Planar Heterojunction Organometal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Roles of Interfacial Layers

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Volume 9 Number 1 January 2016 Pages 1–268

Energy &

ISSN 1754-5692

Tae-Woo Lee et al.
Planar heterojunction organometal halide perovskite solar cells: roles of
interfacial layers
Energy &
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Planar heterojunction organometal halide

perovskite solar cells: roles of interfacial layers
Cite this: Energy Environ. Sci.,
2016, 9, 12
Hobeom Kim,† Kyung-Geun Lim† and Tae-Woo Lee*

Organometal halide perovskites are promising photo-absorption materials in solar cells due to their high
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

extinction coefficient, broad light absorption range and excellent semiconducting properties. The highest
power conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PrSCs) is now 20.1%. However, a high-temperature
processed mesoscopic metal oxide (e.g., TiO2) must be removed to realize flexible PrSCs on plastic substrates
using low temperature processes. Although the planar heterojunction (PHJ) structure can be considered as the
most appropriate structure for flexible PrSCs, they have shown lower PCEs than those with a mesoscopic
Received 15th July 2015, metal oxide layer. Therefore, development of interfacial layers is essential for achieving highly efficient PHJ
Accepted 13th October 2015 PrSCs, and necessary in fabrication of flexible PrSCs. This review article gives an overview of progress in
DOI: 10.1039/c5ee02194d PHJ PrSCs and the roles of interfacial layers in the device, and suggests a practical strategy to fabricate
highly efficient and flexible PHJ PrSCs. We conclude with our technical suggestion and outlook for further research direction.

1. Introduction Active research based on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites has

focused on perovskite solar cells (PrSCs) because of the recent rapid
Organometal metal halide perovskites are promising materials achievements in increasing their power conversion efficiency (PCE):
for various optoelectronic and photonic devices including solar the first liquid-junction PrSCs were reported in 200914 and PCEs of
cells,1–4 light-emitting diodes,5–7 and photodiodes.8–10 Furthermore, solid-state PrSCs reached 20.1% in 2015.4
low threshold lasing has been reported from these materials.11–13 This rapid increase in PCE has been achieved mainly by
improving the device architecture and fabrication techniques.
In addition to high PCE, PrSCs have two great advantages. (1)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and
Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites have a high absorption
Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea.
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] coefficient, so a thin (o500 nm) film of perovskite light absorber is
† These authors contributed equally to this work. sufficient as a photo-active layer in PrSCs. Therefore, the devices

Hobeom Kim is currently a PhD Kyung-Geun Lim received his BS

candidate in the Department of in the Department of the Nano-
Materials Science and Engineering science and the Nanotechnology
at Pohang University of Science and from Pusan National University,
Technology (POSTECH), Korea. He Korea in 2009, MS and PhD in
received his BS in the School of the Department of Materials
Advanced Materials Science and Science and Engineering from
Engineering from Sungkyunkwan Pohang University of Science and
University (SKKU), Korea in 2011. Technology (POSTECH), Korea in
His current research activity is 2011 and 2015 respectively, under
focused on perovskite and flexible supervision of Prof Tae-Woo Lee.
optoelectronics. He has been performing research
Hobeom Kim Kyung-Geun Lim on the improvement of device
efficiency and lifetime of organic
solar cells (OSCs) and perovskite solar cells (PrSCs). His current
research interests include understanding various mechanisms of
charge extraction layers in OSCs and PrSCs.

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can be thin and light. (2) With these features, flexible, large-area device and to facilitate charge transfer from perovskite to inter-
PrSCs can be fabricated at low cost. Because of these advantages facial layers, the PHJ PrSCs should use a hole extraction layer
and high PCE, PrSCs have the potential to replace conventional (HEL) and an electron extraction layer (EEL) with well-matching
Si solar cells, and to provide portable, mobile, and wearable ionization energy (IE) and electron affinity (EA), respectively, to
power sources. those of perovskites.47–49 Also, the use of interfacial layers with
PrSCs have inherited the architecture of dye-sensitized solar high electrical conductivity is favourable to make efficient charge
cells (DSSCs),15–17 most of which include a mesoscopic metal transport and extraction to each electrode.
oxide layer (e.g., TiO2), so the structure of early-stage PrSCs was The defect chemistry of perovskites is another topic of study.
similar to those of DSSCs,14,18 and many studies still present Traps in the perovskite film and at the interface between
mesoscopic PrSCs with very high PCEs. However, this type of PrSC perovskite and interfacial layers have a strong influence on
cannot be developed as a flexible device because the formation of the photophysical and photoelectrical properties of devices and
the mesoporous structure requires high temperature T 4 450 1C, thereby on device performance. High density of the trap states
which damages most flexible plastic substrates. Also, the high-T results in non-radiative recombination which is an undesirable
processes for development of mesoscopic PrSCs make it difficult to physical process in PrSCs that leads to hysteresis behaviour,
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

complete the tandem structure which is a promising configuration depending on photocurrent measurement conditions.50–54 Due
for increasing PCE of solar cells, but need low-T processable to these reasons, to improve the performance of PHJ PrSCs, the
interconnecting layers between bottom and upper cells to avoid interfacial layers between the electrodes and perovskite absorber
destruction of layers underneath it. must be engineered appropriately.
Instead, the use of planar heterojunction (PHJ) PrSCs that In this review, we focus on the development of PHJ PrSCs
include low-T processable interlayers without the mesoscopic which have a strong potential to be applied to flexible devices,
structure can provide a method to fabricate flexible PrSCs and and especially focus on the work on interfacial layer engineering.
tandem PrSCs. Furthermore, nonuse of the mesoscopic structure Sections 2 and 3 provide basic explanations of structural and
simplifies the structure of PrSCs and reduces the cost and time physical properties of perovskites and on progress in PrSCs,
for fabrication. Theoretical and experimental research on PHJ particularly those of the PHJ type. Section 4 reviews the functions
PrSCs has led to PCE 4 19%.19 Many studies on PHJ PrSCs to of interfacial layer in PHJ PrSCs. Section 5 reviews research on
date have focused on engineering of the perovskite film as a flexible PHJ PrSCs. Section 6 presents conclusions.
photo-active layer to make it favourable for solar cells,20–46 but
studies on interlayer engineering of PrSCs are relatively lacking.
PHJ PrSCs with high open circuit voltage Voc, high short circuit 2. Principles of organic–inorganic
current Jsc, and high fill factor FF can be achieved by using
appropriate interfacial layers between the electrodes and perovskite
perovskite materials
light absorber. Basically, to maximize the built-in potential of the Perovskites are crystal structures that have originated from the
calcium titanium oxide mineral (CaTiO3). Generally, perovskites
have an ABX3 formula, where cation A is located at the corner
positions (0,0,0), cation B is at the centre (1/2,1/2,1/2) and mono-
Tae-Woo Lee is an associate valent anion X is at the centre of the six planes (1/2,1/2,0) assuming
professor in the Department of the them as the idealized cubic unit cell (Fig. 1). The most widely-used
Materials Science and Engineering component materials of perovskites for PrSCs are organic mole-
at Pohang University of Science cule cations based on amine at A sites (e.g., CnH2n+1NH3+,
and Technology (POSTECH), Korea. HC(NH2)2+), metal cations (e.g., Pb2+, Sn2+, Cu2+) at B sites, and
He received his PhD in Chemical halide anions (Cl, Br, I) at X sites. Various kinds of organic–
Engineering from KAIST, Korea in inorganic hybrid perovskites are based on the configuration that
2002. Then, he joined Bell Mitzi et al. formulated by incorporating an organic modulation
Laboratories, USA as a post-
doctoral researcher. He worked
in Samsung Advanced Institute
of Technology as a member of
Tae-Woo Lee research staff (2003–2008). He
received a prestigious Korea
Young Scientist Award from the President of Korea in 2008 and
The Scientist of the Month Award from the ministry of science, ICT
and future planning in 2013. His research focuses on printed
electronics and optoelectronics based on organic, inorganic, and
organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite materials for flexible electro- Fig. 1 (a) Crystal structure of an organic–inorganic perovskite. (b) The
nics, displays, solid-state lightings, and solar energy conversion generated species, free carriers or excitons after photo-excitation of the
devices. perovskite.

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layer between metal halide sheets.55 The formation of perovskite Grätzel et al. (2013) introduced a sequential deposition method
structures can be estimated from the tolerance factor56 in which PbI2 was first deposited on a mesoporous metal oxide
RA þ RB and transformed into a perovskite by exposing methylammonium
t ¼ pffiffiffi iodide (MAI).3 Using this method, the devices had greatly increased
2ðRB þ RX Þ
reproducibility and PCE E 15% (Fig. 2f and g). Seok et al. (2014)
and octahedral factor achieved a PCE = 16.2% by depositing a uniform and dense
perovskite layer by using a mixed solvent of g-butyrolactone and
m = RB/RX,
dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), and then drop-casting toluene.67
where RA, RB, and RX are the effective ionic radii of A, B, and X, Very recently, Seok et al. (2015) achieved a record PCE 4 20%
respectively. Perovskite structures are stable when 0.813 r t r by exploiting the intramolecular exchange process between
1.107 and 0.442 r m r 0.895.57 formamidinium iodide (FAI) and DMSO molecules intercalated
Some perovskites (e.g., MAPbI3, MAPbIxCl3x and FAPbI3 [MA: in PbI2 (Fig. 2h and i).4 This remarkably rapid progress in
methylammonium CH3NH3, FA: formamidinium HC(NH2)2]) have development of PrSCs and several advantages such as thinness,
broad absorption spectra with a suitable band gap B1.5–1.6 eV, light weight, and inexpensive processability have made PrSCs
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

and therefore are used as light absorbers in PrSCs. In addition to appropriate for various solar cell applications.
absorption spectra, perovskites that are suitable as light harvesters Many electronic devices including PrSCs are being developed
in PrSCs should have an appropriate dielectric constant e, exciton toward a flexible configuration for future electronics. However,
binding energy Eb, Bohr radius, and diffusion length of charge mesoscopic PrSCs cannot easily be made flexible because generally
carriers. These factors have a strong relationship with photo- the mesoscopic structure should be sintered at T 4 450 1C to
physical and photoelectrical properties and solar cell device function as an EEL in a device,1–4 but most available flexible
performance. The photo-generated electron–hole pairs in these substrates (e.g., PET, PEN) have a glass transition temperature that
organic–inorganic perovskites can exist as free charge carriers or is lower than the sintering temperature, so the polymer substrates
excitons with Eb, and the excitons can be classified as Frenkel- deform under high sintering temperature. Therefore, to establish
type or Wannier-type depending on the perovskite Eb. Many flexible PrSCs, a new device structure that can be fabricated at low
researchers have reported that the Eb of perovskite materials T is required.
(29–50 meV for MAPbI358–61 and 35–98 meV for MAPbCl3xIx62,63) PHJ PrSCs that do not use the mesoscopic structure are practical
comparable to thermal energy (B25 meV) at room temperature options for flexible PrSCs owing to their low-T processability. PHJ
facilitates exciton dissociation. Recently, there has been a report PrSCs are divided into two groups according to the layer stacking
that MAPbI3 has an Eb of 2 meV which is very lower compared to sequence: i.e., the conventional n–i–p structure in which the EEL is
inorganic semiconductors (e.g., Si, 15.0 meV; GaAs, 4.2 meV; CdTe, deposited on the bottom cathode first, the HEL is underneath the
10.5 meV).64 Although which species are generated under illumina- top anode layer, and the perovskite is sandwiched between EEL and
tion and what is the make-up of the species in perovskite materials HEL; and the p–i–n structure, which is the inverse of the n–i–p type.
are still under debate, free carriers easily dissociated from excitons The n–i–p configuration of PHJ devices was introduced in
contribute to ambipolar charge transport in the materials.65,66 Based 2013 as a modification of meso-superstructured (MSSC) PrSCs
on these excellent capabilities of light absorption and photophysical/ that incorporated a mesoporous insulating scaffold of Al2O3 on
photoelectrical properties, perovskites are considered as promising a compact TiO2 layer.68 The device had a PCE = 4.9% without a
materials for solar cell devices. mesostructure which is the PHJ type; the authors described that the
MAPbI3xClx perovskite absorber can fulfill both light absorption
3. Progress in perovskite solar cells and efficient charge transport with minimal recombination in the
film. Based on these results, they questioned whether a meso-
3.1. Mesoscopic vs. Planar structure is essential in PrSCs. Although the device included a
Miyasaka et al. (2009) developed the first PrSCs; the devices had high-T (4500 1C) processed compact TiO2 layer, many researchers
a perovskite photosensitizer but otherwise had a structural then sought to develop n–i–p type PHJ PrSCs that could be
configuration nearly identical to conventional DSSCs.14 The fabricated using low-T processing.19,69–82
structure of devices was TiCl4 treated fluorine-doped tin oxide The p–i–n type PHJ PrSC was first developed by Guo et al. in
(FTO) (anode)/mesoporous TiO2/perovskite sensitizer/Pt-coated 2013.83 The researchers noticed that the concept of donor/
FTO (cathode); the gap between the electrodes was filled with acceptor could be applicable to the device and introduced the
liquid electrolyte. With this structure, the PCEs of devices using structure after referring to a previous work by Etgar et al., who
MAPbBr3 and MAPbI3 were 3.13 and 3.81%, respectively. Subsequent reported that the MAPbI3 perovskite acts as both the light
research by Park et al. (2011) used the initial liquid-junction device absorber and hole conductor.84 The first p–i–n PHJ PrSC employed
configuration and achieved an improved PCE = 6.5%, but the poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS)
liquid electrolyte dissolved the perovskite crystal, so stability of the as a p-type layer for hole extraction, and fullerene-based molecules as
device could not be guaranteed.18 This problem was solved by using the acceptor (n-type) that were deposited on the perovskite (donor)
a solid-state hole conductor, spiro-OMeTAD, on top of the perovskite layer. In addition to PEDOT:PSS, various kinds of efficient p-type
layer instead of using the liquid electrolyte;1 the resulting device layers such as NiOx,85 CuSCN,86 graphene oxide (GO)87 and reduced
showed long-term stability for over 500 h and PCE 4 9% (Fig. 2a–e). graphene oxide (rGO)88 for p–i–n type PHJ PrSCs have been reported.

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Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

Fig. 2 Device configurations and J–V characteristics of mesoscopic PrSCs. (a) A real device of the first solid-state mesoscopic perovskite solar cells.
(b) A schematic image of the device cross-section. (c) The SEM image of the device cross-section. (d) The magnified cross-sectional SEM image of the
FTO/underlayer/active layer region. (e) J–V characteristics of the device at one sun condition. Reproduced from ref. 1 with permission from Nature
Publishing Group. (f) The cross-sectional SEM image of another mesoscopic perovskite solar cell. (g) J–V characteristics of the device under simulated
AM1.5G solar irradiation (solid line) and in the dark (dashed line) (reproduced from ref. 3 with permission from Nature Publishing Group). (h) The cross-
sectional FESEM image of the device with PCE over 20%. (i) J–V characteristics of the device measured in reverse and forward directions under standard
AM 1.5G illumination. Reproduced from ref. 4 with permission from Science (AAAS).

Most p–i–n type devices can be fabricated at T o 150 1C, so this critical effects on the device performance. Yang et al. achieved
configuration is regarded as the most suitable for flexible PCE up to 19.3% (average 16.6%) which is so far the highest
devices. value in an n–i–p type PHJ PrSC (Fig. 3c and d).19 The authors
introduced an enhanced reconstruction process for the perovskite
3.2. Progress in low-temperature processed PHJ PrSCs film by annealing the as-deposited film in humidity-controlled air.
In this section, we present some examples and progress of solution For efficient electron transport, they chose poly-(ethyleneimine
processed n–i–p and p–i–n type PHJ PrSCs, and vacuum processed ethoxylated) (PEIE) processed at 100 1C and Yttrium-doped TiO2
PHJ devices. processed at 150 1C. From transient photovoltage and photo-
Solution processed n–i–p (normal) structure. After n–i–p current measurements, they found that an extended electron
type PHJ PrSCs were shown to be operational, many researchers carrier lifetime and reduced trap densities in the perovskite film
tried to develop and improve the PCE of the devices. However, and faster photocurrent decay of the device using modified TiO2
most studies on this type of PrSC have described use of a TiO2 contributed superior device performance. In addition to the TiO2-
compact layer processed at T 4 450 1C, which is not compatible based EEL, researchers have developed other low-T processable
with fabrication of flexible devices.2,89–104 Therefore, studies on EELs such as ZnO nanoparticles, CdSe nanocrystals, SnO2, WOx,
low-T processable EELs have been required. and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM).67,69,71–73,75,77
Grätzel et al. improved the suitability of a TiO2 layer on FTO Solution processed p–i–n (inverted) structure. The first
for electron extraction by immersing the substrate in TiCl4 reported p–i–n type PHJ PrSCs (Section 3.1) achieved a PCE =
solution at T = 70 1C;78 the resultant TiO2 was a rutile nano- 3.9% with the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PCBM/BCP/Al structure
particle that could form an intimate nanocrystalline junction (Fig. 4a and b).83 Although the PCE was much lower compared
with a perovskite layer (Fig. 3a). A device with the FTO/TiO2/ to mesoscopic PrSCs at that time, this work had significant
MAPbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au structure achieved a PCE = 13.7% meaning in developing a new design for PrSCs that could be
(Fig. 3b). Boyen et al. used the TiO2 layer as an ETL based on processed at T o 150 1C. Subsequently, Snaith et al. demon-
titanium isopropoxide processed at a low T = 135 1C.70 The strated devices with the FTO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PCBM/
device had the ITO/TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/P3HT/Ag structure and a TiOx/Al structure, which achieved a PCE = 9.8%,105 and Yang
PCE = 13.6%; the authors stated that the chemical composition et al. demonstrated a device with ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/
and conditions of thermal treatment on the TiO2 film have PCBM/Al that achieved a PCE = 11.5%.106

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Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

Fig. 3 (a) Cross-sectional SEM image of a perovskite film deposited on the nanocrystalline TiO2 film. (b) J–V curves of the n–i–p PHJ PrSC device that
used rutile TiO2. The inset shows a schematic image of the device and SEM images of perovskite and rutile TiO2 layers. Reproduced from ref. 78 with
permission from the American Chemical Society. (c) The cross-sectional SEM image of the n–i–p PHJ PrSC device. (d) J–V curves of the device.
Reproduced from ref. 19 with permission from Science (AAAS).

Fig. 4 (a) Device structure of the first p–i–n PHJ PrSCs. (b) J–V characteristics of the devices with different acceptor materials. (Reproduced from ref. 83
with permission from Wiley-VCH) (c) The device structure of p–i–n PHJ PrSCs. (d) A processing scheme for formation of a perovskite film by the hot-
casting method and optical microscopic images illustrating grain formation under various conditions. (Reproduced from ref. 46 with permission from
Science (AAAS).)

Based on these reports of inverted PHJ PrSCs with reasonably solution, and the duration of heating treatment on the perovskite
high PCEs, many groups have been working on this type of PrSC and yielded a device that had a PCE = 15.3%.
have reported increasing PCE. Huang et al. used an interdiffusion Some research studies have focused on increasing the grain
method which involves stacking layers of PbI2 and MAI in a size and crystallinity of perovskite light absorbers. One method
sequence by spin-coating.21 The MAPbI3 layer obtained by the is the solvent-annealing method in which the MAPbI3 film is
method uniformly formed without pin-holes. Controlling the exposed to dimethylformamide (DMF) during thermal-annealing.25
thickness of the perovskite layer, the concentration of MAI The grain size of the solvent-annealed perovskite increased to 1 mm,

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which was even larger than only thermal-annealed perovskite PrSCs.117 The vacuum-processed PrSCs had the FTO/compact
grain (B260 nm). The lower density of grain boundaries in the TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/Spiro-OMeTAD/Ag structure (n–i–p) without
solvent-annealed perovskite film led to a lower density of traps a mesoscopic layer. MAI and PbCl2 were simultaneously deposited
and an increased diffusion length of charge carriers. As a result, from separate sources under vacuum for formation of the perovskite
the device achieved a high PCE = 15.6%. Mohite et al. introduced a film, whereas each interfacial layer was deposited by spin-coating.
solution-based hot-casting technique to deposit MAPbI3xClx.46 The Compared to the solution-processed perovskite film, a thermally-
technique used a hot (70 1C) mixture of PbI2 and MACl solution, and deposited perovskite layer showed superior uniformity. Because
the solution was cast onto a hot (180 1C) substrate. This method of this uniformity, the device showed a higher PCE = 15.4% than
yielded millimeter-scale crystalline grains of MAPbI3xClx. The the solution-processed device (8.6%). However, because the device
film had reduced bulk defects and improved charge carrier contained a compact TiO2 layer processed at high T (500 1C), it lost
mobility of the perovskite so that a device with the perovskite compatibility with flexible PrSCs. Bolink et al. reported development
showed a very high PCE approaching 18% with the ITO/PEDOT: of a p–i–n type PHJ PrSC with the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/PolyTPD/MAPbI3/
PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PCBM/Al structure (Fig. 4c and d). PCBM/Au structure (PCE B 12%).118 The perovskite layer was
In addition to the explained examples above, numerous other formed by simultaneous deposition of MAI and PbI2 using
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

low-T and solution-processed PHJ PrSCs have been reported. We give separate crucibles under vacuum, and interfacial layers were
their summaries including their device structures and photovoltaic deposited by a low-T solution process. Hence, the device has a
parameters (Table 1 for n–i–p PHJ PrSCs and Table 2 for p–i–n PHJ potential to be a flexible PrSCs.
PrSCs). Most research studies on solution-processed PHJ PrSCs have Leo et al. showed p–i–n type PHJ PrSCs fabricated using a full
considered various approaches to engineering of the perovskite vacuum process.119 Fully vacuum-processed devices have the merit
layer (e.g., thermal annealing,24,28,30,70,74,107 solvent-assisted pro- of not being exposed to air or solvent, so the devices can have a
cesses,25,29,43,71,108,109 additive treatment20,23,26,33,34,38,44,72,110 longer lifetime than devices fabricated with some exposure to air or
and variation of component materials22,28,31,36,42,111,112). Several solvent.120 In their work, a series of HELs in a family of triarylamine
other studies have considered interfacial layers of PHJ PrSCs. derivatives were used in devices. The authors presented the influ-
Vacuum-processed PHJ PrSCs. Exposure to moisture can strongly ence of energy level offsets between HELs and MAPbI3xClx on
affect the material properties of perovskite light absorbers.113–116 device performance. Another fully vacuum-processed p–i–n type PHJ
Moreover, fabrication of reproducible perovskite films by solution PrSC with the ITO/MoO3/NPB/MAPbI3/C60/BCP/Al structure was
processing is a difficult task due to its high reaction rates of forming reported by Kim et al.121 The device showed a high PCE = 13.7%,
perovskites. In this regard, the vacuum evaporation process is which was attributed to efficient hole extraction of MoO3/NPB, and
attractive due to its advantages in fabrication of PrSCs, including energy level alignment between the HOMO level of NPB and the
guaranteed material purity, ease of controlling experimental valence band maximum (VBM) level of the perovskite.
parameters (e.g., deposition rate, thickness and stoichiometry) We summarized progress in PCEs of mesoscopic and low-T
and high reproducibility of a device. processed PHJ (n–i–p and p–i–n) PrSCs. Also, we suggest the
Development of vacuum-processed PrSCs was initiated in desirable direction of development of PrSCs towards flexible
response to scepticism that the mesostructure is necessary in architecture in Fig. 5.

Table 1 Summary of information of solution processed n–i–p PHJ PrSCs at low-T

Device architecture Voc (V) (mA cm2) (%) (%) Remarks Ref.
i a
ITO/ZnO NP/MAPbI3/P3HT /Ag 0.94 17 62 11.8 P : control of morphology (thickness) 69
ITO/TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/P3HT/Ag 0.936 21.0 69.1 13.6 P: control of morphology (TAd time) 70
ITO/SnO2/MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTADn/Ag 1.08 19.5 61.6 13.0 P: control of morphology (SAe time) 71
FTO/TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/spiro-OMeTAD/Au 0.94 19.53 70.35 13.2 P: additive (poly(ethylene glycol)) 72
ITO/ZnO nanoparticles/MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/Ag 1.03 20.4 74.9 15.7 Eb: control of thickness 73
ITO/CdSe nanocrystal/MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/Ag 0.99 17.4 67.9 11.7 E: control of thickness and TA temperature 74
FTO/PEIj/PC61BM/MAPbI3/PTAAk/Au 0.98 21.8 72 15.3 E: control of concentration 75
ITO/Zr-TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/spiro-OMeTAD/Au 1.021 20.3 76.6 15.7 E: additive (ZrAc4) 76
ITO/PEIEl/Y:TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/spiro-OMeTAD/Au 1.13 22.75 75.01 19.3 E: doping (Yttrium) 19
ITO/ZnO/C3-SAMm/MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/MoO3/Ag 1.07 22.51 65 15.67 E: SAM f deposition (3-aminopropanoic acid) 82
FTO/TiO2/MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/Au 1.05 19.8 64 13.7 E: use of rutile TiO2 78
FTO/WOx/MAPbI3xClx/spiro-OMeTAD/Ag 0.71 21.77 58 8.99 E: use of WOx 79
ITO/TiOx/PC61BM/WS-C60/MAPbI3/P3HT/MoOx/Al 0.95 27.4 56.3 14.6 E: comparison of TiO2, TiO2/PC61BM and 131
FTO/TiO2/MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/ — — — 15.1 Hc: additive (MWNTsh) and use of 80
spiro-OMeTAD:MWNTs/Au hierarchical structure
ITO/TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/DOR3T-TBDT/MoO3/Ag 0.97 20.7 74 14.9 H: dopant-free 81
FTO/ZnO nanoparticles/MAPbI3/carbon 0.77 18.56 56 8.07 Use of carbon electrode 77
P: perovskite layer engineering. b E: EEL engineering. c H: HEL engineering. d TA: thermal annealing. e SA: solvent annealing. f SAM: self-assembling
monolayer. g WS-C60: water-soluble fullerene derivative. h MWNT: multi-walled carbon nanotube. i P3HT: poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl). j PEI:
polyethyleneimine. k PTAA: poly(triarylamine). l PEIE: poly-(ethyleneimine ethoxylated). m C3-SAM: 3-aminopropanioc acid. n spiro-OMeTAD: 2,20,7,70-

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Table 2 Summary of information of solution processed p–i–n PHJ PrSCs at low-T

Device architecture Voc (V) (mA cm2) (%) (%) Remarks Ref.
FTO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/TiOx/Al 0.94 15.8 66 9.8 Comparison between p–i–n and MSSC devices 105
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.87 18.5 72 11.5 Demonstration of low-T processability 106
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPb0.85Sn0.15I3xClx/Bis-C60/ 0.76 19.1 66 10.1 Pa: substitution of Sn for Pb 111
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Bis-C60/Ag 0.92 17.5 73 11.8 P: additive (1,8-diiodooctane) 20
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Al 0.96 21.0 76 15.6 P: control of morphology (thickness and SAe) 25
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/PFN/Al 1.05 20.3 80.2 17.1 P: control of morphology (TAf environment) 107
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/C60/Ag 0.91 18.3 70 11.65 P: control of morphology (precursor ratio) 36
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Ca/Al 0.92 16.8 72 11.1 P: control of thickness and morphology (substrate 132
heating), and use of spray coating method
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Al 0.99 19.6 79.3 15.4 P: control of thickness and concentration of MAI 21
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/IC60BA/C60/BCP/Al 0.97 15.7 80.1 12.2 P: control of morphology (precursor ratio) and 22
thickness, Eb: comparison of PC61BMu/C60,
IC60BAv/C60 and C60
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 0.91 10.8 76 7.4 P: control of thickness 133

ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Bis-C60/Ag 0.94 18.47 75 13.09 P: additive (1,4-diiodobutane) 23
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC71BM/Ca/Al 1.05 19.98 78 16.31 P: control of concentration of MAI, E: comparison 108
between PC61BM and PC71BM, and control of SA
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Al B0.9 19.0 78 13.4 P: control of morphology (TA time) 24
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC71BM/Ag 0.87 18.66 75 12.22 P: control of morphology (precursor solvent), 134
E: comparison between PC61BM and PC71BM
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.91 17.27 75 11.80 P: control of morphology (solvent evaporation rate) 37
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/Cs0.1MA0.9PbI3/PC61BM/Al 1.05 10.10 73 7.68 P: substitution of Cs for MA 112
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 0.88 14.08 80.11 9.93 P: additive (NH4Cl) 26
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 0.92 8.74 76 6.16 P: control of morphology (precursor solvent) 27
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.86 14.3 60.9 7.5 P: control of morphology (precursor ratio, 28
TA temperature and time)
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Al 0.96 21.0 76 15.6 E: trap passivation (TA time) 50
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Bis-C60/Ag 0.91 19.3 80 14.1 P: control of morphology (solvent washing) 29
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/PFN-Br/Ag 1.03 18.36 78 14.75 P: control of morphology (vacuum-assisted TA) 30
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Bis-C60/Ag 0.91 18.38 73 12.21 P: use of blade-coating method 135
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbIxCl3x/PC61BM/Bis-C60/Ag 0.89 16.0 74 10.5 P: substitution of Br for IxCl3x 31
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Al 0.93 17.3 63 10.2 P: use of spray-coating method 136
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.854 16.7 63.4 8.97 P: additive (1-chloronaphthalene) 33
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Ca/Al 0.91 13.11 78.11 9.32 P: additive (NH4Cl) 38
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Ca/Au 1.1 20.9 79 18.2 Comparison between p–i–n and n–i–p structure 137
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/ZnO/Al 1.027 22.0 74.2 16.8 P: control of morphology (growth rate) 39
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.86 16.8 70.4 10.9 P: additive (ethylammonium iodide) 34
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Ag 0.91 17.76 73 11.82 P: comparison between (MAPbI3xClx and MAPbI3) 138
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Al 0.90 20.00 75.1 13.60 P: control of morphology (vapour atmosphere) 40
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Al 0.91 21.06 60.84 11.66 P: control of morphology (liquid droplet assisted) 139
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/BCP/Al 0.83 19.86 59 9.75 P: control of morphology (solvent-assisted 109
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.95 19.79 63.2 11.88 P: control of morphology (thickness) 41
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 0.99 19.99 63 13.49 P: control of morphology (precursor ratio, 42
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/C60/Al 0.934 19.48 72.07 13.11 P: control of morphology (IPA treatment) 43
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/LiF/Al 0.979 18.79 68.8 12.73 P: additive (1,8-diiodooctane) 44
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 1.04 8.85 65.2 6.16 P: additive (poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)) 110
FTO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.94 22.4 83 17.5 P: control of morphology (hot-casting method) 46
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 0.86 17.31 77.2 11.45 P: control of morphology (precursor solvent) 45
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Al 0.92 15.4 68.2 9.6 Hc: additive (Ag nanoplates) 140
ITO/SOHELt/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 0.982 16.7 70.5 11.7 H: additive (perfluorinated ionomer) into 141
PEDOT:PSS, tuning WF
ITO/polythiophene/MAPbI3/C60/BCP/Ag 1.03 16.2 70.7 11.8 H: control of thickness 142
ITO/Poly-TPD/MAPbI3/PC61BM/C60/BCP/Ag 1.1 22.0 69.7 15.3 H: use of Poly-TPD 143
ITO/MoO3/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/C60/Bphen/Ag 0.96 20.06 67 12.78 H: insertion of MoO3 and control of solution 144
MoO3 concentration
ITO/rGO/MAPbI3/PC61BM/BCP/Ag 0.95 14.81 71.13 10.80 H: use of rGOg 88
ITO/PEDOT:PSS-AgNPs/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/ 0.93 21.51 79 15.75 H: additive (Ag nanoparticles), E: control of 145
Bphen/Ag concentration of Bphen solution
ITO/GO/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/ZnO/Al 1.00 17.46 71 12.4 H: use of GOh and control of its concentration 87
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/BCP/Al 0.6 10.32 63 3.9 E: comparison of C60, PC61BM and IC60BA 83
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/PEIE/Ag 0.899 17.32 77.1 12.01 E: comparison of methanol, PEIEi and P3TMAHTj 146
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/LiF/Al 0.846 20.2 76.7 13.1 E: insertion of LiF, control of PC61BM thickness 147
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/PN4N/Ag 1.00 20.61 72.5 15.0 E: comparison of PN4Nk, IPAl, PFNm and methanol 148
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/ZnO/Al 0.83 14.65 70 9.47 E: comparison of PC61BM, N2200n, PNVT-8o and 149

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Table 2 (continued)

Device architecture Voc (V) (mA cm2) (%) (%) Remarks Ref.
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/DMAPA-C60/Ag 0.97 17.9 77 13.4 E: insertion of DMAPA-C60 150
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/C60/Bis-C60/Ag 0.92 21.07 80 15.44 E: comparison of IC60BA, PC61BM and C60 151
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/PC61BM/Ag 0.99 18.11 68 12.2 E: use of double PC61BM layer 152
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/PDINO/Ag 0.95 18.8 78.5 14.0 E: comparison between ZnO and PDINOp 153
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/PCBC/Al 0.98 22.08 69.7 15.08 E: comparison between LiF and PCBCq 154
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM:graphdiyne/ 0.969 23.4 65.4 14.8 E: doping (graphdiyne) 155
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/Rhodamine101/ 1.01 17.72 73 13.2 E: insertion of Rhodamine 101 156
FTO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PC61BM/TIPD/Al 0.89 22.57 64.5 12.95 E: insertion of TIPDr 157
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/TPPI/Al 0.90 19.7 73 13.0 E: insertion of TPPI, P: additve (TPPI)s 158
P: perovskite layer engineering. b E: EEL engineering. c H: HEL engineering. d MSSC: meso-superstructured. e SA: solvent annealing. f TA: thermal
annealing. g rGO: reduced graphene oxide. h GO: graphene oxide. i PEIE: poly-(ethyleneimine ethoxylated). j P3TMAHT: poly[3-(6-trimethylammoniumhexyl)-
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

thiophene]. k PN4N: amino-functionalized polymer. l IPA: isopropanol. m PFN: poly[(9,9-bis(30 -(N,N-dimethylamino)propyl)-2,7-fluorene)-alt-2,7-(9,9-dioctyl-

fluorene)]. n N2200: poly{[N,N 0 -bis(2-octyldodecyl)-1,4,5,8-naphthalene diimide-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5 0 -(2,20 -bithiophene)}. o PNVT-8: poly{[N,N 0 -bis(alkyl)-
1,4,5,8-naphthalene diimide-2,6-diyl-alt-5,5 0 -di(thiophen-2-yl)-2,20 -(E)-2-(2-(thiophen-2-yl)vinyl)thiophene]}. p PDINO: perylene-diimide. q PCBC: [6,6]-
phenyl-C61-butyric acid (18-crown-6)-2-yl methyl ester. r TIPD: titanium (diisopropoxide) bis(2,4-pentanedionate). s TPPI: tetraphenylphosphonium
iodide. t SOHEL: self-organized hole extraction layer. u PC61BM: [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester. v IC60BA: indene-C60 bisadduct.

Fig. 5 The green arrow represents improvement in the device architecture of PrSCs and the desirable direction of development of PrSCs we suggest.
The graph shows progress in PCEs of mesoscopic PrSCs and low-T processed PHJ (n–i–p and p–i–n) PrSCs.

4. Roles of interfacial layers in planar give an insight into their roles. Among several functions of
heterojunction perovskite solar cells interfacial layers in PHJ PrSCs, we will discuss their contri-
butions to energy level alignment, electrical conductivity,
Although fewer studies have considered interfacial layer trap passivation and the effect on device long-term stability
engineering than perovskite layer engineering for optimum in special.
morphology, this difference does not mean that interfacial
layer engineering is trivial. To increase the PCE of photovoltaic 4.1. Energy-level tailoring
devices, interfacial layers should be understood in depth and Energy-level tailoring is one of the most effective ways to directly
properly used in PHJ PrSCs.122,123 In this section, we review the increase device performance. Appropriate energy-level tailoring
studies of the interfacial layer engineering of PHJ PrSCs, and can increase Voc and facilitate charge transfer and extraction,

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which contribute to increasing Jsc and FF.124 In particular, P3HT (poly(3-n-hexylthiophene)) and PCPDTBT (poly(2,6-(4,4-
because Voc of PrSCs is determined by the quasi-Fermi level bis(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b;3,4-b 0 ]dithiophene-alt-4 0 ,7 0 -
difference between HELs and EELs, reducing the energy level 2 0 ,1 0 ,3 0 -benzothiadiazole))) as hole interfacial layers in a p–i–n
offset between the VBM of the perovskite and IE of HELs, and PHJ PrSCs.64 The polymers modified the WF of ITO/PEDOT:PSS
between the conduction band minimum (CBM) of the pero- and thereby reduced the potential barrier at the junction
vskite and EA of EELs is crucial to increase the quasi-Fermi between PEDOT:PSS and the perovskite, MAPbI3. IEs of the
level difference.125–130 Here, we present examples of energy- polymers were 5.0 eV for P3HT, 5.0 eV for PCPDTBT, 5.2 eV for
level tailoring of HELs and EELs. DPP-DTT, and 5.3 eV for PCDTBT. When the polymers were
Hole extraction layers. Interfacial layers in PHJ PrSCs should introduced onto PEDOT:PSS, the devices with polymers of
be carefully selected considering the energy level of intimate higher IEs showed higher Voc values in general. The average
layers. However, the most widely-used perovskite light absorbers Voc of devices with the PCDTBT interlayer was 1.03 V higher than
MAPbI3, MAPb3xClx, MAPbBr3, and FAPbI3 have relatively those of devices with P3HT (0.7 V) (Fig. 6c). The significant
high IEs (5.4, 5.4, 5.9 and 5.4 eV, respectively) compared to increase in Voc arose from reduction in the energy level differ-
commonly-used HELs such as PEDOT:PSS, spiro-OMeTAD, and ence between the VBM of MAPbI3 and IE of the interfacial
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

poly(triarylamine) (PTAA) (4.9–5.2 eV). The difference between polymer layer, thereby the increase in the quasi-Fermi level
the energy levels of the perovskite and HEL causes loss in built- difference between the EEL and HEL. In a similar way, poly-
in potential of a device; this loss can lead to decrease in all TPD can be used to tailor the energy level as a HEL.118,143,159
photovoltaic parameters such as Voc, Jsc and FF. Therefore, to Because Poly-TPD has a higher IE (5.4 eV) than PEDOT:PSS (5.2 eV),
increase PCE of a PHJ PrSCs, energy-level tailoring of an inter- the energy offset with MAPbI3 was decreased. Therefore, the device
facial layer at the junction between the perovskite layer and with Poly-TPD showed a higher Voc (1.1 V) than the device with
metal contact is essential. PEDOT:PSS (0.8 V) (Fig. 6d).
To reduce energy level offset between PEDOT:PSS and Small-molecule HELs can also be used to tune energy levels.
MAPbI3 in p–i–n PHJ PrSCs, Lee et al. developed a HEL with a Leo et al. explained the relation between the IE of small-molecule
high work function (WF); this HEL is composed of PEDOT:PSS HELs and Voc of fully vacuum-processed p–i–n PHJ PrSCs. For
and a perfluorinated ionomer (PFI) which they called a self- comparison, six HELs with different IEs Spiro-MeO-TAD (5.0 eV),
organized hole extraction layer (SOHEL).141 The WF of this MeO-TPD (5.1 eV), Spiro-MeO-TPD (5.1 eV), Spiro-TTB (5.3 eV),
SOHEL could be tuned by adjusting the concentration of PFI in Sprio-TAD (5.4 eV) and BPAPF (5.6 eV) were chosen from a family
PEDOT:PSS because the surface energy difference between of triarylamine derivatives.119 Devices that used HELs with IEs
PEDOT:PSS and PFI causes the PFI which has a high WF to up to 5.3 eV which is close to the VBM of MAPbIx3Clx (5.4 eV)
become enriched on the film surface (Fig. 6a). This approach is showed a gradual increase in Voc of devices from 0.82 V to 0.97 V;
useful to adjust the energy level of a HEL to align with the VBM the increase in Voc was due to reduction of the energy level
of diverse perovskite materials. A PFI/PEDOT : PSS weight ratio difference between the HEL and perovskite, which increased the
B0.2 (SOHEL2) yielded a HEL with a higher WF (5.39 eV) than quasi-Fermi level difference in the devices.
pristine PEDOT:PSS (4.86 eV). The increased WF was well Overall changes in Voc of devices described above were linearly
aligned with the VBM of MAPbI3. As a result, the device with proportional to the energy level difference between perovskites and
SOHEL2 achieved a PCE = 11.7% that exceeded that of the various HELs (Fig. 7). As the energy level offset approaches zero, Voc
device with pristine PEDOT:PSS (PCE = 8.1%) (Fig. 6b). tends to be maximized. This trend strongly indicates that to
Burn et al. introduced various kinds of p-type polymeric increase PCE of a device, the HEL must be chosen appropriately,
organic semiconductors e.g., DPP-DTT (poly(2,5-(2-di(thien-2-yl)- considering its energy level.
thieno[3,2-b]thiophene))), PCDTBT (poly(N-9 0 -heptadecanyl-2,7- Electron extraction layers. Energy level tailoring of the
carbazole-alt-5,5-(4 0 ,7 0 -di(thien-2-yl)-2 0 ,1 0 ,3 0 -benzothiadiazole))), electron extraction side can be explained in a similar manner

Fig. 6 Energy level tailoring of HELs for PHJ PrSCs (a) the work function change of SOHEL series as a function of the PFI/PEDOT:PSS weight ratio.
(b) J–V characteristics of the PHJ PrSCs with pristine PEDOT:PSS or optimal SOHEL as a HEL. Reproduced from ref. 141 with permission from Wiley-VCH.
J–V characteristics of the PHJ PrSCs with various HELs with different IEs (c) PCDTBT, DPP-DTT, P3HT and PCPDTBT (Reproduced from ref. 64 with
permission from Nature Publishing Group); (d) PEDOT:PSS and Poly-TPD (Reproduced from ref. 143 with permission from Wiley-VCH).

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charge transfer and extraction by the favourable energy level

alignment increased the Jsc and FF in the device with ITO/
ZnO/PCBM/MAPbI3/PTB7-Th/MoO3/Ag; as a result it achieved a
PCE = 12.2%.
PC61BM is a representative material as an EEL in p–i–n PHJ
PrSCs because it has excellent electron accepting properties.
However, the difference between the lowest unoccupied mole-
cular orbital (LUMO) of PC61BM and WF of the metal contact
causes a decrease in the quasi-Fermi level difference and a lower
built-in voltage which lead to low device performance. To form a
quasi-Ohmic contact between PC61BM and the Ag cathode, PEIE
or poly[3-(6-trimethylammoniumhexyl)thiophene] (P3TMAHT)
were inserted between the layers (Fig. 8c).146 Both polymers
formed interface dipoles with a negative charge on Ag and
Fig. 7 Change in Voc of PHJ PrSCs as a function of the energy level offset
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

between HELs and perovskite. decreased its WF from 4.7 eV to 3.97 eV (PEIE) and to 4.13 eV
(P3TMAHT). The modifying interfacial layers minimized the
energy difference between PC61BM and the cathode and maxi-
as in the HEL section. An EEL is required to form good energy-level mized the quasi-Fermi level difference in the devices. Hence,
matching at the junction between the cathode and perovskite the Voc increased from 0.85 V to 0.9 V, and the Jsc and FF were
layer. Otherwise, loss in built-in potential and Voc, and associated also improved by using the interfacial layers. The device
decrease in PCE can arise; the commonly-used EELs, TiO2 and ZnO with ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PC61BM/PEIE/Ag achieved a
have a CBM around 4.0–4.2 eV which is quite different from the PCE = 12.0%, which was higher than the device with a PCE =
CBM of perovskites: MAPbI3, MAPb3xClx, MAPbBr3, and FAPbI3 8.5% that did not have the interfacial layers. Similarly, a chemi-
generally have a CBM in the range of 3.6–3.9 eV. sorbed dipolar interface layer, DMAPA-C60 based on an amine
The use of self-assembling monolayers (SAM) is an effective functionalized fullerene derivative was used to make a quasi-
way to tailor the energy level of a layer; the effect results from Ohmic contact between PCBM and the Ag cathode in p–i–n PHJ
the formation of a permanent dipole in the SAM. The deposi- PrSCs.150 The device structure was ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/
tion of 3-aminopropanoic acid SAM (C3-SAM) onto sol–gel ZnO PC61BM/DMAPA-C60/Ag. Owing to the decreased WF of Ag
successfully decreased the WF of ZnO from 4.17 to 3.52 eV, and (3.97 eV) with the interfacial layer, the device achieved a PCE =
thereby improved its energy level alignment with the CBM of 13.4% with an increased Voc = 0.97 V compared to the device
the MAPbI3 perovskite (3.75 eV).82 As a result, n–i–p PHJ PrSCs without DMAPA-C60 which had a PCE = 9.4% and Voc = 0.9 V.
with SAM treatment showed a higher Voc (1.07 V) than the A thin LiF layer was also used as an EEL placed between
reference device (0.99 V) (Fig. 8a). The energy level of sol–gel PC61BM and Al in p–i–n PHJ PrSCs.147 The function of the thin
ZnO was also tuned by deposition of a thin organic surface metal fluoride layer in this position has been explained in the
modifier, PCBM onto it. The deposition of PCBM changed the field of organic solar cells: (1) formation of a dipole to reduce
electronic structure of the ZnO film into a more favourable the WF of the metal; (2) reaction with the metal contact to
form.160 In particular, the use of a ZnO/PCBM EEL decreased facilitate charge extraction; and (3) decrease in metal-bonding
the energy level offset with the CBM of MAPbI3 and as a result induced damage to PC61BM.161–164 Based on the effects, devices
increased the difference in quasi-Fermi levels in a device with LiF/Al showed a superior PCE = 13.1% to the device without
compared to that in a device with ZnO alone. Therefore, the LiF (11.5%) (Fig. 8d).
device with the ZnO/PCBM EEL had a higher Voc (1.02 V) than a In short, Voc strongly depends on the energy level offset at
device with a ZnO-only EEL (0.78 V) (Fig. 8b). Also, efficient the electrode interfaces. Voc of devices can be increased linearly

Fig. 8 J–V characteristics of the PHJ PrSCs with energy level tailored EELs (a) C3-SAM (Reproduced from ref. 82 with permission from the American
Chemical Society) (b) PC61BM (Reproduced from ref. 160 with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry) (c) PEIE and P3TMAHT (Reproduced from
ref. 146 with permission from the American Chemical Society) (d) LiF (Reproduced from ref. 147 with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry).

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Table 3 HELs for PrSCs and their corresponding IE and device performance*

IE of VBM of Offset Jsc

HEL HEL (eV) Perovskite perovskite (eV) (eV) Voc (V) (mA cm2) FF (%) PCE (%) Device architecture Ref.
PCDTBT 5.3 MAPbI3 5.4 0.1 1.03 15.9 66 10.9 ITO/PEDOT:PSS/HEL/ 64
DPP-DTTb 5.2 0.2 1.00 13.3 74 9.8 MAPbI3/PCBMl/LiF/Ag
PCPDTBTc 5.0 0.4 0.88 13.0 69 7.8
P3HTd 5.0 0.4 0.7 14.2 78 8.5
SOHELe 5.39 MAPbI3 5.43 0.04 0.982 16.7 70.5 11.7 ITO/HEL/MAPbI3/PC61BM/Al 141
PEDOT:PSS f 4.9 0.53 0.835 14.1 68.5 8.1
Spiro-TTBg 5.3 MAPbI3xClx 5.4 0.1 0.970 14.9 63 9.1 ITO/HEL/MAPbI3xClx/C60/Ag 119
Sprio-MeO-TPDh 5.1 0.3 0.940 15.5 66 9.6
MeO-TPDi 5.1 0.3 0.863 14.5 63 7.8
Sprio-MeO-TAD j 5.0 0.4 0.820 14.1 63 7.2
Poly-TPDk 5.4 MAPbI3 5.4 0 0.99 20.01 69.55 13.78 ITO/HEL/MAPbI3/PC61BM/ 143
PEDOT:PSS 5.2 0.2 0.80 9.41 61.80 4.63 C60/BCPm/Ag
*We surveyed relevant articles that compared HELs in PHJ PrSCs and exhibited energy levels of HELs, perovskites and the corresponding device
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

performance. a PCDTBT: (poly(N-9 0 -heptadecanyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-5,5-(40 ,70 -di(thien-2-yl)-2 0 ,1 0 ,30 -benzothiadiazole))). b DPP-DTT: poly(2,5-(2-di(thien-
2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene)). c PCPDTBT: poly(2,6-(4,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b;3,4-b 0 ]dithiophene)-alt-4 0 ,70 -(2 0 ,10 ,3 0 -benzothiadiazole).
P3HT: poly(3-n-hexylthiophene)). e SOHEL: self-organized hole extraction layer. f PEDOT:PSS: poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate.
Spiro-TTB:. h Spiro-MeO-TPD:. i MeO-TPD:. j Sprio-MeO-TAD: 2,20,7,70-tetrakis(N,N0-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,90-spirobifluorene poly[3-(6-trimethyl-
ammoniumhexyl)thiophene]. k Poly-TPD: poly(N,N 0 -bis(4-butylphenyl-N,N 0 -bis(phenyl)benzidine)). l PC61BM: [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl
ester. m BCP: bathocuproine.

Table 4 EELs for PrSCs and their corresponding LUMO level and device performance

LUMO of CBM of Offset Jsc

EEL EEL (eV) Perovskite perovskite (eV) (eV) Voc (V) (mA cm2) FF (%) PCE (%) Device architecture Ref.
ZnO/PC61BM 3.9 MAPbI3 3.7 0.2 1.02 14.73 73 10.87 ITO/EEL/MAPbI3/ 160
ZnO 4.2 0.5 0.78 14.54 68 7.65 PTB7-Thi/MoO3/Ag
IC60BAb/C60/BCPc 3.7 MAPbI3 3.7 0 0.98 11.3 80 8.83 ITO/PEDOT:PSS/ 22
PC61BM/C60/BCP 3.9 0.2 0.82 12.4 74.1 7.53 MAPbI3/EEL/Al
C60/BCP 4.5 0.8 0.53 12.2 33.1 2.14
PEIEd 3.97 MAPbI3xClx 4.2** 0 0.899 17.32 77.10 12.01 ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/ 146
P3TMAHTe 4.13 0.07 0.899 17.10 74.10 11.28 PC61BM/EEL/Ag
Ag only 4.7 0.5 0.849 16.00 60.29 8.53
DMAPA f-C60 3.97 MAPbI3xClx 3.95** 0.02 0.97 17.9 77 13.4 ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/ 150
Ag only 4.74 0.79 0.90 17.1 61 9.4 PC61BM/EEL/Ag
PDINO g 3.63 MAPbI3xClx 3.9** 0 0.95 18.8 78.5 14.0 ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/ 153
ZnO 4.4 0.5 0.95 16.0 74.5 11.3 PC61BM/EEL/Ag
Ag only 4.6 0.7 0.85 17.5 67.6 10.0
TIPDh 3.9 MAPbI3 3.9** 0 0.89 22.57 64.5 12.95 ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/ 157
Al only 4.3 0.4 0.83 15.42 67.7 8.66 PC61BM/EEL/Al

*We surveyed relevant articles that compared EELs in PHJ PrSCs and exhibited energy levels of EELs and perovskites and the corresponding device
performance. **Regarding EELs used on the PC61BM layer, the energy level offset was investigated between PC61BM and the electrode. a PC61BM:
[6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester. b IC60BA: indene-C60 bisadduct. c BCP: bathocuproine. d PEIE: poly-(ethyleneimine ethoxylated).
P3TMAHT: poly[3-(6-trimethylammoniumhexyl)thiophene]. f DMAPA: dimethylaminopropylamine. g PDINO: perylene-diimide. h TIPD: titanium
(diisopropoxide) bis(2,4-pentanedionate). i PTB7-Th: poly[4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)benzo][1,2-b;4,5-b 0 ]dithiophene-2,6-diyl-alt-(4-(2-

by using energy-level-tailored HELs and EELs at the interface of charge transport occurs through the interfacial layers from
PHJ PrSCs. The maximum Voc is achieved when the energy levels perovskite absorbers. In general, high electrical conductivity
of HELs and EELs are pinned to the VBM and CBM of perovskites, of an interfacial layer is favourable so that charges can be
respectively. We expect that this review of how Voc depends on the efficiently collected to a desired electrode with minimized
energy-level tailoring of interfacial layers will be helpful to provide recombination as long as charge balance between electrons
an insight into the ways to maximize Voc of devices with various and holes is stable in a device. Although spiro-OMeTAD and
kinds of perovskite light absorbers. More specific information of PTAA are typically used as hole interfacial layers in n–i–p PHJ
the HELs and EELs including their characteristics in terms of the PrSCs, they have a low conductivity and low hole mobility in the
energy level and device performance is summarized (Tables 3 absence of dopants such as lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-
and 4). Also, we summarized energy level diagram of the HELs imide (Li-TFSi) and tert-butylpyridine (tBP).165–167 Moreover,
and EELs described in this section (Fig. 9). the difference in electrical conductivity between the perovskite
light absorber and an interfacial layer can cause accumulation of
4.2. Electrical conductivity of interfacial layers charges at the interface and formation of space charges that can
Electrical conductivity of interfacial layers in PHJ PrSCs is also impede efficient charge transfer and transport. Therefore, devices
an important factor determining device performance because with an undoped HEL showed low PCE.168–172

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Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

Fig. 9 Energy level diagram of HELs (left) and EELs (right) used in PHJ PrSCs and perovskite light absorbers (middle). The unit for each value is [eV] but
omitted. The values of IEs of HELs and EAs of EELs were extracted from the references which are provided in Section 4.1. The energy levels of MAPbI3,
MAPbI3xClx and MAPbBr3 were extracted from ref. 47. The energy level of FAPbI3 was extracted from ref. 196.

To overcome this limitation, a dopant-free donor–acceptor con- a PCE = 15.1% which exceeded the PCE = 12.8% of the device
jugated small molecule, DOR3T-TBDT, was introduced as a HEL in a to which MWNTs were not added.
n–i–p PHJ device with the ITO/TiO2/MAPbI3xClx/DOR3T-TBDT/ Studies on EELs of p–i–n PHJ PrSCs have also been reported.
MoO3/Ag structure.81 The bulk electrical conductivity of the HEL PCBM, the popular EEL, has been doped with graphdiyne, a
measured by a transmission line model at room temperature (RT) novel two-dimensional carbon material.155 While the electron
was B4  104 S cm1 and the hole mobility extracted from organic mobility of an unipolar device with pure PCBM was 2.98 
field-effect transistors (OFETs) was 0.26 cm2 V1 s1; both are higher 104 cm2 V1 s1, it was increased to 5.32  104 cm2 V1 s1 in
than those of pristine spiro-OMeTAD (conductivity B105 S cm2; the device that used graphdiyne-doped PC61BM. The improvement
hole mobility B104 cm2 V1 s1). Electrochemical impedance in electron mobility resulted from good electrical characteristics of
spectroscopy (EIS) measurements of devices also showed the graphdiyne owing to its carbon network structure with delocalized
lower resistance of the DOR3T-TBDT based device than the p-systems. In addition, the device with PC61BM:graphdiyne
device with dopant-free spiro-OMeTAD. Moreover, a significant exhibited less charge recombination because of the better cover-
photoluminescence (PL) quenching and shortened PL lifetime age of the EEL and the interfacial contact with the perovskite
of the DOR3T-TBDT interfaced MAPbI3xClx layer indicated surface than undoped PC61BM. Due to the increased electrical
efficient hole extraction. Therefore, the device with DOR3T- conductivity of the EEL, the device achieved a PCE = 14.8%,
TBDT which achieved a higher PCE = 14.9% than the devices which was higher than PCE of the device with pristine PC61BM
with dopant-free spiro-OMeTAD (3.5%). (13.6%).
Another method to increase the low electrical conductivity of pure The importance of roles of a fullerene-based n-type layer in a
spiro-OMeTAD is to introduce multi-walled carbon nanotubes p–i–n type PHJ cell was highlighted particularly with respect to
(MWNTs) into it.80 Owing to the high carrier mobility electrical conductivity of the materials;151 the authors presented a
(B220 cm2 V1 s1), electrical properties of spiro-OMeTAD that clear correlation between the charge-transporting properties of
incorporated 0.5 wt% of MWNTs had carrier mobility more EELs (IC60BA, PC61BM and C60) and device performance. Electron
than two orders of magnitude larger, and conductivity three mobilities of the fullerene derivatives were obtained from FETs
orders larger than pristine spiro-OMeTAD. Here, however, the based on each fullerene derivative. The gradual increase in
lower WF of MWNTs (4.6 eV) provided a path for undesired electron mobility from IC60BA (6.9  103 cm2 V1 s1), to
electron transfer.173–175 Therefore, a hierarchical structure PC61BM (6.1  102 cm2 V1 s1), to C60 (1.6 cm2 V1 s1) was
composed of pure spiro-OMeTAD/spiro-OMeTAD:MWNTs was attributed to increased conjugation and dense packing of C60
introduced to block back-electron transfer. The first deposited owing to the lack of bulky side-chains. Due to this reason, the
pure spiro-OMeTAD efficiently blocked back-electron transfer due device with C60 as an ETL achieved the highest Jsc = 21.07 mA cm2
to its lower LUMO (2.3 eV) than the CBM of MAPbI3 (3.9 eV). As a and PCE = 15.44%; the device with PC61BM had a Jsc =
result of increased electrical conductivity of the MWNT embedded 18.85 mA cm2 and PCE = 13.37%, and the device with IC60BA
spiro-OMeTAD and efficient blocking of back-electron transfer by had a Jsc = 11.27 mA cm2 and PCE = 8.06%. These results
pristine spiro-OMeTAD, the device with the FTO/TiO2/MAPbI3/ indicate that an EEL with good electrical conductivity promotes
spiro-OMeTAD/spiro-OMeTAD:MWNTs/Au structure achieved efficient charge transport in a device and increase its PCE.

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4.3. Passivation of traps in perovskites image in Fig. 10b shows that PC61BM passivated the trap states and
The presence of a large density of traps in perovskite absorbers reduced the surface recombination. The increased surface passiva-
has been identified as the main origin of large photocurrent tion effect of PC61BM on MAPbI3 was revealed from the blue-shift in
hysteresis of PrSCs which hampers accurate evaluation of device PL of the films and the surface passivation effect led to reduced
performance and degrades device reliability.22,50,51,137,151,176–180 interface recombination, an increased carrier lifetime and increased
To be specific, the hysteresis comes from the difference in rates mobility, thereby yielding a high PCE of around 15%. The excellence
of charge trapping and de-trapping depending on the voltage of fullerene derivatives in trap passivation of perovskites in PHJ
sweep direction and sweep rate. Therefore, decreasing trap density of PrSCs has been being reported elsewhere to date.151
states (tDOS) is required to eliminate the hysteresis of a device. One 4.4. Enhancement in long-term stability of devices
way of decreasing tDOS is to fill or passivate the traps by applying an
intimate interfacial layer with the perovskite; hysteresis-less PHJ Long-term stability of a device is an essential requirement for
PrSCs have been realized using this approach.22,50,151 commercialization. Although PHJ PrSCs have achieved high
Huang et al. applied a double fullerene layer (PC61BM/C60) PCE near 20%, they have poor long-term stability mainly due to the
onto an MAPbI3 film.22 Thermal admittance spectroscopy (TAS) inherent vulnerability of perovskite light absorbers to moisture
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

analysis confirmed the decrease in tDOS after interfacial layer and heat. Degradation of perovskites after exposure to moisture
passivation on the perovskite film. While the device without the and heat can be easily traced in various ways. For example, the
interfacial layers had a large tDOS in the range from 1  1017 to color change in perovskite films usually from dark brown to yellow,
1  1019 m3 eV1, the device with the interfacial layers had the change in the XRD peaks of perovskite crystal structures, and
tDOS about two orders of magnitude less than this. The tDOS decreased intensity of light absorption are observable.181–183
was also significantly mitigated by appropriate thermal anneal- The sensitivity of perovskites to moisture imparts an additional
ing on PC61BM (100 1C for 45 min) (Fig. 10a).50 The schematic function to interfacial layers. An appropriate choice of interfacial
layers to sandwich perovskites can protect them from exposure
to undesirable environments, and thereby extend the stability
of a device.
However, the most popular solution-processable conducting
polymer HEL in p–i–n PHJ PrSCs, PEDOT:PSS has disadvantages
of hygroscopicity and acidity; these properties can degrade the
long-term stability of the devices. Therefore, researchers are
seeking a way to improve device stability. Chu et al. introduced
solution-processable MoO3 between ITO and PEDOT:PSS, and
developed a device that had the ITO/MoO3/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/
C60/Bphen/Ag structure.144 The device showed better long-term
stability than the device with only PEDOT:PSS. Metal ions
released from ITO due to damage by acidic PEDOT:PSS can
diffuse into the inner layer of a device and degrade it. However,
insertion of MoO3 seems to effectively prevent corrosion of ITO
by PEDOT:PSS and consequent generation of undesirable species.
After 10 days under ambient conditions, the PCE of the device with
MoO3 degraded only 7%, whereas the device with only PEDOT:PSS
failed completely. Furthermore, owing to increased hole collection
efficiency, the device with MoO3 showed a higher PCE = 12.78%
than the device with only PEDOT:PSS HEL (PCE = 9.81%). In
another approach, PEDOT:PSS was simply replaced with reduced
graphene oxide (rGO) nanosheets as HELs; the replacement
increased device stability and PCE at the same time.88 The basic
structure of the devices was ITO/HEL/MAPbI3/PC61BM/BCP/Ag.
About three times longer half-lifetime of rGO device (B150 h) than
the device with PEDOT:PSS (B50 h) under ambient conditions was
attributed to rGO with nearly neutral properties, unlike PEDOT:PSS,
which is acidic. With few surface oxygen functionalities, rGO has
inherent passivation ability against moisture and oxygen. Also, the
device with rGO achieved a PCE = 10.8%, which was higher than a
PCE = 9.14% of the device with PEDOT:PSS. These results were
Fig. 10 (a) Trap density of states (tDOS) obtained by thermal admittance
spectroscopy. (b) A schematic image of the surface recombination reduction
ascribed to the superior charge transport ability due to higher
by passivating the trap states. Reproduced from ref. 50 with permission from conductivity of rGO than PEDOT:PSS and better-aligned energy
Nature Publishing Group. levels between rGO and the anode.

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5. Flexible perovskite solar cells

PrSCs are promising candidates as power sources. Neverthe-
less, processability at low T is an essential requirement for the
realization of flexible PrSCs; therefore, PHJ PrSCs are suitable
for this purpose.
Snaith et al. demonstrated flexible p–i–n PHJ PrSCs on PET/
ITO substrates (ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3xClx/PCBM/TiOx/Al);105
the devices had a PCE = 6.3% (Fig. 11a and b). Around the same
time, Kelly et al. reported flexible n–i–p PHJ PrSCs.73 The devices
were completed on PET/ITO substrates as well with the ITO/ZnO/
MAPbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/Ag structure. The PCE of the flexible
devices was 10.2%. The demonstrations presented development
possibility of flexible PHJ PrSCs (Fig. 11c and d).
Published on 13 October 2015. Downloaded on 10/25/2018 10:07:59 PM.

Jung et al. demonstrated bendable n–i–p PHJ PrSCs based on

PEN/ITO substrates.184 The device structure was PEN/ITO/MAP-
bI3xClx/Sprio-OMeTAD/Ag. The authors investigated bending
stability of the devices under various bending conditions. The Fig. 12 SEM images of (a) PEN/ITO/TiOx/ and (b) PEN/TiOx/perovskites
flexible PrSCs showed constant PCE as a function of the bending showing perovskites and their junction parts after 300 bending cycles. Scale
bar represents 100 mm. Low-magnification and high-magnification (inset) SEM
radius rB from 400 to 4 mm. At rB of 400 and 40 mm the devices images of (c) PET/highly conductive PEDOT and (d) PET/highly conductive
remained stable, but at rB of 4 mm the devices showed an abrupt PEDOT/semiconducting PEDOT/perovskite after 2000 bending cycles. (a) and
decrease in PCE after several tens of bending cycles. The authors (b) are reproduced from ref. 184 and (c) and (d) are reproduced from ref. 185
attributed this decrease to brittleness of ITO. Here, the researchers with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry.
examined the fracture behavior of perovskite films. One perovskite
film was deposited on PEN/ITO and the other directly on the PEN On the other hand, Kelly et al. reported that repeated bending of
substrate. The former had cracks from ITO, but the latter did not the device at a low radius (4 mm) of curvature caused small cracks
have any cracks after bending (Fig. 12a and b). The authors in the perovskite films. (Fig. 12c and d).185 Nevertheless, the
attributed these results to the excellent mechanical properties authors concluded that perovskites can tolerate moderate condi-
of perovskite films and their compatibility with flexible devices. tions such as roll-to-roll manufacturing. Based on these conflicting
conclusions, it is worth studying in-depth and further debating on
the flexibility and mechanical durability of perovskite films.
The brittleness of FTO and ITO limits the development of flexible
PrSCs. Therefore, finding a way to replace the conventional FTO
and ITO electrodes with a transparent flexible electrode is a major
requirement for development of flexible PrSCs. Although several
papers have reported PrSCs that use flexible transparent conducting
electrodes (e.g., aluminum-doped ZnO (AZO)/Ag/AZO and PED-
OT:PSS) instead of FTO or ITO, PCEs of the flexible devices were
lower than rigid devices due to inferior electrical and optical proper-
ties of flexible electrodes.185–187 Therefore, various kinds of flexible
transparent conducting electrodes (e.g., PEDOT:PSS, graphene,188,189
carbon nanotubes189 and silver nanowires190) should be vigorously
studied with the goal of enhancing compatibility with flexible PrSCs
to replace conventional metal oxide brittle electrodes.

6. Conclusions and outlook

We have discussed and pointed out progress in PHJ PrSCs and
several strategies for providing insights into interfacial layer
engineering to improve photovoltaic performance and stability
of PHJ PrSCs.
Fig. 11 (a) Picture of flexible p–i–n PHJ PrSCs. (b) J–V charateristics of Importantly, improvement of PCE and stability of PHJ PrSCs
the flexible device and the device on a glass substrate. Reproduced from
requires the use of appropriate interfacial layers because the
ref. 105 with permission from Nature Publishing Group. (c) A picture of
flexible n–i–p PHJ PrSCs. (d) J–V charateristics measured under illumina-
interfacial layers have crucial roles in PHJ PrSCs; (1) proper
tion (red line) and in the dark (black line). Reproduced from ref. 73 with energy-level tailoring can reduce the energy offset between
permission from Nature Publishing Group. intimate layers, and thereby increase the built-in potential,

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30 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 12--30 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016

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