Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

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This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and

recommendation of the study.

Summary of Findings
Based on the data collected, the following findings are hereby
1. As to strategies applied in the implementation to prevent crimes,

the respondent said that the main strategies applied in the

implementation to prevent crimes with the quantitative rating of

4.39 is police patrolling and rated "serious” while the control of

drugs and alcohol only got 2.57 WAM and rated “fairly serous”.

2. As to problems encountered on the implementation of strategies

applied in preventing crimes the respondent said that the most

serious problem in Sorsogon City is the No proper implementation

of guidelines in tourist, Locally Stranded Individual (LSI) and

Returning Overseas Filipino (ROF) with the rating of 4.14 and

rated as "serous" while the Lack of equipment regarding to the

public surveillance cameras only got 3.40 rated as "fairly serious".

3. And as to solutions offered by the respondents to solve the

problem encountered, Conduct proper standard guidelines rated


5.00 WAM and rated as "urgent" while Allocate funds for the

procurement of needed equipment has quantitative rating of 3.82

and rated as "fairly urgent".

From the findings, the following conclusions were obtained:

1. As to strategies applied in the implementation to prevent

crimes, the respondent said that police patrolling is the very

effective strategy.

2. As to problems encountered on the implementation of

strategies applied in preventing crimes the respondent said that

No proper implementation of guidelines in tourist, Locally

Stranded Individual (LSI) and Returning Overseas Filipino

(ROF) and No clear specification of curfew guidelines are still

the serious problem of our PNP.

3. And as to solutions offered by the respondents to solve the

problem encountered, the respondent said that Conduct proper

standard guidelines and to Coordinate with Barangay officials

specially when there is a mass gathering is the very effective

solution to the problems that encountered during the MGCQ in

Sorsogon city.


Based on the findings and conclusions collected, the

researchers would like to recommend the following:

1. The law enforcement personnel should focus on police

patrolling as it gives the best impact in the crime prevention, as

it is presumed that patrol is one of the principal duties of the

police to execute crime prevention. They must maintain doing

regular patrolling over the city and arrange the

mobility/manpower to cover and provide enough police to patrol

every area and propose at least 3 to 4 cameras in every

barangay to help in surveillance activities.

2. The highest problem encountered on the implementation of

strategies applied in preventing crimes is the implementation of

guidelines in tourist, Locally Stranded Individuals (LSI) and

returning OFWs at par with the unclear guidelines on specific

curfew regulations – The Police Power should maintain strong

coordination with the LGUs to be able to come-up with a clear

and specific ordinances/ executive orders on the

implementation of stringent measures in the crime prevention to


be able to properly disseminate the programs to be able to

enhance the knowledge of the residents.

3. The solution offered by the respondents to solve the problems

encountered is to conduct proper standard guidelines and

coordinate with the barangay – the Police could also conduct

more seminars per barangay in collaboration with the Local

Government Unit (LGU) and other sectors of the community to

discuss their crime prevention programs as well as to get

insights in the creating policies that will result into safer

communities. Since most crime of immediate concern to

communities is local then the primary focus for preventive

action should also be local.

4. The proponents recommend for the future researchers to

conduct a study on a bigger scale where more respondents are

involved on a bigger research setting. They can also conduct

interviews in other locales that has higher crime rate and has

been implementing crime prevention programs for a longer

time. Moreover, future researchers are also recommended to

assess the effectiveness of each crime prevention programs

and not just as a whole.


Dear Respondents:
The researchers are 3rd year students of Sorsogon College of Criminology Inc., Piot,
Sorsogon City, who are presently conducting a study entitled Problems encountered in
the implementation of Crime Prevention during MGCQ in Sorsogon City ”, in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology. In this
connection, please answer the following questions below with all honesty.
Rest assured that any information you will give will be treated with strict confidentiality. Thank
Very truly yours,
Mary Angelica D. Cortes
Mark Raymond O. Tolonghari
Jedriel Hubilla
Marco Jintalan

Name (OPTIONAL):_____________________________

Directions: kindly indicate your answer by placing a check (√) mark in the space provided in
each of the items below.

I. Strategies applied in the implementation to prevent crimes

during MGCQ in Sorsogon City
5 – Very Serious 4 – Serious 3 – Fairly Serious
2 – Less Serious 1 – Not a Problem

Crime Prevention Strategies 5 4 3 2 1


Police Patrolling


Tourist Police Assistance Desk

Control of drugs and alcohol

Public Surveillance Camera

II. Problems encountered on the implementation of strategies

applied in preventing crimes

5- Very Serious 4 – Serious 3 – Fairly Serious

2 – Less Serious 1 – Not a problem

Problems Encountered 5 4 3 2 1
No clear specification of curfew guidelines

Lack of cooperation of residents in meeting the standards of crime prevention

and implementation of safety protocols of Covid-19.

No proper implementation of guidelines in tourist, Locally Stranded Individual

(LSI) and Returning Overseas Filipino (ROF)

Lifting of Liquor ban while MGCQ

Lack of equipment regarding to the public surveillance cameras

III. Solutions Offered by the respondents to solve the problems

5 – Very Urgent 4 – Urgent 3 – Fairly Urgent

2 – Not Urgent 1 – Not a solution

Solution Offered 5 4 3 2 1
Conduct proper standard guidelines

Impose Penalty for violators

Conduct checkpoints and designated places for the tourist, Locally Stranded
Individual (LSI) and Returning Overseas Filipino (ROF)

Coordinate with Barangay officials specially when there is a mass gathering

Allocate funds for the procurement of needed equipment


Curriculum Vitae


Address: 8th st. OLV Pangpang, Sorsogon City

Sex: Female

Birthplace: Sorsogon City

Birth Date: September 14, 1999

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Allan N. Cortes

Name of Mother: Rica D. Cortes

Educ. Attainment

Elementary: Sorsogon Pilot Elementary School

Talisay, Sorsogon City


Secondary: Bicol Merchant Marine College Inc.

Piot, Sorsogon City

Tertiary: Sorsogon College of Criminology Inc.

Piot, Sorsogon City

Curriculum Vitae


Address: Balud del sur, Gubat, Sorsogon City

Sex: Male

Birthplace: Gubat, Sorsogon

Birth Date: February 19, 2000

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Angelo Tolonghari

Name of Mother: Belen Tolonghari

Educ. Attainment

Elementary: Gubat North Central School

Secondary: Gubat National High School


Tertiary: Sorsogon College of Criminology Inc.

Piot, Sorsogon City

Curriculum Vitae


Address: Abuyog, Central Dos, Sorsogon City

Sex: Male

Birthplace: Sorsogon, Sorsogon

Birth Date: October 11, 1999

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Isagani Hubilla

Name of Mother: Cecillia Hubilla

Educ. Attainment

Elementary: Abuyog Elementary School

Secondary: Saint Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon


Tertiary: Sorsogon College of Criminology Inc.

Piot, Sorsogon City

Curriculum Vitae


Address: Quimontod Dako, Guinlajon, Sorsogon City

Sex: Male

Birthplace: Sorsogon, Sorsogon

Birth Date: March 15, 1995

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Bernabe J. Jintalan

Name of Mother: Gemma L. Jintalan

Educ. Attainment

Elementary: Guinlajon Elementary School

Secondary: Celestino G. Tabuena Memorial National High



Tertiary: Sorsogon College of Criminology Inc.

Piot, Sorsogon City

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