Education Work Experience: Garima - Cs18@nitp - - +91-8218152661 - Garimasingh - Me
Education Work Experience: Garima - Cs18@nitp - - +91-8218152661 - Garimasingh - Me
Education Work Experience: Garima - Cs18@nitp - - +91-8218152661 - Garimasingh - Me
C, C++, Java, Python, Golang, OOPS - Worked in a team of 3 under Prof. Akshay Deepak and built classification models
WEB AND MOBILE on ICBHI’17 medical dataset to identify breathing sound anomalies.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, ME(A/R)N - Proposed a deep LSTM + CNN + Self Attention model for the 4-class problem
MACHINE LEARNING TOOLS with an accuracy score of 57.02% (gain of +7.44% than the base paper).
TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, NLP Tech Stack: Python, Jupyter Lab, sklearn, Tensorflow, VCS, Keras
Jira, Shell, Cloud, CI/CD, VCS, Firebase GIT SET GO - PERSONAL PROJECT | LINK
PROBLEM-SOLVING - A React based web application that leverages Github’s GraphQL and REST APIs’
500+ algorithmic problems solved on to generate a personalised resume based on Github profile and download locally.
different online judges - 60+ stars, 70+ forks on Github : Git Set Go
NON TECHNICAL SKILLS Tech Stack: React, HTML CSS, Bootstrap, Netlify, Figma
Collaboration, Mentorship, Teamwork
- An Android assignment-sharing application to share documents easily.
OPEN-SOURCE WORK - Worked in a team of 6 as a Front-end Developer and got recognition from H.O.D,
1. Community Navigator and Mentor CSE Dept NIT Patna as a first-year project. 200+ downloads on Google Play Store.
at OpenMined (2020-2021) Tech Stack: Native Java, XML, Fragments, Firebase, Adobe XD, Git, Google Ads
Maintained a centralized record of the
progress of 30+ mentees. Assisted POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY
them in setup and course completion. 1. Founding Board Member and Project Head at HackSlash Mozilla Dev Club
2. OS Mentor, Mentorship-Android (2019-2021): Directly maintained stats of 20+ live projects on GitHub and
Open Source Hack, 2020, AnitaB Org conducted 36+ hours long sessions on Web Development for college students.
Onboarded 100+ participants from 2. Innovations Lead at Google Developer Student Club, NIT Patna (2020-2021) :
12+ countries into active participation. Contributing to promote development by guiding 200+ students by hosting live
3. Mentored 500+ participants into sessions and contests. Suggested innovative ideas for annual projects showcase.
Open Source and administered 4 3. Senior Teaching Member at Sankalp, NSS unit of NIT Patna (2018-19): Taught
projects under programs like Kharagpur Maths and Science to 100+ underprivileged students(<12 YO) for 40+ hours.
Winter of Code 2020 IIT KGP, NJACK 4. Global Ambassador and Mentor at Women in STEM organisations like
Winter of Code 2020 IIT Patna, WomenTech Network and WooTech ”Women Wooing Technology”: Member of
Girlscript Foundation, Script WoC. an umbrella of 1,00,000+ women who celebrate diversity by free career guidance.
Data Structures in C++ • Student Scholarship Recipient by AnitaB Org, Open Source Day mentor for
Design and analysis of Algorithms CircuitVerse Organisation and Upcoming Poster presenter for the Virtual Grace
Operating System Hopper Celebration 2021
Object Oriented Programming • Recipient of the prestigious Twitter #DevelopHer, India 2020 scholarship
Database Management Systems (30 scholars/1000+ applications) and won the #ReadySetCode challenge
Web Technology • Microsoft Azure Machine learning scholarship 2020 and Bertelsmann Scholarship
Software Engineering 2020 Recipient offered by Udacity (60,600 initial applications from 187 countries)
Machine Learning and Data Mining • CST UP Science Talent Scholarship 2016-17 by Uttar Pradesh Govt of India:
Awarded financial assistance of INR 50,000 and technical equipment support
1. Data analytics with Python, NPTEL ACHIEVEMENTS
2. 30 Days of Google Cloud Challenge • Myntra hackerramp Pre-Finalist 2021 WeForShe: Built a fashion chatbot that lever-
3. Zero to Pandas by ages a machine learning model to suggest items according to trends on social media
4. Google Cloud Essentials, Qwiklabs • Ranked 75/1500 in Open-source contributions at Girlscript Summer of Code, 2020:
5. SWE Virtual Internship, JPMorgan Contributed to projects like Footsteps Extension app and Girlscript Chennai website.
Chase and Co. by InsideSherpa • Rank 1 in SheCode 2020, IEEE Women in Engineering, CET Trivandrum
6. Software Development Trainee • Rank 3 in Algo Z Ripper Team Coding contest in Techno-cultural Fest, NITP 2019
AMCAT by Aspiring Minds
• Top 10 in Version Beta Hackathon, MANIT Bhopal 2019: Built an android app
Careboat for easing rescue team operations for disaster management