Structure and Classification of Lipids: Present
Structure and Classification of Lipids: Present
Structure and Classification of Lipids: Present
Melting point- as carbon chain increases, A fat is a triacylglycerol mixture that is solid
melting point increases, is semi-solid at room temperature (25).
- Saturated fatty acids have higher An oil is a triacylglycerol mixture that is liquid
melting points than unsaturated at room temperature (25).
fatty acids with the same number of
carbon atoms. The greater the Dietary Considerations and Triacylglycerol
degree of unsaturation, the greater
the reduction in melting point. Research have shown that, in general,
- The decreasing melting point nations whose citizens have high dietary
associated with increasing degree of intakes of triacylglycerol (fats and oils) tend
unsaturation to have higher incidences od heart disease
and certain types of cancers.
“Good fats” Vs “Bad fats”
- The most widespread energy-storage - A dietary fat can either be fat or oil
material within cells is the - People must limit fat intake to 30% of
carbohydrate glycerol total calories with up to 15% coming
- Unlike carbohydrates, lipids rather from monounsaturated fat, up to
than widespread, triacylglycerol are 10% from polyunsaturated fat, and
concentrated primarily in specials less that 10% from saturated fat.
cells (adipocytes) that are nearly - Saturated fats are bad fats
filled with the material - Monounsaturated fats are good fats
- These energy-storage lipids are the - Polyunsaturated can be good or bad
most abundant type of lipid present fats
in the human body.
- Triesters: three esters functional Essential Fatty Acids
group are present - Is a fatty acid needed in the human
- Triacylglycerol do not actually body that must be obtained from
contain glycerol and three fatty acids. dietary sources because it cannot be
They actually contain a glycerol synthesized by the body
residue and three fatty acid residues. - Two essential fatty acids: linoleic
In the formation of triacylglycerol, acid and linolenic acid.
three molecules of water have been
- Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are Phospholipids are the most abundant type of
essential for (1) proper membrane membrane lipids. It contains one or more
structure and (2) starting material for fatty acids and a phosphate group, a
the production of several platform molecule where a fatty acid(s) and
biochemically important longer- the phosphate group are attached, and
chain omega-6 and omega-3 acids. alcohol that is attached to the phosphate
Linoleic acid is the starting material for the
biosynthesis of arachidonic acid. Arachidonic Glycerophospholipids
acid is the starting material for eicosanoids, - Is a lipid that contains two fatty acids
substances essential to help regulate blood and a phosphate group esterified to
pressure, clotting, and several other a glycerol molecule and an alcohol
important body functions. esterified to the phosphate group.
- Contains phosphatidylcholines
Linolenic acid is that starting material for the (lecithins),
biosynthesis of two additional omeage-3 phosphatidylethanolamines
fatty acids: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and (cephalins), and phosphatidylserines
DHA (docosahexanoic acid) which are (cephalins).
important constituents of the
communication membranes of the brain and Sphingophospolipid
are necessary for normal brain - It is a lipid that contains one fatty acid
development. EPA and DHA are also active in and one phosphate group attached
the retina of the eye. to a sphingosine molecule and
alcohol attached to the phosphate