Quizlet Practi
Quizlet Practi
Quizlet Practi
1. Which of the following is not required to be included on the label of a dispensed drug under the FDCA? c. The drug name
a. Can sell inventory to the pharmacies, provided it charged the same amount as the
b. Can sell inventory to the pharmacies for emergency reasons to alleviate a temporary
c. Can sell inventory to the pharmacies without restriction
d. Cannot sell inventory to the pharmacies
26. What did the U.S. Supreme Court decide regarding the Virginia a. The First Amendment applies to recipients of speech
Advertising Case decision?
a. That the drug not be sold under the name of another drug
b. The quantity of the drug dispensed
c. The manufacturer's name
d. All of these are correct
29. Which statement about the beyond-use date for non-sterile or liquid c. Not to exceed six months, provided it does not exceed
drugs repackaged into unit containers, as established in the final 25% of the remaining time between the date of repackaging
1995 FDA CPG, is correct? and the manufacturer's unopened bulk container
a. The FDCA
b. State law
c. The orange book
d. Professional judgment
37. A patient, Mrs. Harvey, tells the pharmacist about a drug manufactured and sold in c. Mrs. Harvey could personally import
France, but not approved in the U.S. Mrs. Harvey wants to obtain that drug since no small amounts of the drug into the U.S.
drug approved in the U.S. is effective for her serious medical condition and this drug only if the drug does not present an
sounds promising. What is the pharmacist's best advice for Mrs. Harvey, pursuant to unreasonable risk to her and she provides
the FDA compassionate use policy? the name of her treating physician.
a. The manufacturer is liable for false advertising, but not the pharmacy
b. Both, the manufacturer and the pharmacy are liable for false advertising
c. Neither the manufacturer nor the pharmacy is liable for false advertising
39. Drug product P is the original patented drug product. Drug products X, Y, and Z are c. P and X are therapeutically equivalent
generic drug products to P. The Orange Book classifies X as A rated to P. It classifies to one another
drugs Y and Z as B rated to P. Which statement is correct?
True or False
41. Pharmacist Phil receives a call from Dr. Young, a new pediatrician in town. Dr. Young informs d. Pharmacist Phil should
Pharmacist Phil that his mother is in town and is experiencing back pain from a recent surgery. Dr. tell Dr. Young that he can't
Young has tried to contact his mother's physician, but was unsuccessful. Dr. Young would like to fill the prescription
phone in a prescription for his mother for Tylenol #3 (schedule III pain medicine) until they can get because it is not in the
a hold of her physician. How should Pharmacist Phil respond? usual field of Dr. Young's
a. Pharmacist Phil should tell Dr. Young that he will fill the prescription as a professional courtesy,
but only for a 3 day supply
b. Pharmacist Phil should tell Dr. Young that he is allowed to perscribe that medication for his
mother, and will fill the prescription
c. Pharmacist Phil should tell Dr. Young that he can't fill the prescription because it is illegal for
physicians to prescribe for their family members
d. Pharmacist Phil should tell Dr. Young that he can't fill the prescription because it is not in the
usual field of Dr. Young's practice.
42. Harry Smith lives in a long-term care facility. The prescriber faxed to Pharmacist Phil a prescription a. yes, however, all the
for Oxycontin (schedule II) for 90 pills. Harry's insurance will only pay for 30 pills at a time. Can tablets must be filled
Pharmacist Phil fill the prescription for 30 pills at a time until all 90 are dispensed? within 60 days from the
date the prescription was
a. yes, however, all the tablets must be filled within 60 days from the date the prescription was issued
b. yes, however, Mr. Smith must also be diagnosed as a terminally ill patient
c. yes, however, pharmacist Phil must obtain a new written prescription for his records each time he
fills another 30 pills
d. no, if Harry decides to get less than 90 tablet, he cannot obtain the remainder because schedule
II drugs cannot have refills
43. Which of the following does the CSA require to be on the pharmacy label of a dispensed d. all of the above
controlled substance in schedule II, III, and IV?
a. patient name
b. pharmacy address
c. the statement "Caution: federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than
the person for whom it was prescribed"
d. all of the above
44. Who is allowed to prescribe controlled substances? d. all of the above
a. no, the CSA prohibits controlled drug prescriptions from being transferred to a different state
b. no, the CSA prohibits transferring any controlled substances
c. yes, the CSA allows Mrs. Neely to transfer her controlled prescriptions prescriptions to another
state this time and then back to Phil's pharmacy for the next fill
d. yes, the CSA allows Mrs. Neely to transfer her controlled prescription this one time only
46. Bling Pharmacy called Zing Pharmacy requesting a transfer of a C-III Rx to Bling for a c. Bling must record on the
patient. The prescription has two refills remaining. Which statement is correct (assume that prescription it transfers from Zing
Bling and Zing do not share common electronic files)? the word "transfer" along with
several other points of information,
a. the Zing pharmacist can instruct the technician to verbally convey the required including Zing's prescription
prescription information to Bling. number
b. if the patient wants the last refill at Zing, Bling can transfer the prescription back.
c. Bling must record on the prescription it transfers from Zing the word "transfer" along
with several other points of information, including Zing's prescription number
d. Zing should Bling that the prescription legally can't be transferred.
47. Ringem Pharmacy is out of Oxycodone 5 mg and needs 100 tablets to fill an order. The c. Ringem must execute a 222 form,
Ringem pharmacist calls Marwall Pharmacy, which is next door; Marwall Pharmacy can keeping copy 3, sending copy 2 to
supply the tablets. What must occur for the transaction? the DEA and copy 1 to Marwall
a. Marwall must execute a 222 form, keeping copy 3, sending copy 2 to the DEA and copy
1 to Ringem
b. Marwall must execute a 222 form, keeping copy 2, sending copy 1 to the DEA and copy
3 to Ringem
c. Ringem must execute a 222 form, keeping copy 3, sending copy 2 to the DEA and copy 1
to Marwall
d. this transaction does not require the execution of a 222 form. Ringem and Marwall both
need to keep a record of the transaction.
48. In order to issue a controlled substance prescription, a prescriber must be: d. all of the above
a. an individual practitioner
b. authorized by state law to prescribe controlled substances
c. registered or exempt from registration under the CSA
d. all of the above
49. John Johnson is a physician's assistant authorized by the state he is licensed in to prescribe c. MJ
certain controlled substances. What is an acceptable DEA number for John?
a. JJ
b. AJ
c. MJ
d. BJ
50. Pharmacist Phil fills a new written prescription and two refills for Tylenol #3-a schedule III b. yes, but only if Phil knew that the
controlled substance. A couple months later, Phil learns from drug enforcement agents refills were not authorized
that the prescription was altered by the patient to receive refills that were never
authorized by the prescriber. Could Phil be held responsible under the CSA by allowing
the patient to receive the unauthorized refills?
a. we cannot dispense a 2 week supply, but only enough hydrocodone for the
emergency period. We must receive an original written prescription with the notation
'Authorization for Emergency Dispensing' within seven days.
b. "We cannot dispense a two-week supply, but only enough hydrocodone for the
emergency period. The oral order will substitute for the original written file."
c. "We can dispense a two-week supply. We must recieve the original written
prescription with the notification 'Authorization for Emergency Dispensing' within
seven days."
d. This is most likely not an emergency situation, and we cannot dispense the
54. Is the partial filling of a C-II drug permitted? d. it is permitted, provided the pharmacist
is unable to supply the full quantity, and
a. it is not permitted if the balance is dispensed it must be
b. it is permitted, provided the pharmacist is unable to provide the full quantity within 72 hours.
c. it is permitted however, the balance may not be dispensed
d. it is permitted, provided the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity, and if
the balance is dispensed it must be within 72 hours.
55. Which copy of the DEA 222 form does the supplier forward to the DEA? b. copy 2
a. copy 1
b. copy 2
c. copy 3
d. copy 4
56. What is not an appropriate first letter for a physician's DEA registration number? d. P
a. A
b. B
c. G
d. P
57. Which statement regarding PMPs is not correct? b. states are mandated by the DEA to
report all schedules of controlled
a. PMPs require pharmacist to report dispensed controlled substance prescriptions to substances
a database
b. states are mandated by the DEA to report all schedules of controlled substances
c. states may share reported information across state lines
d. states can determine which individuals have access to the database
58. Pharmacist Phil calls Dr. Smith's office to inform the office that Mrs. Jones is out of refills on her schedule c. no, nurse Nancy
IV drug prescription, and that she is requesting additional refills for it. Nurse Nancy tells Pharmacist Phil must verify with Dr.
that Dr. Smith is on vacation but that he authorized her to use her judgment on any refill authorizations, Smith prior to
and tells Pharmacist Phil to refill the prescription. Can Pharmacist Phil legally fill the prescription for Mrs. allowing the refill
Jones one more time?
a. yes, pharmacist Phil contacted the office and verified that Mrs. Jones is allowed to receive 1 additional
b. yes, Dr. Smith properly delegated authority to nurse Nancy to add refills
c. no, nurse Nancy must verify with Dr. Smith prior to allowing the refill
d. no, refill requests and authorizations for controlled drugs cannot be made over the phone
59. For automated controlled substance records kept at a central location, within what business time frame b. 48 hours
must requested printouts be available at the pharmacy?
a. 24 hours
b. 48 hours
c. 72 hours
d. within a reasonable times
60. A pharmacy received a hand-written CII prescription for a one month supply of a pain medication without d. no, the
the prescriber's signature. Is this a valid prescription that the pharmacist can dispense? prescription is not
valid and cannot
a. yes, but only after the pharmacist contacts the prescriber and documents that the prescriber verified be dispensed
the prescription
b. yes, but only after the pharmacist verifies that the prescriber wrote the prescription, and the prints the
prescriber's name on the prescription
c. yes, but only after the pharmacist contacts the prescriber and converts the prescription to an
emergency verbal order.
d. no, the prescription is not valid and cannot be dispensed
61. A pharmacist received a prescription for 500 oxycodone tablets with the directions that the patient was to a. this prescription
significantly taper down the dosage over the next four weeks. The pharmacist called the prescriber, who is not for a
informed the pharmacist that the patient is an addict and that the prescriber is trying to detoxify the legitimate medical
patient. Which statement is correct? purpose and
should not be
a. this prescription is not for a legitimate medical purpose and should not be dispensed dispensed
b. this prescription is for a legitimate medical purpose and should be dispensed
c. this prescription is valid under DATA
d. this prescription of valid of the prescriber works at a registered narcotic treatment program
62. A faxed prescription for any CII from the prescriber to the pharmacy is acceptable in place of the original b. a resident of a
for which situation? skilled nursing
a. any situation
b. a resident of a skilled nursing facility
c. an emergency situation
d. for terminally ill patients
63. A prescriber would like a patient to be able to obtain a three-month supply of a CII without d. all of the above
having to return to the office for new written prescriptions during that time frame. Which
are the legal options for the patient and the prescriber, assuming legitimacy is not an issue?
a. the prescriber can issue one CII prescription for a 3 month supply
b. the prescriber can issue 3 prescriptions, each for a 30-day supply. each prescription
except the first would specify the earliest date upon which the prescription can be filled
c. the prescriber can issue an electronic prescription for the CII medication at any required
time interval without the patient having to come to the office
d. all of the above
64. How may a prescription for a CIII drug be communicated to the pharmacy? d. all of the above
a. phone order
b. electronically
c. fax
d. all of the above
65. Which statement regarding a pharmacy reporting lost or stolen controlled substances is d. the pharmacy must report thefts
accurate? to the DEA and any losses that
were significant
a. the pharmacy must report the theft to the DEA, but not the loss.
b. the pharmacy must report all stolen and lost medications to the DEA.
c. the pharmacy must report any loss to the DEA, but may report to either the police or the
d. the pharmacy must report thefts to the DEA and any losses that were significant
66. Which statement correctly describes the written 222 form? b. the form contains 10 lines and
the purchaser must record on the
a. controlled substances may be ordered from schedules III - V form the number of the lines
b. the form contains 10 lines and the purchaser must record on the form the number of the completed
lines completed
c. only a pharmacist may complete and sign the form
d. all of the above
67. Which statement accurately describes pharmacy regulation? b. In the 20th century, pharmacists
organized themselves and
a. In the 19th century, pharmacists chose to self-regulate as retail merchants rather than developed clear systems of self-
healthcare professionals. governance.
b. In the 20th century, pharmacists organized themselves and developed clear systems of
c. States did not begin to regulate pharmacists by licensure until the 1960s.
d. All of these are correct
68. Most state pharmacy boards are composed of: c. pharmacists from different
practice settings
a. community pharmacists
b. hospital pharmacists
c. pharmacists from different practice settings
d. pharmacists elected by voters
69. What is the best advice for patients who ask you about getting their prescription a. Do business only with Internet
medications dispensed from an Internet pharmacy? pharmacies with the VIPPS seal.
a. The other state pharmacy board would likely revoke the pharmacist's
license and the pharmacist would not be entitled to a hearing.
b. The other state pharmacy board would likely revoke the pharmacist's
license; however, the pharmacist would be entitled to a hearing.
c. The other state pharmacy board would not likely find out about the
revocation in Arizona.
d. The other state pharmacy board would not likely take any action
against the pharmacist's license even with knowledge of the revocation in
73. What best describes meals and other breaks for pharmacists? c. Many states require that employers allow
pharmacists a meal break, depending upon the
a. It has been established that providing work breaks does not reduce number of hours of the pharmacist's shift.
dispensing errors.
b. No state will allow a pharmacist to take a break away from the
pharmacy and leave the pharmacy open with only ancillary personnel in
the pharmacy.
c. Many states require that employers allow pharmacists a meal break,
depending upon the number of hours of the pharmacist's shift.
d. All of these are correct.
74. Why does society choose to license pharmacies and pharmacists? c. Protect the public.
a. ERISA has had little affect on state efforts to regulate the plans.
b. ERISA has enhanced state efforts to regulate the plans.
c. ERISA has hindered state efforts to regulate the plans.
d. ERISA does not impact state efforts to regulate the plans.
80. Which statement regarding state freedom of choice laws is correct? b. They allow any willing
pharmacy the right to
a. They are unconstitutional. participate in a third party
b. They allow any willing pharmacy the right to participate in a third party plan. plan.
c. They allow any willing patient the right to be a beneficiary in a health plan.
d. All of these are correct.
81. State pharmacy practice acts should focus on: d. All of these are correct.
a. structure requirements
b. process requirements
c. outcome requirements
d. All of these are correct.
82. What is the objective of licensure for pharmacists? a. To increase the quality of health care.
a. Licensing Act
b. Pharmacy Board Act
c. Pharmacy Practice Act
d. Pharmacy Licensing Act
85. What is a typical state requirement for pharmacist licensure? d. All of these are correct.
a. All states that have enacted CQI laws require error reporting to
the state board of pharmacy.
b. Pharmacies in states that have enacted CQI laws are required to
record, investigate, and act upon errors.
c. Pharmacies are provided no protection under state laws from
discovery in negligence actions for CQI reports.
d. States have ample resources to monitor CQI programs.
89. John is a pharmacist and an alcoholic who often drinks while in the pharmacy. In most states, the board of false
pharmacy has no alternative but to suspend or revoke John's license.
True or False
90. In addition to individual pharmacists being disciplined, license revocations, suspensions, and civil penalties true
may be assessed against the license of a pharmacy.
True or False
91. Pharmacist John did not advise the patient of a potential drug-drug interaction and the patient suffered c. negligence and
injury. If the patient sues, this is an example of: unintentional tort
a. negligence
b. intentional tort
c. negligence and unintentional tort
d. negligence and intentional tort
92. A pharmacist dispensed the wrong drug to a patient. However, the patient never took the drug but gave it a. Whether it was
to a family member who suffered harm. Had the right drug been dispensed, the family member would not foreseeable to the
have suffered this harm. The family member sued the pharmacist. What is the critical issue in this situation? pharmacist that
the patient would
a. Whether it was foreseeable to the pharmacist that the patient would have given the drug to the family have given the
member drug to the family
b. Whether the pharmacist breached a duty to the family member member
c. Whether the pharmacist has a duty to the patient
d. Whether the patient would have suffered harm had the patient taken the drug
93. A pharmacist left the pharmacy on a break and left the technician in charge with instructions not to fill any b. The pharmacist
prescriptions until he returned. Nonetheless, the technician filled and dispensed a new prescription to a might be found
patient. The drug was contraindicated for use in the condition that the patient suffered and the patient was liable even if he
injured. State law requires that the pharmacist be present in the pharmacy when a new prescription is had dispensed the
dispensed and requires direct supervision of a technician. What would happen if the court applied the drug.
doctrine of negligence per se in the lawsuit filed by the patient?
a. The technician would be liable, but not the pharmacist because he was not present.
b. The pharmacist might be found liable even if he had dispensed the drug.
c. The technician would be liable, but not the pharmacist because he told the technician not to dispense
any prescriptions.
d. The pharmacist would not likely be liable if he did not know the patient's condition
94. A pharmacist dispensed a drug refill to a patient without contacting the prescriber for authorization. The d. whether the
patient used the drug to commit suicide. The patient's estate sued the pharmacist. The central issue to be pharmacist was
decided in this case is: the proximate
cause of the
a. whether the prescriber would have authorized the drug had she been contacted suicide
b. whether the pharmacist owed the patient a duty of care
c. whether the patient would have committed suicide without the drug
d. whether the pharmacist was the proximate cause of the suicide
95. A pharmacist dispensed the wrong drug to a patient. The tablets looked different than the ones the b. The patient would not
patient had received before but the patient assumed a different generic was dispensed. After taking succeed because the act
a tablet the patient called the pharmacy to verify and was told the drug he received was the did not cause injury.
incorrect drug and to not take another. The patient suffered no injury but was so irate he sued the
pharmacist for negligence. What is the likely outcome of the lawsuit?
a. The patient would not succeed because he should have verified the drug before taking it.
b. The patient would not succeed because the act did not cause injury.
c. The patient would succeed because the pharmacist breached the duty she owed the patient.
d. The patient would succeed because this is negligence per se.
96. A pharmacy promoted its professional services, especially counseling and detecting potential drug c. The court would find
interactions. A patient received two prescription drugs at the pharmacy that together pose a very for the patient on the
high risk of a serious drug interaction. No one at the pharmacy detected the problem and the basis that the pharmacy's
interaction occurred, seriously injuring the patient and the patient sued. The state supreme court had promotional activities
ruled in an earlier case that pharmacists did not owe a general duty to warn patients. Based on the created a duty where
Baker case, what is the likely outcome of the lawsuit? one had not previously
a. The court would follow the state supreme court decision and find for the pharmacist.
b. The court would reverse the state supreme court decision and find for the patient.
c. The court would find for the patient on the basis that the pharmacy's promotional activities created
a duty where one had not previously existed.
d. The court would find for the patient on the basis that the interaction was foreseeable.
97. The learned intermediary doctrine states that manufacturers have a duty to warn _______ about B. Prescribers
warnings for adverse drug effects.
a. retribution
b. rehabilitation
c. compensation
d. All of these are correct
100. Harry sued pharmacist Mary for failing to advise him that the prescription drug he was prescribed d. The court decided that
and dispensed could cause tendon damage. Harry suffered extensive tendon damage and argued a pharmacist has no
that had he been aware of the potential for harm, he would have stopped taking the drug sooner and legal duty to advise
would not have suffered the harm. Why did the court award Mary summary judgment? patients of these types of
adverse risks
a. Harry could not prove that the drug actually caused the harm.
b. Harry could not prove that Mary did not advise him of the risks.
c. Mary proved that she did advise Harry of the risks.
d. The court decided that a pharmacist has no legal duty to advise patients of these types of adverse
101. A pharmacist was very busy and typed the directions for the patient to take the drug four a. Yes, as a matter of law.
times a day instead of once per day. The patient followed the directions, was seriously injured
as a result, and sued. Is the pharmacist negligent?
a. DispensMor would likely be liable for the pharmacist's negligence under the doctrine of
respondeat superior.
b. DispensMor would likely be corporately negligent because of its dispensing system.
c. DispensMor would likely be liable for punitive damages.
d. All of these are correct.
109. A patient phoned the pharmacy saying she was just at her physician's office and the physician c. "I am sorry this happened
discovered she had been taking the wrong medication. She said her health had become so bad and I feel very badly for you.
that her physician was going to hospitalize her. How should the pharmacist respond? I will file an incident report.
Please keep us informed of
a. "I'm sorry, but I'm sure this is not our fault." your condition."
b. "I will investigate."
c. "I am sorry this happened and I feel very badly for you. I will file an incident report. Please
keep us informed of your condition."
d. "I cannot comment, but I wish you well."
110. A drug manufacturer marketed a drug for five years before studies discovered that the drug c. Neither those injured before
causes heart problems. As soon as the company discovered the adverse effect, it sent out or after the adverse effect was
warnings to all healthcare professionals and included the warning in its labeling. What would discovered would likely
happen if patients who used the drug and suffered heart problems sued the manufacturer under succeed.
strict liability?
a. Those who were injured before the adverse effect was discovered would likely succeed.
b. Those who were injured after the adverse effect was discovered would likely succeed.
c. Neither those injured before or after the adverse effect was discovered would likely
d. Both those injured before and after the adverse effect was discovered would likely succeed.
111. If a patient sued a pharmacist under strict liability and the court applied the rationale of the c. Yes, on the basis that the
California Supreme Court, would the pharmacist win the case? pharmacist is an extension of
the physician and state law
a. Yes, on the basis that a pharmacy is not a retailer. provides that pharmacists are
b. Yes, on the basis that the prescription product is incidental to the provision of professional professionals.
c. Yes, on the basis that the pharmacist is an extension of the physician and state law provides
that pharmacists are professionals.
d. Yes, on the basis that strict liability does not apply to professional services.
112. A pharmacist dispensed the wrong drug to a patient, which caused the patient a. Yes, as a matter of law.
serious harm. The drug dispensed and the drug prescribed have similar names. The
patient sued. Is the pharmacist liable?
a. causation
b. damages
c. duty
d. statute of limitation
114. A pharmacist dispensed the wrong drug to a patient. The patient shared the drug d. All of these are correct.
with a friend, who was injured. Had the right drug been dispensed the friend
would not have been injured. What is the issue, if the friend sues?
a. Proximate causation
b. Foreseeability
c. Whether the pharmacist's negligent act has been severed by the act of the
d. All of these are correct.
115. A jury determined that a pharmacist's negligent act caused the patient to be d. All of these are correct.
hospitalized and require home care for two years. The patient could not return to
work for four years. Damages likely owed by the pharmacist include:
a. Patients rely primarily on the prescriber rather than the pharmacist for drug
b. Harm suffered by the patient should have been foreseeable by the pharmacist.
c. Imposing the duty is in the best interests of pharmacists.
d. Prescribers do not have as much knowledge of drugs as pharmacists.
117. A court refused to apply a general duty to warn requirement on the defendant a. If the patient gave the pharmacy particular
pharmacy, but instead adopted a duty based upon special circumstances. information about a medical condition that, if
Applying this approach means that the pharmacy has a duty to warn the patient in used by the pharmacy, would have
which circumstance? prevented the harm
True or False
120. A court determined that a generic drug company failed to change its labeling to warn of an adverse effect True
discovered post-market. The manufacturer argued that it complied with FDA labeling requirements and could not
change the label without FDA approval. An injured patient sued the manufacturer in state court under strict
product liability. The company's compliance with FDA labeling would preempt the patient's product liability claim.
True or False