PED 121: Technology For Teaching & Learning 2: Course Module

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PED 121:

Technology for Teaching &

Learning 2
Jay P. Mabini

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Learner’s Guide
As you begin working on this module, please take
time to read the notes below to guide you in
completing the module.

1. Every lesson in this module has objectives. These are

your targets to be achieved at the end of the lesson.
2. Always visit the instruction/direction panel for you to be
guided in answering and submitting your outputs.
3. Make sure to check the allotted time frame for each
activity. For your reference, please see the time
framework for you to plot it with your own schedule. See
to it that you accomplish at least one (1) activity in a day.
4. Needed materials are indicated in every lesson. As much
as possible, provide the materials for you to be able to
actively participate. (Smart phones can be used in the
absence of computers, laptops, and other similar devices.)
5. Every lesson has parts which requires you to participate in
an (1) activity, (2) analyze, (3) read and understand, and
(4) apply the lesson that you have learned. All these parts
are in a form of activity (other lessons will require you to
compete a metacognitive activity). Comply all the
requirements in each part for you to complete the lesson.
6. Suggested readings after this module is also encouraged
to supplement and enrich the lessons you learned and
other similar important topics.
7. Do not hesitate to raise your questions to your teacher, a
separate chatroom will then be organized for your
8. Good luck and stay safe!

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Course information 4
Overview 6
Let’s get started 9
Key Terms 11
Lesson 1 12
 A Glimpse of the Past 13
 Think & Reflect 14
 Engage & Discuss 15
 On the Spotlight 21
Lesson 2 22
 Activating Thinking Skills 23
 Think & Reflect 26
 Engage & Discuss 27
 On the Spotlight 32
Lesson 3 33
 A Glimpse of the Past 33
 Think & Reflect 35
 Engage & Discuss 36
 On the Spotlight 40
 Think Beyond 40
Suggested readings 41

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References/resources 41
Answer Key 44


Course Description: Technology for Teaching &

Learning 2 (Technology Application in Teaching
PE & Health Education including IMs Development)
Course Code: PED 121
Pre-requisite: None
Course Credit: 3 units
Year Level: Third Year Pre-service Teachers
Semester Offered: 1st Semester

Lay-out Artist
Content Writer Prof. Rulf Alcober
Mr. Jay P. Mabini
Mr. Jay P. Mabini Ms. Maricar Tegero

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ICT & Technology
Tools for Physical
Education &

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A Learning Module in PED121

Welcome to module 1!
Knowledge and skills are best supplemented when technology is
used efficiently and effectively. Observing the drastic change of
educational atmosphere, classrooms before was different to what
it is now considering the move for industry revolution.
Technological advances paved the way for all people to make any
work easy which includes the teaching and learning process.
Digital age has surfaced aiding students to easily access
information and create outputs with ease beyond the four corners
of the classroom emphasizing a greater and increased productivity
for teachers and students.
Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, media
literacy and other 21st century skills are being developed for the
learners to go with the current trends of today’s generation.

ICT & ATechnology Tools

Learning Module for Physical Education & Health is
in PED121
the first module of the course Technology for Teaching and
Learning 2 (Technology Application in Teaching Physical
Education & Health including IMs Development. This study
session will introduce you to the teaching and learning framework
for integrating technology in the teaching of Physical Education
and Health. It includes material preparation, validation process,
and the use of technology as an aid for meaningful teaching and

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learning of Physical education and Health. A demonstration
teaching applying technology is expected at the end of the course.

Let’s look at the learning activities of module 1. You will

complete the various tasks that includes reviewing, discussing,
and reflecting on specific situations adhering to the central tenets
of educational technology as applied in physical education and
health. All this activity will guide you and will lead you to design
your challenge to be completed by your classmates using
technology tools for PE and health.

The role of your course instructor is to guide you in the different

learning activities to ensure that your expected outputs are
delivered as suggested by the date of completion, hence achieving
the module outcomes. He/she will give timely feedback of your
outputs in the learning platform.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. review the nature & background of ICT;
2. discuss effective teaching strategies using ICT;

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3. argue on some issues & concerns related to the use of
technology in teaching PE & Health;
4. reflect on the positive use of personally owned devices as
an effective teaching material; and
5. create a vlog by designing a challenge using physical
education & health tools.

A Learning Module in PED121

Module 1 activities are listed below, followed by estimated time
allotment for each activity. We have also suggested specific days
when to finish each activity. These guidelines will help you finish
all activities by the end of Week 1.

Module 1 Dates:
October 2020
Learning Activities Suggested Suggested
time to Deadline
1. Take the diagnostic test
2. Create a list on internet etiquettes
3. Create a photo collage
4. Read about the overview and roles of
5. Watch a video about a safety and
internet, & etiquettes in using ICT
6. Write a position paper
7. Make a reaction video
8. Complete the speech clouds
9. Complete the chart
10. Read about integrating

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technology in PE
11. Write an essay
12. Make a video demonstrating a
13. Complete the tech tool table
14. Complete the bubble of ideas
15. Read about tech tools in PE &
16. Watch a video on tech tools
17. Make a vlog on tech tools
18. Argue on the given statement

A Learning Module in PED121

A Learning Module in PED121

Let’s get started (Diagnostic Test)
Before you begin your journey in this module, let us try to
evaluate what you know about educational technology.
Here, we will try to look into your conscious observation
while you are learning TTL 2.

Accomplish this diagnostic test by providing answers to the items

listed below. You may also answer the test offline by encircling
the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. Which of the following is not a role of technology in
a. Technology serves as source and presenter of
knowledge- “knowledge is embedded in technology
and technology presents the knowledge to the student.
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b. Technology is seen as productivity tool.
c. Technology solely provides individualized learning
through self-activity that leads to the attainment of
individual goals.
d. Technology is not merely a delivery vehicle for
content, rather used as a facilitator of thinking and
knowledge construction.
2. Which of the following is considered an issue and concern
in using technology?
a. In teaching, multimedia in the classroom makes the
teaching-learning process a novel, simulating, exciting
and engaging one.
b. We spend more time in using cellphones than doing
more important and valuable things in studies or works.
c. With technology, there is a lot that a man can do which
we could not do then.
d. Television & social medias enables us to watch and be
updated with worldwide events

3. Which of the following is a type of active learning in which

the instructor poses a question or problem and students
generate as many ideas as possible within a specified time
a. Brainstorming
b. Discussion
c. Peer Learning
d. Multimedia instruction
4. Which of the following is a technology tool used in physical
education usually portable and electronic or
electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by
detecting the motion of the person's hands or hips?
a. Pedometer
b. Heart rate monitors

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c. Smartphones applications
d. Health tracking apps

5. Which of the following is considered as a benefit in

integrating technology in physical education?
a. Learning can be enhanced beyond strategies, skills, and
rules between individual and team sports.
b. Learners can work autonomously without the guidance
of physical educators.
c. Learning is manifested only when technology
A Learning Module in PED121
integration is present.
d. Technology replaces teachers in the learning process.

As you navigate the module, you will encounter the
following terms which will aid your comprehension in the
different learning activities.

Educational Technology
-It is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures,
ideas, devices and organizations for analyzing problems and
devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to the
problems in all aspects of human learning. (AECT)

- It is a field study which is concerned with the practice of using

educational methods and resources for ultimate goal of facilitating
learning process. (Lucido and Borabo)

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Technology in Education- application of technology to any of
those process involved in operating the institutions which house
the educational enterprise.

Instructional Technology- refers to those aspects of technology

that are concerned with constructions as contrasted to designs and
operations of educational institutions.

Technology Integration- using learning technology to introduce,

reinforce, supplement and extend skills

Educational Media- channels or avenues or instruments of


Lesson 1
A Learning Module in PED121

Roles of technology in the

teaching-learning process

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. review the nature & background of ICT;
2. write etiquettes/netiquettes in using ICT;

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3. share issues & concerns related to the safe use of internet;
4. create a reaction video on the dangers of social media and
internet etiquettes.

To begin this lesson, these are the things that you will need:
1. module in PED121 (TTL 2);
2. cellphones/laptop/computer;
3. internet connection.

In navigating this module, read all the directions carefully

which includes how will you answer the activities, the
medium that you will use in each task, and how you will
submit or complete the activity, are all stated in each
direction. Never hesitate to raise a question on the teacher’s
lounge panel on Moodle.

Lesson 1
A Glimpse of the Past (Activity)
As a physical education student, you have encountered
varied approaches from your former PE teachers. As a
result, you have experienced your teachers integrating
technology in their instruction. In this activity, create a list
of safety etiquettes in the use of internet and technology
tools in the teaching and learning process. Write at least 10.
For offline users, you can write your answers in the table

A Learning Module in PED121 13 | P a g e

below. You may submit directly your responses in this
activity in the submission panel on Moodle.
Etiquettes in the Use of Internet &
Technology Tools in the Teaching-Learning Process

Lesson 1
Think and Reflect (Analysis)
From your responses in the previous activity, consolidate all
your answers to get the synthesis. Since you were able to
provide etiquettes in the use of internet in the teaching-
learning process, create a photo collage showing now the
issues and concerns related to the safe use of internet.
Provide a brief description on the photo collage. For offline

A Learning Module in PED121 14 | P a g e

users, you can paste & write your output on the space below.
You may submit directly your responses in this activity on
the submission panel on Moodle.


A Learning Module in PED121

Lesson 1
Engage & Discuss (Abstraction)

15 | P a g e
Information communication technology enhanced the
importance of computer technology and has made it
possible to work whatever one wants more effectively
and more quickly. It is because of computer and
information technology, it has been made possible to
have internet, digital TV’s, wireless communication,
tele-medicine and many more. In a digital age, the
traditional ways of teaching and learning have lost their
significance. The innovative teaching-learning methods
are expected to execute the teaching more effectively
and efficiently. It has become the need of a time to
avail the facility/device with the help of which a
learner may learn anytime and anywhere (Kaware,
Educational technology, also termed instructional technology,
A Learning
information and Module in PED121 technology (ICT) in education,
Ed Tech, and learning technology, is the study and ethical
practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by
creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes
and resources. A closely related term, e-learning, refers to the use
of modern technology, such as computers, digital technology,
networked digital devices and associated software and courseware
with learning scenarios, worksheets and interactive exercises that
facilitate learning. Educational technology is used by learners and
educators in homes, schools, businesses, and other settings. The
term educational technology encompasses both material objects,
such as machines and networking hardware, as well as theories
such as instructional theory and learning theory. (Kaware, 2015).

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Since its inception, the Internet has grown into a
nebulous, digital social space where people from around the
world can converse and share information. However, just
like any other social space, certain codes of conduct need to
be observed when surfing the Internet. Seeing as today,
marks the observance of Global Information Ethics Day,
here are some tips on what and how to observe proper
internet etiquette:
Think Before You Post
The Internet gives users the ability to post anything they want,
from funny pictures and videos, to opinions and critiques about
any subject matter. That said, other users might not take too
kindly to what’s on your mind, just like you might take offense to
what others say. Given that the Internet gives you the freedom to
express what you feel, you still need to be wary and cautious of
what you’re posting, especially when you’re commenting in a
public forum – just as you can comment on what others posted
online, the same people (and even more, depending on the
sensitivity of what you posted) can be critical of what you do or
say on the Internet.
Protecting Your Digital Assets
Nowadays, information is considered to be a highly valuable
A Learning
asset; as people,Module in PED121
companies, and agencies continue to do their
transactions online, both parties run the risk of having pertinent
information such as bank statements, and other sensitive personal
data compromised. In order to stave off such instances from
happening, it’s best to properly manage and protect your digital
assets. For example, you have to take care of your accounts – this

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means not sharing your account information such as your
usernames and passwords to anyone, especially those online. If
you’re browsing the Internet, and you come across a page that’s
urging you to give your account details, do not do it.
The Information and Communications Technology Office (ICT
Office) understands that using the Internet entails the observance
of proper ethical Internet practices. As such, programs like the
eFilipino-Technology for Economic Development program and
DigiBayanihan, a nationwide digital literacy movement, have
been implemented to empower Filipinos by providing avenues to
develop their knowledge about how to properly utilize the
Under the eFilipino program, the ICT Office strives to narrow the
digital divide and improve the country’s socio-economic
condition with the creation of Tech4Ed Innovation Hubs. These
Innovation Hubs are used to enhance the public’s understanding
of ICT and harnessing that technical knowledge to open
opportunities to improve their livelihood. DigiBayanihan, a
digital literacy movement that was started by a partnership of
multiple private and public organizations including Intel, ICT
Office, FIT-ED, and Children International-Philippines, plans to
educate the public with the ethical use of ICT.
In this day and age, being digitally literate means, both knowing
how to use the Internet to better one’s self and, at the same time,
knowing how to behave in the digital plane. Through programs
and movements such as eFilipino and DigiBayanihan, Filipinos
are more equipped to ride the current of technology and progress.
Source: Department of Information & Communications

Lesson 1
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To enrich your knowledge further, please watch the
YouTube video related on ICT etiquettes. This will
help you understand what it means to become digital
literate individuals.
A Learning Module in PED121

Multiple active learning

strategies may be
helpful for designing an
active learning
session. Not all techniques
listed here will have
universal demand, with
factors such
as instructor teaching
style and personality
19 | P a g e
influencing which
choices may be right
for a teacher. Some of the
strategies are as follows:
Multiple active learning
strategies may be
helpful for designing an
active learning
session. Not all techniques
listed here will have
universal demand, with
factors such
as instructor teaching
style and personality
20 | P a g e
influencing which
choices may be right
for a teacher. Some of the
strategies are as follows:
Let’s try how far you’ve managed to understand the
lesson. In no less than 500 words, write a position
paper on your stand on teachers and students not
abiding the internet etiquettes or netiquettes. Explain
your position and argument in the spaces provided
below. For offline users, you may write your answer in
the space provided below. You may as well submit
directly your responses in this activity on the
submission panel and interactive forum panel on

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Your responses will be rated using the rubric below. Use it

as your guide in obtaining the highest possible score

A Learning Module in PED121

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Lesson 1 23 | P a g e
A Learning Module in PED121
On the Spotlight (Application)
In the next activity, you will have the opportunity to
make a reaction video on this YouTube link:

1. Provide an in-depth discussion on your reaction

2. Try to point important details presented in the video.
3. The discussion must not be less than 5 minutes.
4. In submitting the output, upload the video on your
personal drives (google drive, OneDrive, drop box,
etc.) and share the link by submitting it on the
submission panel on Moodle.

Your responses will be rated using the rubric below. Use it

as your guide in obtaining the highest possible score.

A Learning Module in PED121

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A Learning Module in PED121
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Lesson 2
Integrating Technology in Teaching
Physical Education & Health

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. discuss the advantages of using technology in teaching PE
& health;
2. argue on some issues and concerns related to the use of
technology in teaching PE & health; and
3. demonstrate a chosen effective teaching strategy using

To begin this lesson, these are the things that you will need:
4. module in PED121 (TTL 2);
5. cellphones/laptop/computer;
6. internet connection.

A Learning Module in PED121 26 | P a g e

In navigating this module, read all the directions carefully
which includes how will you answer the activities, the
medium that you will use in each task, and how you will
submit or complete the activity, are all stated in each
direction. Never hesitate to raise a question on the teacher’s
lounge panel on Moodle.

Lesson 2
Activating Thinking Skills (Activity)
Different from other disciplines, physical education is
perhaps one of the underrated subjects in the curriculum
with little support from the system (Friskawati, 2020).
In this activity, you have to complete the conversation of
Marlo and Rica about how they will integrate technology in
physical education including its strategies. For offline users,
you may write your answers in the conversation bubble
provided below. You may also directly download the
softcopy to be submitted on Moodle.

Hi Rica! May I ask? What are

the advantages & how do you
integrate technology in your
PE & health classes?

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A Learning Module in PED121 28 | P a g e
A Learning Module in PED121

Thank you so much, Rica. You’re

welcome, Marlo.
That really helped a lot.

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Lesson 2
A Learning Module in PED121

Think and Reflect (Analysis)

From your responses in the previous activity, use it as a
baseline data to identify the issues and concerns related to
the use of technology in teaching physical education and
health. Complete the chart by listing down all the possible
disadvantages, issues, and concerns related. After which
provide a narrative or a brief description on your list on the
forum panel on Moodle. For offline users, you may write
your answers in the chart provided below. You may also
directly download the softcopy to be submitted on Moodle.

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A Learning Module in PED121

Lesson 2
Engage & Discuss (Abstraction)
The effective preparation of teachers in the use of
educational technology has been extensively discussed
by researchers in the past few years. Questions such as
how to teach a subject with technology in a
pedagogically appropriate way and how to develop the
knowledge base to design and implement technology-
infused lessons in physical education are often
addressed in pre-service teacher education programs
(Juniu, 2011).


An effective curriculum that is facilitated using digital tools
should link instructional approaches and learning outcomes to the
goals of the lesson (Koszalka & Ganesan, 2004). According to
Niess (2005), learning activities should consider student needs,
the content being taught, and other contextual variables. The

31 | P a g e
instructors should choose the appropriate educational technology
after identifying the learning goals and developing the learning
activities, rather than planning the instruction around them (Hofer
& Harris, 2009). Thus, using a framework for teaching with
technology could guide and support teachers’ development of
learning materials.
It is important to understand that technologies have specific
A Learning Module in PED121
affordances and constraints (Koehler & Mishra, 2008) that may
partially determine their use in a given educational context. The
function of the technology depends on the context in which it is
used and should be thought of in those terms. For example, the
purpose of a productivity tool such as a spreadsheet is to provide
basic database functionality, along with spreadsheet and
calculation functions for financial uses, but it can also be used in
education as a cognitive tool (Jonassen, 2000) to conduct
statistical analysis and for problem-solving activities. Physical
education teachers could use this tool for data collection and to
track their students’ progress on individual fitness exercises such
as the mile run, sit-ups, sit-and-reach tests, and push-ups. After
the testing is completed, the students can view their personal data
and use the statistical functions of the spreadsheet graphs to see
their individual progress. Other technologies and collaborative
tools—such as online file sharing, discussion boards, chat
records, and wikis—may facilitate teamwork and group learning
and allow the teacher to assess individual contributions and team
functioning (Barcelona & Rockey, 2010). Thus, the creative use
of certain technologies allows educators to repurpose existing
tools for pedagogical ends.

32 | P a g e
Multiple active learning strategies may be helpful for
designing an active learning session. Not all techniques
listed here will have universal demand, with factors such as
instructor teaching style and personality influencing which
choices may be right for a teacher. Some of the strategies are
as follows:
1.Think-Pair-Share: Allow student to think individually about the
A Learning Module in PED121
question or
idea(s) put forth by a teacher, pair up with someone to
discuss their thinking, and then Share their conversation
with their group, and then finally with the whole class.
2. Polling: This students vote anonymously on what they perceive
as the best
explanation/answer to a question, followed by opportunities
to discuss their ideas with peers, and then to vote again leads
to greater learning of the material. It is important to have
students discuss why they think their explanation is the most
accurate and also why the other explanations proposed are
not accurate. There are various tools that can be used for
polling, including Clickers, and

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3. Flipped Classroom is nothing but a student doing preparatory
activity such as
watching a video or reading some material outside the class
and doing a lot of active learning on that material in the
class. The class time is spent in assimilation rather than
information transmission. Class time is spent in the higher
cognitive levels of apply, analyze and create on the topic
rather than low levels of recall and understand. The support
of peers and the instructor is available to the student while
they are working on these higher cognitive levels.
4. Jigsaws: In small group’s student read information that has
been organized into sections. Each student in the group
reads one section of the material and then shares that
information with the rest of their group. As they read and
share information, they refer to prompts such as: what do
you think each idea means? What is the big idea? How can
this idea be applied to help understand the concept(s)? What
questions do you have about what you read? What do you
agree/not agree with?
5. Turn and Talk: Ask peers to talk to each other about what they
A Learning Module in PED121
do and don’t
understand and/or share with each other what they wrote
down in their notes about a particular concept just covered
in lecture. Encourage students to add to their notes from the
6. Brainstorm ideas: There are many effective ways for students
to create

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brainstorms of ideas. Working with pairs or in small groups
tends to be effective because students stimulate each other’s
thought processes. Encouraging students to think out of the
box and to delve into a topic using this technique often has
unexpectedly positive results.
7. Empty Outline through polling with think-pair-share:
Distribute a partially
completed outline of today’s lecture and ask students to fill
it in. Useful at start or at end of class. This activity can be
individually voting for a student or Students can vote in
form a group what they identify by using think pair share.
8. Fish Bowl: In this technique, the instructor gives students index
cards and asks
them to write down one question concerning the course
material. They should be directed, for example, to ask for
clarification of some aspect of the material that they do not
fully understand; or, perhaps, to ask about applying course
material to practical contexts. This can be done by dropping
questions in a forum type panel in LMS.
9. Quiz/Test Questions: By asking students to contribute exam
instructors encourage them to think more deeply about the
course material, explore major themes, compare the different
views presented, make applications, and demonstrate other
higher order thinking skills. The students’ questions may be
used on exams, as the basis of review sessions, and as
models of the most effective questions.

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10. Crossword Puzzle: Crossword is a quick and effective way to
A Learning Module in PED121
essential concepts and vocabulary. It provides students with
an opportunity to think critically, collaborate, compete,
recall and discuss salient concepts by using essential
vocabulary associated with these concepts

Various ICT tools are available to increase the learning influence

of student in their teaching learning. ICT tools such as MOODLE,
Workspace, Padlet etc. can be use in learning methodology of

Let us check how far you have understood the lesson.

Among all the ICT-related strategies, which is your
favorite and explain the reason why. In no less than
200 words, write your answer on the space provided.
You may as well directly answer this on the discussion
panel on Moodle.
A Learning Module in PED121

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Lesson 2
On the Spotlight (Application)
In the next activity, you will have the opportunity to
demonstrate your chosen ICT-related strategy in
teaching PE & health. Follow the directions stated
1. The video must be in a minimum of 2 minutes and
not exceeding 4 minutes in duration.
2. For online/distance learning demonstration, you may
use recorded streaming platforms such as zoom,
google meet, and Facebook messenger, etc. For
simulated face to face demonstration, you may
utilize micro-demonstrations.
3. In submitting the output, upload the video on your
personal drives (google drive, OneDrive, drop box,
etc.) and share the link by submitting it on the
submission panel on Moodle.

37 | P a g e
Your responses will be rated using the rubric below. Use it
as your guide in obtaining the highest possible score.

Lesson 3
A Learning Module in PED121



By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. identify the various technologies in terms of educational
2. reflect on the positive use of personally owned devices as
an effective teaching material; and
3. create a vlog by designing a challenge using physical
education & health tools.

38 | P a g e
To begin this lesson, these are the things that you will need:
7. module in PED121 (TTL 2);
8. cellphones/laptop/computer;
9. internet connection.

In navigating this module, read all the directions carefully

which includes how will you answer the activities, the
medium that you will use in each task, and how you will
submit or complete the activity, are all stated in each
direction. Never hesitate to raise a question on the teacher’s
lounge panel on Moodle.

Lesson 3
A Glimpse of the Past (Activity)
As a physical education student, you have encountered
varied approaches from your former PE teachers. As a
result, you have experienced your teachers integrate
technology in their instruction. I want you to list down (as
many as you can) these technological tools in the box
provided below and provide a brief description of its use.
For offline users, write your answers in the module.

Technology Tool Description

A Learning Module in PED121 39 | P a g e

Lesson 3
Think and Reflect (Analysis)
From your responses in the previous activity, consolidate all
the technology tools that was utilized by your teachers for
you to create a bubble of ideas by filling it in below with
your reflections on the positive use of personally owned
devices/apparatuses as an effective teaching material.
Cluster your ideas very well and provide brief narrative on
your answers below. Post your outputs in the submission
panel. For offline users, you may write your answers on the
space provided.

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________
_____________ _____________ _____________
A Learning Module in PED121 40 |Page
My Reflections
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
_____________ _____________ _____________


Lesson 3
Engage & Discuss (Abstraction)
Because physical education is usually taught in a
gymnasium or outdoors, it is important for teacher
education programs to prepare teachers to infuse
technology in a way that will support the pedagogical
strategies used in those settings. Teachers need to learn
and practice teaching skills in a context as similar as
possible to the one they will teach in later.

A Learning Module in PED121 41 | P a g e

Teachers are expected to know how computers and other
technological devices can contribute to data collection for the
analysis of sport skills, to the assessment of student learning, and
to the evaluation of health-related physical fitness. This includes
using exercise equipment to assess physical activity (e.g.,
accelerometers, heart rate monitors, pedometers, interactive dance
machines), body composition (e.g., bioelectrical impedance
devices, electronic skin-fold calipers), and movement and motor-
skill performance (e.g., Dartfish). There are also a number of
software packages used to record and analyze physical fitness,
physical activity levels, and nutrition habits, such as TriFit,
Fitnessgram, and Activitygram. PE Manager is another
application used in physical education to track student
performance via rubrics, tests, and assignments on a mobile


For some time now, using technology to facilitate
learning in K-12 classrooms has been a growing focus

A Learning Module in PED121

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in many schools. From art classes to science projects,
the technology tools have been increasingly
instrumental to enhancing the learning process. But
how can technology be applied in physical education
One of the benefits of incorporating technology into physical
education classes is that learning can be enhanced beyond
strategies, skills, and rules between individual and team sports. It
becomes possible to align physical education with other areas
such as math’s or geography, and physical activities can be
individualized to create optimal challenges for students.
Physical Education Apps

The boom in mobile technology has provided physical educators

with a wealth of tools. There are numerous apps that can be taken
advantage of, with some allowing for movement tracking and
nutritional help, while others assist in enhancing athletic activities
like basketball. Apps involving video and picture analysis can be
used to examine athletic movements, and ultimately help to
improve physical skills.

Physical educators should not shy away from trial and error while
thinking of new ways to use apps in and beyond the
classroom. Apps like MyFitnessPal, Coach's Eye, and Team
Shake show the breadth of offerings available and can get you
thinking about many different possibilities. 

Wearable Tech

A Learning Module in PED121 43 | P a g e

Wearable technology has changed the way we collect and
evaluate personal data. With increasing awareness in physical
education departments about the importance of feedback from
daily activities, technological tools such as pedometers, smart
watches, and heart rate monitors are increasingly being used.
With wearable technology, students will be able to track and
analyze their heart rates, activity levels, or the number of steps to
take within a time frame.

Virtual Connections 

Effective learning involves two-way communication where

students can engage in discussion and challenge the teacher’s
ideas in order to achieve a deeper understanding. Many
classrooms have already started taking advantage of the online
world by creating classroom blogs or websites. A classroom
website is valuable for encouraging discussion after class or
enabling communication for students applying PE techniques or
working on sport practices or exercise outside of classroom.
Another awesome way to leverage virtual connectivity is to invite
guests into your classroom via video chat programs such as Skype
and Hangouts. Students can also be encouraged to get involved
with online courses about nutrition, exercising, and fitness
principles, or web quests geared toward purposeful inquiry.

Gaming Systems

Interactive video games such as Dance Dance Revolution, Wii

Fit, and Wii Sports, can be invaluable in promoting physical
activity of students and are already in use across many physical
education centers. They serve as a reasonable alternative to
exercising in bad weather and produce results similar to those
seen with outdoor physical activity. Physical education teachers
can easily tap into students’ love of video games to foster interest
in physical education. Video games are extremely engaging and

A Learning Module in PED121 44 | P a g e

immersive and can be taken beyond the school environment and
continued at home.

Video Resources

As a result of advancements in technology and faster internet

becoming available today, it is now possible to stream videos on
YouTube and Vimeo. Physical education teachers can take
advantage of this and recommend workout videos to students, as
well as other types of content which provide useful
demonstrations for skill development.

Whether they are dance or yoga videos, students may become so

entranced with some YouTube channels that follow them,
encouraging them to do even more than the teacher asks. No
matter the level of the class, teachers will be able to find age-
appropriate videos to share.

Last, but most certainly not least, PE teachers can

consider flipping their classes with the help of videos they make
demonstrating technique, freeing up time for more application
and review in class! 

Lesson 3
To enrich your knowledge further, please watch the
YouTube videos related on physical education
technology tools. This will help you understand how
some of these technologies are used.

45 | P a g e

Lesson 3
On the Spotlight (Application)
In the next activity, you will have the opportunity to
make a vlog by doing a challenge using physical
education and health technology tools such as wearable
techs, pedometers, gaming systems, and smartphone
applications. The content of the vlog are as follows:

1. Introduce the technology tool and provide descriptions

how is it used.
2. Explain the challenge using the chosen technology tool.
3. Provide a reflection or synthesis after the challenge
explaining the positive use of personally owned devices
as an effective material in teaching physical education &
Note: In submitting the video, upload the file on your
personal google drives and share the link by posting it in the
submission panel.

Lesson 3
A Learning Module in PED121 46 | P a g e
Think Beyond (Metacognition Activity)
As you begin to grasp the subject, you were able to
understand how technology tools are used and be
integrated in the teaching & learning process. As part
of the enrichment activity, argue on the statement
“technology in physical education & health is a bane in
the learning process”. Post your comments in the forum
created on Moodle.

A Learning Module in PED121

Suggested Readings
Gibbone, A., Rukavina, P., & Silverman, S. (2010).
Technology integration in secondary physical
education: teachers’ attitudes and practice. Journal of
Educational Technology Development and Exchange
(JETDE), 3(1), 3.

Juniu, S. (2011). Pedagogical uses of technology in

physical education. Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance, 82(9), 41-49.
Mohnsen, B. S. (1995). Using technology in physical
education. Human Kinetics Publishers.

Barcelona, J., & Rockey, Jr., D. L. (2010). Using
collaborative learning technologies to facilitate

A Learning Module in PED121 47 | P a g e

effective group work. Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance, 81(4), 12-14, 55.

Corpuz, B. B. & Lucido, P. l. (2015). Educational

technology 2. Metro Manila, Quezon City: Lorimar.

Educational technology journals. Retrieved on March

2, 2019, from

Friskawati, Gita Febria & Karisman, Vicki & Stephani,

A Learning Module in PED121
Mesa. (2020). Analyzing the Challenges to Using
Technology in Physical Education.

Jonassen, D. H. (2000). Computers as mindtools for

schools: Engaging critical thinking. Upper saddle
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Journals of educational technology and society:

International forum of educational technology &
society. Retrieved on March 2, 2019, from

Juniu, S. (2011). Pedagogical uses of technology in

physical education. Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance, 82(9), 41-49.
A Learning Module in PED121

48 | P a g e
Kaware, S. S., & Sain, S. K. (2015). ICT application in
education: an overview. International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies, 2(1), 25-32.

Koehler, m. J., & mishra, P. (2008). Introducing tPCK.

In aaCtE
Committee on Innovation and technology (Ed.), The
handbook of
technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK)
for educators
(pp. 3-29). New York: american association of
Colleges of teacher
Education & Routledge.

Koszalka, t. a., & Ganesan, R. (2004). Designing

online courses: a
taxonomy to guide strategic use of features in course
systems (Cms) in distance education. Distance
Education, 25(2),

Hofer, m., & Harris, J. (2009). “Grounded” tech

integration: social studies. Learning & Leading with
Technology, 37(2), 26-28.

Niess, m. L. (2005). Preparing teachers to teach science

and mathematics with technology: Developing a
technology pedagogical content knowledge, Teaching
and Teacher Education, 21, 509-523.

49 | P a g e
Shaikh, Mrs. Bareen & Alagannawar, Anupama.

Turkeli, A., & Senel, O. (2016). Physical education

teachers attitudes towards philosophy of education and
technology. Educational Research and
Reviews, 11(15), 1351-1354.


A Learning Module in PED121

Answer Key

50 | P a g e
Diagnostic Test
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A

A Learning Module in PED121

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THE AUTHOR. Jay P. Mabini is a faculty of the MAPEH/BPED Unit
of Leyte Normal University.

THE COVER. LNU's iconic College Building speaks about a well-

established and noble educational institution approaching its 100 years
of service to the people in the region.
(Photo by Mark Joshua Tan Photography)


Paterno St., Tacloban City, Philippines 6500
ISBN-01 123-4-567-89012-3

© Leyte Normal University 2020

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