The Miaow Wah effect is a Wah pedal simulator.
You can use one of the predefined Wah models or create your own filters. It can be controlled with an
expression pedal or used in “auto” mode, where the Wah movement is controlled by an envelope
follower detecting the loudness of the incoming signal.
Main Parameters
• In & Out Gain: adjust the gain of the incoming and outgoing signals.
• Position: position of the wah pedal. In auto mode, it defines the “neutral” position of the pedal.
• Auto Mode: enable or disable the auto-wah mode.
• Depth: depth of the auto wah effect. Use negative values for reverse effect (down instead of
up). In this case you will need to set the position parameter to a non-zero value (typically 100%
for a full reverse effect).
• Sensitivity: sensitivity of the auto wah. Increase the value if the auto wah is not sensitive
enough to your attacks.
• Attack: time required to reach the maximum position when triggered with a loud signal (in auto
• Release: time to reach the minimum position when you stop playing (in auto mode).
• Wah Model: select the type of Wah pedal from the factory models or your own presets created
with the Wah editor.
Note that you can combine the auto and manual modes: the position set with an expression pedal (or
automation) and the envelope follower are combined together.
Wah Editor
You can display the wah editor by clicking on the “e” icon next to the wah model selector. You can then
edit existing presets to your own taste, or create you own filter effects: modify the blue curve
(corresponding to the state of the filter in the “lo” pedal position) and red curve (for the “hi” position).
Wah model presets can be saved using the menu available by clicking on the currently selected Wah
Just like with the built-in EQ plug-in, you can load reference curves of Wah pedals analyzed with Blue
Cat's FreqAnalyst Multi for comparison and matching.
You can grab the triangle at bottom right of the graph to change its size. You can lock the size of the
editor and GUI settings with the lock button in the toolbar to keep them unchanged while browsing
MIDI Control
To control the effect with MIDI, you can map the “position” parameter in the host application or plug-in.
Or you can use the gear icon in the toolbar to show the MIDI settings menu buttons (green arrow
icons) and do the assignment in the plug-in itself (MIDI learn supported).
Browsing Presets
In order to browse both factory and user presets, you can either use the simple presets menu or open
the full featured presets browser from the toolbar that remains visible until you close it:
Click on preset files and folders to open them, or use the arrows to navigate between displayed presets.
You can navigate upward in the folders tree by clicking on the current folder at the top. Type in the search
box to find presets by name (it also searches in folder names). The search is performed recursively in the
currently selected folder (displayed at the top).
Search Tips: you can search for multiple terms by separating them with commas. Wildcards are also
supported (with * and ? characters), but they are applied to the full path of the preset. For example, to
search for all presets containing the word "phase", type *phase* in the search box. To look for these presets
only in the factory presets, you can type Factory Presets/*phase*.
Both global plug-in presets (main) and sub-presets for the Wah model can be found in the presets browser -
just click on the appropriate category to find them.
Tone Maps
Another way to browse presets (and create new tones) is to use tone maps. Click on the tone map icon in
the main toolbar to open the tones explorer window. It shows a presets browser on the left to look for
presets (and load them), and a tone map on the right, which can be used to navigate presets and morph
between them:
Tone maps are available for global presets ("main") or for the wah model. The preset browser pane shown
here is the same as the main presets browser descrbed earlier, with an additional "+" button that can be
used to add presets to the current map.
The tone explorer window can be resized: move the mouse to the border of the window until an arrow
appears, then click and drag to resize accordingly.
Located at the top of the tone map panel, the toolbar provides additional commands, from left to right:
•Save your maps and reload them later using the menu icon. Use the left and right arrows to go thru
existing maps.
•If you modify the presets that compose a map, you can recompute the map using the refresh icon
(presets that cannot be found anyore will also disappear from the map).
•Use the trash icon to reset and start with an empty map.
•Use the target icon to reveal the mouse cursor in the map (that may have disappeared once
•The last icon lets you find the closest location on the map that fits the current settings. If the current
settings have been loaded from a preset that is on the map, it will find this preset. An approximate
location is computed otherwise (and will affect the current tone).
Once the map and its (green) cursor have focus, you can zoom the map using the mouse wheel. Once it
has been zoomed, drag the map with the mouse to move it (or use the find cursor command to locate the
Tip: you can hide the tone map panel (using the arrow at the top of the window) if you want to use this
window as a floating presets browser.
•Start with an empty map (click on the trash icon), or with an existing map that you like.
•Find presets with the browser, and add them to the map with the "+" icon (the "+" icon at the top of
the results list add all of them).
•The map is computed on the fly and shows presets that sound similar at the same location. Adding
new presets to an existing map may completely change its layout - it is the same as looking at an
object from a completely different angle.