Popovers in Dorico: Bars and Barlines (Shift+B)

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Popovers in Dorico

Version 3.5.10, February 2021

Bars and barlines (Shift+B)
Add bars +24 (+ followed by the no. bars to add) or 24 (only no. bars to add)
Delete bars -8, (i.e. - followed by the number of bars to be deleted)
Add time +2q (two quarters), +4e (four eighths), +2/4 (two quarters), etc.
Delete time -1h (one half), -1w (one whole note), -3/4 (three quarters), etc.
Bar rest rest
Delete empty bars at end of flow trim
Single barline | or single
Double barline || or double
Triple barline ||| or triple
Start repeat barline |: or start
End repeat barline :| or end
Start-end repeat barline :|: or :||: or end-start or endstart
Dashed barline (Pro only) : or dash
Tick barline (Pro only) ‘ or tick
Final barline (Pro only) |] or fin
Short barline (Pro only) , or short
Short top (Pro only) shorttop

Clefs and octave lines (Shift+C)

Treble G clef g G g2 sol treble
Bass F clef f F f4 fa bass
Tenor C clef ct CT c4 ut4 tenor
Alto C clef ca CA c3 ut3 alto
Treble G clef, 8 below g8ba G8ba g8d G8d treble8ba treble8d
Treble G clef, 15 below (Pro only) g15ba G15ba g15d G15d treble15b treble15d
Treble G clef, 8 above (Pro only) g8va G8va g8u G8u a
treble8va treble8u
Treble G clef, 15 above (Pro only) g15ma G15ma g15u G15u treble15 treble15u
Alto C clef, 8 below (Pro only) ca8ba CA8ba alto8ba ca8d ma
CA8d alto8d
Tenor C clef, 8 below (Pro only) ct8ba CT8ba tenor8ba ct8d CT8d tenor8d
Bass F clef, 8 below (Pro only) f8ba F8ba bass8ba f8d F8d bass8d
Bass F clef, 15 below (Pro only) f15ba F15ba bass15ba f15d F15d bass15d
Bass F clef, 8 above (Pro only) f8va F8va bass8va f8u F8u bass8u
Bass F clef, 15 above (Pro only) f15ma F15ma bass15ma f15u F15u bass15u
Unpitched percussion perc
4-string tablature tab4
6-string tablature tab6
Baritone bass (Pro only) baritonebass
Baritone (Pro only) baritone c5 ut5
Mezzo soprano clef (Pro only) mezzo c2 ut2
Soprano C clef (Pro only) soprano c1 ut1
Sub-bass clef (Pro only) subbass
Invisible clef (Pro only) invisible
Dynamics (Shift+D)
Because you can enter dynamics quite freely, this is not comprehensive, but rather suggestive of the things
you can enter:

 to  pppppp to p
 mp
 mf
 to  f to ffffff
( ) (f)
 <
 >
cresc. cresc or crescendo
dim. dim or diminuendo
decresc. decresc or decrescendo
 <>
 ><
più  piu mp
 sfz
 >n

Fingering (Shift+F)
The list below is not comprehensive: numbers between 1 and 7 can be entered in place of the numbers
shown below. (Although humans typically only have a maximum five fingers on each hand, trombones have
seven slide positions, and Dorico’s fingering features can be used for keyboard, mallet percussion, valve
and slide brass instruments, and string instruments.) On a fretted instrument staff, press the up/down arrow
keys to switch between inputting fingerings for the left (L)/right (R) hand, as indicated by the popover icon.

1 3 5 fingering on current staff 1,3,5

2 4 fingering for left hand (non-fretted) L2,4 (left), G2,4 (gauche), S2,4 (sinistra), I2,4 (izquierda) or H2,4 (hidari)
1 3 fingering for right hand (non-fretted) R1,3 (right), D1,3 (droit/destra/derecho), M1,3 (migi)
2343 fingering for single note 2343
2 fingering, with 3 as alternate 2(3)
4 editorial fingering [4]
1 fingering, substituting 3 1-3
Thumb indicator (non-fretted) T
Left-hand fingerings (fretted) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (individually)
Left-hand thumb t
Right-hand fingerings (fretted) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or p, i, m, a, e (individually)
Right-hand thumb p, t or 1
Right-hand pinky (little finger) e, x, c, o or 5

Figured bass (Shift+G)

The list below is not comprehensive: you can enter the numbers 1-19 in any order, Dorico will automatically
arrange them in ascending order. To clarify separate figures, use a comma. Dorico can infer figures from
what you enter and the harmonic context, such as converting chords into figures.

Sharp accidental # or s (Tip: for a raised 3rd, just # is sufficient)

Natural accidental n
Flat accidental b or f
Triple sharp x#, #x, ### or ts
Double sharp x, ## or ds
Triple flat bbb or tb
Double flat bb or db
Raise by semitone +
Lower by semitone -
Diminished d
Explicitly unaltered u
2nd inversion, raised 4th 6,#4,2
Hide enclosed figures <3> or {3}
Suspension with resolution 4->3, 4-3 or 4~3
Suitable figures for Em7 Em7
Suitable figures for G/B G/B
Hold duration 1.5 quarter notes d=1.5
Hold duration matches bass note d=note
Hold duration half of whole bass note d=1/2n
Suspension duration 1.5 quarter notes r=1.5
Suspension duration matches bass note r=note
Suspension duration half of whole bass r=1/2n
Force Follow Engraving Options for R, r, V, v or ?
this figure only
Force Follow input literally for this O, o or !
figure only

Holds and pauses (Shift+H)

Fermata () fermata
Very long fermata () verylongfermata
Long fermata () longfermata
Short fermata () shortfermata
Very short fermata () veryshortfermata
Henze short fermata () shorthenzefermata
Henze long fermata () longhenzefermata
Caesura () caesura or //
Thick caesura () caesurathick
Curved caesura () caesuracurved
Short caesura () caesurashort
Tick breathmark () breathmarktick
Comma breathmark () breathmarkcomma or , (comma)
Salzedo breathmark () breathmarksalzedo
Curlew () curlew

Intervals and transposition (Shift+I)

The examples below are representative rather than comprehensive; you can specify any interval between 1
(unison) and 15 (two octaves); positive numbers add above the top note of the chord or transpose upwards,
and negative numbers add below the bottom note of the chord or transpose downwards.
Transpose up by perfect fifth tp5, tper5 or tperf5
Transpose down by a minor second t-m2, t-min2 or t-minor2
Add note an augmented four above a4, aug4 or augmented4
Add note a diminished fifth below -d5, -dim5 or -diminished5
Add note a third above 3
Add note a sixth below -6
Add a second, fourth and minor 7th above 2,4,m7
Add third above all notes in chord 3 to all
Add third below top note of chord -3 top
Add fourth above bottom note of chord 4 bottom

Key signatures (Shift+K)

Open or atonal key signature open or atonal
Major keys e.g. C, D, Eb, Ab
Minor keys e.g. g, d, f#, bb
Number of sharps e.g. 3s or 2#
Number of flats e.g. 4f or 5b

Lyrics (Shift+L)
You can enter any text as lyrics, or copy existing text and paste it one syllable at a time. Depending on
where in words a syllable occurs, you can advance the popover in different ways.

Advance after whole word/last syllable

(followed by extender line)
Advance without hyphen or extender line Right Arrow
Advance after first/middle syllable (followed
– (hyphen)
by hyphen)
Move cursor through letters Right Arrow/Left Arrow
Move popover through syllables Alt+Right Arrow/Alt+Left Arrow
Add elision slur within word/syllable _ (underscore)
Add hyphen within word/syllable Alt+- (hyphen)
Add spaces without advancing popover Shift+Alt+Space

Time signatures (Shift+M)

Simple time signature e.g. 2/4, 6/8, 3/4, 5/4, 12/8
Time signature with pick-up e.g. 4/4,1.5 (4/4 with 1.5 quarter pick-up), 6/8,2 (6/8 with 2 8ths pick-up)
Alternating time signature e.g. 3/4 + 6/8 (note the space either side of +)
Common time () c
Cut common time () cutc or ¢
Open meter X or open
Additive time signature e.g. 3+2+2/8
Specify beat grouping, but
e.g. [2+3+2]/8 (appears as 7/8)
don’t show it
Aggregate time signature e.g. 2/4|6/8
Interchangeable time signature e.g. 2/4 (6/8) or 2/4 / 6/8 or 2/4 = 6/8 (results in different separators)
Ornaments (Shift+O)
Trill tr or trill
Trill interval m2 (minor 2nd), M2 (major 2nd), p4 (perfect 4th), dim5 (dim. 5th) etc.
Short trill shorttr
Mordent mor or mordent
Turn turn
Inverted turn invturn or invertedturn
Straight glissando line gliss
Wavy or wiggly glissando line glisswavy
Upwards arpeggio sign arp or arpup or arpeggioup
Downwards arpeggio sign arpdown or arpeggiodown
Non arpeggio sign nonarp or nonarpeggio
Curved arpeggio sign slurarp
Flip flip
Smear smear
Bend (jazz) brassbend
Jazz turn jazz or shake
Plop plop, plopsmooth
Scoop scoop, scoopsmooth
Lift lift
Doit doit, doitsmooth
Fall fall, fallsmooth
Guitar bend bend
Vibrato bar dive & return vibbend
Vibrato bar scoop vibscoop
Vibrato bar dip vibdip
Vibrato bar line/indication wbar or w/bar
Hammer-on ho or hammer
Pull-off po or pull
Ligado (hammer-on-pull-off or vice versa) hp, hopo, hammerpull, lig, or ligado
Right-hand tapping tap
Right-hand tapping with pull-off tappull
Left-hand tapping lhtap
Left-hand tapping with pull-off lhtappull

Repeats and tremolos (Shift+R)

Repeat structures D.C. al Fine dcalf, DC al Fine, D.C. al Fine
D.C. al Coda dcalc, DC al Coda, D.C. al Coda
D.C. dc, D.C., dacapo
D.S. ds, D.S., dalsegno
D.S. al Fine dsalf, DS al Fine, D.S. al Fine
D.S. al Coda dsalc, DS al Coda, D.S. al Coda
To Coda toc, tc, to coda, To Coda
Segno s, seg, segno
Coda c, co, coda
Fine f, fin, fine
Single-stem tremolo One stroke / or \ or 1
Two strokes // or \\ or 2
Three strokes /// or \\\ or 3
Four strokes //// or \\\\ or 4
Z on stem (buzz roll) z
Clear tremolo 0 or clear
Multi-stem tremolo One stroke /2 or \2 or 12
Two strokes //2 or \\2 or 22
Three strokes ///2 or \\\2 or 32
Four strokes ////2 or \\\\2 or 42
Repeat endings New repeat ending end or ending
Add segment to existing repeat ending add
Rhythm slashes Slash region slash
Bar repeat regions Repeat last bar % or %1
Repeat last 2 bars %2
Repeat last 4 bars %4
Repeat last 4 bars, grouped in 4 %4,4

Chord symbols (Shift+Q)

Because you can enter chord symbols quite freely, this is not comprehensive, but rather suggestive of the
things you can enter. Press Alt-Return to input chord symbols for a single player only. Press Alt-L to lock
the chord symbols popover into inputting local chord symbols, and Alt-G to lock back to global.
Root English note names (e.g. C, Db, F#, B)
German note names (e.g. C, Des, Fis, H)
Fixed-do solfège (e.g. do, reb, so#, ti)
Nashville numbers (e.g. assuming C major, 1, 2b, 4#, 7)
Quality Major: nothing following root, or maj, M, ma
Minor: m, min, mi
Diminished: dim, di, o
Augmented: aug, au, ag, +
Half-diminished: half-dim, halfdim, hd
6/9: 6/9, 69, %
Interval Major seventh: maj7, ^7
Major seventh plus extensions: maj9, ^9, 9maj7, etc.
Alterations Altered scale degrees: #5, b9, #11, etc.
Added notes: add#11, addF#, etc.
Suspensions: sus4, etc.
Omissions: omit3, no7, etc.
Altered bass notes The same as root notes, separated with / or , – e.g. Cm7b5/Eb, G7,D.
Polychords Two chord symbols, separated with | or ; – e.g. Cmaj7|D, G;E.
Modal/scales ionian, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, locrian, melodic
minor, harmonic minor, whole tone, diminished half whole, diminished
semitone tone, octatonic half whole, octatonic semitone tone,
diminished whole half, diminished tone semitone, octatonic whole half,
octatonic tone semitone

Tempo (Shift+T)
Because you can enter tempo quite freely, this is not comprehensive, but rather suggestive of the things
you can enter. As you start entering, a list appears with suggestions, which you can select.

Adagio  = 120 Adagio q = 120

 = 96-112 q = 96-112 or q=96-112
 = 60 h = 60 or h=60 or 7 = 60 or 7=60
 = 120 e = 120 or e=120 or 5 = 120 or 5=120
 = 90 e. = 90 or e.=90 or 5. = 90 or 5.=90
rit. rit. or rit
accel. accel. or accel
Tempo equation, e.g.  =  q = e or h. = h or q = q etc.
Light 16th note swing rhythmic feel Light swing 16ths
Light 8th note swing r. feel Light swing 8ths
Medium 16th note swing r. feel Medium swing 16ths
Medium 8th note swing r. feel Medium swing 8ths
Heavy 16th note swing r. feel Heavy swing 16ths
Heavy 8th note swing r. feel Heavy swing 8ths
Straight rhythmic feel Straight (no swing)
Triplet 16th fixed r. feel 2:1 swing 16ths (fixed)
Triplet 8th fixed r. feel 2:1 swing 8ths (fixed)
Dotted 16th-32nd fixed r. feel 3:1 swing 16ths (fixed)
Dotted 8th-16th fixed r. feel 3:1 swing 8ths (fixed)

Cues (Shift+U) – Dorico Pro only

Simply start typing the name of the instrument you want to cue, then use the down arrow key to select it
from the list, and hit Return twice (once to complete the name, and once to confirm the popover).

Harp pedaling (Shift+P)

Flattened pedals ^
Natural pedals -
Sharpened pedals v
E flat major harp pedal diagram --^|^--^ or EbAbBb
Tuplets (;)
Tuplets are described as ratios: [desired number of notes]:[number of notes whose space the tuplet should
occupy]. The note value is the currently selected duration in the Notes panel, unless you specify the value
as part of the tuplet. Add “.” (period) for a rhythm dot. (When using a number to specify the beat unit, you
must separate the tuplet ratio from the beat unit using a space or hyphen.)
Triplet, three notes in the space of two 3, 3:2, or 3 2 (separated by space)
Triplet, three notes in the space of four 3:4 or 3 4
Quintuplet, five notes in the space of two 5:2 or 5 2
Duplet, two notes in the space of three 2:3 or 2 3
64th note beat unit in tuplet z or 2
32nd note beat unit in tuplet y or 3
16th note beat unit in tuplet x or 4
Eighth note beat unit in tuplet e or 5
Quarter note beat unit in tuplet q or 6
Half note beat unit in tuplet h or 7
Whole note beat unit in tuplet w or 8
Double whole note beat unit in tuplet 2h or 9
Quintuplet, five dotted quarter notes in
5:4q. or 5:4-6.
the space of four

Playing techniques (Shift+P)

As you start entering a playing technique, a list appears with valid entries, which you can select. Add “->” at
the end of your entry to give the playing technique duration, which extends with the caret during note input;
enter ? to end duration without inputting another playing technique. Outside of note input, entering 2
playing techniques separated by “->” automatically groups them.
Sustain pedal line ped
Sostenuto pedal line sost
Una corda pedal line unacorda
Retake in sustain pedal line ^ or notch or retake
Remove retake in sustain pedal line nonotch
Set sustain pedal level to 1/4 (Pro only) 1/4
Set sustain pedal level to 1/2 (Pro only) 1/2
Set sustain pedal level to 3/4 (Pro only) 3/4
Fully depress sustain pedal (Pro only) 1
Stop sustain pedal line *
Stop sostenuto pedal line s*
Stop una corda pedal line u*
Ordinario (ord.) ord
Modo Ordinario modo ord
Naturale (nat.) nat
Mute (text) mute
With Mute (text) with mute
Mute Off (text) mute off
Open (text) open
Aperto (text) aperto
Con sordino con sord
Senza sordino senza sord
Legato legato
Multiphonic multiphonic
Harmonic (o) o
Vibrato vibrato
Poco Vibrato poco vibrato
Non Vibrato non vibrato
Senza Vibrato senza vibrato
Laissez Vibrer (l.v.) lv
Non Laissez Vibrer (non l.v.) non lv
Marcato (text) marcato
Bisbigliando (whisper) bisbigliando
Mute (+) +
Half-mute half mute
Open open
Harmon mute, stem in harmon stem in
Harmon mute, stem left harmon stem left
Harmon mute, stem right harmon stem right
Harmon mute, stem out harmon stem out
Valve trill valve trill
Cuivré cuivre
Stopped (text) stopped
Stopped (+) +
Straight mute straight mute
Cup mute cup mute
Plunger mute plunger mute
Bucket mute bucket mute
Harmon mute (text) harmon mute
Harmon mute, stem in (text) harmon mute stem in
Harmon mute, stem out (text) harmon mute stem out
Open (remove mute) opentext
Double-tongue double-tongue
Triple-tongue triple-tongue
Closed Hole closed hole
Three-quarters Closed Hole three-quarters closed hole
Half-closed Hole half-closed hole
Open hole open hole
Trill Key trill key
Flatter Embouchure flatter embouchure
Sharper Embouchure sharper embouchure
Relaxed Embouchure relaxed embouchure
Somewhat Relaxed Embouchure somewhat relaxed embouchure
Tight Embouchure tight embouchure
Somewhat Tight Embouchure somewhat tight embouchure
Very Tight Embouchure very tight embouchure
Weak Air Pressure weak air pressure
Strong Air Pressure strong air pressure
Normal Reed Position normal reed
Very Little Reed (Pull Outwards) little reed
Much More Reed (Push Inwards) more reed
Mouthpiece/Hand Pop hand pop
Rim Only rim only
Flutter-tongue (f.t.) fluttertongue
Flutter-tongue (flt.) flt
Flatterzunge (flz.) flz
Frullato frullato
Slap-tongue slap-tongue
Whistle Tone whistle tone
Key Slap key slap
Key clicks key clicks
Air air
Aeolian aeolian
Down Bow downbow
Up Bow upbow
Half Harmonic half harmonic
Mute On mute on
Mute Off mute off
Sul Ponticello (Bow on Bridge) sul pont
Bow on Bridge bow on bridge
Bow On Tailpiece bow on tailpiece
Overpressure (Down Bow) overpressure down
Overpressure (Up Bow) overpressure up
Overpressure Possibile (Down Bow) overpressure poss down
Overpressure Possibile (Up Bow) overpressure poss up
Overpressure (No Bow Direction) overpressure
Jeté jete
Fouetté fouette
Thumb Position thumb
Left-hand Pizzicato left-hand pizz
Snap Pizzicato snap pizz
Buzz Pizzicato buzz pizz
Change Bow Direction change bow
Bow on Bridge on One String sul pont one string
Bow on Bridge on Two Strings sul pont two strings
Bow on Bridge on Three Strings sul pont three strings
Bow on Bridge on Four Strings sul pont four strings
Arco arco
Pizzicato pizz
Spiccato spicc
Saltando saltando
Martellato martellato
Sul Tasto sul tasto
Flautando flautando
Col Legno col legno
Col Legno Tratto col legno tratto
Col Legno Battuto col legno battuto
Alla Chitarra alla chitarra
Pluck With Fingernails pluck with fingernail
Fingernail Flick fingernail flick
Sul ponticello (sul pont.) sul pont
Punta d'arco punta d'arco
Détaché detache
Jeté (text) jete
Au talon au talon
Martelé martele
Alto sul tasto ast
Poco sul tasto pst
Mouth Closed mouth closed
Mouth Slightly Open mouth slightly open
Mouth Open mouth open
Mouth Wide Open mouth wide open
Mouth Pursed mouth pursed
Nasal Voice nasal
Tongue Click (Stockhausen) tongue click
Finger Click (Stockhausen) finger click
Tongue and Finger Click (Stockhausen) tongue and finger click
Con bocca chiusa con bocca chiusa
Pedal Heel 1 heel1
Pedal Heel 2 heel2
Pedal Heel 3 heel3
Pedal Toe 1 toe1
Pedal Toe 2 toe2
Pedal Heel Toe heel toe
Pedal Heel to Toe heel to toe
Pedal Toe to Heel toe to heel
Pluck Inside pluck inside
Clavichord Bebung (2 Fingers) bebung2
Clavichord Bebung (3 Fingers) bebung3
Clavichord Bebung (4 Fingers) bebung4
Left Hand (L.H.) lh
Right Hand (R.H.) rh
Above (sopra) sopra
Below (sotto) sotto
Mano destra (right hand) manodestra
Mano sinistra (left hand) manosinistra
m.d. (right hand) md
m.s. (left hand) ms
Slide With Suppleness (Salzedo) slide with suppleness
Oboic Flux (Salzedo) oboic flux
Thunder Effect (Salzedo) thunder effect
Whistling Sounds (Salzedo) whistling sounds
Metallic Sounds (Salzedo) metallic sounds
Tam-tam Sounds (Salzedo) tam-tam sounds
Play at Upper End of Strings (Salzedo) play at upper end of strings
Timpanic Sounds (Salzedo) timpanic sounds
Muffle Totally (Salzedo) muffle totally
Fluidic Sounds, Left Hand (Salzedo) fluidic sounds left
Fluidic Sounds, Right Hand (Salzedo) fluidic sounds right
Metal Rod metal rod
Harp Tuning Key harp tuning key
Harp Tuning Key Handle harp tuning key handle
Harp Tuning Key Shank harp tuning key shank
Harp Tuning Key Glissando harp tuning key gliss
Ascending Aeolian Chords (Salzedo) ascending aeolian chords
Descending Aeolian Chords (Salzedo) descending aeolian chords
Damp Only Low Strings (Salzedo) damp only low strings
Damp With Both Hands (Salzedo) damp with both hands
Damp Below (Salzedo) damp below
Damp Above (Salzedo) damp above
Metallic Sounds, One String (Salzedo) metallic sounds one string
Isolated Sounds (Salzedo) isolated sounds
Snare Drum Effect (Salzedo) snare drum effect
Près de la Table (p.d.l.t.) pdlt
Right (R) r
Left (L) l
Vibraphone Pedal (l.v.) lv
Vibraphone Pedal (ped.) ped
Vibraphone Half Pedal (½ ped.) half ped
Vibraphone Motor On motor on
Vibraphone Motor Off motor off
Xylo xylo
Stick Shot stick shot
Scrape from Center to Edge scrape from center to edge
Scrape from Edge to Center scrape from edge to center
Scrape Around Rim (Counter-clockwise) scrape around rim ccw
Scrape Around Rim (Clockwise) scrape around rim cw
On Rim on rim
Closed / Rim Shot rim shot
Half-open half-open
Half-open (Weinberg) half-open 2
Open open
Damp damp
Damp (Large) damp large
Damp (Right) damp right
Damp (Left) damp left
Center (Weinberg) center 1
Center (Ghent) center 2
Center (Caltabiano) center 3
Rim or Edge (Weinberg) rim or edge
Rim (Ghent) rim 2
Rim (Caltabiano) rim 3
Normal Position (Caltabiano) normal position
Choke (Weinberg) choke
Right Hand (Agostini) right hand
Left Hand (Agostini) left hand
Edge (Text) edge
Center (Text) center
Muffled muffled
Snares On snares on
Snares Off snares off
Vibrato Bar Scoop vibrato bar scoop
Vibrato Bar Dip vibrato bar dip
Guitar Shake shake
Open Wah Pedal open wah
Half-open Wah Pedal half open wah
Closed Wah Pedal closed wah
Left-hand Tapping left-hand tapping
Right-hand Tapping right-hand tapping
Tap the Pick Guard (Golpe) golpe
Fade In fade in
Fade Out fade out
Volume Swell volume swell
Strum Up strum up
Strum Down strum down
Full Barré full barre
Half Barré half barre
String 0 string 0
String 1 string 1
String 2 string 2
String 3 string 3
String 4 string 4
String 5 string 5
String 6 string 6
String 7 string 7
String 8 string 8
String 9 string 9

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