Name: Mel Jhan M. Fruelda Course/Year: BSE-Filipino II Subject: Gender and Society
Name: Mel Jhan M. Fruelda Course/Year: BSE-Filipino II Subject: Gender and Society
Name: Mel Jhan M. Fruelda Course/Year: BSE-Filipino II Subject: Gender and Society
Course/Year: BSE-Filipino II
I. Introduction
categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that
comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. In short, it is about genitalia that
you have as a person. If you have penis, then you are considered as a male while if you
have a vagina then you are considered as female. But when we enter in school
especially when we went in high school our teachers taught about our sex by describing
every details in our body that describes our sexuality which helps us to know our
B. Theoretical Framework
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
theory tells that the male sperm, with a haematogenous origin, causes the development
of an embryo from menstrual blood present in the female uterus. This theory survived
about 2000 years, with modifications, and was also introduced into Christianity. It was
only about 150 years ago that the reproduction theory based on hypotheses was
According to Bern's theory, people fall into one of four different gender
categories, first is Sex-typed individuals, they are the people who identify with their
gender and process information through the lens of that gender schema. Next is the
Cross-typed individuals, which they process information through the lens of the opposite
gender. Third is the Androgynous individuals which exhibit both masculine and feminine
thinking and last is the Undifferentiated individuals that does not show consistent use of
sex-typed processing
A. Reality
been increasing appreciation of the fact that genetic and physiological differences
between males and females might also influence behavioral sex differences. Although
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
some might argue that the pendulum has swung too much in favor of genes and
particular, there is recognition that the environment is not independent of the individual.
Individuals actively construct their environments and are responded to by others in their
environments. The effects of imposed environments are not the same for everyone.
When one considers sex differences, one must also remember that females and males
“inhabit” different cultures and that some behavioral sex differences are more marked
when people are in social groups than when they are alone. Thus, questions about sex
differences concern not just differences between individual males and females but also
B. Reflection
As a student and future educator we must be aware about ourselves even the
smallest detail of our personality. I’ve come up in this question because as a future
educator I will be the one who will teach my students about these things so that I can
open their minds that this kind of topic is good to tackle as order for them to understand
who they are and it helps them to increase their knowledge about sexuality.
C. Response
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Rizal
If you will study about the human sexuality you will know the diversity of it and
improve your knowledge about it. It is like self-care because if you take a lot of time to
gain some knowledge about sexuality you can handle yourself and take care of it. Your
sexuality is your self-identity and it may affect your mental health if you are still confuse
about who you are so this subject could help a person to know his/her worth despite of
criticism that he/she may get. Don't feel pressure about the people surrounds you just
take a lot of time to have courage and don't deny you sexuality as a reason of you won't
enjoy life and things that you want if you keep yourself bothers by their judgment.
Acceptance is always the key so that others will accept and support you no matter who
you are.
mother. The chromosomes and the genitalia determines if the child is a male or a
female. I conclude that knowing the human sexuality have a big impact, as order for us
we are aware how we created and came from. It tells us that it doesn't matter whether
you are a female or male as long as you have respect for other people and you don't
degrade them then you deserve to have a good treatment also. Teachers should teach
it carefully because it's for the sake of their students to know between the differences
and gender. It is a big responsibility for them because what the students hear from them
will mold them as a person, so from the start they need to explain it detailed by detailed
National Academic Press. (2001). Sex Affects Behavior and Perception. Retrieved from
Cherry, K. (2020). Gender Schema Theory and Roles in Culture. Retrieved from