Shigley8th FlexMachElements CHPT 17

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Shigley 8th: Chapter 17


1. Belts
I. A General
 Estimate, See Table 17-1 for the four principle types of belts
 Flat
 Round
 “V” belts
 Timing
 Find Flat belt geometries – See figures 17-1 and 17-2
 Variable speed belt drive – see figure 17-5
II. B See Class notes
2. Flat and Round Belt Drives
 Pulley Contact Angles
 d    2 sin 1 Eqn. 17-1
D d
 D    2 sin 1 Eqn. 17-1
where D= diameter of the large pulley; d = diameter of the small
pulley; C = center distance;  = angle of contact
 Force and Torque on a pulley
Relation between tight and slack side tension
F1  Fc
 e f Eqn. 17-7
F2  Fc

e f  1
F1  F2  ( F1  Fc ) Eqn. 17-8
e f
where F1 is the tight side tension; F2 is the slack side
tension; Fc is the hoop tension due to centrifugal force; f is
the coefficient of friction; and  is the angle of wrap.
w V 2
Fc  ( ) Eqn. 17-(e)
g 60

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Where V = dn/12 [ft/min]; w is the weight per unit length
[lbf /ft]; g = 32.17 [ft/sec2]; d is the small diameter pulley
[in]; and n is the rotation speed in rpm

 The difference between F1 and F2 is related to the torque on the

F1  F2 
D 2
Where T = the torque; D = pulley diameter
 The tight and slack side tensions can be written
2e f
F1  Fc  Fi f Eqn. 17-10
e 1
F2  Fc  Fi f Eqn. 17-11
e 1
F  F2
Where Fi is the initial tension; Fi  1  Fc Eqn. 17-(i)
Which can also be written:
T (e f  1)
Fi  Eqn. 17-9
D(e f  1)
Note that if the initial tension is 0 then the torque transmitted is zero.
 The transmitted power
( F1  F2 )V
H  Eqn. 17-(j)

 Steps in analyzing a flat belt

1. Find exp (f) from belt geometry and friction
2. From belt geometry and speed find Fc
3. From T= 63025Hnom Ks nd/n find the necessary torque
4. From torque T find the necessary (F1)a – F2 =2T/D
5. Find F2
6. From equation 17-(i) find the necessary initial tension, Fi
7. Find the frictional development f’ < f. Use eqn. (17-7) solved for f’:
1 ( F1 ) a  Fc
f' ln
 F2  Fc

8. Find the factor of safety from n fs  H a ( H nom K s )

 The smaller pulley normally gives the limiting case for torque

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 See examples 17-1 and 17-2on flat belt pulleys
 Flat metal belts see pages 883-885 and example 17-3

3. V-Belts
 V-belts are able to provide more power transmission than flat belts
 For V-belts eqn. 17-7 becomes
F1  Fc
 e f / sin  Eqn. J&M 19-3a
F2  Fc

where  is one half the V-belt included angle [usually =18]

 Gates Rubber Co equation for tight and loose side tensions
F1  Fc
 e 0.5123 Eqn. 17-18
F2  Fc

Where terms are the same as in eqn. 17-7.

H d  H nom K s n d

Where Hd is the design power;Hnom is the nominal power;

Ks is the service factor from table 17-15.
Htab is the design power rating for certain conditions; it can
be adjusted to other conditions with the following equation
H a  K 1 K 2 H tab Eqn. 17-17
where Ha is the allowable power/belt, table 17-12
K1 is the angle of wrap correction factor, table 17-13
K2 is the belt length correction factor, table 17-14
 For V-belts the centrifugal tension is given by
V 2
Fc  K c ( ) Eqn. 17-20
where Kc is from table 17-16
 Power transmitted per belt based on F1  F2 is
63025 H d / N b
F  F1  F2  Eqn. 17-22
n ( d / 2)

 From equation 17-8 the largest tension is given by

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Fe f
F1  Fc  f Eqn. 17-23
e 1
F2  F1  F Eqn. 17-24
 The initial tension Fi
F1  F2
Fi   Fc Eqn. 17-25
 The factor of safety is
H a Nb
n fs  Eqn. 17-26
H nom K s

 See example 17-4

4. Timing Belts
 See section 17-4
5. Roller Chains
 See section 17-5
 Note equations: 17-29, 17-30, (b), (c), and (d)
 Fatigue strength Power limitations for link plate and roller
i. Link plate – eqn. 17-32
ii. Roller limited – eqn. 17-33
 Center to center distance – eqn. 17-35 and eqn. 17-36
 The allowable horsepower, Ha -- eqn. 17-37
 The required horsepower transmitted -- eqn. 17-38
 See Example 17-5
6. Wire Rope
 See section 17-6
 Example 17-6

7. Flexible Shafts
 Read section 17-7

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