MOPH Guideline - Skin and Soft Tissue Infections v0.3 - Quality Check
MOPH Guideline - Skin and Soft Tissue Infections v0.3 - Quality Check
MOPH Guideline - Skin and Soft Tissue Infections v0.3 - Quality Check
1.0 Final 7th December 2020 Guidelines Team Version for Publication.
Suggested citation style:
Ministry of Public Health Qatar. National Clinical Guideline: The Diagnosis and Management of Skin and
Soft Tissue Infection (2020).
The abbreviations used in this guideline are as follows:
The purpose of this guideline is to define the appropriate diagnosis and management of skin and soft tissue
infections in adults and children. The objective is to guide the appropriate investigation, treatment and
referral of patients presenting to provider organisations in Qatar. It is intended that the guideline will be
used primarily by healthcare professionals in both primary care and specialist settings.
This guideline document has been developed and issued by the Ministry of Public Health of Qatar (MOPH),
through a process which aligns with international best practice in guideline development and localisation.
The guideline will be reviewed on a regular basis and updated to incorporate comments and feedback from
stakeholders across Qatar.
The editorial methodology, used to develop this guideline, has involved the following critical steps:
• Extensive literature search for well-reputed, published evidence relating to the topic.
• Critical appraisal of the literature.
• Development of a draft summary guideline.
• Review of the summary guideline with a Guideline Development Group, comprised of practising
healthcare professionals, subject matter experts and patient representatives, from across Qatar.
• Independent review of the guideline by the National Clinical Guidelines & Pathways Committee,
appointed by the MOPH, from amongst stakeholder organisations across Qatar.
Whilst the MOPH has sponsored the development of the guideline, the MOPH has not influenced the
specific recommendations made within it.
The professional literature published in the English language has been systematically queried using
specially developed, customised, and tested search strings. Search strategies are developed to allow
efficient yet comprehensive analysis of relevant publications for a given topic and to maximise retrieval of
articles with certain desired characteristics pertinent to a guideline.
For each guideline, all retrieved publications have been individually reviewed by a clinical editor and
assessed in terms of quality, utility, and relevance. Preference is given to publications that:
Further information about the literature search and appraisal process is included in the appendix.
Recommendations made within this guideline are supported by evidence from the medical literature and
where possible the most authoritative sources have been used in the development of this guideline. In
order to provide insight into the evidence basis for each recommendation, the following evidence hierarchy
has been used to grade the level of authoritativeness of the evidence used, where recommendations have
been made within this guideline.
Where the recommendations of international guidelines have been adopted, the evidence grading is
assigned to the underlying evidence used by the international guideline. Where more than one source has
been cited, the evidence grading relates to the highest level of evidence cited:
• Level 1 (L1):
o Meta-analyses.
o Randomised controlled trials with meta-analysis.
o Randomised controlled trials.
o Systematic reviews.
• Level 2 (L2):
o Observational studies, examples include:
▪ Cohort studies with statistical adjustment for potential confounders.
▪ Cohort studies without adjustment.
▪ Case series with historical or literature controls.
▪ Uncontrolled case series.
o Statements in published articles or textbooks.
• Level 3 (L3):
o Expert opinion.
o Unpublished data, examples include:
▪ Large database analyses.
▪ Written protocols or outcomes reports from large practices.
In order to give additional insight into the reasoning underlying certain recommendations and the strength
of recommendation, the following recommendation grading has been used, where recommendations are
The following table lists members of the Guideline Development Group (GDG) nominated by their
respective organisations and the Clinical Governance Group. The GDG members have reviewed and
provided feedback on the draft guideline relating to the topic. Each member has completed a declaration
of conflicts of interest, which has been reviewed and retained by the MOPH.
The following table lists members of the National Clinical Guidelines & Pathways Committee (NCGPC),
appointed by the MOPH. The NCGPC members have reviewed and provided their feedback and approval
of the guideline document. Each member has completed a declaration of conflicts of interest, which has
been reviewed and retained by the MOPH.
This guideline has been issued by the MOPH to define how care should be provided in Qatar. It is based
upon a comprehensive assessment of the evidence as well as its applicability to the national context of
Qatar. Healthcare professionals are expected to take this guidance into account when exercising their
clinical judgement in the care of patients presenting to them.
The guidance does not override individual professional responsibility to take decisions which are
appropriate to the circumstances of the patient concerned. Such decisions should be made in consultation
with the patient, their guardians, or carers and should consider the individual risks and benefits of any
intervention that is contemplated in the patient’s care.
Information about Background Abbreviations used Performance
this Guideline Information in the Guideline Measures
of the Guideline
General Principles of
Cellulitis & Viral Skin & Soft Parasitic Skin & Soft
Abscesses Furunculosis and Impetigo
Erysipelas Tissue Infections Tissue Infections
Referral Criteria to
Specialist Care
Diabetic Foot
Infected Burns Bites
Red Flags
Self Care
Primary Care
Secondary Care
Skin and soft-tissue infections (SSTIs) include a variety of pathological conditions that result from microbial
invasion of the skin and its supporting structures and involve the skin, underlying subcutaneous tissue,
fascia, or muscles1,2.
4.2 Classification
4.3 Prevalence
The true prevalence of SSTIs remains largely unknown as mild infections are typically self-limiting and
usually do not require medical attention3.
4.5 Prognosis
Necrotising SSTIs are associated with poor clinical prognosis1. Any delay in diagnosis or treatment of these
conditions correlates with a poor outcome and possible death1,5. Fournier’s Gangrene Severity Index (FGSI)
may be used as a standard score to predict the prognosis of the patients1,6.
In Qatar, the highest mortality among patients with necrotising fasciitis was reported among those with
the infection in the chest, axilla and gluteal regions7. Patients with necrotising fasciitis of the perineum and
genitalia had the lowest mortality.
Assessment of the complicating factors (e.g. underlying diseases) and appropriate use of antibiotics are
essential to optimise outcomes of patients presenting with SSTIs3,4. Among the signs that predict a poor
outcome are5,8,9:
• Diabetes mellitus.
• Obesity.
• Heart failure.
• Leukopenia.
• Thrombocytopenia.
• Haemolysis.
• Severe renal failure.
• Myoglobinuria.
• Immunosuppression.
• Systemic illness.
• Sepsis.
• Other.
SSTIs are diverse in their clinical presentations3. Clinical features of common SSTIs are listed in each of the
sections that relate to them.
In general:
• Mild infections present with local symptoms only, such as2,3,5:
o Warmth.
o Erythema.
o Oedema.
o Tenderness.
o Pain.
• Moderate to severe infections are associated with systemic signs of infection3,5:
o Fever >38ºC.
o Tachycardia (heart rate >100 beats/min).
o Tachypnoea (respiratory rate >20 breaths/min).
o Hypotension.
o White blood cells >12*103 cells/mm3.
o Fatigue.
o Nausea or vomiting.
5.2 History
Additional points in the history to elicit relating to specific infections are provided in the sections relating
to those infections.
5.3 Examination
If none of the above are detected, a physical examination should be performed, including1,3,10 [L1]:
• Examination of the wound.
Particular points in the examination of specific infections, are provided in the sections relating to those
Prompt recognition and selection of appropriate treatment regimen are key factors limiting the morbidity
and mortality associated with SSTIs5.
Mild purulent SSTIs usually don’t require any specific treatment as they often drain naturally3,10,13,15,18 [L1,
RGA]. Moderate purulent infections should be treated with incision and drainage3,10,13,18 [L1, RGA]. In
children, minimally invasive techniques (e.g. stab incision, haemostatic rupture of septations, in-dwelling
drain placement) are preferred2 [L1, RGA].
Topical and/or oral antibiotic administration is usually required in purulent cases that don’t resolve
naturally within several days and in mild to moderate non-purulent infections1,3,10 [L1, RGA]. If patients do
not improve (or worsen) after 48h of treatment, they should receive antibiotics against methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)2 [L1, RGA].
Postoperative wound management and adequate nutritional support are vital for the good outcome [R-
Should antibiotic treatment be or is likely to become an issue, an early microbiology culture and sensitivity
of relevant specimens is essential (see Section 6) [R-GDG].
When selecting antibiotics for empirical antibiotic therapy, consider the following3,19,21,22 [L1, RGA]:
• Most likely microorganism(s) and known susceptibility patterns in Qatar.
• Localisation of infection.
• Clinical severity.
• Relevant drug interactions.
• Recent antibiotic use (past 90 days).
• Individual health conditions of the patient (e.g. allergy).
• Characteristics of the medication:
o Antimicrobial infusion time.
o Pharmacokinetics of the antimicrobial.
o Potential adverse effects.
The duration of antibiotic therapy will depend upon the microorganism identified on culture and the clinical
course of the patient1,3,10,24 [L1, RGA]. A typical duration of treatment ranges from 5 to 10 days8.
Blood levels of aminoglycosides and vancomycin should be monitored, particularly in elderly patients
[L2, RGA].
Prompt surgical consultation is recommended for patients with aggressive SSTIs (e.g. necrotising fasciitis
or gas gangrene)10 [L1, RGA].
Hospitalisation and specialist care are required if at least one of the following is present1,2,16,27–29:
• Severe or complicated SSTIs.
• Bullous impetigo, particularly in infants ≤1 year of age.
• Infection near the eyes or nose (including periorbital cellulitis).
• Failed outpatient treatment.
• Patient is immunocompromised or has unstable comorbid illnesses.
• High risk of complications.
• Inability to tolerate oral medications.
• Problems with feeding.
• Infection overlying or near an indwelling medical device.
• Recurrent SSTI.
• Uncontrolled infection despite adequate outpatient antimicrobial therapy.
• MRSA colonisation.
• Uncommon pathogens are suspected.
• Need for surgical intervention under anaesthesia (including surgical debridement).
Consider referral to a diabetologist if a patient is suspected for diabetes that has not been previously
diagnosed30 [L1, RGA].
Close follow-up is necessary during and after treatment. Before discharge, patients should receive a plan
for follow-up care in the outpatient setting31,32 [L1, RGA].
Following discharge from inpatient care, primary healthcare professionals should focus on9:
• Reviewing and adjusting long-term medication.
• Identifying new physical, mental, and cognitive problems.
• Educating patients and caregivers about:
o Good personal hygiene.
o Self-isolation (if required).
o Vaccination.
Abscesses are usually caused by gram-positive cocci, e.g. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus)3,14. They may
also be polymicrobial, including anaerobes.
In addition to general history taking and examination, described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, enquire about
the following3,10,13:
• Presence of underlying inflammatory condition (e.g., hidradenitis suppurativa).
• History of staphylococcal infections.
• Recent injury in the area of abscess.
8.3 Management
Small skin abscesses don’t require any specific treatment13,18 [L1, RGA]. Incision, surgical drainage, and
local wound care are sufficient treatment for large cutaneous abscesses1,3,10 [L1, RGA]. Consider applying
warm moist compresses to facilitate pus elimination and reduce swelling3,13 [L1, RGA].
Systemic antibiotic therapy is not required in the absence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome 1–
3,10 [L1, RGA].
Empirical antimicrobial regimens are provided in Table 8.3 below. See also the notes in Section 7.2 on
general principles of antimicrobial treatment of SSTIs.
Type of
Empirical Antimicrobials Additional Notes
Oral flucloxacillin or cephalexin. If methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) is
Typical duration is 5-10 days for outpatients
and 7-14 days for inpatients.
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or If community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) is
doxycycline, or clindamycin. confirmed.
Intravenous cloxacillin or cefazolin, or If MSSA is suspected or cultured.
Severe clindamycin.
Abscess Intravenous vancomycin or daptomycin, or If MRSA is suspected or cultured.
Table 8.3: Empirical Antimicrobials for the Treatment of Complicated Abscesses 10,14.
Antimicrobials are usually ineffective without drainage13,14. Consider the following options to drain deep
abscesses13 [L1, RGA]:
• Percutaneous abscess drainage:
o If the internal abscess is small.
• Surgical drainage:
o If the abscess is too large to be drained with a needle.
o If a needle is not possible to use safely in the area of the abscess.
o The needle drainage has not been effective in removing all of the pus.
Other treatment approaches to decolonise bacteria from the body may also be considered3,10,13 [L1, RGA]:
• Nasal decolonisation with mupirocin (twice daily for 5 days).
• Daily washes with chlorhexidine or antiseptic soap.
• Decontamination of personal items.
If recurrent abscess occurs at a site of previous infection, the site should be inspected for local causes (e.g.
pilonidal cyst, hidradenitis suppurativa, or foreign material)10 [L1, RGA]. Adult patients with recurrent
abscesses that began in early childhood should be evaluated for neutrophil disorders10 [L1, RGA].
Table 9.2(1) outlines the differentiating features of folliculitis, furunculosis, and carbunculosis.
In addition to general history taking and examination, described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, enquire about
the following11:
• Prolonged use of oral antibiotics.
• Use of topical corticosteroids.
• Frequent shaving.
• Increased sweating.
• Hot tub and/or swimming pool exposure.
• Medications that increase risk of folliculitis (e.g. lithium and cyclosporine).
9.3 Investigation
Histopathology is usually not required for the diagnosis11 [L2]. Potassium hydroxide preparation may be
used to diagnose demodex folliculitis or pityrosporum folliculitis11 [L2].
9.4 Management
9.4.1 Folliculitis
Simple cases of folliculitis resolve spontaneously within a few days3,11. In more extensive cases, incision and
drainage may be considered along with administration of antibiotics3,11 [L1, RGA].
Viral folliculitis secondary to molluscum contagiosum infection may be treated with11 [L2, RGA]:
• Curettage.
• Cryotherapy.
• Topical cantharidin.
Consider the following treatment options in patients with eosinophilic folliculitis11 [L2, RGA]:
• First-choice is the antiretroviral therapy (ART) to treat the patient’s underlying HIV.
• Complimentary treatment after ART initiation may include:
o Topical corticosteroids.
o Antihistamines.
o Phototherapy.
o Itraconazole or isotretinoin.
Small furuncles don’t require any specific treatment3,10,15,18 [L1, RGA]. If they do not improve after 2-3 days
of moist heat, a topical antimicrobial and drainage are required3 [L1, RGA]. Large furuncles and all
carbuncles should be treated with incision and drainage3,10,15,18 [L1, RGA].
Systemic antimicrobials are not recommended for routine use3,10,15,18 [L1, RGB] but may be considered in
patients with carbuncles18 [L1, RGA] or with evidence of systemic infection10 [L1, RGA].
If patients have recurrent carbuncles, the following treatments may also be considered15 [L2, RGA]:
• Bathing with a benzoyl peroxide wash or antibacterial soap.
• Decolonisation of the patient’s nares with mupirocin.
Impetigo is typically caused by gram-positive cocci (e.g. S. aureus), group A Streptococcus, or a mix of
staphylococci and streptococci2,3,5,10.
It is important to differentiate between the two main types of impetigo3,5 [L1, RGA]:
• Non-bullous:
o Small fluid-filled vesicles that develop into pustules, that then rupture to leave golden-
yellow crusts.
• Bullous:
o Vesicles that develop into yellow fluid-filled bullae, that then rupture to leave brown
10.3 Management
Combination treatment with topical and oral antibiotics is not recommended29 [L1, RGB].
If the infection is worsening, has not improved, or has recurred after completing a course of appropriate
treatment, consider the following5,29 [L1, RGA]:
• Sending a skin swab for microbiological testing.
• Adjusting antibiotics appropriately after receiving culture results.
• Taking a nasal swab and starting treatment for decolonisation.
Cellulitis is an infection of the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue1. Erysipelas is usually referred to as a
type of superficial cellulitis involving the face10.
Typical microorganisms in cellulitis infection are group A b-hemolytic Streptococcus species and S.
aureus1,5,14. Cellulitis and erysipelas in patients without penetrating trauma and no evidence of MRSA are
typically caused by gram-positive Streptococcus pyogenes (S. pyogenes)1,3.
The diagnosis must be supported by the clinical presentation and at least two of the four criteria should be
present diagnose cellulitis16 [L2]:
• Warmth.
• Erythema.
• Oedema.
• Tenderness.
The differentiating features of cellulitis and erysipelas are provided in the table below:
Type of
Specific Features
• Usually present in the lower extremities.
• Localised over areas of skin breakdown (e.g. insect bites, abrasions, surgical
• Begins as a hot, red, oedematous, sharply defined eruption.
Cellulitis • Non-elevated and poorly defined margins.
(purulent, non- • Signs and symptoms of infection.
purulent) • Regional lymphadenopathy is common.
• Leucocytosis may develop.
• Can be purulent or non-purulent.
• Can progress to adjacent tissue leading to an abscess, septic arthritis, or
11.3 Management
Cellulitis and erysipelas should be managed with antimicrobial therapy as per the table below 1,3,28 [L1,
RGA]. Consider antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with recurrent cellulitis or erysipelas28 [L1, RGA].
Type of
infection or Empirical Antimicrobials Additional Notes
First-choice antibiotics should be directed primarily
against Gram-positive streptococci.
Oral penicillin V.
Antibiotic therapy for 5 days is usually sufficient
but may be extended if no improvement observed.
Cellulitis or
If MSSA is suspected or cultured.
Erysipelas Cloxacillin, cephalexin, or
Antibiotic therapy for 5 days is usually sufficient
but may be extended if no improvement observed.
First-choice antibiotics for paediatric population.
Cefazolin or cloxacillin.
If fasciitis suspected add clindamycin.
Table 11.3: Recommended Antimicrobials for Treatment and Prophylaxis of Cellulitis and Erysipelas 3,10,16,21.
Additional investigations for underlying diseases that worsen the prognosis (e.g. diabetes mellitus or
peripheral arterial occlusive disease) may be required4 [L2].
Treatment of predisposing factors should be provided to all patients3,10,28 [L1, RGA]. These include3,10,28:
• Obesity.
• Oedema.
• Venous insufficiency.
• Eczema.
• Underlying cutaneous disorders.
• Fissuring, scaling, and maceration in the interdigital toe spaces.
Possible complications of cellulitis should be reviewed and evaluated3 [L1, RGA]. These include3,16:
• Abscess.
• Septic arthritis.
• Osteomyelitis.
• Endocarditis.
• Bacteraemia.
• Sepsis.
The common pathogens associated with bite wound infections are SSTIs2–4,10,35:
• Dog bites:
o Aerobic organisms:
▪ Pasteurella spp.
▪ Streptococcus spp.
▪ Staphylococcus spp.
▪ Capnocytophaga canimorsus.
o Anaerobic organisms:
▪ Fusobacterium spp.
▪ Porphyromonas spp.
▪ Prevotella spp.
▪ Bacteroides spp.
▪ Propionobacterium spp.
▪ Peptostreptococcus spp.
• Cat bites:
o Aerobic organisms:
▪ Pasteurella spp.
▪ Streptococcus spp.
▪ Staphylococcus spp.
▪ Moraxella spp.
o Anaerobic organisms:
▪ Fusobacterium spp.
▪ Porphyromonas spp.
▪ Prevotella spp.
▪ Bacteroides spp.
▪ Propionobacterium spp.
• Human bites:
o Aerobic organisms:
▪ Fusobacterium spp.
▪ Peptostreptococcus spp.
▪ Veillonella spp.
o Anaerobic organisms:
▪ Fusobacterium spp.
▪ Prevotella spp.
▪ Peptostreptococcus spp.
▪ Veillonella spp.
In addition to general history taking and examination, described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, enquire about
the following3,10,35:
• Animal contacts.
• How and when the bite occurred.
• Tetanus immunisation status.
• Immunisation history of the animal if available.
• Medical history of the human biter, if known (e.g. viral hepatitis, HIV, other transmissible diseases).
12.3 Management
Gentle but deep irrigation of the wound with sterile normal saline is recommended to remove foreign
materials and pathogens1,3,34,35 [L1, RGA]. Irrigation under pressure should be avoided1 [L1, RGC].
NB: Primary closure of wounds should be avoided unless the wound is on the face or neck3,10,35 [L1, RGC].
Universal antimicrobial prophylaxis is not recommended1 [L1, RGB] but may be considered in some
patients, e.g. in case of face or neck wounds with primary closure [R-GDG]. It is also not recommended if
the patient presents ≥24h after the bite with no clinical signs of infection1 [L1, RGB].
Patients who are at increased risk of infection, or have immunocompromising conditions (e.g. asplenia,
advanced liver disease), or implants (e.g. artificial heart valves), should receive antibiotic therapy for 3-5
days for1,3,10 [L1, RGB]:
• Fresh deep wounds.
• Joint, bone or tendon injuries.
• Wounds in critical bodily areas: hands, feet, areas near joints, face, genitals.
All children with bite wounds receiving antibiotic therapy should be re-evaluated within 24-48 hours to
monitor for signs and symptoms of infection35 [L2, RGA].
Tetanus toxoid should be administered to patients without a toxoid vaccination in the last 10 years (see
Table 12.3(2))10 [L1, RGA].
Possible complications should be reviewed and evaluated35 [L2, RGA]. These include35:
• Cellulitis (see Section 11).
• Osteomyelitis.
• Tenosynovitis.
• Tendinitis.
• Orbital cellulitis.
• Brain abscesses.
7-10 years Unknown or incomplete DTaP Tdap and recommend Tdap and recommend catch-
series catch-up vaccination up vaccination
Completed DTaP series AND <5 No indication No indication
years since last dose
Completed DTaP series AND ≥5 No indication Td, but Tdap preferred if child
years since last dose is 10 years of age
11 years Unknown or <3 doses of tetanus Tdap and recommend Tdap and recommend catch-
and older toxoid containing vaccine catch-up vaccination up vaccination
3 or more doses of tetanus toxoid No indication No indication
containing vaccine AND <5 years
since last dose
3 or more doses of tetanus toxoid No indication Tdap preferred (if not yet
containing vaccine AND 5-10 years received) or Td
since last dose
3 or more doses of tetanus toxoid Tdap preferred (if not yet Tdap preferred (if not yet
containing vaccine AND >10 years received) or Td received) or Td
since last dose
Table 12.3(2): Tetanus Vaccination and TIG for Wound Management 36.
DTaP – Diphtheria and Tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine.
Tdap – tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis.
TIG – Tetanus immune globulin.
Td – tetanus and diphtheria toxoids.
Diabetic foot infection (DFI) is typically a deep abscess, cellulitis of the dorsum, or a mal perforans ulcer 3.
Localised signs of infection may be present but pain and systemic signs of infection are usually absent3 [L1].
Laboratory studies may be required to determine the appropriate management3 [L1, RGA]:
• Imaging.
• Cultures obtained from deep tissue samples post-debridement.
13.3 Management
All patients with DFI should be offered the multidisciplinary foot care service14,26 [L1, RGA] that has access
to 26 [L1]:
• Rehabilitation services.
• Plastic surgery.
• Psychological services.
• Nutritional services.
• General and vascular surgery.
• Podiatry.
• Endocrinology.
• Occupational therapy.
• Tissue viability team.
• Other services listed in NCG on Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus by MOPH 37.
As most DFIs are polymicrobial, no single antibiotic regimen is clearly superior to another30 [L1, RGB].
Consider regimens listed in Table 13.3.
Irrigation of the wound and debridement of necrotic tissue and the eschar, should be performed to
decrease the incidence of invasive burn wound infection1,25 [L1, RGB].
Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents effective against both aerobic and anaerobic organisms and
antifungals may be considered in the patients with1,25 [L1, RGA]:
• Systemic signs of infection.
• Compromised immune status.
• Severe comorbidities.
• Associated severe cellulitis.
• Severe and deep wounds.
The causative organisms responsible for necrotising skin and soft tissue infections, include3,5,10,14:
• S. pyogenes.
• S. aureus.
• Clostridium perfringens.
• Clostridium septicum.
• Vibrio vulnificus.
• Aeromonas hydrophilia.
• Enterobacteriaceae.
• Bacteroides spp.
• Clostridium spp.
• Peptostreptococcus spp.
The differentiating features of the different types of necrotising SSTIs are provided in the table below.
Fournier’s Gangrene • Develops in genital area and/or perineum but may extend up to the
abdominal wall, or down into the thigh areas, or into the perirectal and
gluteal spaces, and into the retroperitoneum. Testicular involvement is rare.
• Cellulitis, patches of gangrene, foul smell.
• Signs and symptoms of infection.
• Suppuration and necrosis of overlying skin.
Necrotising fasciitis is an aggressive SSTI involving the superficial fascia, which comprises all the tissue
between the skin and underlying muscles5,10:
• Polymicrobial necrotising fasciitis spreads in 3-5 days3.
• Streptococcal necrotising fasciitis can progress within 1-2 days3.
• “Idiopathic” or “spontaneous” necrotising fasciitis should be considered in the absence of trauma
or another cause for the infection5 [L2, RGA].
Imaging studies may provide useful information when the diagnosis is uncertain1 [L1, RGB], but they should
not delay surgical consultation and further interventions1 [L1, RGC].
Laboratory investigations and surgical exploration may be required to make the definitive diagnosis3,5,10
[L1, RGA]:
• The LRINEC Scoring systems for indicating a necrotising SSTI are provided in Table 15.3 below.
o Scores >6 are indicative, scores >8 are strongly predictive.
• Surgical findings include:
o Swollen and dull-grey fascia.
o Wooden-hard induration of the subcutaneous tissues.
o Absence of true pus even after deep dissection.
o Tissue planes can be readily dissected with a gloved finger or a blunt instrument.
Fournier’s gangrene is a necrotising fasciitis of the perineal, genital (the scrotum and penis or vulva) and
perianal region10,39 [L1, RGA].
Clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene) is an acute infection by clostridium or bacillus of healthy living tissue
characterised by gas production and muscle necrosis1,3. Spontaneous gangrene may develop in the absence
of trauma. It usually occurs in patients with neutropenia or gastrointestinal malignancy10 [L1].
Recurrent gas gangrene may occur several decades after the primary infection5 [L2].
Laboratory investigations and surgical exploration may be required to make the definitive diagnosis 1,3,5,10
[L1, RGA]:
• Laboratory abnormalities include:
o Common blood test abnormalities (see Table 15.3).
o Positive blood culture results.
• Surgical findings include:
o At early stages, muscles are pale, oedematous and unresponsive to stimulation.
o At later stages, muscles become frankly gangrenous, black, and extremely friable.
15.4 Management
Surgical exploration with aggressive, total debridement of all devitalised and necrotic tissue is essential in
all cases of necrotising SSTIs2–5,14 [L1, RGA]:
• Patients may require repeated surgeries to debride all affected tissue2,10 [L1, RGA].
• When extremities are involved, amputation may be required5 [L2, RGA].
• Diverting colostomy should be avoided when other methods available to avoid wound
contamination1 [L1, RGA]. In cases with faecal contamination, faecal diversion should be
considered1,5 [L1, RGA]. The following options are available1:
o Colostomy.
o Faecal tube system.
• Frequent operations and dressing changes should be provided when necessary5 [L2, RGA].
Negative pressure wound therapy for wound care after complete removal of necrosis in necrotizing
infections may be considered1 [L1, RGB].
Antibiotic treatment of necrotising infections should also be prompt and aggressive1 [L1, RGA]:
• The infection must be immediately treated with high-dose parenteral broad-spectrum antibiotics
directed against the polymicrobial aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms (see Table 15.4)1–3,5 [L1,
• The antibiotic spectrum can be narrowed once culture tests become available1,2,5 [L1, RGA].
• Cultures of the superficial wound may not reflect organisms in the deep tissue infection10 [L1,
All patients should receive supportive care to maintain oxygenation and tissue perfusion, including fluid
resuscitation, organ support and nutritional support14 [L2, RGA]. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not
recommended in necrotising fasciitis3,10 [L1, RGB].
Differentiating features of different viral skin and soft tissue infections are provided in the table below.
Infectious • Malaise.
Mononucleosis • Extreme fatigue.
• Fever.
• Pharyngitis.
• Head and body aches.
• Adenopathy of lymph nodes in the neck and armpits.
• swollen liver or spleen or both.
• Rash.
In addition to general history taking and examination, described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, enquire about
the following12,17,27:
• Travel history.
• Expose to a person with febrile rash illness.
• Chemotherapy treatment in the past year.
• Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
• Solid organ transplant.
The investigation and management of each of the common viral SSTIs is provided in the following
16.3.1 Measles
Sometimes immunocompromised patients do not develop the rash12. Laboratory investigations should be
used to objectively confirm the suspected diagnosis12 [L1, RGA]:
• Measles-specific IgM antibody in serum.
• Measles RNA in the throat swab.
• Urine samples.
Severity should be assessed to define proper management and treatment27 [L1, RGA]:
• Uncomplicated measles:
o No manifestation other than skin rash.
• Complicated measles:
o Increased breath rate without chest indrawing:
▪ ≥40 breaths/minute if aged >1 year.
▪ ≥50 breaths/minute if aged <1 year.
o Some dehydration.
o Stridor only when the child is upset or crying.
o Mouth ulcers not affecting intake of food or fluids.
o Pus draining from the eyes.
o Acute otitis media, duration <14 days.
• Severe complicated measles:
All suspected measles cases should be reported local health departments within 24 hours12 [L1].
There is no specific treatment for measles12,27 [L1]. The condition usually improves within 7-10 days.
If measles is diagnosed, prompt measures should be taken to stop the spread of infection12 [L1, RGA].
• Patients are considered to be contagious from 4 days before to 4 days after the rash appears.
• Up to 9 out of 10 susceptible persons with close contact to a measles patient will develop measles.
16.3.2 Rubella
Some cases may be difficult to recognise as the rash resembles other rash illnesses17. Other cases may be
subclinical or unapparent. Laboratory testing is required to confirm the diagnosis17,43 [L1, RGA]:
• Blood samples for serologic testing.
• Throat and nasal swab.
• Urine samples.
Rubella can be prevented with rubella-containing vaccines (MMR or MMRV)12,17,43 [L1, RGA]:
• Refer to Section for types of vaccine and immunisation schedule for children.
There is no specific antiviral therapy for rubella17 [L1]. Symptoms are usually mild and do not require any
specific treatment. Children with rubella usually recover within 1 week, for adults it may take longer.
If rubella is diagnosed, control measures should be taken to prevent spreading of infection17 [L1, RGA]:
• Patients are contagious from 7 days before to 7 days after the rash appears. They are most
contagious on days 1-5 after the appearance of the rash, when it is erupting.
• All patients with rubella should be isolated for at least 7 days after they develop rash.
• The virus is transmitted by:
o Direct contact with an infected person.
o Contact with droplets of nasopharyngeal secretions.
Laboratory investigations are required to make the definitive diagnosis40 [L1]. Typical abnormalities
• Specific antibodies in serum.
• Atypical lymphocytosis.
• Neutropenia.
• Abnormal liver function.
Vaccination for infectious mononucleosis is not available44 [L1]. There is also no specific antiviral therapy
for infectious mononucleosis 17 [L1]. Most people recover within 2-4 weeks44. Some patients may feel
fatigued for longer. Rarely, symptoms of infectious mononucleosis can last >6months44.
Diagnostic testing is not usually required3 [L1, RGB], but may be considered in patients with atypical
presentations or with suspected herpes simplex virus3 [L1, RGA].
Antiviral therapy is the main treatment option for patents with VZV10 [L1, RGA]. Consider the following
medications10 [L1, RGA]:
• Acyclovir.
• Famciclovir.
• Valacyclovir.
Molluscum contagiosum (MCV) has two main subtypes mainly transmitted by direct physical contact,
including auto-inoculation 41,42.
The diagnosis is usually done on clinical and dermoscopic grounds 41 [L1]. Consider in vivo confocal
microscopy to distinguish the condition from other skin infections 41 [L1].
Laboratory investigations are not usually required. The following tests may be considered in unclear cases:
• Histological examination.
• Polymerase chain reaction.
• Electron microscopy.
Molluscum contagiosum is a benign and usually and self-limiting viral infection of the skin 41. In most
immunocompetent patients, the signs and symptoms resolve in 3 months to 3 years when an immune
response develops 42:
• Most children do not require treatment 42 [L2, RGA].
• Adults patients with sexually transmitted MCV usually request treatment. Active therapy is also
indicated in patients with 41 [L1, RGA]:
o Extensive involvement.
o Disease persistence.
o Cosmetic reasons.
o Fear of disease spread and scarring.
o Complications (e.g. pruritus, inflammation, and secondary infection).
Not generally recommended but may be considered if other
treatments are not suitable. Should be applied with caution.
Squeezing/piercing lesions
Topical Medications:
• Salicylic, lactic, glycolic and
trichloroacetic acids.
• Benzoyl peroxide 5%.
• Aluminium acetate solution Not generally recommended but may be considered if other
(Burrow's solution 1:30). treatments are not suitable. Varying evidence for efficacy has
• Hydrogen peroxide. been reported for non-genital molluscum.
• Iodine.
• Potassium hydroxide. No recommendation can be given regarding the use for genital
• Silver nitrate. infections.
• Nitric oxide.
• Cantharidin. Topical treatments should be avoided in pregnancy and
• Lemon myrtle oil. breastfeeding.
• Tea tree oil.
• Tretinoin.
• Adapalene.
Sharing towels, sponges or bathing together should be discouraged to reduce the spread of infection to
healthy individuals 41,42 [L2, RGA].
Differentiating features of different parasitic skin infections are provided in the table below.
17.3.1 Scabies
A suspected diagnosis of a scabies infestation can be made on the basis of clinical distribution and
appearance of the skin lesions. A definite diagnosis of scabies should be made on microscopic identification
of the mites, eggs or faecal pellets (scybala) from the scrapings of the skin burrows.
Treatment should be applied simultaneously for household members and sexual contacts to prevent
reinfestation 47 [L1, RGA].
Several scabicides are available only by prescription to treat human scabies (see Table,48.
Bedding, clothing, and towels used by infested persons and their household, sexual, and close contacts
anytime during the 4 days before treatment should be decontaminated by 47 [L1, RGA]:
o Washing at high temperature (60°C) and drying in a hot dryer; or
o Dry-cleaning; or
o Sealing in a plastic bag for at least 72 hours.
Oral antihistamines to control pruritus should be avoided during pregnancy when possible, especially
during the first trimester 48 [L1, RGC]. If required, consider chlorpheniramine 48 [L1].
17.3.2 Pediculosis
All family members of the patient with pediculosis should be examined and treated 46 [L1, RGA].
Treatment options include topical insecticides and oral agents (see Table 46,49 [L1, RGA]. Repeat
treatment (two applications 7 to 10 days apart) is usually required for complete eradication 46 [L1].
Oral ivermectin
May be considered if first-line treatment is inappropriate.
Isopropyl myristate 50% and ST-
Not recommended for use on infants or children <4 years
cyclomethicone 50%
of age.
Not generally recommended and should be avoided when
Lindane lotion possible. It should not be used in children, older persons, or
adults weighing less than 50 kg.
Carbaryl Prohibited due to carcinogenic effects.
Table Selection of medications for treatment of pediculosis 46,49,58.
* - Spinosad has not been evaluated for the treatment of pediculosis pubis.
Bedding, clothing, and towels used by infested persons and their household should be decontaminated by
washing at high temperature (≥50°C) 46 [L1, RGA].
Wet combing is not recommended as a primary treatment, but may considered as adjuvant treatment 46,49
[L1, RGB].
The following treatment measures are not recommended 46,49 [L1, RGB]:
o Sprays, carpet treatments, and other chemical environmental decontamination measures.
o Household products (such as mayonnaise, petroleum jelly, olive oil, tub margarine, etc.).
o Natural products (e.g., tea tree oil).
o Aromatherapy.
o Using flammable, toxic and dangerous substances (e.g., gasoline or kerosene) or using products
intended for treating lice in animals is strictly prohibited 49 [L1, RGC].
The diagnosis of tungiasis is made by clinical inspection and is based on the morphological characteristics
of the different developmental stages c [L1].
A biopsy of lesions is not generally recommended 51 [L2, RGB] but may be considered in cases with atypical
presentation (e.g. is lesions have a pseudoepitheliomatous appearance at the ectopic site) 51.
Limited treatment options are available for patients with tungiasis, see table below.
The following medications are not recommended due to proven inefficiency or insufficient evidence of
efficiency 50,51 [L1, RGB]:
• Topical metrifonate.
• Oral or topical thiabendazole.
• Oral or topical ivermectin.
Hookworm-Related Cutaneous Larva Migrans (HrCLM) is a clinical diagnosis based on the presence of the
typical signs and symptoms, and exposure history to zoonotic hookworm 53 [L1]. Blood tests and biopsy are
usually not necessary for diagnosis 52 [L2, RGB].
Hookworm-Related Cutaneous Larva Migrans (HrCLM) is usually a self-limiting infection. In most patients,
the signs and symptoms resolve after 5-6 weeks without medical treatment. The larva will die in the skin
and the itchiness and red lines will go away 53.
For multiple lesions or severe infestation consider treatment with anti-worm medications see table below.
Oral albendazole This drug is contraindicated in children younger than 2 years age.
Adjuvant treatment to help control symptoms and to resolve secondary bacterial infections may be
considered 53.
17.3.5 Leishmaniasis
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis:
• Diagnosed by clinical manifestation with parasitological tests 55 [L1].
• Tissue specimens should be collected from a lesion(s) 54 [L1].
• Full-thickness skin biopsy may be considered 54 [L1].
• Differential diagnoses include 60:
o Staphylococcal or streptococcal infection.
o Mycobacterial ulcer.
o Leprosy.
o Fungal infection.
o Cancer.
o Sarcoidosis.
o Tropical ulcer.
Visceral Leishmaniasis:
• Diagnosed by combining clinical signs with parasitological, or serological tests 55 [L1].
• Collection of tissue aspirates (bone marrow is preferred) or biopsy specimens is recommended 54
• Serum should be collected for antibody testing 54 [L1].
• Blood sample should be obtained in immunocompromised patients 54 [L1].
• Differential diagnoses include 60:
o Chronic malaria.
o Schistosomiasis.
o Other systemic infections.
Treatment should be given after confirmation of disease 60 [L1]. Empiric treatment may be indicated on the
basis of an individualised risk-benefit assessment 54 [L1].
Immunocompetent patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis and low risk for mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
may be observed without treatment until the lesion is healing spontaneously 54 [L1, RGA].
All patients diagnosed as with visceral leishmaniasis require prompt and complete treatment 55 [L1, RGA].
Available antileishmanial medicines are listed in Table
17.3.6 Loiasis
The standard diagnostic test for the diagnosis of loiasis is demonstration of microfilariae on a daytime
(10AM to 2PM) Giemsa-stained thin or thick blood smear 56 [L1]. The timing of the blood smear should be
adjusted to reflect local time of the infection.
Consider concentration techniques in patients with low numbers of circulating microfilariae 56 [L1]:
• Nuclepore™ filtration.
• Knott’s concentration.
• Saponin lysis.
All patients with loiasis must be assessed by a specialist as treatment is very complex and comprises high
risks for encephalopathy and blindness 56 [L1, RGA].
Surgical excision of migrating adult worms may be performed 56 [L1, RGA]. Antiparasitic medications are
still required after surgery 56 [L1, RGA]. Available medicines are listed in the table below.
Medication Indication*
For patients with symptomatic loiasis and MF/mL <8,000 who have failed 2
rounds of diethylcarbamazine.
For patients with symptomatic loiasis and MF/ml ≥8,000 to reduce level to
<8,000 prior to treatment with diethylcarbamazine.
Apheresis followed by
For patients with symptomatic loiasis, with MF/mL ≥8,000.
It is important for healthcare professionals to develop an understanding of the patient as an individual and
the unique way in which each person experiences a condition and its impact on their life.
The following recommendations are therefore made for physicians and other healthcare professionals
regarding general principles of patient care in Qatar:
• Respect Patients: Treat patients with respect, kindness, dignity, courtesy and honesty. Ensure that
the environment is conducive to discussion and that the patient's privacy is respected, particularly
when discussing sensitive, personal issues. Ask the patient how they wish to be addressed and
ensure that their choice is respected and used.
• Maintain Confidentiality: Respect the patient's right to confidentiality and avoid disclosing or
sharing patients’ information without their informed consent. In this context, students and anyone
not directly involved in the delivery of care should first be introduced to the patient before starting
consultations or meetings, and let the patient decide if they want them to stay.
• Clarify Third-Party Involvement: Clarify with the patient at the first point of contact whether and
how they like their partner, family members or carers to be involved in key decisions about their
care or management and review this regularly. If the patient agrees, share information with their
partner, family members or carers.
• Obtain Informed Consent: Obtain and document informed consent from patients, in accordance
with MOPH policy and guidance.
• Encourage Shared Decision Making: Ensure that patients are involved in decision making about
their own care, or their dependent’s care, and that factors that could impact the patient’s
participation in their own consultation and care including physical or learning disabilities, sight,
speech or hearing impairments and problems with understanding, reading or speaking English are
• Disclose Medical Errors: Disclose errors when they occur and show empathy to patients.
• Ensure Continuity of Care: Provide clear and timely sharing of patient information between
healthcare professionals especially at the point of any transitions in care.
SSTI02 The number in the denominator in whom The number of patients diagnosed with an
antibiotics were de-escalated following the culture SSTI requiring antibiotic therapy in the last
result. 12 months with positive culture results.
The search for clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and/or management of skin and soft tissue
infections was performed in the PubMed database and websites of relevant organisations and societies
including the World Health Organization, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of
Dermatology Association, and other. The present guideline is primarily based on practice guidelines by
Infectious Diseases Society of America and World Society of Emergency Surgery and the Surgical Infection
Society Europe and is supplemented with other relevant studies.
Peer-reviewed scientific publications were found in PubMed and via Google Scholar Internet search engine.
Non-peer reviewed studies were identified in bioRxiv. Books were checked on PubMed. Information
published on medical websites and drug prescribing information sheets were found via Google search
The included publications were identified using the term “skin or soft tissue infection” and specified with
the following terms in combinations:
Figure A.1 on the next page demonstrates graphically the results of the search and application of exclusion
• Ms Huda Amer Al-Katheeri, Director of Strategic Planning & Performance Dept, MOPH .
• Dr Nawal Al Tamimi, Head of Healthcare Quality & Patient Safety Section, MOPH.
• Dr Rasha Bushra Nusr, Quality Improvement Senior Specialist, MOPH.
• Dr Rasmeh Ali Salameh Al Huneiti, Guideline & Standardisation Specialist, MOPH.
• Dr Bushra Saeed, Quality Improvement Coordinator, MOPH.
• Dr Mehmood Syed, Project Clinical Lead.
• Dr Samuel Abegunde, Physician Executive.
• Dr Natalia Siomava, Senior Medical Writer.
• Ms Rouba Hoteit, Medical Writer.
Special Recognition: