CMR Sample

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Department of Public Works and Highways- Cordillera Administrative Region




ECC Control No/REFERENCE Code No: ECC-OL-CAR-2019-0126

Date Issued: November 12, 2019
Project Title: Improvement of the 4.387-Kilometer long Libsong-
Poblacion Road.
Project Type: Road Upgrading and Construction
Project Location: Guinguinabang, Lacub Abra
Contact Person: Clifton D. Valencerina, MNSA- Chief, Construction Div.
Gavino A. Castaneda, Ph.D.- Project Engineer
Contact Number: (074) 444-6460/ (074) 300-6025
Email Add: __________
Geographical Coordinates: 17°39'5.04"N, 120°55'55.92"E
Project Stage/Phase: Construction
EMP Approval:  During ECC Application Stage
 Updated after ECC Issuance; approved on
Changes in Project Design (if any): None


Table II-1. Summary of Major Findings for the Monitoring Period

Condition / Requirement Compliance Status & Recommendation/Commitmen
/ Commitment Summary of Actions taken t for the next reporting
Compliance with ECC Complying. The DPWH/contractor is aware
All conditions in the ECC the rules and regulations of the
under the construction DENR to be complied and it is
stage are complied. committed to continue the
good practices and maintain its
good compliance status.

Compliance with EMP All mitigating/ enhancement The DPWH/contractor will

measures given in the EMP continue to implement the EMP
are being implemented. to ensure full compliance to the
requirements of DENR/EMB.
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Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training
Implementation of No exceedance during this Continuous monitoring to
appropriate & effective monitoring period comply with RA 8749, RA 6969,
env’tal impact remedial RA 9275, RA 9003 and PD 1586
as well.
actions in case of
Complaints Management No complaints received The DPWH/contractor has
during this monitoring established Complaints
period Management Plan. So that if a
complaint arises, it will be acted
upon by the proponent with the
stakeholders and concerned
Realistic and sufficient Not specified in the Program Expenses for Environmental
budget for conducting the of Work, however activities are included in the
environmental monitoring activities are still total project cost.
monitoring and audit being done to comply with
activities the environmental laws.
Accountability - qualified Since the project is still Regular coordination with the
personnel are charged under construction phase, DENR and other concerned
with the routine the project in-charge and agencies should be done for
monitoring of the project contractor have the updates of new legal
activities in terms of responsibility to monitor the requirements (if any). This is to
education, training, actual project impact and ensure the compliance of the
knowledge and management. They were project.
experience of the oriented with regards to
environmental team environmental matters.


A. Compliance Monitoring

Table 1. Summary Status of ECC & EMP Compliance

ECC/ EMP Relevant ECC Status Remarks

Condition / Condition/ s (if any) of
Requirement #/s Requirement Description Compli
PD The ECC covers the Complied
1) Project improvement from dirt road to
coverage/li Portland Cement Concrete Project implementation is
mits/ pavement of the 4.387- within the coverage limit
Kilometer long Libsong- of the approved project
2) Compone Poblacion Road, specifically scope.
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WEAP Virtual PCO Training
nts intermittent sections of Station
2+200 to Station 9+826 and Civil/construction works
located within the jurisdiction of were done in accordance
Barangay Guinguinabang, with the approved
Lacub, Abra. Program of Work and
12 Project development shall be in Plans Specification.
accordance with the submitted
documents. Major Amendment of ECC is
modifications and/or expansion not applicable.
shall be subject to a new
Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) requirement.
Compliance with the Sanitation Complied Portable Toilet (Portalet)
Code of the Philippines (DOH) is provided for domestic
use of workers on site.

3) Other
requireme Ann Compliance with Labor Code Complied Workers are provided
nts ex of the Philippines. with Personal Protective
mandated Equipment (PPEs) in
by other compliance to DOLE
agencies Safety requirements.
to be
complied Compliance with the Revised Complied So far, no trees affected
with Forestry Code of the during construction
Philippines. activities. But, if any, a
Tree Cutting Permit shall
be secured from DENR.

An All commitments, mitigating Complied Environmental

ne measures and monitoring Management Plan (EMP)
xA requirements, contained in the during construction stage
En Initial Environmental is being implemented.
vir Examination (IEE) Checklist for Please see EMP
on the proposed improvement of implementation in the
me the 4.387-Kilometer long next section of this report.
4) EMP and nta Libsong-Poblacion Road,
updates l particularly in the
as Ma Environmental Management
deemed na Plan/ Environmental Monitoring
required ge Plan, including any
me modifications and/or additional
nt information as approved by the
EMB, shall be instituted to
minimize any adverse impact
of the project to the
environment throughout its

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WEAP Virtual PCO Training
2 Earth and construction spoils Complied The mounds of stripped
shall be prevented from soils are temporarily
deposition to and along covered with impervious
drainage/natural waterways materials to minimize
and water bodies, and erosion and runoff. Also,
appropriate ponds/traps shall silt traps are provided
be provided along waterways within the construction
to contain/arrest silt-laden run- area to avoid the
off. discharge of silt-laden
3 Timely construction of Complied Adequate engineered
adequate engineered earth earth retaining structured
retaining structures along were constructed along
affected and geologically affected and geologically
unstable areas to protect unstable areas to protect
adjacent properties/ adjacent properties/
environment; and environment.
11 Excess earth materials and Complied The waste and
other construction spoils shall embarkment materials
be disposed-off properly in pre- used in the project are
designated disposal site/s being cleared out at the
along the road route and to be project site. Construction
maintained in a stable and debris will be collected by
non-pollutive condition. contacted hauler for
Violation of this condition shall proper disposal.
cause the automatic revocation
of the ECC without prejudice t So far, no violation was
other administrative and issued during this
criminal actions. monitoring period.
13 All temporary structures should Complied The area has no structure
be properly demolished, and to be demolished since it
debris deposited along water is already an open dirt
channel shall be removed in road, which is a subject
order not to impede the natural for improvement. If any, it
flow of the water. should be implemented in
accordance with DPWH
Department Order No. 53
Series of 2003 and 168
Series of 2015.
5) Conduct of No ECC condition. Baseline
baseline, data was provided during ECC
complianc application.
e and
6) Multi- No ECC condition Complied The project is not
sectoral required to form a Multi-
Monitoring partite Monitoring Team
CMR Sample Presentation 4
Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training
(as may (MMT). It is Non-
be Environmentally Critical
required) Project)
Complied Submission of this report,
CMR is being done on a
semi-annual basis.
7) Regular

1 Secure all necessary permits Complied Applicable Permits and

and/or clearance from the Clearances were secured
concerned offices that have from different concerned
administrative jurisdiction over agencies prior to its
the project i.e. DENR, EMB, project implementation.
LGU, DAR etc. prior to the
implementation of each project
5 The legal requirement pursuant Complied The project is now under
to RA 6969 (Toxic Hazardous construction stage. But
Waste Act of 1990), RA 8749 the company is
8) Institutiona (Clean Air Act of 1999), RA committed to comply with
l 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste all these provisions
arrangeme Management Act of 2000) and whenever applicable and
nts RA 9275 (Clean Water Act of once operational.
necessary 2004) shall be secured
for whenever applicable.
implement Compliance with said
ation of requirements shall be
environme coordinated with the Clearance
ntal and Permitting Division (CPD)
managem of EMB-CAR.
ent 9 That the EMB-CAR reserves Complied No misrepresentation has
measures the right to cancel or withdraw been reported so far.
this Certificate for any
misrepresentation of facts vital
to the issuance of this
Certificate and for any violation
of the conditions stipulated
9) Standard Complied The project has no plan
DENR to transfer its ownership.
requireme However, during this
nt on stage, the contractor is
transfer of responsible for the overall
ownership monitoring of the project.
10) Standard Complied Apparently, DPWH has
DENR no plan to abandon the
CMR Sample Presentation 5
Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training
requireme project since is beneficial
nt on to the community in terms
abandonm of transportation.
An All commitments, mitigating Complied Environmental Monitoring
ne measures and monitoring Plan (EMoP) during
xA requirements, contained in the construction stage is
En Initial Environmental being implemented.
vir Examination (IEE) Checklist for Please see EMP
11) Impact
on the proposed improvement of implementation in the
me the 4.387-Kilometer long next section of this report.
Plan or
nta Libsong-Poblacion Road,
l particularly in the
Ma Environmental Management
na Plan/ Environmental Monitoring
ge Plan, including any
me modifications and/or additional
nt information as approved by the
EMB, shall be instituted to
minimize any adverse impact
of the project to the
environment throughout its
4 The proponent shall undertake Complied The DPWH thru its
tree planting of appropriate/ contractor is in the
indigenous tree species in process of coordination
support of the National with the CENRO to
12) Social Greening Program and Climate support of this
Developm Change initiatives of the undertaking.
ent Plan Government Compliance with
(SDP) the said requirement shall be
coordinated with the concerned
the host Barangay with regard
to the planting site.
6 That an ECC Billboard (3ft.x5ft. Complied A Billboard containing the
in size) containing the project project title is installed at
title, proponent name, ECC the project site’s main
13) IEC Plan number and date of ECC entry point.
issuance shall be installed at
the project site’s main entry
14) Contingen 14 Working areas should have Complied The company/ contractor
cy/Emerge appropriate warning signs. has conducted
ncy Lighting during nighttime, and training/seminar for all the
Response barricade to prevent accident. workers for safety
Plan or purposes, for them to
equivalent know the safety
Risk measures being
CMR Sample Presentation 6
Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training
Managem implemented in the
ent Plan project site.

Complied Apparently, the company

15) Abandonm has no plan to abandon
ent Plan the project since the
(when project is already
applicable) implemented.

16) Environme Same as indicated in item no.

ntal 11
7 The proponent shall always Complied The company/ contractor
allow entry of EMB-CAR allows any inspector from
personnel into the project site concerned agency/ies to
to conduct monitoring and to conduct inspection within
validate the project’s the project premises.
compliance with the ECC
conditions stipulated therein.
8 The proponent shall cause the Complied The project is properly
implementation of any implemented and
undertaking which may be compliant with the
imposed by EMB-CAR environmental laws,
17) (Others)
because of Technical hence no reason to be
Conference/s called relative to called up for a Technical
environmental issues arising Conference.
from the implementation of the
10 Aggregates and other Complied Aggregates and
construction materials construction materials
including formworks shall be were sourced out from
sourced from legal suppliers the Materials Source
only. approved by QAHD and
the Materials Engineer.

B. Impact Monitoring

i. Summary of Previous Monitoring

There were no negative impacts recorded in the previous monitoring. Ambient

air quality monitoring was within the NAAQS, Portalet was provided for the
generated domestic wastewater of the workers and solid wastes including
construction debris were properly collected and disposed of properly thru the
contacted haulers.

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Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training

Ambient Air Quality

Figure 1

Point Source (Industrial) Air Quality


Overall Remarks

The project has no Air Pollution Source Installation that is required by the
permitting requirements of RA 8749.

However, since under construction stage, the expected primary impact of

the project on air quality is the increase in TSP concentrations near construction
areas. The civil works may cause some level of dust pollution in the air. Winds may
carry soil particles to nearby areas.

But during this monitoring, minimal dust emission was observed. In fact,
results of ambient air monitoring for PM 10 is within the NAAQS (Fig.1). The
contractor ensures that regular water sprinkling of exposed soils and unpaved
areas are being done. Also considered that hauling trucks are covered with canvass
or other material to control dust emission during transport.

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Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training
Water Quality

Ambient Water Monitoring

Effluent Monitoring

Overall Remarks

Portable toilet is provided in the construction site for the sanitation

requirements of workers.

Results of ambient water quality monitoring for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is
within the DENR Water Quality Criterion. This implies that the implementation of
the project does not affect the water quality of the river. This is due to the properly
implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

Land (Solid & Hazardous Waste)

Generated wastes include organic debris, roots, stumps, wooden planks, steel
bars, cement bags and other related materials are being disposed of through a
contracted hauler.

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WEAP Virtual PCO Training
The excavated materials are temporarily stored at a designated area within the
staging area prior to disposal into a permitted disposal site, determined by the
contractor. The general contractor is required to ensure that appropriate disposal
of the construction spoil, which is integrated in the Program Work Plan.


There are no public health issues associated with the project’s implementation.
Workers are provided with a Personal Protective Equipment such as working
uniform, pants, hard hat, chin Strap and Safety Shoes. The project contractor is
required to implement a Construction Health and Safety Plan to avoid accidents at
the workplace.

Moreover, this project has the following positive social impacts in addition to
environmental cleanliness and feeling of comfort to the commuters using the road
stretch brought by these roads project and bridges development.
➢ Safe and Convenient travel to the commuters/population within
➢ Access to basic needs and services
➢ Farmers can transport their agricultural/farming products to accessible
nearest market
➢ Improve trade, commerce, and industry.

Table 2. Summary Status of Environmental Impact Management and Monitoring

Plan Implementation

Monitoring Envt’l Parame Envt’l Impact Status of Envt’l Mgm’t. Mea-

Objective Aspect reters Complian sure
To comply Water Turbidit Run-off of Complied Silt traps are provided within the
with RA y of sediments construction area to avoid the
9275 storm discharge of silt-laden runoff.
runoff Cleaning of gutters and canals
Volume Domestic Portable toilets are provided by the
of wastewater contractor at the jobsite. These are
wastew generated by the regularly cleaned to maintain
ater workers sanitation at the site.

To comply Air TSP Dust emission Complied Regular water sprinkling of exposed
with RA soils and unpaved areas are being
8749 done.

Hauling trucks are covered with

canvass or other material to control
dust emission during transport
Noise Noise Noise generation Complied Provide noise control measures
CMR Sample Presentation 10
Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training
Level such as insulator, muffler,
soundproof material.

Construction activity is being done

during daytime.
To comply Land Volume Generation of Solid and hazardous waste
with RA of Solid Solid Wastes/ During management are being
9003 and Wastes Hazardous constructi implemented in compliance with RA
6969 and Waste on stage 9003 and RA 6969, respectively
Hazardo Generation
To ensure People Acciden Accident, Health Implementation of health program
that no t Safety During and safety procedures.
complaint/s constructi
from nearby on stage

Table 3. Report on Status of Environmental Budget Allocations and Expenses

Budget Actual Expenses
Expense Item* Direct from Budget for Direct Co.
MMT expenses
Co. MMT Expense
A. Implementation of Management Plans & Programs
1) Environmental Impact
25,000 25,000
Mitigation Plan
2) Social Development Plan N/A N/A
3) IEC Plan 3,000 3,000
4) Enhancement Programs (if
B. Implementation of Monitoring Plans
1) Self-Monitoring 15,000 15,000
2) Environmental Monitoring
Fund (with N/A N/A
3) Environmental Guarantee
TOTALS 43,000 43,000


A. Compliance Status

All applicable ECC conditions were complied.

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WEAP Virtual PCO Training
B. Environmental Quality Status (applicable only if EQPLs have been set by the
Proponent as its commitment or if opted to be mutually agreed upon by
Proponent with the EMB and other members of the MMT)

No exceedances have been recorded during this monitoring period.

C. Environmental Management Plan Status

To this monitoring period, its EMP is still applicable and updated. In

fact, it was properly implemented and noted being efficient and effective.

Mitigating measures are being implemented to avoid adverse impacts

to the environment in terms of Land, People, Air, Water Quality.


The project construction is not causing adverse impact to the

environment. It can be considered as low risk.


✓ Compliance Monitoring Report should be submitted regularly and on-time.

✓ Continue to implement Environmental Management Plan and Environmental
Monitoring Plan.
✓ continuous compliance with ECC conditions.


a) Approved Environmental Monitoring Plan in the EIS/other EIS Update



Gavino A. Castaneda, Ph.D Clifton D. Valencerina, MNSA

Project Engr./ Pollution Control Officer Chief, Construction Div.

Department of Public Works and Highway- CAR


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Jesson Rivera, EMB-NCR
WEAP Virtual PCO Training

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