Equipped With Multiple Clips To Support Intel 115X

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Equipped with multiple clips to support Intel 115X/775 and AMD

AM4/FM2/FM1/AM3+/AM3/AM2+/AM2/K8. 4 sintered metal powder heatpipes

directly contacting the CPU surface for removing heat and eliminating chances of
overheating. 120 x 120 x 25mm PWM fan generates optimal airflow. Can be easily
installed without moving the motherboard. for more info or buy : Price : 1800/= BDT
Ultra Technology Shop -747-48 Level -7 ECS Compter city Multiplan Cener New
Elephant Road Dhaka. Cell : +8801679-009061 Call Time : 11AM TO 8PM (মঙ্গলবার বন্ধ )

একদম Minimum budget এর মধ্যে at-least quality একটা Cpu Cooler নিয়ে ভিডিওটা I

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