LOI Pamana

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FEr-ll'l : DHEDIT rlrll"lF lF:fil"jE FFiil I'lr:r, :7E5484E EE l'lar. IBr! f,: 4r5Pl.

1 Fl

Repblb of the Philipplnes

DapslmEnt ot the lntedor und Lscdl GovErnment
Notlonol Pdica Corflmicsion
ilAIIOl,tAt HEADQUAfifTS, lHlt llfiHt l{Ailo}lat PolJcE
Comp Crome, Queron fily

SUBJECT : Letter of lnstructions 55/07 ("FAMANA"I

T0 ; All FNP Offlces ond Personnel


Univenol Declqration of Hurnon Rl$ht$ {UDHR) of 1948;

lnternotionql Covenqnt on Civil ond Politlcol Rlghts
UN Convenllon Agoinst Torture or Other Cfuel, lnhurnon ond
Degroding Treotrnent (CAI) ;
UN Cpde of Conduct for Low Eniorcement Officisls;
UN Conventian sn the Rlghts sf the Chlld {CRC};
UN Convention on lhe Eliminqtion of AllFonns af
Dlscrlmlnotlon Agoinst Women {CEDAW};
Art llqnd Art lll, l?87 Philipplne Conrtlfulion;
FA 7438, EA9'242, RA 76]0, RA 8371 ond other specisl
laws with humon rights stondords;
L Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Humqn Rights
qnd lnternotio nsl H urnonltorlon Lcw {CAR H Rl H L) ;
J, PNP Code of ProfessionslConduct and Ethicot
Sfcndords {COPCES);
K. PNP Operotlonol Procedures;
L- PNF lmplementlng Guldelines on Humon Rights
doted '14 Feb 95; qnd
M. Other odminlslrotlve issuonces on human rights.
FRTII''I :DHF:ID CIII'IF [RfiI'.]E Ft:ll{ Nl:l, :7?5404ri Zl l'lar. lEll f :51P1'l F1l


The Philipplne Nqriongl porice, the prernier row enforcement

sgency of the lond, serves f,s one of lhe government inshuments
charged with errtorcing the full protection 6r humcn rights_ Existing
internotional stondords on humfin righfs to which ihe phllippines is E
lqtg nlrtv ore supposed fo guide ihe porice in procticing humcn
rights principles os lhe highest'embodirnont of policlng.

_. Jl* PNP also published lhe lmplernenling Guidelines on Humon

Rigllt on Fehruory r,4, r gpg identifylng speciflE humon rights viotorions
ond the responsibilities ot vcrrious tosked offices.

. Yet' despite the counfless oworeness-rciting etforts on humon

righfs for ils personner, the pNp is stilr perceived'as s humsn rights
violslor given the nurnber of incldents of alleged humon rifrr-rls
violotions which hove been highlighfed in rrredio*reports and ihose
filed wth fhe commisslon on Humon Rights. From Januory l?gr
to ocfoher 20e7, the cHR received o totlt al r,678 cdses ogoinst
PNP p+rsonnel for alleged humon rights violotions. The dsto o;n the
dispe511;on of these cfises sre stlll being processed by the cHH.

lncidenislly, lhe pcssoge of fhe Humon security Acf fRA fsTz],

the influx of humon rights issues, both in ihe rocol ond internoiionol
communitie$, ond the increosing complexjiies ln the mointenflnce
of peoce ond order. hove glven lhe police more reflsons to engoge in
cn evolv_ing effort io oddress humcn rights on o higher plone.Likewise,
the chollenge of Her Excellency president Gbrio Mocopogol-
An'oyo for lhe PNP to moke humon rights al the centerpiece of oll its
octions serves cs o cclolysf forqdvqncing the humon iights ogendo
for police personnel

The creation of the Humon Righis Affoirs offlce {HRAO} is one of '
the mecsures thal the FNp leodership hos brought into toie in order
lo improve exisling mechonisms on humcn rights pratection.
However, for greoter involvement of gll pNp members is necessory
for fhe citizenry to feel thot the ogency meons business in serving the
people ond proteciing their humon rlghts. Thus, severql instituilonof
cpprocches on humqn rights ore lold down in order to improve
htirnsn copcc[ies, enhonce relotionships and portnershlpr wiil"rother

il:::J;f"TX''H*#,l,fJ?ilT?[rJ'il,[?;:fi #"["Jt%HTIiTfr

FFllt'1 :I)HRtlfi lFl,1F r::FrFti'lE FFlll tir:I, :7E54848 2E l"1ar. lElZ f, r 5!Pl| F1I


This LOI sets forlh renewed policy dlrect'rrcns ond guidelirres in the
PNP to respect, promote ond protect humon righh,

tv, Vtstoil:

Ihe Philippine Notionsl Police envlsions the orgonizotlon to be o

UN'certifled forlress of humen righls proteetion,

v. Ml5litoil:

f,onsislent with its mdhdcte, the Philippine Nstionol Police sholl

servs lhe citizenry ond en$ure the full prolection of their humcn


ln foithful complionce to the Philippine commitrnent to the

universol principles of humdn rlghts ond in furtheronce of exisfing
humsn rights siandords ond procticas. ihe PNP leodership hereby
issues the following policies ond guidelines:

A. Humqn Rights is supreme, inoliensble, ond indivisible.

B. The entire members of the Philippine Nstionol Police shall

embroce the highesi principles of the Unlversol DeclorCItion of
Humqn Rightgwhich proclsirns lhe personol. civil. polillcol. economic,
sociol, and culturolrighfr of individuols. which ore limited orrly by the
recognition of the rights and freedoms of others ond lhe requiremenfs
of morolity, public order, and generolwelfore.

C. All police offlcers must iniernolhe snd put into proctice Sec
Il, Art ll, in relction io Sec 2. Art lll of the 1?87 Philippine Constitution
thst "ihe Slote volues ihe dlgnlty of every humon person cnd
guordntees full respect for humon ilghts".

D. Respecl for humon righls und humon dignity sholl opply to

everyone, including memberu of lhe police serylce, regardless of
educalion, gender, religion, ond polilicol beliefs.
FBDI1 : nHFlDl Cril'1F {tFtfit'lE FFli NCI, : ?854ra46 ll t"lar. lB:LE f,:5lPl'"1 F1l

E. Allpolice officers shflll odopl the porodigm of humon rights-

bosed policing by being "chompions" ond ',cdtoly$ts", individuolly
ond collectively. to strengthen the foiih ond trust of the eitizenry in
their police oflicers os protecton of humsn rights.

F, Efforts by the pollce to proieci humon rlghts sholl come io

lerms wiih the peoce-building progrom of the governrnent;

G. Progromr of lnstruciion for police personnelsholl be regulorly

reviewed, os rnoy be fitting ond proper. lo include issues of police
ethics snd humon rights, especiollyin the investigotiveprocesi, oswell
os slternotives to the use of force qnd fireorms. Such olterrrofives mdy
include hut ore noi limited to the peocefulsettlement of conflicts, the
understonding of crowd behovior, and the methods of persuosion,
negotiotion ond medistion. ond other oppropriote rneqns. with the
end in view of limiiing the use of force qnd fireorns-

H. All police offfcerg shollundergo oppropriole knowledge, skills

qnd sttitude enhoncemerrt ond other humon regource developmenl
progroms thot will cui scross the recruitment, ossignmenl. ond
promoiion procer$,

l. Under no clrcumstonce sholl ony police otficer inflict,

instigofe, or tolerote exlro-judiciol killin g. enf orced disoppecronce,
"solvoging", orbitrory onesi, torlure or other cruel, inhurnon or
degroding treatment or punishm€ni, flgglnsi ony person,

J. Foilure on the port ol ony police officer, in ony copocity, to

toke opproprioie oction to preveni and/or report the commission
of any humon rights violation by o fellow PNF personnel with his
knowledge or in his presence sholl fnoke him liqble.

K. Violotion of humsn dghts sholl be deolt with drosticqlly through

the exisling qdminisfiotive disciplincry mochinery of the PNP.

t. ln cdse of conflicling scenorios, the supremocy of respect

for humsn dghts remoins invioloble over the perforrnonce of police
duiies snd functions unless it is proven thot the &xerclse of such
rights runs ccunter to the requirements of morolify, public order. ond
FRifl.l : DHEDT rl:l-rf'lF rtRFrt.tE FfiH H0, : ?254A46 Zl t'lar. lrlil f,:4EFl'l

M. Any humon rights violotion commilted by police officers

sholl be subject to oppropriote sqnction$ under the existing inlernol
odministrstive disciplinory syst€m.

Ihe Phillppine Nstlonol Police shullimplement o comprehanslve
humon tights development progrom {Annex "A " } thot will oddress f our
{4} mojor components; irrstiiutionol policy development; cspohllity
building on hu mon rights protection ; prevention ond control meosures
ogoinst viololion of humorr rights; ond sirengthening of portnerchip
ond cooperciion with mulli-sectorol orgonizotions for humon rights

Duty holderr wlthin the FNP shall be tesponsible for putting irtto
dsce the neceisory mechqnisrns with the implementotion of the
comprehensive humon rights development progrom for police
personnel, in porliculor, ond tor ihe public, in generol.

The Humon Rights Affsirs Otfice [HRAO]. in furtheronce of

its mondoted functlons, sholl ssrve ds lhe focsl point on the
formulotion, implementotion ond montforing of the PNP humon rights
development progrom in line with the policies herein set forih.

To enhonce the copocities of police offlcers os hurnon righfs

proiectors, the PNP Humon Righis Desks cr€oted pursuonf to PNF
lnrplementing Rules on Humon Right$ dated Februory 14, 1995, sholl
be strengthened io serve os conduitr to the HRAO on vsrlous efforts
involving humon dghts, $oid PNF HR Desks sholl be ploeed ds on
odjunel unit in ihe offices of the regionol dirgctors, provincioflcity
police ofllce directors, disttict directors, ond clly/municipql chiefs of
police os wellos directors of concerned nstionolsupport units,


Phose l: (Ocfober ?OO7 - Jonuory 2008) - Formulqtion of

i rrternol policy fromeworl<, revision of troinln g progroms,
troiningof frainers, cnd strenglhening of structural

Phose 2: { November ?W7 - September ?008f - Cross-cutting

implementotion of the four mojor componerrts.
FRnl"l : DHRnli f,Ff'1P LlRf,f4E FFill H0, :7e5444r: zz l"1,rr-. ERlE f,: "4BFl"l

Phose 3:. (september 2008) - lnitiqlMonitoring ond Al$essmenl

Phase 4: (October 2008 onwords) - lnstitutionqlizotion of

Progrom Initiotives,


To enture the proper irnplernentqticn of these guidelines,

vorious oflices ond units of the PNP are direcied fo corry oui ihe
following tasks:

o. lnifiate odvococy med$ures to rflis+ the consciousness
ond infernotlonolizotion of the PNP peruonnel on hurnon
rights-bosed policing ;

b. Lecd the orgonizotion in porticipoiing or initioting humon

rights-driven evenls ond octiviiies such oi Humon Rights
Week, lnternoiionol Humon Rights Dsy, lnfernoiionsl
Humqnitorion Low Doy, cnd other reloted humon dghts
events, including those on women, youth and chlldren,
ond othen;

c, Estoblish ties with ond generote suppori ond ossistonce

from vqdous governmenl ond non-governmeni
orgonizotions conce?red with humon rights, both locol
qnd internotionol, to odvonce the corlse of humon rlghts
wilhin qnd outside lhe Fhilippine NciionolPolice;

d, Estoblishq l,{umon Rights Eligibility List for police offlcers

direcfly engoged in humon rights odvocccy ond
promotion through ihe issuonce of oppnopriote cedificaies
of quolificotions mqking them belong to o dlrecfory of
humon tights procfitlonem in ihe counlry;

e, Coordinote regulorly wiih vorious duty holders in ihe FNP

tor discu$sions ond resolulions of humon rights issues thal
include but qre not limited to humoh rlghls violaiions by
police offfcers ond/or other govemm€nt forces os well as
non-siofe octors, develotrment of knowledge, skllls ond-
otiitude of PNP petsonnel cs humsn dghts protectors,E
w*h orher sectorsl
FE[I'1 : DHFIDI IJF]I,IF IRFII"IE Ff,H Hn. : ?25.4fi4E Il l"1,rr. EE13 f :45F1'l FF

f. conduct regulqr ondlor rondom inspeclions, diologues,

and fieldinqiirieson humCIn righis issuesoffecting members
of tt'* poficb service, including violation oJ their own rights
05 humon beings, using existing mechonisms ond
such ss the ln-nuol Generol lnspeclions, direclorial Stoff
fomily conferences, conduct of mondalory cour$es in the
PP$C snd its regionol troining $chools;

g. Conduct resesrches CInd cose Studies On humon rights

thot delve on the couses, role pctierns, copocity SoFsr
ond instilutional mechonisms leoding to the improvement
of lhe FNP qs o humdn rights protecton

h. lnitiote, mofu prapia, inquiries on cq$es of humon

rights violations through walk-in comploinls, eleclronic
c6**unicotions, snd other meqns in order to focilitote
sppropriste octions thereof, including some mechonisms
lo explore oltemolive ditpute resolutions especiolly when
cctses Orise trom personclscls on the port of police officers
subject of the comploints' Otherwise, cflse$ moy be
refened to the IAS for oppropriqte odministrotive oction.

i. Monitor, qssess, ond document humon rightS issues ond

concerns for use os reference of ihe Chief, PNP;

j. Provide inpuis to the PIO on vflrious iniiiolives of the PNP

on humon rights for inlormqtion of the public; ond

k. Perform other tosks os moy be directed.


o. Develop s humon righls-bosed psychologicol evolusiion

tool, fhrough lhe PNP Heollh $eruice, oimed qt determining
the copocity of every police officer to promote ond
proiecl humon rights while in ihe perforrnonce of hils or
her dutiesl

b. lssue orden for oll PNP humon rights desks officers

throughout lhe country to ensure susloinabilily ond
dedicotion of individuols chorged with advoncing hurnon
rights ogendo in the PNP; and

c. Perform other tosks os mf,y be directed.

FHI]T'1 : DHEFD (:FI,IP N0, :725444ri
FfiH ?3 l"1.rr. fQ13 l:49Fn PE

3. TDI

o. Strengthen counfer-infelligence efforts to identify PNP

personnelwho commii hurnon righls violotions; ond

b, Perform other issks os moy be directed.

4. TDO

o. Review, evoluote ond reconstruct, os mdy be

oppropriole, some provisions of existing operolionol
policies, procedures, guidelines, oltuned to the humcn
rights principles specificolly in the sreos of orrest, seorch
snd seizure, civil disturbonce monogement, lockup, ond
o th er con corn ilont police o pero tions re g u lqrly performed
by police officers in the field; ond

b. Perform other tqsks os mqy be dhected,


o. lssue oclivation orders for the establishment of PNP Humon

Rights Desks in ollPROs, PPOs, CPOs, CPSIMFS qnd NSUs, in
coordinqtlon with NAPOLCOM; ond

b. Perform olher tosks os moy be directed.


o. Formulofe q humon resource development plon on

humon rights, in eoordinolion with HRAQ, the PPSC snd
other concerned offices, oimed ol improving the exisling
lroining qnd educotion of police oftcers lo enhonce their
knowledge, skills ond oltitude towords humon rights;

b. Develop cr troining needs onalysis on the necesssry

contents ond tools for the troining and educotion of police
officers concerning humon righls;

c. Undertoke o joint effort with HRAO on the conduct of

gener<:l knowledge exominotions for oll police officers
FEDI'1 : DHHlil fi]"lF iiRFtt'lE FFtll l.lr_t, :7?54fi45 Zl l"lar. ESl! f :5EPl"l P?

storling with csndidqtes for promotion, positions of

higher responsibilily, ond deployment in internotionol
peocekeeping missions;

d. Ensure thot the behovioroldevelopment of police officers,

regdrdless of the noture of work, be it in intelligence,
trqffic, investigotion. patrol, ond/or community relotions,
sholl beor the mork of humon rights protector; ond

e, Perform other iosks trs moy be direcled.


o. Coardinstewith H RAO oniheproductionof complementary

information, ed uccrlion ond cornmu nicotion {lEC) moteriols
oimed ct rcising the hurnon rights clworeness of both the
Police ond the community;

b- Conducl oppropriote seminsrs on hurnon rights, to include

those of women ond children, indigenous peoples, ond
oiher. morginalized seclors, ss port of ihe PNP informotion
csmpoign on human rights;

c. lnclude humsn rights subjects ond invite the psrticipotion

sf trsined police officers io expound on ihe subiect in
the ongoing PICE, television/rodio progroms, newsletter/
journals. ond website of the PNP; ond

d. Perform other tosks as moy be directed.


o, Fost trock invesiigotive copobility developmenl progrom

for PNP offices and personnel;

b. lniiicte the instollotion of video recording systems in

investigolion rooms of PHP offices;

c. Provide ihe HRAO a regulor updoto on the list of coses

of extrujudicial killings, enforced snd involuntory
FE[I'1 :DHFIDD CFI.JF IRI:I|IE Ff;H HL-r. :7E54846 22 l'1ar. EEll f :SEFl'l Frr-

disappeoronces, ond other forms of human rights violoiions

sgoin$t mililqnts in the political, medio, lobor, ond student
$eclors, for reference ond discussion with humon rlghts
organhotions ond other porlies of interest;

d. Conduct CInd expedite the invesligotion of olleged

violalions of humon rights by police officers not only forthe
purpose of inflicling punishment to ering personnel bul lo
relieve innocent police officers from undue qnd molicious
hsrqssment chorges; ond

A Perfonn other tosks os moy be directed.

9. TDC

d. Provide funding supporl CInd eqrmcrk on onnuql budgel

for the PNP humsn rights development progrom in
coordinstion with HRAO io ensure sustoinobility of its
implementation; ond

b. Perform other toslcs os moy be directed.


d. Orgonize ond estsblish ihe PNP Human Rights Desks in

lhe PRos. PPOs/CFos, CPS/MFS ond designote quolified
HR officers thsi will be responsible for oddressing issues of
humon rights in theh respective oreos ond for providing the
HRAO necesssry dsto ond infornrotion on humcn rights;

b. Conducl initiatives on humsn rights odvococy flnd

prolection in line with the ottoched PNP humon righfs
development progrom;

c. Enhance portnership with locol communiiy orgsnizotions,

NGOs ond privcie civic orienled groups. geored towords
odvqncing the cause of humon righls;

d. Perform other tosks os moy be directed.

FF:I]I,1 :DHEIII {:FNF L]FIFII"]E FFtli t.l[, :7254ft46 Ei l"lar. ZE1I f,:51F1'l P9

I l. Directors, NSUs

o, Orgonize flnd estoblish the PNP Humon Rights Desks ond

designote quolified HR otficers thot will be responsible
for sddressing issues Of hurnsn rights in their respective
qreos ond for providing the HRAO necessory doto ond
informotion on humon rights;

b. Conduct initiotives on humsn righls odvococy qnd

protect'ron in line with the ottached PNP humon rights
developmenl progrom;

c. Enhonce portnership with locol community orgonizotions,

NGOs and privcte civic orienfed Sroups, geored towords
odvonclng the cctuse of hurnon rights; ond

d. Perform ofher tosks o$ rnoy be dlrected.

12. lG, IAS

o. Conduct pr+charge administrotive evoluotion o{ coses

involving cny humon rights viololion, subjeci to exlsting
rules ond regulotions governing PNP personnel disciplinory

b. Estohlish o dotq bsse of coses involving violstions of

hurnon rights commitfed by police personnel; ond

c. Perforrn oiher tasks a$ moy be directed.

13, C, PIO
o. lssue press releoses on vorious initiotives of the PNF on
humsn righfs profection in coordination with the HRAO;
b. Conduct uppropriote hurnon rights $erninors for
PIO in the PROs/N$Us, press reporters and olher mediq
prociitioners to enhqnce their knowledge on humon rights
in coordinotion with HRAO;

c. Ferform other tosks os mdy be direcfed,

FHU'1 : DHRDI] lFtt'lP ,::RFtl"lE FtlH Htr, : ??54Bc1E 22 l'lar. ?EIE 3:51F1'1 PlE


A. All concerned chiefs/heads of offices shqll disseminote

lhe foregoing policies snd gui,Celines to their respecfive
personnel immediotely following ihe issuqnce o{ this LOl,

B. Violotions or non-complionce wiih ihis LOI sholl be dealt

with accordingly.

C" D-Stoff ond NSUs given the tosks ss indicoted shollrender

an initiql report of compliunce in writing NLT 30 doys upon
receipi of a copy of this LOl. Succeeding reports sholl be
submitted quorlerly or os mqy be oppropriote.

D. All regulor reporis must be submitted to the Chief, FNP

{ettn: C, HRAO}.


LOI "PAMANA" shsll tske effeci upon spproval.

Police Director Generol
Chief, Philippine Notionql Folice

Directors. D-Stoff
Dirs, NSUs
c. Plo
Copy Furnished:
SlLGlChsirrnon, NA POLCOM
Commission on Humon Righis of the Fhilippines
Fresidentiql Human Rights Committee
ANNEX "A" to PNP Letter of lnsfructions

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