CMR Sample
CMR Sample
CMR Sample
A. Compliance Monitoring
3) Other
requireme Ann Compliance with Labor Code Complied Workers are provided
nts ex of the Philippines. with Personal Protective
mandated Equipment (PPEs) in
by other compliance to DOLE
agencies Safety requirements.
to be
complied Compliance with the Revised Complied So far, no trees affected
with Forestry Code of the during construction
Philippines. activities. But, if any, a
Tree Cutting Permit shall
be secured from DENR.
B. Impact Monitoring
Figure 1
Overall Remarks
The project has no Air Pollution Source Installation that is required by the
permitting requirements of RA 8749.
But during this monitoring, minimal dust emission was observed. In fact,
results of ambient air monitoring for PM 10 is within the NAAQS (Fig.1). The
contractor ensures that regular water sprinkling of exposed soils and unpaved
areas are being done. Also considered that hauling trucks are covered with canvass
or other material to control dust emission during transport.
Effluent Monitoring
Overall Remarks
Results of ambient water quality monitoring for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is
within the DENR Water Quality Criterion. This implies that the implementation of
the project does not affect the water quality of the river. This is due to the properly
implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
Generated wastes include organic debris, roots, stumps, wooden planks, steel
bars, cement bags and other related materials are being disposed of through a
contracted hauler.
There are no public health issues associated with the project’s implementation.
Workers are provided with a Personal Protective Equipment such as working
uniform, pants, hard hat, chin Strap and Safety Shoes. The project contractor is
required to implement a Construction Health and Safety Plan to avoid accidents at
the workplace.
Moreover, this project has the following positive social impacts in addition to
environmental cleanliness and feeling of comfort to the commuters using the road
stretch brought by these roads project and bridges development.
➢ Safe and Convenient travel to the commuters/population within
➢ Access to basic needs and services
➢ Farmers can transport their agricultural/farming products to accessible
nearest market
➢ Improve trade, commerce, and industry.
To comply Air TSP Dust emission Complied Regular water sprinkling of exposed
with RA soils and unpaved areas are being
8749 done.
A. Compliance Status