Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
REVISED: | 12/11/2020
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities is the official journal of Universiti Putra
Malaysia. It is an open-access online scientific journal. It publishes original scientific outputs. It
neither accepts nor commissions third party content.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities was founded in 1993 and focuses on
research in social and behavioural sciences as well as the humanities and its related fields.
To publish journal of international repute.
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Our goal is to bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience.
We aim for excellence, sustained by a responsible and professional approach to journal
publishing. Submissions can expect to receive a decision within 120 days. The elapsed time
from submission to publication for the articles averages 180 days. We are working towards
decreasing the processing time with the help of our editors and the reviewers.
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Abstracting and indexing of Pertanika
Publication policy
Pertanika policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent
consideration by two or more publications. It prohibits as well publication of any manuscript that
has already been published either in whole or substantial part elsewhere. It also does not
permit publication of manuscript that has been published in full in proceedings.
Code of Ethics
The Pertanika journals and Universiti Putra Malaysia take seriously the responsibility of all of its
journal publications to reflect the highest publication ethics. Thus, all journals and journal
editors are expected to abide by the journal’s codes of ethics. Refer to Pertanika’s Code of
The author must ensure that when a manuscript is submitted to Pertanika, the manuscript must
be an original work. The author should check the manuscript for any possible plagiarism using
any program such as Turn-It-In or any other software before submitting the manuscripts to the
Pertanika Editorial Office, Journal Division.
All submitted manuscripts must be in the journal’s acceptable similarity index range:
≤ 20% – PASS; > 20% – REJECT.
Lag time
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Authors are not permitted to add or remove any names from the authorship provided at the
time of initial submission without the consent of the journal’s Chief Executive Editor.
Manuscript preparation
Most scientific papers are prepared according to a format called IMRAD. The term represents
the first letters of the words Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, And Discussion.
IMRAD is simply a more 'defined' version of the "IBC" (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) format
used for all academic writing. IMRAD indicates a pattern or format rather than a complete list of
headings or components of research papers; the missing parts of a paper are: Title, Authors,
Keywords, Abstract, Conclusions, References, and Acknowledgement. Additionally, some
papers include Appendices. For manuscripts in Bahasa Malaysia, the title, abstract and
keywords should be written in both English and Bahasa Malaysia.
The Introduction explains the scope and objective of the study in the light of current knowledge
on the subject; the Materials and Methods describes how the study was conducted; the Results
section reports what was found in the study; and the Discussion section explains meaning and
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significance of the results and provides suggestions for future directions of research. The
manuscript must be prepared according to the journal’s Instruction to Authors
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Editorial process
Authors who complete any submission are notified with an acknowledgement containing a
manuscript ID on receipt of a manuscript, and upon the editorial decision regarding publication.
Pertanika follows a double-blind peer -review process. Manuscripts deemed suitable for
publication are sent to reviewers. Authors are encouraged to suggest names of at least 3
potential reviewers at the time of submission of their manuscripts to Pertanika, but the editors
will make the final selection and are not, however, bound by these suggestions.
Notification of the editorial decision is usually provided within 120 days from the receipt of
manuscript. Publication of solicited manuscripts is not guaranteed. In most cases, manuscripts
are accepted conditionally, pending an author's revision of the material.
As articles are double-blind reviewed, material that may identify authorship of the paper should
be placed only on page 2 as described in the first-4-page format in Pertanika’s Instruction to
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Peer reviewers are experts chosen by journal editors to provide written assessment of the
strengths and weaknesses of written research, with the aim of improving the reporting of
research and identifying the most appropriate and highest quality material for the journal.
Comments to authors are about the appropriateness and adequacy of the theoretical
or conceptual framework, literature review, method, results and discussion, and
conclusions. Reviewers often include suggestions for strengthening of the manuscript.
Comments to the editor are in the nature of the significance of the work and its
potential contribution to the research field.
3. The Editor-in-Chief examines the review reports and decides whether to accept or
reject the manuscript, invite the authors to revise and resubmit the manuscript, or
seek additional review reports. In rare instances, the manuscript is accepted with
almost no revision. Almost without exception, reviewers' comments (to the authors)
are forwarded to the authors. If a revision is indicated, the editor provides guidelines
to the authors for attending to the reviewers' suggestions and perhaps additional
advice about revising the manuscript.
4. The authors decide whether and how to address the reviewers' comments and criticisms
and the editor's concerns. The authors return a revised version of the paper to the Chief
Executive Editor along with specific information describing how they have
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addressed the concerns of the reviewers and the editor, usually in a tabular form. The
authors may also submit a rebuttal if there is a need especially when the authors
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