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Final Scope of Work Pachmari SWM

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Pachmarhi is the most beautiful hill station in Madhya Pradesh, India. Pachmarhi
is a combination of belief, past history and nature. It is also known for the
Pachmarhi Cantonment. It is situated at a height of 1000 meters in the Satpura
Range. The town is not very large, and most of its area is under the administration
of the Pachmarhi Cantonment Board, serving the Indian Army. The civilian portion
of the town is small, and lies towards the tip of a lake. It has some hotels and a
movie hall. A bazaar runs through the small town. An club and golf course exist,
for the usage of military personnel. The town has an area of about 1314.7
hectares. It can be subdivided into Cantonment area 758 hectares & Civil area of
556.7 hectares. Major portion of the population lives in area under the control of
Cantonment Board. Small part of the population is inhabits the SADA area.
Restricted defense area of Pachmarhi is also a part of the town.
This Saucer shaped valley was discovered by Captain James Forsyth of the
British Army in 1857, and built a sanatorium for British troops in the Central
Provinces of India. The reserve forest around the town Pachmarhi is home to
many rare varieties of "Flora and Fauna". UNESCO declared Pachmarhi park as
Biosphere Reserves in May 2009.


Some of the places of tourist attractions here are: Apsara Vihar, Bee Fall
Chauragarh, Dhoopgarh, Gupt Mahadev, Handi Kho, Irene Pool, Jatasankar,
Lanjee Giri, Pandava Caves, Priyadarshini Point & Rajat Prapat etc.


Pachmarhi comes under Hoshangabad district which can be divided into two
geological units. In the northern portion the Narmada alluvium, which are primarily
the deposits of Pleistocene age, longitudinally covers more than half of the district

and the southern portion of the district forms part of the Satpura range. In this
range Gondwana rocks are fully represented. The area exhibits a wide variety of
geological rock and soil formations. The Archean Phyllites and Schists, the
Jurassic Perian Gondwana sandstone formations of Bagna, Denwa, and
Pachmarhi series, the cretaceous-Eocene Deccan trapsills and dykes and recent
alluvium are all found in the area. Teak is found to be rich and abundant on trap
formations and absent from the Gondwana sandstones, which are covered by
mixed forests of deciduous species.


Pachmarhi town being located on a slightly elevated plateau and surrounded by

thick forests has fairly pleasant climate throughout the year. Average rainfall
recorded at Pachmarhi is 1719.6 mm. Predominant wind direction during summer
season is from northwest whereas in winter and rainy season it is observed to be
very slow and therefore in this season maximum calm days are recorded.


As per 2001 census the population of Pachmarhi is about 14500.It has undergone
changes in population status and since 1961 it is showing an increasing trend.
Pachmarhi Population

Year Cantonment area SADA Pachmarhi

Area UA
1941 6200 500 6700
1951 4900 340 5240
1961 5490 660 6150
1971 8010 1210 9220
1981 9540 1540 11080
1991 10080 2410 12490
2001 11374 3000 14374
2011 16300 4000 20300
*Census of India –2011 projected

Floating population
Pachmarhi is the summer capital of Madhya Pradesh, it is a popular tourist
destination today, receives large number of tourists. During peak days, on
an average 3000 tourists visit the place. Apart from this, on the occasions of
religious fairs held on Nagpanchami and Mahashivratri nearly 3 to 5 lakhs
pilgrims come to Pachmarhi. Study of past data indicates that the number of
foreign tourist visiting Pachmarhi is negligible. Following table suggests
month-wise number of tourists expected to arrive in Pachmarhi by the year

Month Estimated No of Average number of tourists

Tourists per day
January 10555 681
February 14290 1021
March 15035 970
April 15940 1062
May 48750 3145
June 33945 2263
July 13375 863
August 10305 665
September 13260 884
October 32520 2098
November 22290 1486
December 34535 2228
Source: Master Plan of Pachmarhi, T&CP Department


Solid waste generating from households, shops and establishments is getting

disposed of on the streets, footpaths, open space, drains and water bodies. The
waste should be stored at the sources of generation. Out of the waste generated
recyclable waste should be stored separately and primary collection system fails to
ensure either doorstep collection or community based collection. This collection
system is also not synchronizing with communal waste storage facility. Present

system of waste transportation demands multiple handling of waste, which should
be avoided.
 Primary collectors, who work in unhygienic conditions, do sweeping of
roads and cleaning of drains manually. Although some equipments have
been provided to them but health awareness among them is lacking. They
need to be educated and encouraged to adopt all safety measures while on
 Number of community dustbins need to be increased, simultaneously
existing bins should be maintained properly. Dustbins should be designed
in such a way that they are beyond the reach of stray animals.
 Dumping of waste is not disposal of waste. In Pachmarhi, this is perhaps
the weakest link in the waste management system. Existing dumping site is
merely a garbage yard. By no means it can be considered as a sanitary
land fill (SLF) which is a scientific method of refuse disposal.
 Existing open dumping system may cause not only health hazards and fire,
but is potential breeding ground of vectors and diseases. It may also
contaminate ground water if the rock profile allows the leachets to
 As stated earlier, in SADA area major part of the waste is disposed of by
burning in small heaps whereas in Cant area waste is burnt at the dumping


Objectives of the Management of solid waste of Pachmarhi town are:

 Identification of civic infrastructure needs for management of Solid Waste
 Development of an insight into the impact of waste generation, collection,
transportation and disposal methods.
 Adoption of new methods for disposal.
 Ensures sustainability of the SWM at the local level.
 To effectively manage quantity of solid waste generated by the masses.
 To suggest suitable technology, method and equipment for managing solid
 To calculate the project cost for waste management and prepare DPR for
 To ensure safe disposal and treatment of waste (as per Municipal Waste
Management and Handling Rules 2000)


The scope of preparation detailed project report on Solid Waste Management of

Pachmarhi town is to analyze and understand the status of current waste
management practices and suggest practical measures for efficient and effective
management of solid waste in Pachmarhi town (SADA,Cantonment and Fair area).
The broad scope of study is as follows:
• Study of the present status and the available related infrastructure facilities
and services in study area.
• Delineation of the study area.
• Collection of primary and secondary data/information and undertaking field
reconnaissance surveys.
• Assessment of solid waste generation trends, volume and composition
• Classification of solid waste into:
– Bio-degradable
– Non-biodegradable & its sub-classification
• Preliminary identification and prioritization of projects for management of
Solid Waste including:
– Waste Segregation & disposal plan
– Waste treatment/management plan
– Awareness about waste disposal
• To conceive, design, develop the implementation plan for improvement of
Solid Waste management system of the city on a long term basis in an
organized manner.
• This document will help in assessing the long term requirements both in
physical and financial terms and shall act as a vision document for all future
activities related to SWM sector.


• Preparation of Concept Plan for Management of Solid Waste including

assessment of the solid waste generation trends, volume, composition,
existing facilities & infrastructure, etc
• Feasibility study of the specific concepts related to solid waste generated in
the town.
• Detailed Project Report for the proposed Solid Waste Management
generated in the Pachmarhi Town.
• To ensure compliance of MSW (M&H) Rules,2000
o Quantification of Solid Waste
o Storage of Solid Waste at source
o Primary collection of Solid Waste
o Waste handling and segregation of recyclable waste at source
o Transfer and transportation of Solid Waste
o Treatment of Waste
o Final disposal of Solid Waste
• To analyze and understand the status of current waste management
practices and suggests practical measures for efficient and effective
management of solid waste in Pachmarhi. A comprehensive solid waste
management plan involves
• Technical Plan
• Storage, collection, transportation, segregation, waste
characterization, processing, disposal and treatment.
• Preliminary design and technologies, plant and machinery
required, etc
• Cost estimation & financing plan for financial feasibility, cost
benefit analysis, economic analysis including operational cost
projection and analysis & cost recovery analysis to meet the capital
cost partially
• Social impact,
• Environmental analysis and ensure safe disposal and treatment of

waste as per Municipal Waste Management and Handling Rules
and CPHEEO norms.
• Capital cost recovery-partially
A comprehensive solid waste management plan involves storage, collection,
transportation, segregation, waste characterization, processing, disposal and
treatment. The detailed methodology proposed for the solid waste management
Data Needs Assessment
– Identification of Data Sources;
– Assessment of Solid Waste Generation trends;
– Assessment of Solid Waste Management Options in the Region;
– Data Analysis;
– Development of Reports
Data Collection Methodology
Following are various data that shall be collect from various secondary sources
 Population data, maps, development plans and provisions, growth
 City topography, Ground water level, cultural and commercial
 Level of Health and Medical facilities in city
 Different waste generating sources/ places in city
 Regular street sweeping of all city roads
 Segregation of waste and storage at household level
 Different community waste storage systems
 Waste collection systems from various sources of waste generation
 Transportation of waste to final processing/ disposal sites
 Different waste processing and disposal options
Methodology for HH Survey, Soil etc
Develop a survey schedule/household schedule covering the following main
aspects to carry out the survey.

 Socio-economic profile of the family
 Types of waste generated
 Quantum of solid waste generated in a family
 Quantum of solid waste generated in a locality
 Prevailing hygiene parctice in the family and area
 Awareness about the need for hygiene in the family and area
 Impact of prevailing hygiene condition on the family and social health
 Exisiting method of solid waste disposal
 Techniques of solid waste disposal
 People’s expectation with regard to SWM
Sampling procedure
All wards of pachmarhi city would be covered under the survey. Since all
sections of the society are to be covered, the stratified random sampling would
be used. 10 % of the households from defined strata in a locality/ward would
be surveyed.
Reconnaissance Survey
The information would be a pre-requisite for finalizing location of waste
collection bins, location of dustbins, and location of transfer station and route
Preparation of Design & Drawing
The analysis of all information/data from survey, field visits and discussions
with various stakeholders would be analyzed.
 Detailed design and preliminary working drawing,
 Suggestion on right type of equipment/machinery/method for
purpose of better solid waste management.
Preparation of Report
Incorporate all salient points under the scope of survey. The same would be
discussed with various officials and stake holders and Final DPR would be
prepared incorporating their suggestions.
The Detailed Project Report (DPR) would consist of technical feasibility,
preliminary design and cost estimation, financing plan for financial feasibility,

cost benefit analysis, economic analysis, social impact, environmental analysis.
It will include operational cost projection and analysis, cost recovery analysis to
meet the capital cost partially. CPHEEO norms would be followed at the time of
preparation of Detailed Project Report.


 Interaction and consultations with the client, local administration and

other key stakeholders.
 Random waste characterization and rapid assessment of SWM situation
in the area.
 Study and analysis of the existing SWM systems, identification of
deficiencies and bottlenecks with respect to primary collection, secondary
storage, street sweeping, transportation, treatment & disposal.
 Study composition of waste materials
 Assessment of utilization of manpower and machinery deployed for solid
waste management and its adequacy or otherwise
 Assessment of needs of manpower, machinery/tools and equipment to
implement the systems
 Examine alternative methods for effective waste management.
 Assessment of the geological characteristics
 Develop a plan of action for effective SWM.
 Design systems for primary collection, secondary storage, transportation,
treatment and disposal of waste.
 Identify options and finalization of site for treatment and disposal facilities.
 Analyze the Landfill and composting designs and specifications
 Detailed drawing, designs and estimates for the suggested waste disposal
 Preparation of bill of quantities and detailed cost estimates
 Assessment of levels of decentralization and need for effective
 Prepare Financial and Economic Plan for SWM.

 Prepare project implementation schedule and recommend organizational
set up
 Suggest mechanism for sustainability of the system.
 Prepare plan for motivating and engaging the public via continuous public
awareness campaigns for ensuring sustainability of the project in the long
 DPR shall be a comprehensive document they shall contain all relevant
information, collected and surveyed data, designs of system and
components, justifying chosen system and scheme, components thereof
and establishing that the cost shown is optimal, specifications, drawings.
They shall be documents worked out to details to invite tenders.
 CPHED / CPWD/ CPHEEO / ISS / Local PWD specifications, whichever
applicable, may be followed for construction of works.
 Cost estimates to be based on current local schedule of rates for standard
items of works and market rates for proprietary equipment.
 Necessary escalation in costs due to inflation during project
implementation period shall be incorporated on a justified rationale.


1. Submission of Inception Report 30 days (1 month)

2. Submission of Draft DPR 90 days (3 months)
3. Submission of approved Final DPR 120 days (4 months) 30 days from date of
approval of draft report & observations/
comments of Client on DPR


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