9.17.21 Houston County Sheriff's Office News Release
9.17.21 Houston County Sheriff's Office News Release
9.17.21 Houston County Sheriff's Office News Release
Date: 08/06/21
On Thursday, 08/05/21 at approx. 1:10 pm, the Sheriff’s Office received a report from a Court
Administration employee that he had received a call from an agitated male that stated he was going to
come and shoot a member of the Houston County Attorney’s Office and blow up the courthouse.
Sheriff’s Office staff were able to identify a suspect shortly after the initial threat. Shortly after the
initial threat, two local Caledonia businesses received phone calls from the same suspect indicating
threats of violence at their businesses.
Later it was discovered that the same suspect had left voicemail at another county office indicating
threats of violence.
The County Courthouse campus was locked down for approx. 1 hour due to the incident as well both
businesses locking down as well.
Brian Joseph Krenz (36 YOA) has been arrested in connection with the threats of violence incident at
the Houston County Courthouse , a local business and the City of La Crescent on August 5th and
August 12th 2021. Mr. Krenz was apprehended in the state of California and is currently in custody at
the Houston County Jail.
Mr. Krenz allegedly made numerous phone calls to Houston County government and private entities
indicating that he was going to harm certain individuals and blow up the courthouse. Krenz allegedly
left a voicemail at the City of La Crescent indicting that he was going to leave the City of La Crescent
and Houston County in ruins.
Mr. Krenz is charged with multiple felony counts of Terroristic Threats- threats of violence as well as
Gross Misdemeanor counts of Harassment. Krenz is also charged with a misdemeanor count of
Disorderly Conduct.
Krenz is being held on $250,000 unconditional bail and $100,000 conditional bail.
Criminal charges are merely allegations and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.