Sept 2018
Sept 2018
Sept 2018
5. A man that wanted to go to the toilet and after a time Bladder rupture
of exposure to stress he didn’t want any more with coming to the
emergency by abdominal distention and the Foley catheter is empty
8. Sensory deficit anterior thigh and with inability to extend the knee post
hernia repair- femoral nerve injury
10. Groin mass in a child appears during the day time and disappear
during the night path- patent process vaginalis
13. Psoas muscle question the answer was about its origin- T12-L5 body
15. Anterior surface gastric ulcer between the antrum and the body of
stomach -Rt gastroepiploic
16. A 63 year old man who smokes heavily presents with dyspepsia. he is
tested and found to be positive for helicobacter pylori infection. one
evening he has an episode of haematemesis and collapses. what is the
most likely vessel to be responsible? Gastroduodenal
19. A case of dysarthria and wheel barrow effect of tongue on one side-
hypoglossal nerve injury
25. Female on warfarin and has to make further investigation after the
triple check the choices was needle and cor and other invasive and the
last choice was MRI
27. Zenker diverticulum site in pharynx -between sup and inf constrictors
3 analgesia questions
33. One has mid thoracic back pain from breast caner
34. One has brain metastasis from lung and have headache
36. Which diuretic acts on Na/k+ channel in collecting duct and causes
hyperkalemia (spironolactone)
38. Scenario of shock with bradycardia and decreased cardiac output and
decreased SVR
39. Tachycardia and decreased svr and increase internal jugular vein
42. Scenario of a man has a scrotal pain after vasectomy and during check
they found sperm granuloma
44. dre palpate 4 cm from anal verge posterolateral what will u find -
seminal vesicles)
45. testicular mass in 20 yrs old guy had a trauma since 3 weeks and
supraclavicular LN - lymphoma
49. Scenario of pain 1 week ago causing limp – tenderness over 2nd
metatarsal which unusually thick march # ..
50. Scenario of sharp pain over the foot dorsum radiates to toe and
tenderness in a cleft between 3rd and 4th toe morton's neuroma
51. A question about a trauma to the knee which became rigidly flexed
knee at 30 degree trying to flex or extend knee refused by the patient and
he mentioned giving away (acl-loose body- dislocated patella )
54. Intraarticular# elbow joint and preparation for surgery ….CT scan
56. Scenario about difficult abduction at 1st then he can abduct normally
after certain angle supraspinatus tendon tear
57. Patient cannot elevate his arm above certain angle to above his head
and cannot shrug his shoulders after posterior triangle maneuver what the
nerve affected- accessory nerve
60. a case scenario of a patient localize to pain – make sounds- open eye
to pain GCS score 5+2+2= 9
62. Tempromandibular joint dislocation and the patient has severe pain
around the joint what is the nerve? auriculotemporal
64. Scenario of mastoid process infection with pus can cause destruction
of which of the following (inner ear-sigmoid sinus – occipital-mandibular
–int carotid )
65. Scenario of recurrent gastric and duodenal ulcers with succession
splash …. Pyloric stenosis
67. 10 months with recurrent chest infection, cough at night awake hip
from sleep besides loosing wait (reflux –asthma –tracheoesophageal
68. 10 years old girl with bloody diarrhea … inflammatory bowel disease
69. 8 years girl with fever and abd pain no pelvic tenderness DRE..
dipstick is normal no tenderness (nonspecific abdominal pain )
71. a very week girl with non-bilious vomiting at the 5th week of birth
CHPS (congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis)
72. 10 months boy is screaming with passing dark blood with abdominal
mass in examination with free DRE- intussusception
73. Patient has solitary vertebral mass can cause respiratory compromise
on which level –cricoid
74. Patient has prostatic malignancy and asked about the route of
transmission to the vertebrae- vertebral venous plexus
79. Neck rubbery mass with axillary and inguinal masses (lymphoma )
87. Patient with acute pancreatitis and pulmonary white infiltrates ARDS
89. Patient with a trauma to chest with fracture rib air fluid level in x-ray
what to do ? Chest tube
91. Posterior right rib fracture at the angle of t8 inward cause injury of ?
Rt lower lung
97. Esophageal varices question asked about the vessel- Left gastric
99. A case scenario about destroyed popliteal artery and tibial nerve with
soft tissue amputation
104. Sural (s1,2) nerve injury- minor deficit- used for grafting
107. Deep peroneal nerve injury and asking about the sensory area 1st
web space
113. a table of high ca high po4 high PTH and high urea and creatinine-
119. a patient had mid esophageal tumor resection what is the nutrition
possible for him- feeding jejunostomy
121. A patient has injury to cubital fossa the brachial artery is lateral to
122. Where is the level of injury in a hand with claw at little and ring
with interosseous wasting – hypothesia of the little and ring fingers and
dorsal sensation is intact- ulnar nerve injury
124. A patient has a week grip and while she is trying to hold a knife her
hand flexes with adductor pollicis weakness -ulnar nerve
125. A patient had an injury and now he has flexed little and ring he can
flex it normally but can’t extend it- fasciotomy release trigger finger
126. A child has got a water burn (scald) covering whole dorsal forearm
with erythema and blisters (1st degree) what the management -conserve
without covering
127. Skin incision for evacuation of an abscess and after healing scar
overgrowth and a mass rapidly growing and painful formed, the skin is
immobile over lesion - dermatofibroma
137. a question asking about mode of action of botulin toxin- ach release
block in nerve endings of spinal cord..
139. Patient with a past history of diabetes and AF and come with sudden
loss of distal pulsation below knee - embolus
141. 60 yrs old patient came to the hospital with a fever and abdominal
pain after discharge 3 days a go for a lap chole he has a leak from the
cystic and made ERCP with stent what is the diagnosis ? Acute
142. The ampulla of Vater site in the- 2nd part duodenum postero medial
147. Brown sequard and tracts affections- same side all motor loss,
opposite pain & temperature
153. 40 years old patient within 3 hours after sub capsular fracture -
165. 18 years old girl with amenorrhea and abdominal pain what to do 1st
? B-hcg
169. A pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis with jaundice. ERCP and
171. Child with open fracture tibia in tibia with- external fixator
173. Scalp laceration with particles inside the wound and dirty edge –
bleeding from emissary vein-
179. Ulnar artery and nerve in the wrist-ulnar artery deeper and medially
181. TNM classification of colon cancer in the submucosa and not invade
the muscularis mucosa and 2 nodes out of 24 with no metastasis-
182. A case of central disc prolapse with lower motor neuron lesion
manifestation (cauda equine syndrome- bowel bladder function loss
190. A patient with gout disease and we did joint aspiration and we find
under the microscope -needle shaped crystals and negative birefringence
193. Adrenal hormones and its effect on Na and k+- hypernatremia &
195. MRSA carrier in nose patient come to the hospital for surgery what
u gonna give him -iv vancomycin
196. Scenario about infection with painless dark black eschar -bacillus
197. the most important structure that supports the uterus - central
perineal muscle
201. A wound with dirty odor and crepitation in the wound what is
empiric ab till the result of swap appear- gas gangrene
203. A biopsy specimen using Prussian blue stain to detect what? Iron
207. Cremasteric muscle derived from which ant abdominal wall layer-
internal oblique
208. After clamping the umbilical cord what will not give oxygenated
blood to the embryo any more ductus venosus
209. Torticollis which nerve responsible for muscle which causing this-
spinal accessory?