Air Law
Air Law
Air Law
Separation DME 20 10
Squawks mode A
What does the state require to get information about the pilot ?
Holding speeds
When do you change to QNH in a descent ( before transition level ? before commencing approach ?)
Definition of IATA ?
Before IFR flight what does the pilot check ? ( Meteorological information )
Definition of RESA ?
Air law
Air Law: 95% database --> study the last 50 questions in depth.. lots of them came up in the real
2)VFR minima
3)semicircular levels
4) difference between EASA and NAA (a bit reworded but same concept)
5)if a plane is suspected to have a bomb on board, what distance must be taken from the plane to
the terminal?
6) Separation HEAVY/LIGHT
12) who has the right of way between a glider and a heavy aircraft?
........ and others... no airway questions, nothing too difficult... passed with 81 % studying pretty much
the night before .. beware a lot of questions have been reworded.. you need to understand what
you're reading!!