R. G. D. Allen - Technical Progress
R. G. D. Allen - Technical Progress
R. G. D. Allen - Technical Progress
A Mathematical Treatment
Some Other ELBS Low-Priced Editions
A M athelnatical Treatnzent
Palgrave Macmillan
© R. G. D. Allen 1967
Published by
London and Basingstoke
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Technical Progress
13.1 Various Forms of Technical Progress
STEADY-STATE growth can be generated, as we have seen, by capital
accumulation in conjunction with a growing labour force, even in the
absence of technical progress. But technical progress is an important and
perhaps the main factor making for growth. Technical progress simply
implies that increased output can be obtained over time from given
resources of men and machines. But it can take a variety of forms and our
purpose now is to define and distinguish some of the simpler varieties.
A main distinction is between ' disembodied' technical progress and
various 'embodied' forms. We start with disembodied technical
progress which applies equally and alike to all resources of men and
machines in current use. To use a well-known simile, such technical
progress represents technical know-how falling like manna from heaven.
Disembodied technical progress is here first incorporated in a simplified
model that takes a homogeneous commodity, for consumption and as
infinitely durable capital, and a smooth production function in which
output is obtained from continuously substitutable inputs of capital and
labour. No lag is assumed between output and income, both represented
by the variable Y. We write the production function Y =F(K, L, t) where
Y, K, and L are continuous variables over time, where F is a given
continuous and differentiable function, and where the variable t is
introduced explicitly to allow the whole production function to shift over
The form of the production function F may be completely unspecified.
But it is often taken as linear and homogeneous in the variables K and L,
the case of constant returns to scale. Then, as particular cases, algebraic
forms with appropriate parameters may be taken for F, e.g. the fixed-
coefficients, Cobb-Douglas, or Constant Elasticity of Substitution (C.E.S.)
forms of Chapter 3. Later we can give up the assumption of a production
function, at least in explicit form, and replace it by such other constructions
as KaIdor's technical-progress function.
We turn next to technical change in some variety or other of embodied
technical progress. This applies, not to the whole range of available
resources, but only to certain tranches of capital equipment, usually
machines produced and installed currently, together with the associated
labour crews. Capital is no longer assumed to be homogeneous. On the
contrary, capital becomes essentially a mixed stock of different' vintages '.
Machines of one vintage are different in kind from those of another;
because of embodied technical progress, new machines are more productive
than older (if otherwise similar) machines. Further, labour may be treated
in a similar way by giving up the assumption of a homogeneous labour
force and by taking men of different ' vintages', distinguished by age and
training. Men of the current vintage, e.g. those recently trained, are then
more productive than those of earlier vintages. The analysis can again
proceed with a production function, either of fixed-coefficient form or in
some smooth version, or in terms of a technical progress function as an
alternative construct.
Since we are exploring technical change in the context of steady-state
growth at a constant proportional rate, we assume generally that technical
progress proceeds at some given proportional rate. We write m for the
rate of technical progress, given by exogenous factors.
in the efficiency oflabour ',t rather than Harrod's original (and equivalent)
definition which we shall derive later (13.3 below). We can write the
production function:
Y=F(K,L) where L=(X(t)L
and in effect we have a fixed form for the production function but with
the labour input L measured in efficiency units rather than the natural
units of the labour force, e.g. the number of man-years L. In exposition,
however, we generally refer rather loosely to ' men' as the natural unit in
which L is measured.
Hence we have two alternatives: either we can take a shifting produc-
tion function Y =F{K, (X(t)L} with the natural units for labour (men) as
well as for capital; or we can write a fixed production function Y =F(K, L)
but adjust the units for labour to vary over time. In the second alternative,
L is labour in efficiency units, connected with the natural units (men) by
means of the relation L = IX( t)L at each point of time t.
Technical progress of this form is labour-augmenting in the sense that
it is equivalent to a corresponding increase in the labour force. Since IX
increases over time, Y = (K, (XL) implies that a given output can be obtained
from a given capital input combined with a labour input L in men that
decreases as time goes on. Alternatively, Y =F(K, L) implies that a given
output can be obtained from a given capital input and the same labour
input L over time but measured in efficiency units. As time goes on, a
given labour force L in men represents an increasing number of efficiency
units because of technical progress (L =(XL); so the same input in efficiency
units represents a decreasing number of men. In Harrod-neutral technical
progress, one man at time t does (X times as much work as he did originally.
For example, technical progress may operate so that one man does as much
as two men used to do, then as much as three men, and so on.
In this form, technical progress proceeds at a proportional rate
dlX/lXdt, generally varying over time. If it is at a constant proportional
rate m, then
1 dlX
- =m with (X = 1 at t =O.
Hence: lX=eml •
M k
FIG. 13.3A
Hence if the marginal product iJ Y/iJK remains constant over time, then k is
constant and so is the output-capital ratio Y/K. The converse also holds.
Hence the result:
If technical progress is Harrod-neutral with constant returns to
scale, then the marginal product of capital (iJY/iJK) remains
constant over time whenever the output-capital ratio (Y/K) is
constant over time.
Moreover, if the distribution of income is determined under perfect
competition on the basis of marginal productivity, the marginal product of
capital is the profit rate p at any time t. The result then becomes:
If technical progress is Harrod-neutral under perfect competition
with constant returns to scale, then the profit rate p remains
constant over time wherever the output-capital ratio is constant
over time.
This property is, in fact, the one used as a definition of neutral technical
progress by Harrod.t Further, Harrod would describe non-neutral
technical progress as being either labour-saving if a constant p over time
is associated with a falling output-capital ratio, or capital-saving if with a
rising output-capital ratio.
The production function under constant returns with Harrod-neutral
technical change is represented either by (2) or by (3). There are two
corresponding, and alternative, methods of diagrammatic representation in
two dimensions. Take the form (2) and draw the diagram Fig. 13.3A with
k and y measured along the axes instead of k and y. The variables of the
diagram are then capital and output per labour efficiency unit. The unit
varies over time with technical progress. The variables k and y are
expressed in per capita terms by discounting for technical progress up to
time t:
k=ke-mt and y=ye-mt•
All the variation over time, due to technical progress, appears in k and y.
The production function itself remains fixed, i.e. the curve of Fig. 13.3A
t R. F. Harrod, in a review of Joan Robinson's essays of 1937, Economic Journal
Gune 1937), pp. 328-9, and in Towards a Dynamic Economics (1948), pp. 22-27.
Joan Robinson has pointed out that Harrod's definition is equivalent to an ' all-
round increase in the efficiency of labour', i.e. to the definition taken here (13.2).
We have now established that our definition implies (is a sufficient condition for)
Harrod's property. It can also be established that our definition is a necessary
condition for Harrod's, that the two are equivalent. See H. Uzawa, 'Neutral
Inventions and the Stability of Growth Equilibrium " Review of Economic Studies
(February 1961).
does not shift over time. From the result just obtained, the essential
property of Harrod-neutral technical progress is that, as long as k remains
unchanged as at M of Fig. 13.3A, then the marginal product of capital
(equal to the profit rate under perfect competition) is unchanged over time,
shown by the slope of the tangent at P; and the output-capital ratio is also
unchanged over time, shown by the slope of OP.
Now take the alternative representation of the production function (3)
and draw a diagram Fig. 13.3B in which k and yare measured along the
/"/ PI
o k
FIG. 13.3B
axes, i.e. capital and output per man in natural units fixed over time. Then
the curve of the production function shifts over time, according to the
variable t in the form (3), as shown in Fig. 13.3B where two positions at tl
and t2 (tl <t2) are represented. The essential property of Harrod-neutral
technical progress now appears rather differently. If PI and P 2 are the
points on the two curves which correspond in the sense that they have the
same output-capital ratio (YjK =yjk), then PI andP2 lie on the same radius
from O. The property of Harrod-neutral technical progress is that the
profit rate is the same at PI and P2 , i.e. the marginal product of capital is
unchanged and the slope of the tangent at PI is the same as the slope of the
tangent at P 2• Hence as time goes on, from tl to t2 for example, as long as
the output-capital ratio is unchanged, then the tangents to the shifting
production curve remain parallel and the profit rate (slope of tangent) is
The wage rate can also be read off the diagrams in alternative forms.
The wage bill is W = wL = wL, in terms either of the wage rate per man w
or the wage rate per labour efficiency unit w. Since L =emtL, it follows
which corresponds exactly to (1) for y and k. For a shifting production
function under Harrod-neutral technical progress, suppose that the
output-capital ratio remains constant and hence the profit rate remains
constant. Then, from Fig. 13.3A (with k and y as the variables), the wage
rate w per efficiency unit is given by 0 Wand w also remains constant.
Then w=wemt , as the wage rate per man, increases over time. This is
shown in Fig. 13.3B, where the wage rate per man w is given by the
intercept on Oy; the value of w increases from OWl to OW2 from time tl
to time t 2 •
Take the shifting production function in form (3) and, for brevity, write
I and I' for the function and its derivative at the value k =ke-mt at any
time t. Take logarithms: logy =mt + log I, and differentiate:
! dy = m+I' ~ (! dk _ m)
ydt y kdt
The relation is linear, as in the general case of constant returns, equation (4)
of 13.3 above. The simplification here is that the coefficients in the relation
t It is well known that the ollly production function which is both Harrod- and
Hicks-neutral is the Cobb-Douglas form. See H. Uzawa, Review of Ecollomic
Studies (February 1961), pp. 120-1.
are constant, given by the two parameters m and tx. On substituting
dy/ydt=dk/kdt='A in (3), we get 'A=m(l-tx)+tx'A, so that 'A=m.
Again output or income per head and capital per head can both grow at the
steady-state rate m of technical progress.
This is a fixed linear relation between the rates of growth of output and
capital, given the rate of growth n of the labour force and the rate m of
technical progress.
Put the two rates of growth equal, dY/Ydt=dKjKdt='A in (2):
'A = (m + n)f3 + tx'A.
Hence there is a unique rate at which both Y and K can grow:
at the rate (m+n) whileL grows atthe rate n, theny= Y/L andk=K/L both
grow at the rate m of technical progress. This confirms the results of 13.5
In the case of increasing returns (IX +f3 > 1), the common rate of growth
of Y and K given by (3) is greater than /L. Hence increasing returns tend
to supplement the other two factors (technical progress and population
growth) in producing steady-state growth in output and capital. This is
the well-known case of external economies.
In the case of decreasing returns (IX + f3 < 1), the common rate of
growth now possible in Y and K by (3) can be written:
I dy
o M I dk
k dt
FIG. 13.7
13.1 Show that the constant-returns production function with Hicks-neutral
technical progress (as defined in 13.2 above) can be written 51 = f(k), and
interpret k and y. Obtain expressions for the marginal products 0 YloK and
oYloL and show that the ratio depends only on k. Hence establish that, in
the case of constant returns, our definition of Hicks-neutral technical progress
implies Hicks' original definition (ratio of marginal products unchanged when
capital employed per head is unchanged).
13.2 Represent the constant-returns production function with Hicks-neutral
technical progress at the rate m on a diagram similar to Fig. 13.3B. Use the
property of the previous exercise to show that, at a fixed capital per head (k),
the tangent to the shifting curve always passes through a fixed point on Ok.
13.3 Write the constant-returns production function with Solow-neutral technical
progress at the rate m as y = f(ke mt ) and deduce that the linear relation similar
to (4) of 13.3 above is:
! dy =/' kemt
ydt y
(m +!k dt~).
For the Cobb-Douglas form, show that
! dy = mod a(! c{k)
y dt k dt '
with constant coefficients.
13.4 Consider the Harrod-Domar model with fixed coefficients and Solow-neutral
technical progress at the rate nl. From the product market (equilibrium)
conditions, K=ve-mty and DK=sY, obtain the varying rates of growth:
(1 IK)DK =ge mt and (1 I Y)D Y =nl + ge mt . What is the general nature of the
equilibrium paths of Y and K?
13.5 When the production function is Y=(K +mt)fv=Llu, write the product-
market conditions in the Harrod-Domar model, eliminate Y, and obtain an
equation for K. Solve to get: K + mt = - mIg + (Ko + mlg)egt where Ko =V Yo.
Hence write an expression for investment I at any time.
13.6 In the model of the previous exercise, the demand for labour is u Y where
Y = - mls + (Yo + mls)egt . Add the full-employment condition and show
that, for a sensible result, labour supply L (like output Y) must grow from
some stationary level. Write L = A + Bent and show that appropriate constants
are A = - mu/s and B =Lo +mu/s. Is this treatment needed in all Harrod-
Domar models in which there is a constant autonomous investment?
13.7 Take Y=e At KaL{3 and assume that L grows at the given rate n. Show that
the relation between growth rates of the per capita variables is
! dy = A + ('" +,8 -1)n +
Put fJ = 1 - '" and A = m(1 - ",) and check (3) of 13.5 above. Why is this latter
result independent of n?
13.8 Show that the production function of the previous exercise permits y and k
to grow at the same rate v where v = [A/(1 - 0:)] + [(0: +fJ -1)/(1 - o:)]n. Deduce
that. when there are increasing returns (0: +fJ> 1), then v> oeven when A=0, i.e.
that increasing returns can result in rising income per head even in the absence
of technical progress.
13.9 Show that the C.E.S. production function with Harrod-neutral technical
progress at the rate m can be written in per capita terms:
y =emt {a(ke- mt )-{3 + 1}-1/{3
and that:
{a(ke-mt)-.a + I} (!y dt1)~)
m +a(ke-mt)-.a(! dk).
What common rate of growth in y and k is possible?