NCM 107 RLE Topic 5 Nov 9-13, 2020
NCM 107 RLE Topic 5 Nov 9-13, 2020
NCM 107 RLE Topic 5 Nov 9-13, 2020
This course deals with the concepts, principles, theories, and techniques in the nursing care of
individuals and families during childbearing and childrearing years toward health promotion, disease
prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation. The learners are expected to provide safe,
appropriate, and holistic nursing care to clients utilizing the nursing process.
This module is designed to develop your competencies in the maternal and child nursing. In
Module 1 presents a theoretical concepts of maternal and child health nursing, understanding of nursing
process, nursing research and nursing theory in the provision of quality care will be integrated in the
practice of nursing skills. The standards of maternal and child health nursing practice, the changing
discipline and varied roles assumed by nurses in maternal and child health nursing are also apply.
Moreover, needs to provide nursing care related to health promotion before and during pregnancy and
prevention of fetal exposure to teratogens. The next step that you need to learn after having gone through
the theoretical inputs is on the application of these principles and techniques in the nursing care of
individuals and families during childbearing and childrearing years. The related learning experience will be
catered to flexible clinical learning experiences through this self-instructed module.
In addition, this learning activity might not be a substitute for actual clinical experience due to
Covid- 19 pandemic. However, this will help you to direct through your nursing practice in providing nursing
care to your patient in the virtual platform. This module has the following RLE learning process:
1 • Module Overview
2 • Learning Map
3 • Small leap
4 • Big leap
5 • Conquering the heights
6 • Recapturing the trail
RLE Focus: Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent, Well Clients Clinical Area: OB-OPD/Clinic
Date of Clinical Exposure: (as per RLE rotation)
Number of Hours: 48 hours
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Apply concepts, theories and principles of sciences and humanities in the formulation and
application of appropriate nursing care during childbearing and childrearing years.
Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population, groups and
community utilizing nursing process during childbearing and childrearing years.
Apply evidence-based practices in the care of mother and child.
Let’s first review your background of Assessing Fetal and Maternal Health: Prenatal Care
Assessing Fetal Heart Tone
Fetal heart tone (FHT) also referred to as fetal heart rate (FHR) are auscultated with a De Lee-Hillis
fetoscope or Pinard stethoscope. However, in the practice, the term auscultation is often used to refer to
the assessment of the fetal heart sounds by means of a hand-held Doppler device or ultrasound monitor.
The ultrasonic Doppler device is the primary tool for assessing fetal heartbeat. It may detect fetal
heartbeat at about 10 to 12 weeks’ gestation. The normal range for fetal heart tones (FHT) is 120–160
beats per minute (bpm). An ultrasound should be completed if the nurse is unable to auscultate between 10
and 12 weeks, because there may be a discrepancy of EDD, twins, or a missed abortion. In the case of
twins or the obese woman, it may be later before the fetal heartbeat can be detected.
Pinard Fetoscope
FHT Locations on The Abdominal Wall indicating possible corresponding fetal positions and Usin
This is a method of listening to the fetal heart tone periodically or intermittently to measures
the heart rate and rhythm of fetus.
To evaluate fetal well-being through auscultation of the fetal heart rate to determine the rate
and rhythm.
A stethoscope, a fetoscope and/or Doppler.
Watch or clock with a second hand
Water-base lubricant or KY Jelly
Draping sheet
1. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is To ensure correct procedure to right
necessary, and how she can cooperate. A patient.
Explaining procedure reduces
anxiety and fear thus promoting
cooperation from the client.
To ensure correct procedure to right
2. Wash hands and observe other appropriate infection Reduces transmission of
control procedures. microorganisms.
3. Ask the client to empty her bladder. To ensure the accuracy of the
Promotes comfort and aids in the
performance of the procedure.
4. Prepare the client. To ensure safety
5. Assist the client to lie down in bed.
6. Ask the client to bare her abdomen from the lower rib Promotes comfort and aids in the
margin to the pubic bone. performance of the procedure.
7. Drape appropriately. Maintain client’s privacy.
To locate properly the fundus.
8. Stand at the woman’s side by palpation, determine the To ease the procedure
following: Ideal position to best hear the fetal
a. Fetal position heart tone
b. Fetal presentation
c. Fetal lie
9. Place the head of the stethoscope using the bell side To auscultate properly and clearly.
on the abdomen over the back (or chest) of the Avoid friction noises caused by
fetus. or fingers on the abdominal surface
Apply Lubricant gel on the transducer of the Doppler area.
and place on the abdomen over the back or chest of
10. Palpate the maternal radial pulse to differentiate the To identify accurately the correct
maternal heart rate from FHT. fetal heart sound.
11. Do the following: Provides proper monitoring of the
a. Listen and count the beats for one full minute FHT.
b. Listen with an interval for 2-5 minutes for at least
twice or five times.
c. Compare counts to determine variability.
12. Assess for variability of the fetal heart rate: To assess properly if there is any
a. As it occurs spontaneously, and/or deviation.
b. As it occurs with fetal activity, and/or
c. As it occurs with palpation of the fetus
d. Note irregularity of heart rate or heart sounds
e. Any increases or decreases in the FHR.
f. Loudness of the heart tones relative to
the position of the fetus.
13. If the location of the fetal heart tones conflicts with To ensure correct location of the
your assessment of #7 above, repeat # 7 to be sure FHT.
the fetal position, if necessary.
14. Explain the findings to the woman. To promote participation in care and
understanding of the status.
15. Clean the Stethoscope with cotton swab or ball and Ensures comfort for the client.
alcohol Although always clean equipment
Or between client to prevent transfer of
Clean the transducer and the mother’s abdomen with microorganisms.
clean tissue
16. Wash hands. To reduce transfer of
17. Document the results. To provide accurate record of data
needed for further care or treatment.
To serve as baseline data for health
care provider.
1. Pilliteri, Adele, (2010). Maternal and child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Child Rearing
Family (6th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Let’s begin with small leap.
B. Write the number over the diagram where you would listen for the fetal heart tone according to the
fetal positions given below.
1. RMA
2. LOP
3. RSA
4. LST
5. LScT
Now, try some big leap.
Case Analysis
Read the case scenario and apply your critical thinking.
Monique Nuque, 31 years of age, visits your clinic for her first prenatal check-up. She is in her first
trimester. She complaints vomiting and loose bowel movements for 2 days. Her blood pressure is 90/60
mmHg, heart rate 95 bpm, respiratory rate 24 and temperature 38.2°C. The fetal heart rate is 90 bpm, so
weak to hear even using the hand-held doppler device.
A. What role does fetal heart rate assessment play during pregnancy?
RLE Activity 3: Develop the nursing skills in demonstrating Fetal Heart Tone assessment.
1. All questions apply to this activity pertains to the concepts and theories discussed. Your responses
should be detailed and direct to the point. When asked to provide several answers, list them in
order of priority or significance.
2. Please submit on or before , 2020 thru MS Teams and or to the designated place in your
barangay, and to be collected by PNC personnel.
Demonstrate the ability to count and assess the fetal heart tone using a stethoscope, a
fetoscope and/or Doppler.
Rating Scale:
5 = The student demonstrates the procedure with thorough in independent manner 4 =
Demonstrates the procedure with minimal guidance and supervision
3 = Demonstrates with thorough understanding of the skills/performances 2 =
Demonstrates some understanding of the skills/performances
1 = Demonstrates limited understanding of the skills/performances
To compute for the Total Score: Add each item’s rating. Total Score
----- 95
To compute for the Average: Divide the total SCORE by total number of Ave.
items, multiply by 100
Student’s Signature Over Printed Name CI’s Signature Over Printed Name
Reflection Point:
“As a nurse, we have the opportunity, to heal the mind, soul, heart and body of our
patients, their families and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never
forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou.
Having been drawn with concepts of maternal and child nursing, how would you
anticipate your clinical exposure from which you can connect this inspirational quote.
Module Evaluation:
ng, I appreciate to hear your feedback to this module. Kindly rate each component with a scale of 1 – 5; 1 as the lowest and 5 a
Component Rating
1. Contents are inclusive in the
course topics.
2. Contents are relevant.
3. Clarity of instructions.
4. Alignment of assessment tasks
to course learning outcomes
Congratulations for completing the module. May the learning you have gained from this course work
contribute, in developing your competencies in the clinical nursing practice. Carry on and continue
your journey in reaching greater heights!
“…observation and experience will teach us ways to maintain or to bring back the state of health.”
Florence Nightingale