Laboratory Manual: Analogue and Digital Communication Lab
Laboratory Manual: Analogue and Digital Communication Lab
Laboratory Manual: Analogue and Digital Communication Lab
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Lab #
Linear Circuit Analysis National University Roll No: __________
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Function Generator
1. Two different signals output ports
2. Frequency range:10 Hz ~ 100 kHz and 100 Hz ~ 1 MHz
3. Waveforms:Sine, Triangle, Square and TTL Pulse
4. Amplitude: 10 Vpp
5. Built-in 6-digit frequency counter
6. Large 0.5” LED display
7. Overload protection
DC Power Supply
1. Triple bipolar voltage outputs
2. Constrant voltage operation
3. Low ripple and noise
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Lab #
Linear Circuit Analysis National University Roll No: __________
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Features & Benefits:
60 MHz, 100 MHz, and 200 MHz Bandwidths
Sample Rates up to 2 GS/s
2 or 4 Channels
Color or Monochrome LCD Display
CompactFlash® Mass Storage Option with TDS2MEM Module
Autoset Menu with Waveform Selection P
robe Check Wizard to Ensure Correct Probe Usage
Context-sensitive Help
Dual Time Base
Advanced Triggers, Including Pulse Width Trigger and Line-Selectable Video Trigger
Automatic Measurements
Multi-language User Interface
Waveform and Setup Memories
FFT Standard on All Models
OpenChoice™ Solutions Speed Documentation and Analysis of Measurement Results
– TDS2CMAX Communication Module
– TDS2MEM Storage Memory and Communication Module
– TDSPCS1 OpenChoice Software
– WaveStar™ Software
– Integration with Third-party Software
Design and Debug
Education and Training
Manufacturing Test and Quality Control
Service and Repair
TASK 01:
Write down the complete procedure to use the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
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Lab #
Linear Circuit Analysis National University Roll No: __________
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
Generate a 10V, 100KHz Sinusoidal Signal using ETEK FG-2002 board and display it on
Digital Storage Oscilloscope. Write down complete procedure how you generated and displayed the
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Lab #
Linear Circuit Analysis National University Roll No: __________
of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Islamabad Fall 2016
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