Curriculum Map and Release Schedule: Math Grade 8

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Curriculum Map and Release Schedule

1. factors completely different types of polynomials factors completely different types of polynomials
(polynomials with (polynomials with
Math Grade 8 common monomial factor, difference of two squares, common monomial factor, difference of two squares,
sum and sum and
Quarter Unit No. Unit Title Lesson Title Available
difference DepEd Learning
of two cubes, Competencies
perfect square trinomials, DepEd Codes Most Essential
difference Learning
of two cubes, Competencies
perfect (MELCs)
square trinomials, MELC Code
and general M8AL-Ia-b-1 and general M8AL-Ia-b-1
Factoring Polynomials with a Common 1. factors completely different types of polynomials M8AL-Ib-2 factors completely different types of polynomials
1 1 Factoring trinomials). trinomials). M8AL-Ib-2 1
Monomial Factor (polynomials with involving factors of polynomials. (polynomials withinvolving factors of polynomials.
2. solves problems solves problems
common monomial factor, difference of two squares, common monomial factor, difference of two squares,
M8AL-Ia-b-1 M8AL-Ia-b-1
sum and completely different types of polynomials
1. factors sum and
factors completely different types of polynomials
1 1 Factoring Factoring the Difference of Two Squares M8AL-Ib-2 M8AL-Ib-2 1
(polynomials of two
withcubes, perfect square trinomials, difference
(polynomialsof two
withcubes, perfect square trinomials,
and general
common monomial factor, difference of two squares, and general
common monomial factor, difference of two squares,
trinomials). M8AL-Ia-b-1 trinomials). M8AL-Ia-b-1
sum and sum and
1 1 Factoring Factoring the Sum or Difference of Two Cubes 1.
factors completely different types of polynomials M8AL-Ib-2
solves problems involving factors of polynomials.
factors completely different types of polynomials
solves problems involving factors of polynomials. M8AL-Ib-2 1
difference of two
(polynomials withcubes, perfect square trinomials, difference of two
(polynomials withcubes, perfect square trinomials,
monomial factor, difference of two squares, and
monomial factor, difference of two squares,
trinomials). M8AL-Ia-b-1 trinomials). M8AL-Ia-b-1
1. and completely different types of polynomials
factors sum and
factors completely different types of polynomials
1 1 Factoring Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials 2. solves problems involving factors of polynomials. M8AL-Ib-2 solves problems involving factors of polynomials. M8AL-Ib-2 1
(polynomials of two
withcubes, perfect square trinomials, difference
(polynomialsof two
withcubes, perfect square trinomials,
and general
common monomial factor, difference of two squares, and general
common monomial factor, difference of two squares,
trinomials). M8AL-Ia-b-1 trinomials). M8AL-Ia-b-1
sum and sum and
1 1 Factoring Factoring General Trinomials 2. solves problems involving factors of polynomials. M8AL-Ib-2 solves problems involving factors of polynomials. M8AL-Ib-2 1
difference of two cubes, perfect square trinomials, difference of two cubes, perfect square trinomials,
and general and general
trinomials). trinomials).
1 2 Rational Expressions Rational Expression and Its Domain 3. illustrates
2. solves rational
problems algebraic
involving expressions.
factors of polynomials. M8AL-Ic-1 illustrates rational
solves problems algebraic
involving expressions.
factors of polynomials. M8AL-Ic-1 1

M8AL-Ic-2 M8AL-Ic-2
1 2 Rational Expressions Simplifying Rational Algebraic Expressions 4. simplifies rational algebraic expressions. simplifies rational algebraic expressions. 1

5. performs operations on rational algebraic performs operations on rational algebraic

1 2 Rational Expressions Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions M8AL-Ic-d-1 M8AL-Ic-d-1 1
expressions. expressions.

6. solves problems involving rational algebraic solves problems involving rational algebraic
1 2 Rational Expressions Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions M8AL-Id-2 M8AL-Id-2 1
expressions. expressions.

7. illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and its
1 3 Linear Equations The Rectangular Coordinate System M8AL-Ie-1 M8AL-Ie-1 1
its uses.*** uses.***

8. illustrates linear equations in two variables.

1 3 Linear Equations Linear Equations in Two Variables M8AL-Ie-3 illustrates linear equations in two variables. M8AL-Ie-3 1
no deped code
9. illustrates the slope of a line. M8AL-Ie-4 but this was just a
Illustrates and finds the slope of a line given two
1 3 Linear Equations Slope of a Line 10. finds the slope of a line given two points, M8AL-Ie-5 merged 1
points, equation, and graph.
12. graphsand graph.
a linear equation given (a) any two points; graphs a linear equation given (a) any two points; (b) competency from
11. writes the linear equation ax  by  c in the form
(b) the writes the linear equation ax + by = c in the form y = the original one
Writing Linear Equations in Standard and Slope- x
y mx y b– and
– and vice versa
intercepts; byslope
(c) the  c inand
the aform y
point onmx
the M8AL-If-1 x – and y – intercepts; M8AL-If-1
1 3 Linear Equations mx + b and vice versa (c) the slope and a point on the 1
Intercept Form b and vice versa.
line.*** line.***
13. describes the graph of a linear equation in terms M8AL-If-2 describes the graph of a linear equation in terms of M8AL-If-2
of its intercepts M8AL-If-3 its intercepts M8AL-If-3
1 3 Linear Equations Graphing Linear Equations 1
and slope.*** M8AL-Ig-1 and slope.*** M8AL-Ig-1
14. finds the equation of a line given (a) two points; M8AL-Ig-2 finds the equation of a line given (a) two points; (b) M8AL-Ig-2
16. the slope and
illustrates a
a system of linear equations in two the slope and a
illustrates a system of linear equations in two
1 4 System of Linear Equations Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations point; (c) the slope and its intercepts. point; (c)
graphs a the slope
system of and itsequations
linear two 1
17. graphs a system of linear equations in two M8AL-Ih-1 variables. M8AL-Ih-1
15. solves problems involving linear solves problems involving linear
equations in two variables. M8AL-Ih-2 equations inwhen
categorizes two variables.
a given system of linear equations M8AL-Ih-2
Solution of a System of Linear Equations in Two 18. categorizes when a given system of linear
1 4 System of Linear Equations M8AL-Ih-3 in two variables M8AL-Ih-3 1
Variables equations
19. solves ainsystem
two variables
of linear equations has graphs that are parallel, intersecting, and no deped code
in twographs that are
variables parallel,
by (a) intersecting,
graphing; and
(b) substitution; (c) coinciding.
solves problems involving systems of linear but this was just a
Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two elimination.*** M8AL-Ii-j-1
1 4 System of Linear Equations equations in two variables by (a) graphing; (b) merged 1
Variables: Substitution 20.
19. solves
solves problems
a system of involving systems of linear
linear equations M8AL-Ij-2
substitution; (c) elimination. competency
no deped codefrom
equations in two
in two variables by (a) graphing; (b) substitution; (c)
solves problems involving systems of linear the
but original
this wasone
just a
Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two elimination.*** M8AL-Ii-j-1
1 4 System of Linear Equations equations in two variables by (a) graphing; (b) merged 1
Variables: Elimination 20.
19. solves
solves problems
a system ofinvolving systems of linear
linear equations M8AL-Ij-2
substitution; (c) elimination. competency
no deped code from
in in twoby (a) graphing; (b) substitution; (c)
two variables
solves problems involving systems of linear the original one
but this was just a
Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two variables
elimination.*** M8AL-Ii-j-1
1 4 System of Linear Equations equations in two variables by (a) graphing; (b) merged 1
Variables: Graphing 20. solves problems involving systems of linear M8AL-Ij-2
substitution; (c) elimination. competency from
equations in two
the original one
21. illustrates linear inequalities in two variables. differentiates linear inequalities in two variables from second comp no
22. differentiates linear inequalities in two variables M8AL-IIa-1 linear equations in two variables. deped code but it
2 5 Linear Inequalities Linear Inequalities in Two Variables 1
from linear equations M8AL-IIa-2 Illustrates and graphs linear inequalities in two was
first a merged
comp no
in two variables. variables.
Illustrates and graphs linear inequalities in two comp
code but it
23. graphs linear inequalities in two variables. and M8AL-IIa-3)
M8AL-IIa-3 variables. was a merged
2 5 Linear Inequalities Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables 24. solves problems involving linear inequalities in 1
M8AL-IIa-4 solves problems involving linear inequalities in two comp (M8AL-IIa-1
two variables.
25. solves a system of linear inequalities in two variables. and M8AL-IIa-3)
variables.*** M8AL-IIa-4
Solving a System of Linear Inequalities: M8AL-IIb-1 solves problems involving systems of linear
2 5 Linear Inequalities 26. solves problems involving systems of linear M8AL-IIb-2 1
Nongraphical Method M8AL-IIb-2 inequalities in two variables.
25. in two of linear inequalities in two
solves a system
Solving a System of Linear Inequalities: M8AL-IIb-1 solves problems involving systems of linear
2 5 Linear Inequalities 26. solves problems involving systems of linear M8AL-IIb-2 1
Graphical Method M8AL-IIb-2 inequalities in two variables.
inequalities in two
2 6 Relations and Functions Relations 27. illustrates a relation and a function M8AL-IIc-1 illustrates a relation and a function M8AL-IIc-1 1

M8AL-IIc-1 M8AL-IIc-1
27. illustrates a relation and a function illustrates a relation and a function
2 6 Relations and Functions Functions M8AL-IIc-2 M8AL-IIc-2 1
28. verifies if a given relation is a function. verifies if a given relation is a function.

29. determines dependent and independent

M8AL-IIc-3 determines dependent and independent variables. M8AL-IIc-3
2 6 Relations and Functions Domain and Range of a Function variables. 1
M8AL-IId-1 finds the domain and range of a function. M8AL-IId-1
30. finds the domain and range of a function. no deped comp
graphs and illustrates a linear function and its (a) but it's a merged
2 7 Linear Function Equations That Are Linear Functions 31. illustrates a linear function. M8AL-IId-2 domain; (b) range; (c) table of values; (d) intercepts; comp of M8AL-
first comp - no 1
and (e) slope. IId-2 and
deped M8AL-
comp but
32. graphs a linear function’s (a) domain; (b) range; (c) graphs and illustrates a linear function and its (a) IId-e-1
it's a merged
table of M8AL-IId-e-1 domain; (b) range; (c) table of values; (d) intercepts;
2 7 Linear Function Graphing Linear Functions comp of M8AL- 1
values; (d) intercepts; and (e) slope. M8AL-IIe-2 and (e) slope.
IId-2 and M8AL-
33. solves problems involving linear functions. solves problems
determines involving linear
the relationship functions.
between the hypothesis IId-e-1
The Hypothesis and Conclusion of an If-Then 35. transforms a statement into an equivalent if-then and the conclusion of an if-then statement. M8GE-IIf-1
2 8 Conditional Statements M8GE-IIf-2 1
Statement statement. transforms a statement into an equivalent if-then M8GE-IIf-2
36. determines the inverse, converse, and determines the inverse, converse, and contrapositive
2 8 Conditional Statements The Inverse M8GE-IIg-1 M8GE-IIg-1 1
contrapositive of an if-then statement. of an if-then statement.

36. determines the inverse, converse, and determines the inverse, converse, and contrapositive
2 8 Conditional Statements The Converse M8GE-IIg-1 M8GE-IIg-1 1
contrapositive of an if-then statement. of an if-then statement.
36. determines the inverse, converse, and determines the inverse, converse, and contrapositive
contrapositive of an if-then statement. of an if-then statement.
M8GE-IIg-1 M8GE-IIg-1
2 8 Conditional Statements The Contrapositive 37. illustrates the equivalences of: (a) the statement illustrates the equivalences of: (a) the statement and 1
M8GE-IIg-2 M8GE-IIg-2
and its contrapositive; and (b) the converse and its contrapositive; and (b) the converse and inverse of
inverse of a statement. a statement.
38. uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an
2 9 Logical Reasoning Inductive Reasoning M8GE-IIh-1 M8GE-IIh-1 1
argument. argument.

38. uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an

2 9 Logical Reasoning Deductive Reasoning M8GE-IIh-1 M8GE-IIh-1 1
argument. argument.

2 9 Logical Reasoning Direct Proof 39. writes a proof (both direct and indirect). M8GE-IIi-j-1 writes a proof (both direct and indirect). M8GE-IIi-j-1 1

2 9 Logical Reasoning Indirect Proof 39. writes a proof (both direct and indirect). M8GE-IIi-j-1 writes a proof (both direct and indirect). M8GE-IIi-j-1 1

The General Axiomatic Structure of a M8GE-IIIa-1 M8GE-IIIa-1

3 10 Mathematical System 40. describes a mathematical system. describes a mathematical system. 1
Mathematical System
41. illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure of illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure of a
a mathematical system mathematical system
3 10 Mathematical System Mathematical System in Geometry in general, and in Geometry in particular: (a) defined M8GE-IIIa-c-1 in general, and in Geometry in particular: (a) defined M8GE-IIIa-c-1 1
terms; (b) terms; (b)
undefined terms;
42. illustrates (c) postulates;
triangle and (d) theorems.
congruence.*** undefined terms; (c)
illustrates triangle postulates; and (d) theorems.
3 11 Triangle Congruence Triangle Congruence Postulates 43. illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence 1
M8GE-IIId-e-1 M8GE-IIId-e-1
postulates.*** postulates.***

Solving Corresponding Parts of Congruent

3 11 Triangle Congruence M8GE-IIIf-1 solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles M8GE-IIIf-1 1
Triangles 44. solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles
45. proves two triangles are congruent.
M8GE-IIIg-1 proves two triangles are congruent. M8GE-IIIg-1
3 11 Triangle Congruence Proving Statements on Triangle Congruence 46. proves statements on triangle congruence. 1
M8GE-IIIh-1 proves statements on triangle congruence. M8GE-IIIh-1

47. applies triangle congruence to construct applies triangle congruence to construct

Constructing Perpendicular Lines and Angle
3 11 Triangle Congruence perpendicular lines and M8GE-IIIi-j-1 perpendicular lines and M8GE-IIIi-j-1 1
Bisectors 48. illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities
angle bisectors angle bisectors
illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities (Exterior
(Exterior Angle Inequality M8GE-IVa-1 M8GE-IVa-1
Angle Inequality
Theorem, Triangle Inequality Theorem, Hinge M8GE-IVb-1 M8GE-IVb-1
4 12 Triangle Inequalities Triangle Inequality Theorem Theorem, Triangle Inequality Theorem, Hinge 1
48. illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities Theorem).***
illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities (Exterior
49. applies
(Exterior theorems
Angle on triangle inequalities.
Inequality M8GE-IVa-1 M8GE-IVa-1
applies theorems on triangle inequalities.
Angle Inequality
Theorem, Triangle Inequality Theorem, Hinge M8GE-IVb-1 M8GE-IVb-1
4 12 Triangle Inequalities Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem Theorem, Triangle Inequality Theorem, Hinge 1
48. illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities (Exterior
49. applies
(Exterior theorems
Angle on triangle inequalities.
Inequality M8GE-IVa-1 Angle
theorems on triangle inequalities. M8GE-IVa-1
Theorem, Triangle Inequality Theorem, Hinge M8GE-IVb-1 Theorem, Triangle Inequality Theorem, Hinge M8GE-IVb-1
4 12 Triangle Inequalities The Hinge Theorem 1
Theorem).*** Theorem).***
49. applies theorems on triangle inequalities. applies theorems on triangle inequalities.
50. proves inequalities in a triangle M8GE-IVc-1 M8GE-IVc-1
4 12 Triangle Inequalities Proving Triangle Inequalities proves inequalities in a triangle 1

51. proves properties of parallel lines cut by a M8GE-IVd-1 M8GE-IVd-1

proves properties of parallel lines cut by a
4 13 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal transversal.*** 1

Conditions under which Lines and Segments Are 52. determines the conditions under which lines and determines the conditions under which lines and
4 13 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines M8GE-IVe-1 illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample space M8GE-IVe-1 1
Parallel or Perpendicular segments are parallel or perpendicular segments are parallel or perpendicular
54. counts the number of occurrences of an outcome and event.
in an experiment: (a) counts the number of occurrences of an outcome in
Experiments, Events, Sample Space, and M8GE-IVf-1
4 14 Simple Events table; (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) M8GE-IVf-g-1 an experiment:
illustrates (a)
an experiment, outcome, sample space 1
Outcomes M8GE-IVf-g-1
54. counts thecounting
number of occurrences of an outcome table; (b)
and event. tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d)
in an experiment: (a) fundamental
counts counting
the number of occurrences of an outcome in
Determining Outcomes of an Experiment Using principle.*** M8GE-IVf-1
4 14 Simple Events table; (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) M8GE-IVf-g-1 an experiment: (a)
illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample space 1
Tables and Tree Diagrams M8GE-IVf-g-1
54. counts thecounting
number of occurrences of an outcome table;
and (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d)
in an experiment: (a) fundamental
counts the numbercounting
of occurrences of an outcome in
Determining Outcomes of an Experiment by principle.*** M8GE-IVf-1
4 14 Simple Events table; (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) M8GE-IVf-g-1 an experiment:
illustrates (a)
an experiment, outcome, sample space 1
Systematic Listing M8GE-IVf-g-1
54. counts thecounting
number of occurrences of an outcome table; (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d)
and event.
in an experiment: (a) fundamental
counts the numbercounting
of occurrences of an outcome in
principle.*** M8GE-IVf-1
4 14 Simple Events The Fundamental Counting Principle table; (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) M8GE-IVf-g-1 an experiment: (a) 1
fundamental counting table; (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d)
55. finds the probability of a simple event. M8GE-IVh-1 fundamental counting
finds the probability of a simple event. M8GE-IVh-1
4 15 Probability Probability of Simple Events 57. solves problems involving probabilities of simple M8GE-IVi-j-1 principle.***
solves problems involving probabilities of simple M8GE-IVi-j-1 1
events. events.

56. illustrates an experimental probability and a illustrates an experimental probability and a

4 15 Probability Experimental Probability M8GE-IVi-1 M8GE-IVi-1 1
theoretical probability theoretical probability

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