evaporation soluble and insoluble solids, e.g. chromatography
in inks.
rock salt.

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Separating Mixtures Cut and Stick
Name Diagram of Equipment Scientific Explanation Examples of Use

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Separating Mixtures Cut and Stick Answers
Name Diagram of Equipment Scientific Explanation Examples of Use

Insoluble materials won’t pass

To separate out a mixture of
through the tiny holes of the
filtration soluble and insoluble solids, e.g.
filter paper and so are separated
rock salt.
from the soluble materials.

The water will evaporate as To separate out a mixture of

steam when heated, leaving dissolved solids from a liquid e.g.
behind the soluble materials in salt water (this method collects
the base of the dish. the solid only).

As the liquid is heated it will

To separate out a mixture of
evaporate and rise. It is then
liquid and solid, collecting both
distillation cooled and returned to liquid
parts, e.g. pure water from ink,
to be collected. Any solids will
or sea water.
remain in the flask.

Different dyes in the ink can be

separated as they move through
To separate different dyes
chromatography the paper at different rates – they
get stuck at different points based in inks.
on their solubility.

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