Hailey Anne Nelson
Hailey Anne Nelson
Hailey Anne Nelson
Hailey Anne Nelson [email protected]
Su mmar y Pr o f es s i o n al Ex per i en c e
Primetime TV home-shopping producer with 18 Show Producer Jewelry Television
years experience in entertainment, starting as a Nov. 2018 - current
child actress at age 8. Fast learner with a team
mentality and ability to see the big picture. Strategically determine sales plan for each
Flexible and adept with proven track record show alongside host and internal team
working in a fast paced, live TV environment. Lead team of 8 during live, primetime TV home
Passion for producing content that brings ideas shopping shows (2 or 4-hours) for approx. 16
to life. Excited to apply skills in a new area of hours/week to reach gross margin and KPI
video and content creation. goals
Analyze up to 10 different sales trends during
live shows to adjust pre-determined sales
Sk i l l s / Ex per t i s e
c r eati ve vi si on p r ob l em sol vi ng Coordinate and communicate with graphics,
d etai l or i ented team management sound, director, hosts, and guests during all
b ud geti ng p i tc hi ng c onc ep ts shows
stor y-tel l i ng ad ap tab i l i ty
tec h savvy Production Assistant Jewelry Television
Feb. 2018 - Nov. 2018
Edu c at i o n
On-set coordinator between host and
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
production crew for 2 or 4-hour shows
Responsible for on-set product set-up,
Bachelor of Science in communication with standard & ECU capture shots of all show
concentrations in public relations and items, and product management for all shows
business administration
Admissions Counselor University of Tenn.
University of Urbino, Italy 2016 - 2017
(Study Abroad) 2015
Studied international public relations & Performed daily information sessions for
Italian culture with an emphasis on prospective students & their families
intercultural competence & international Led coordination with high schools to recruit
communication and maintain relationships with counselors &
Videographer Boss Dance Company
Key Fi l m Appear an c es 2013 - 2016
Walk the Line (2005) - Roseanne Cash - 20th
Century Fox Created promotional videos of dance
performances and events, which included
Big Fish (2003) - Jenny - Columbia Pictures
interviewing members, editing hundreds of
Full acting resume available upon request hours of footage, and finalizing up to 10 videos
per year