Freres D Orient 19
Freres D Orient 19
Freres D Orient 19
We cannot proclaim the Gospel of Peace (Salem, Shalom) without first being established in the
Holy Gospel, and we cannot bring peace unless we ourselves have the peace of Christ in us.
Thus, these shoes for our feet that prepare us to proclaim the Gospel of Peace are our spiritual
life and practice; specifically, it is the cultivation of a continuum of daily spiritual practice
through which our interior life unfolds and we are empowered to active love and compassion.
Receiving teachings, we reflect upon them, contemplate them, meditate on them, and labor to
integrate them into our lives; likewise, we study and contemplate the Holy Scriptures, seeking
to increase our knowledge, understanding and wisdom, and we pray, meditate and perform
sacred ceremony – we actively worship God and entertain good company, spiritual fellowship.
With all of this, we remember and keep the Shabbat holy, and celebrate Shabbat.
The aim of all of this is the generation of the Sacred Heart, and self-realization in Christ – the
Sacred Heart and our realization being the foundation of proclaiming the Gospel of Peace.
Essentially, we will do whatever it takes for the generation of the Sacred Heart and process of
our self-realization in Christ – we will take up whatever practices are necessary, apply
whatever self-discipline is called for, and enact all spiritual works we are called to do by the
Holy Spirit.
As shoes imply, we must be in the spiritual journey, the Path of the Great Ascension, and
when we proclaim the Holy Gospel, we must speak from direct spiritual and mystical
experience of the Risen Christ, speaking from faith and gnosis – when the Holy Gospel is our
experience, then we have the proper foundation to proclaim it. We will speak of what we have
seen and heard and know, and in such speech there is light-power, something of the Gnostic
and Light Transmission.
Now there is something more subtle within and behind what St. Paul is saying, for when we
are called to preach or to teach the Holy Gospel, or we are called to facilitate or lead any
sacred event, always there is a spiritual work to be done beforehand, preparing the sacred
space and laboring for the removal of obstructions in those who will attend. Thus, in one way
or another, we purify and consecrate the sacred space, prepare ourselves, and pray for the
people who are coming, as well as for all beings. Therefore, St. Paul is also speaking of the
spiritual continuum in preparation for any sacred event – a continuum that begins well before
any event, of which the event is the culmination.
Templars work very closely with lineage-holders in the tradition, and as much as lineage-
holders tend a spiritual continuum before sacred events, so also do the Templar initiates
working with them – based upon their continuum Templars take up the sacred duty of
purifying and consecrate sacred space before an event, clearing it of any shades or shadows,
and calling upon Ha-Shem and the Shekinah to bless the sacred space and make it holy; then,
throughout the event they serve as guardians of that sacred space and the people, ensuring
that no klippotic influences enter into it.
In the tradition, when we are called to speak, to preach or teach, we prepare no sermon or
speech, but rather, we take up a continuum of prayer, contemplation and meditation, and we
become open and sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and when it is time for us to speak we let the
Mother Spirit speak with, in and through us, just as Yeshua Messiah taught us to do. This is
our way in proclaiming the Holy Gospel or imparting teachings, it is in the power of the
moment and in the Spirit – this, of course, assumes a well founded spiritual life and practice,
and the experience of rebirth in the Mother Spirit.
Thus, we may understand preparation to proclaim the Gospel of Peace as whatever it takes to
bring about our rebirth in the Mother Spirit, and whatever it takes to be completely open and
sensitive to the Mother Spirit – whatever the Holy Spirit may call us to do.
Now something must be said of the term St. Paul uses for the Holy Gospel, the “Gospel of
Peace.” Having put on the belt of truth and breastplate of righteousness, as shoes for our feet
we are to do whatever it takes to prepare us to proclaim the Gospel of Peace – truth is the
knowledge of Christ Melchizedek, and the very name of Melchizedek literally means “king of
righteousness,” and he is called King of Salem, which means “king of peace.” On an inner and
secret level this alludes to the Gospel of Melchizedek – the inmost secret teachings of the Holy
Gospel known to initiates of the tradition. Thus, on one level, these shoes are the recognition
of the non-dual truth and the self-liberation of all that arises, just as it arises, in this
recognition – hence, primordial contemplation as taught in the Melchizedek Transmission.
In closing we cannot help but mention the connection between these shoes and the Shoe
Angel of Malkut, Sandalfon – the angel who is said to uplift the prayers of the faithful and elect
to God. This invokes the admonition given to initiates during the Threefold Rite: “Enflame
yourself with prayer – pray without ceasing; invoke often!” This, indeed, it what it means to
put on these holy shoes, for in so doing we serve as an interface between heaven and earth,
akin to shoes that are an interface between our body and the road we walk.
*With the mention of road, another aspect of these shoes, as known to initiates of the Order ,
is knowledge of the direction we are walking and calling upon the corresponding Divine Powers
when we take up a spiritual labor in that direction.
In this, perhaps, you will know and understand how to put on these holy shoes and be
prepared to proclaim the Holy Gospel of Christ.