Aloha Junior: Aloha Course Information: Length of Course

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Aloha Junior

Aloha Course information:

Length of course:
One and half years divided into 6 levels of 3 months each.
Class duration: One class of 2 hours in a week.
Class days: Class is held on Friday or Saturday for each batch.

As per parents request we are running evening batch in workdays in our some centers.
Class timing on Friday:
8.00 am to 10.00 am, 10.15 am to 12.15 pm, 3.45 pm to 5.45 pm, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Class timing on Saturday: 

9.00 am to 11.00 am, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm, 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm, 5.15 pm to 7.15 pm

Class Timing on other Week Days:

5.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Requirement for admission: 

2 Passport size and 1 Stamp size photo of the student, 1 Passport size photo for each parent and 1
Passport size photo for any third person for student collection card.

Aloha Mental Arithmetic plays a vital role to develop the whole development of the faculty of the
brain of the children. The course is designed in such a way that it increases memory power,
observation power, listening capability, concentration power, analytical skill and imagination power.
As a result children can do better results in all subjects in their school. But this is not the ultimate
objective of Aloha course; rather it can help the children in their every work throughout their entire

This course is designed in a way to stimulate inborn superb brain capacity of the children and equip
them to get most effective benefits from their regular learning from all sources.

We are heading towards the ever toughest competitive age named Conceptual Age. To do best
results at school is not sufficient to compete at this age. We need to prepare our children with a
developed brain with powerful imagination, observation and creativity.
From 19th century, revolution started to reveal the huge potentiality of younger children brain power.
Maria Montessori, the first Italian female graduate in medicine finally started her work to teach the
younger children. At the same time she started research on effective education system for the
younger children. She dedicated her whole life to teach the children in most effective way. For her
great and noble contribution, she was awarded by the Nobel Prize for the year 1949, 1950 and 1951.
She said that, we should not determine the future of our children, we should only help them to
explore and expand the huge capacity of their brain, we should give them freedom to choice the
creative work they like and enjoy.

The objective of learning of younger children should not to store huge knowledge data to child’s
memory. We should create positive and lovely environment for them to learn. Learning should not
treat as work for them; rather it should treat as fun and game for them. Learning should be most
enjoyable moment for the younger children. We should love them, encourage them and give highest
recognition for any kind of and any level of success make by them.

In the year 1950 Neuroscientist Roger W. Sperry first revealed that all human beings brains have
two hemisphere of their brain. One is left hemisphere and another is right hemisphere. Right
hemisphere deals with creativity, memory and imagination and left hemisphere deals with logic,
analysis and sequential matters. Our brains start development from right side to the left.

All babies’ brains are miracle. The power of their brain is beyond our expectation. If we can help
them to learn in their early age to ignite and stimulate their in-born unlimited most powerful right
brain power, their creation and invention can exceed all records of the history of the world

Human can only use a small percentage of their brain capacity. The only reason behind this is the
traditional education system for the younger children which did not give emphasize and importance
on effective early education system for the younger children. A one year old child can learn 100
times faster than a 10 years old child, a two years child can learn faster than three years child.
Younger children have the more absorbing capacity in learning. Youngest children use their image
brain and photographic memory to learn in their early age. The capacity of human brain decreases in
diminishing method.

Effective early education of children mostly depends on parents. They should not think this as work
or their duty, they should enjoy this with the children in a very lovely environment like a game.
Younger children always get excitement in learning but it’s not easy to teach the younger children.
Parents and teacher should educate them how to interact with the children at the time of helping
them to learn.
Medical science has come a long way and today we know much more about the development of
child brain and importance of their early life. We should not let our children to fix their future as we
want them to be in their future life.

Our children will face the toughest competitive environment in the world. Technologies are spreading
in our all daily lives. So, formal and traditional academic education is not sufficient for them to
compete at this age.

All development nations like USA, Europe, Australia and Japan are changing their thinking about the
early education system of their children. They have realized that the extreme technological
development is not the end, now their economy is fueled by the information technology but world is
entering into Conceptual Age where conceptual economy will be fueled by creative invention, superb
imagination power, high concept and high touch.

All babies are geniuses but they are not same. Each baby has own pace of development. We should
not compare our child with other and should not pressure them in the process of learning. The
stimulation should be a positive experience, we should not force them to do any activity, and we
must learn to read their mind what the feel at various circumstances.

The purpose of the future education should not be the creation of with the headful of knowledge but
raise children who know how to use efficiently around the brain. Ability to make use of a high
proportion brain must be the objective of the upbringing of children.

Parents role are the most important for the children. We should not lie or misstate anything to them
because they were born thinking that everything we tell them are truth.

Younger children learn at lightning speed. Doing mathematics is one of the highest functions of a
human brain. Children should learn to do math at the youngest possible age because of the effect it
will have the effect on their physical growth of their brain and the product of that physical growth
what we call the intelligence.
Mental Arithmetic
Hard to believe but true.
Before we start to explain the concept we would just like to ask you a few questions in arithmetic.
Can you tell us what: – 4325 X 235 =? Or. 7354 / 2345 =?
Ah! Ha, heading for some tool to help you solve this? What did you pick up a pen and paper, a
calculator or have you switched on your computer?
Now! If we tell you that you need to do these sums without the help of any external aid you would
most probably laugh at us and say this is impossible or take a long time doing it.
Can you imagine these same sums that have baffled you being solved by an Eight year old child in
just 8 seconds flat and that too without using any of the external aids mentioned above? Hard to
believe but true. That is what we are into? Whole Brain Development using Mental Arithmetic as a
medium and an ABACUS as a tool.

ALOHA is a whole brain development company. When we talk about whole brain development a lot
of questions arise in our mind and the first and foremost thing that comes to mind is: –

Is whole brain development Possible?

Generally human beings use only 2-3% of their brainpower during their life span.
That proves that still more than 97 % of the brains remains unutilized, that means there is potential
for development if there is potential then of course development is possible.
This gives rise to our next question that if it is possible then;

When is this possible?

Research has shown over a period of time that the brain development activities are majorly possible
up to the age of 14 years, beyond this age there are hardly 10% chances of brain development. The
age 16 to 20 is the age when the brain matures out and gives it a definite shape and pattern.
Going by the dictates of research it has been proved that whole brain development is possible from
the age of 6-14 years in Bangladesh since the child starts to recognize the numbers of 0 to 9 at the
age of four as per the education system prevalent with us.

How is it Possible?

You would agree with us that the more you use your organs/parts of the body the more it responds
and more becomes the efficiency of that particular organ.
For example:-
If you were to start jogging it would be most probable that you would be able to run a Kilometer, but
if you were to jog for two years you could increase this to 15 kilometers per day.
If you were to start exercise in the gyms, you would need to increase the weights slowly and the time
would come when you would be able to lift the weight greater or equal to your body weight. We can
conclude that if we exercise any body part then its efficiency increases, this fact is implies to our
brains also, now the question is how do we give exercise to our brains?
Generally it is said that mathematics is good medium for exercising our brains. Scientists and our
research team has proven that mental arithmetic of higher level e.g. 76382*793 =? can give lot of
exercise to our brains hence it is the best medium to exercise our brain.

In short, Mental Arithmetic + Cultivation = Brain Development.

ALOHA training helps the child to make best use of the potentiality that his/ her brain holds, it
strengthens the mind of the child by teaching him how to solve complex numbers and calculations.
By the time the child finishes the course they would be solving complex arithmetic problems mentally
without the help of any external tool like pens, paper or calculators and computers. Due to this the
child gets an overall mental development which helps in making him / her hard working, clever,
smart and increasing their overall academic performance.

Why Mental Arithmetic?

Why only mental arithmetic is best suited medium for brain development?
Mental arithmetic is an age old technique and it has been widely stated that the best exercise for the
development of brains is arithmetic and hence mental arithmetic. This technique has been accepted
the world over and is actively being used in over 30 countries around the globe.
It is also observed that when children do fast calculations using Aloha methodology through their
mind they need to use their imagination, memory, analysis, logic, creativity, listening skills, vision
etc. Because they’re both parts of the brain get exercises and co-ordination between them also

This way when the mind gets constant exercise the mental power of the child gets a boost. Just like
the equipment at the gym is a medium for body building, similarly for brain development mental
arithmetic is a proven medium. After the muscles are developed the stored energy can be used as
desired, similarly thru mental arithmetic the brain gets developed and the enhancements so acquired
can be used as and when required.
ALOHA is not a class for teaching mental arithmetic but its aim is to bring around complete brain
development. Mental math’s is an added advantage garnered through the whole exercise. Initially
Mental arithmetic is taught with the help of an ABACUS. What is an ABACUS?

Abacus is a tool invented by the Salamis, then labeled by Mesopotamians, improved as a

mathematical tool by Greek scholar Tetramachus, and used in China for more than 900 years as a
mathematical tool. Abacus is termed as the father of computers. Abacus is being used in our
curriculum for learning the basics of mental arithmetic, right and left brain development and to
increase their co-ordination.

What is ALOHA’s Contribution? 

ALOHA is a mental development program based on mental arithmetic system. It starts with the use
of an abacus and soon the child learns to do calculations in his mind itself without a physical abacus.
This training will enhance a child’s ability to do calculation without the aid of any instrument such as
the calculator, abacus etc. The child will be able to calculate with speed and accuracy using his own
mental power and can surpass the speed of even a calculator.
The finely structured syllabus is prepared by ALOHA curriculum development department (Malaysia)
Children who undergo ALOHA arithmetic training would have several positive benefits. Some of
these are:

Greater concentration Improved reading writing and learning

Keen Listening skills
Better reflexes
Better Memory
Better application skills
Sharper observation
Improved analytical skills
Self – confidence
Better creative and imaginative skills
Better expression
Better comprehension and calculation

This special ability relies entirely on one’s mental processing skills. The program aims at stimulating
the children’s right and left side of the brain, making the whole thinking process mode efficient and
effective to produce complete and confident personalities who achieve extraordinary levels in
various disciplines. In short a brain gymnasium for the young and growing minds.
Won’t this create more burden on the child?

There is no extra burden on the child during the training through ALOHA but due to the fact that the
brain gets developed and hence the regular studies also become easier. In fact ALOHA is not an
educational institute, but it is a brain development center. World over students are undergoing
ALOHA mental arithmetic training without any burden and get knowledge combined with fun and
play. Like other training program ALOHA also has books and syllabus but the whole training
program is easy and burden less. The child should start taking interest themselves which is the
primary motive of any ALOHA center. At the start the child is taught how to use an Abacus – a
beaded instrument used for the purpose of calculation. Later on the child is not dependent on the
Abacus to do the calculations. ALOHA center presents a friendly and good atmosphere, which
motivates the child to come to our center

Every year National and International Level Competition:

ALOHA Bangladesh and ALOHA International organise national and international level competitions
every year. Through the national level competitions younger children get the opportunity to show
their talent and gain confidence. Through international level competitions children get the opportunity
to prepare themselves to compete global arenas.

Aloha Course Information:

Aloha Senior Course

Length of course:
Age Limits within 6 to 14 years
Two years divided into 8 levels of 3 months each.
Class duration: One class of 2 hours in a week.
Class days: Class is held on Friday or Saturday for each batch.

Aloha Junior Course

Length of course:
Age Limits within 4 to 6 years

One and half years divided into 6 levels of 3 months each.

Class duration: One class of 2 hours in a week.
Class days: Class is held on Friday or Saturday for each batch.

As per parents request we are running evening batch in workdays in our some centers.
Class timing on Friday:
8.00 am to 10.00 am, 10.15 am to 12.15 pm, 3.45 pm to 5.45 pm, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Class timing on Saturday: 
9.00 am to 11.00 am, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm, 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm, 5.15 pm to 7.15 pm
Class Timing on other Week Days:
5.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Requirement for admission: 

2 Passport size and 1 Stamp size photo of the student, 1 Passport size photo for each parent and 1
Passport size photo for any third person for student collection card.

Course Information
ALOHA Course Information:

ALOHA Senior Course

Length of course:
Age Limits within 6 to 14 years
Two years divided into 8 levels of 3 months each.
Class duration: One class of 2 hours in a week.
Class days: Class is held on Friday or Saturday for each batch.

ALOHA Junior Course

Length of course:
Age Limits within 4 to 6 years

One and half years divided into 6 levels of 3 months each.

Class duration: One class of 2 hours in a week.
Class days: Class is held on Friday or Saturday for each batch.

As per parents request we are running evening batch in workdays in our some centers.

Class timing on Friday:

8.00 am to 10.00 am, 10.15 am to 12.15 pm, 3.45 pm to 5.45 pm, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Class timing on Saturday: 

9.00 am to 11.00 am, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm, 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm, 5.15 pm to 7.15 pm

Class Timing on other Week Days:

5.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Requirement for admission: 

2 Passport size and 1 Stamp size photo of the student, 1 Passport size photo for each parent and 1
Passport size photo for any third person for student collection card.
Center Name Aloha Mirpur 2 Center

Address House # 67 & 68, Road # 5, Block # A, Section-2, Mirpur, Dhaka ( Opposite
Commerce College) Contact: Mumtahina Khair
Phone —
Cell 01844-189542
Fax —
E-mail [email protected]
Admission 5900/=
Tuition Fee 1600/= (Junior) 1600/= (Senior)

Center Name Aloha Mirpur 10 Center

Address House # 07, Road # 14, Block-C, Section-10, Mirpur,

Dhaka Contact: Jahanara Begum
Phone —
Cell 01712-702904, 01972-702904
Fax —
E-mail —
Admission Fee 5900/=
Tuition Fee 1800/= (Junior) 1800/= (Senior)

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