First Bloom Benthic
First Bloom Benthic
First Bloom Benthic
Keywords: More frequent events and geographic expansion of benthic harmful algal blooms have been reported in recent
Benthic harmful algae bloom years. An unexpected bloom of benthic P. concavum occurred in Xincun Bay, Hainan Island, the South China Sea
Prorocentrum concavum was monitored in August 2018. Species identification, toxin analysis and toxicity test were conducted in the
Morphology study. Quantitative study revealed that P. concavum had a high cell density on the surface of substrates and in
Phylogenetic analysis
water column. The bloom forming species was identified based on the morphology and phylogeny. Toxin
Toxicity assessments
analysis indicated that there were no detectable DSP toxins either in algae or in shellfish samples. The result of
toxicity test revealed that the extracts of P. concavum caused the mortality of brine shrimp larvae (Artemia
salina). The results from this study may provide more insight into the rising threats of harmful dinoflagellate
blooms to marine benthic ecosystems.
1. Introduction nine are benthic (An et al., 2010; Holmes et al., 2001; Hoppenrath
et al., 2013; Luo et al., 2017; Murakami et al., 1982; Nascimento et al.,
Benthic harmful algal blooms (BHABs) are emergent marine disaster 2016). There were also reports from some species of Prorocentrum for
to affect benthic ecosystem (Berdalet et al., 2017; GEOHAB, 2012). production of various bioactive compounds (Faust and Gulledge, 2002).
Differed with the planktonic blooms, BHABs are induced mainly by Though Prorocentrum is one group of species for production of toxins
epibenthic dinoflagellates (Accoroni and Totti, 2016; Litaker et al., responsible for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) in humans through
2010) and negatively altering marine benthic ecosystem (Accoroni food train, reports of toxic blooms and DSP incidents related to benthic
et al., 2016; Mangialajo et al., 2017). The most reported harmful Prorocentrum species were scarce (Foden et al., 2005; Gayoso et al.,
benthic dinoflagellates are Gambierdiscus, which are producers of toxin 2002). It is partly because of the difficulty to detect the outbreaks of
ciguatera (Chan, 2015; Litaker et al., 2010; Russell and Egen, 1991), toxic Prorocentrum species in the benthic nature.
and Ostreopsis, which are origin of ovatoxins and its derivatives (Amzil P. concavum is one of the toxic Prorocentrum species (Dickey et al.,
et al., 2012; Tibiriçá et al., 2019). 1990; Hu et al., 1992). It was originally described by Fukuyo (1981) in
The genus Prorocentrum, one of the largest groups in dinoflagellates, French Polynesia, New Caledonia and Ryukyu Islands and reexamined
was established in 1834 by Ehrenberg with Prorocentrum micans as type by Mohammad-Noor et al. (2007). This species was synonymized as P.
species (Ehrenberg, 1834). So far 75 species has been identified, of arabianum (Mohammad-Noor et al., 2007) and P. faustiae (Chomérat
which around 30 species are associated with benthic habitats et al., 2019). The production of OA by P. concavum was first reported in
(Hoppenrath et al., 2013; Lim et al., 2019; Rodríguez et al., 2018). a culture strain from Caribbean (Dickey et al., 1990). The production of
Some presumable epibenthic species (e.g., P. arabianum Morton & Faust OA and diol ester derivatives of OA has also been confirmed from ex-
(=P. concavum Fukuyo)) are tychoplanktonic, which can also be col- tracts of culture strains of P. concavum (Hu et al., 1992). Some studies
lected from the plankton (Morton et al., 2002). So far ten species from also reported that P. concavum had cytotoxic, ichthyotoxic, and hae-
Prorocentrum has been reported to produce diarrhetic toxins, okadaic molytic activity, which were lethal to mice (Morton et al., 2002;
acid (OA) and the methyl derivatives dinophysistoxins (DTXs), of which Yasumoto et al., 1987). However, it seems that the toxin productions
Corresponding authors at: Research Center for Harmful Algae and Marine Biology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Lu), [email protected] (L. Cui).
These authors contributed equally.
Received 7 December 2019; Received in revised form 19 May 2020; Accepted 21 May 2020
Available online 17 June 2020
0025-326X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
and the toxicity effects of P. concavum are probably strains specific. A Ostreopsis, Gambierdiscus, Coolia, and Amphidinium) based on their
recent study on P. concavum revealed that there were no OA, DTX-1 and morphologic characteristics. The final bloom density data were ex-
DTX-2 detected in a tropical strain from Australia (Verma et al., 2019). pressed as cells g−1 wet weight for the seaweed.
The toxin analysis of four strains of P. concavum collected from tropical Live P. concavum cells were surveyed and photographed under a
waters of Hainan Island, China indicated that all strains did not produce fluorescence microscope (Olympus BX 61, Olympus Corporation,
detectable level of OA and DTX-1 (Luo et al., 2017). Tokyo, Japan) coupled with a QImaging Retiga 400R digital camera
There were numerous studies which revealed high diversity of (QImaging, Surrey, BC, Canada). Over forty P. concavum cells were
Prorocentrum in tropical benthic reef ecosystems (Irola-Sansores et al., measured at 400× magnification using Image-Pro Plus v. 6.0 (Media
2018; Lim et al., 2019; Verma et al., 2019). Previous study revealed that Cybernetics, Rockville, MD, USA). The cells stained with SYBR Green
there were seven Prorocentrum species, P. lima, P. rhathymum, P. con- were used to observe the shape and location of the nucleus and chlor-
cavum, P. cf. emarginatum, P. fukuyoi, P. cf. maculosum (synonymized oplasts. To collect the cells for scanning electron microscopy (SEM), a
with P. caipirignum by Nascimento et al. (2017)) and P. panamense have 1 ml exponential culture was centrifuged in a Sorvall Biofuge Primo R
been described from the northern South China Sea, of which OA was (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) at 5000 × g for 2 min at
detected in all strains of P. lima and P. caipirignum (Luo et al., 2017). 25 °C. The supernatant was removed, and the pellet was cleaned with
During our routine benthic dinoflagellate survey conducted on the filtered seawater. The pellet was fixed, dehydrated, and then coated
tropical Hainan Island, China in 2018, a high density of P. concavum as described by Zhang et al. (2015). Then, the samples were photo-
bloom on surface of the substrates was encountered in Xincun Bay, graphed with a scanning electron microscope (Zeiss ULTRA™ 55, Carl
southeast of Hainan Island. The bloom was the first identified benthic Zeiss Inc., Oberkochen, Germany).
bloom in China. In this paper, the benthic bloom was described. The
detailed morphological observations of the bloom forming species, to- 2.4. PCR amplifications and phylogenetic analyses
gether with phylogenetics have been studied. The environmental
parameters where the bloom occurred were monitored. The culture A unialgal strain of P. concavum (HN437) was isolated from the live
strain of the species was succeeded established and the toxicity of the samples using the methods of Luo et al. (2017). Isolated P. concavum
species was tested. cells were grown in filtered seawater with the L1 medium (Guillard and
Hargraves, 1993). Unialgal cultures were incubated at 25 °C under a
2. Materials and methods 12/12 h light/dark regime with an irradiance of 100 μmol pho-
tons m−2 s−1. The exponential cells of P. concavum were centrifuged at
2.1. Site description and sample collection 10,000 ×g for 2 min at 4 °C. The DNA of P. concavum was extracted and
amplified as described Luo et al. (2017). The D1-D3 regions of large
Xincun Bay is a tropical lagoon located in the southeast of Hainan subunit (LSU) was amplified using general primers (D1R: 5′-ACCCGC
Island, South China Sea (Fig. 1). The bay (area of 13.1pkm2) is almost TGAATTTAAGCATA-3′, D3B: 5′-TCGGAGGGAACCAGCTACTA-3′)
closed, with only one narrow canal connected to the open sea (Yang and (Scholin et al., 1994). The PCR procedure was as follows: an initial
Yang, 2009). The substrata of Xincun Bay mainly contains seagrasses, denaturation step at 94 °C for 4 min; 36 cycles of denaturation at an-
macroalgae, silt, and sand, which are suitable for the growth of benthic nealing at 94 °C for 20 s, annealing at 56 °C for 30 s, and extension at
dinoflagellates (Fig. 2). In this study, samples were collected during the 72 °C for 45 s; and a final extension of 7 min at 72 °C. In addition,
benthic dinoflagellate bloom at site 1, where there are lots of seagrasses internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was amplified using the general pri-
(Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides) and seaweed (Ulva lactuca). mers (ITS1F: 5′-TCGTAACAAGGTTTCCGTAG-3′, ITS1R: ATATGCTTA
Site 2 located in the mangroves without the presence of the bloom, was AGCTCAGCGGG) (Pin et al., 2001). PCR conditions composed 3 min at
designated as the reference site. Triplicate water samples were collected 94 °C followed by 40 cycles of 30 s each at 94 °C, 30 s at 56 °C, 1.5 min
using 100 ml sample bottles near the benthic substrates. The macro- at 72 °C, and a final extension of 10 min at 72 °C. Sequencing was
phyte samples were collected in three replicates at a depth of 0.4 m. The conducted in both directions, using an ABI PRISM 3730XL (Applied
epibenthic microalgae were washed several times using fresh seawater Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). The partial LSU and ITS sequences of
to ensure they were entirely separated from the macrophyte. Some live P. concavum from Xincun Bay were deposited into the GenBank data-
cells were transferred into a polycarbonate bottle and others reserved in base under the accession numbers MN698951 and MN699564, re-
the 15 ml centrifuge tubes. After the tubed samples were preserved in a spectively. The LSU and ITS sequences were aligned using the multiple
1.5% Lugol's solution, the fresh seaweed was weighed. In addition, we sequence alignment program (
collected the field benthic microalgae assemblages and two shellfish muscle/). The aligned results were inputted into maximum likelihood
(Callista erycina and Gafrarium pectinatum) in the study area. (ML) analyses using RAxML-HPC2 and XSEDE v. 8.2.10 on the CIPRES
website ( In addition, the best models of the
2.2. Hydrographic and nutrient parameters LSU and ITS sequences selected by PAUP (version 4.0) were SYM + G
and Bayesian Inference (BI), respectively, for which MrBayes (version
The water temperature, pH, and salinity were measured using a YSI 3.0) was used and run for 1,000,000 generations with sampling every
meter (YSI-6600; YSI Incorporated, USA). The concentrations (three 100 generations.
replicates) of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphate (TP), nitrate (NO3-N),
nitrite (NO2-N), ammonium (NH3−N), phosphate (PO4-P), and silicate 2.5. Extraction and detection of DSP toxins
(Si) were measured using spectrophotometry according to the methods
of Sagi (1966), Murphy and Riley (1962), Bendschneider (1952), Ebina Field samples of benthic microalgal assemblages attached to mac-
et al. (1983), and Mullin and Riley (1955), respectively. rophytes were concentrated and collected from Xincun Bay. The con-
centrated samples were centrifuged at 10,000 ×g for 10 min. Then,
2.3. Cell counting and morphological observations 10 ml of methanol was added to the pellets, before being ultrasonicated
thrice, for 20 min each time. The cells slurry was observed in an in-
Epibenthic dinoflagellates were identified and counted using an verted microscope and centrifuged at 10,000 ×g for 15 min. Samples of
inverted microscope (ECLIPSE TE 2000-U, Nikon, Japan) at 100× shellfish were collected from sampling site 1. Wet tissue samples of
magnification. The identification of P. concavum was based on the Callista erycina and Gafrarium pectinatum (100 g each) were individually
morphology of the periflagellar area and dimensions. Other benthic homogenized using a T25 Ultra Turrax mixer at 24,000 rpm (IKA
dinoflagellates were differentiated into five genera (Prorocentrum, Works, Wilmington, NC, USA). The homogenates were extracted and
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
Fig. 1. Sampling sites in Xincun Bay, South China Sea. Site 1 is in the seagrass bed; and Site 2 is in the mangroves, designated as the reference site.
purified according to the methods of Liu et al. (2019). To remove the chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), as described
disturbance of DSP toxin analogues, 1 ml of each pure extracted solu- by Liu et al. (2019). The detection limits of OA, DTX-1, and DTX-2 were
tion was hydrolysed by 125 μl of 2.5 mol l−1 NaOH at 76 °C for 40 min. 1.53, 3.04, and 1.34 ng ml−1, respectively.
Then, the solutions were neutralized by adding 125 μl of 2.5 mol ml−1
HCl. 2.6. Toxicity assessments
For the laboratory experiment, P. micans (strain: HSJ19) and P. lima
(strain: XS326), obtained from Algal Culture Collection, Research Dried brine shrimp (Artemia salina) cysts were incubated in filtered
Center of Harmful Algae and Marine Biology, Jinan University, artificial seawater (pore size: 0.22 μm; salinity: 30 ± 1 ppt) for 24 h.
Guangzhou, China, were selected as the negative and positive control, Then, the cysts were aerated and maintained at 25 ± 1 °C,
respectively. Three litre mid-exponential cultures of P. concavum, P. 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1, under a 12 h light: 12 h dark cycle. The
micans, and P. lima were individually cultivated and extracted ac- brine shrimp larvae were transferred into 12-well tissue culture plates
cording to the methods of Luo et al. (2017). The field and cultured for the toxic bioassay. The toxicity of the field and cultured P. concavum
pellets of P. concavum, P. lima, and P. micans were discarded and the samples were examined using bioassays with brine shrimp larvae. The
supernatants were collected and dried with N2. Dried algae sediments concentration series of the treatment was 2.5 × 102, 2.5 × 103,
were suspended separately in 5 ml of methanol and filtered with a spin- 2.5 × 104, 5 × 104, and 2.5 × 105 cells ml−1. The 4 ml algal ex-
filter (0.22 μm pore-size; Millipore Ultrafree, Eschborn, Germany). tractions were dried with N2 and suspended using 1% Tween-80 dis-
Three lipophilic DSP toxins (OA, DTX-1, and DTX-2) of P. concavum, P. solved with phosphate-buffered solution for the toxicity test. The arti-
micans, P. lima, and two shellfish were detected using liquid ficial seawater, solvent, and negative and positive controls consisted of
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
Fig. 2. Habitat during the P. concavum bloom in Xincun Bay, South China Sea. A, B, C, and D exhibit the seagrass bed, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, and Ulva
lactuca, respectively.
filtered seawater, 1% Tween-80, and cultured P. micans and P. lima, while U. lactuca was the lowest (3.2 × 104 cells g−1 wet weight)
respectively. The concentrations of the solvent controls were diluted (Fig. 3). Similarly, the water column of the seaweed beds contained a
according to the concentrations of the algal lysate solution. The con- high amount of P. concavum cells (1.7 × 104 cells l−1). The total ratios
centrations of the negative and positive controls were similar to those of of P. concavum were 93.5%, 99.7%, 97.0%, and 99.7% in the T. hem-
the treatment. Twenty brine shrimp larvae were assigned to individual prichii, E. acoroides, Ulva lactuca and water column samples, respec-
wells of 12-well tissue culture plates and 2 ml of filtered seawater tively. In addition to P. concavum, four potentially toxic benthic dino-
(salinity: 30 ppt) was added for the toxicity test (48 h test). They were flagellates (P. rhathymum, Coolia spp., Ostreopsis spp., and Amphidinium
maintained at 25 ± 1 °C, 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1, under a 12/12 h spp.) were found on these substrata and in the water column. As shown
light/dark cycle. The mortality and abnormality rates were recorded at in Table 1, the water temperature, pH value, and salinity were 28.0 °C,
48 h. Deceased individuals were identified by a lack of movement in the 8.40, and 31.92 psu in the bloom area, respectively. Moreover, all of the
larvae appendages. Abnormal individuals were classified by abnormal nutrient concentrations were lower in the bloom area than those in the
swimming behaviours or immobility (Leung et al., 2017). non-bloom area.
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
Fig. 3. Abundance of benthic dinoflagellates on the seagrasses, on the macroalgae, and in the water column during the bloom period. The unit of abundance for P.
concavum, Thalassia hemprichii, and Enhalus acoroides is cells g−1 wet weight and the unit of abundance in the water column is cells l−1.
A lethal effect was detected in the field and cultured samples (P.
3.3. Molecular phylogeny concavum, P. lima, and P. micans), following the concentrations of
2.5 × 102, 2.5 × 103, 2.5 × 104, 5 × 104, and 2.5 × 105 cells ml−1
To determine the phylogenetic position of P. concavum HN437, 69 (Fig. 6). Brine shrimp larvae mortality rates of over 50% were observed
and 52 sequences of LSU and ITS of the genus Prorocentrum were ob- for the field samples and cultured P. concavum in the concentrations of
tained from the GenBank, respectively. The LSU sequence of Adenoides 2.5 × 104, 5 × 104, and 2.5 × 105 cells ml−1. For cultured P. lima and
eludens ADE15 France (LC002847) and ITS sequence of Karena brevis P. micans, high mortality rates (> 80%) were observed for the treat-
CCMP719 USA (AF352827) were used for outgroups. Phylogenetic trees ment with P. lima, only at the of concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells ml−1.
inferred from the ML and BI methods were constructed for the nu- Based on the 48 h treatment of the field samples and cultured P. con-
cleotide sequences of LSU and ITS, respectively (Figs. 5 and S2). The cavum and P. lima, mortality rates of 50% (LC50 value) were estimated
phylogenetic tree based on LSU sequences revealed two main clades (A using sigmoidal log-response curves (Fig. 7). The 48 h-LC50 values were
and B) (Fig. 5). The clade A consisted of 13 species, which consisted of 6 1.50 × 104 cells ml−1 for the field samples, 1.54 × 104 cells ml−1 for
kinds of benthic species (P. elegans, P. fukuyoi, P. scupltile, P. emargi- the cultured P. concavum, and 5.34 × 104 cells ml−1 for the cultured P.
natum, P. tsawwassenense and P. rhathymum) and 7 kinds of planktonic lima.
species (P. dentatum, P. minimum, P. triesinum, P. koreanum, P. micans, P.
texanum and P. gracile). Eleven species of Prorocentrum were consisted
4. Discussion
of the clade B, which were benthic species except for P. playfairi. P.
concavum, which branches into three independent sub-branches, shares
4.1. The first P. concavum bloom in Chinese coastal waters
a close ancestry with P. leve. The first sub-branch consisted of the strains
IFR12–251 (MG701855) and NMN013 (EF566744), isolated from
In this study, the greatest density of P. concavum was
Martinique and Malaysia, respectively. The HN437 P. concavum strain
3.0 × 105 cells g−1 wet weight on T. hemprichii. Simultaneously, P.
and the four P. concavum strains isolated from Hainan Island
concavum on E. acoroides and U. lactuca also had a high density
(KY010227, KY010228, KY010226, and KY010229) comprised the
(2.2 × 105 cells g−1 wet weight and 3.2 × 104 cells g−1 wet weight,
second sub-branch. The last sub-branch included other strains isolated
respectively). The density of P. concavum in Xincun Bay was much
from China (AJ567464), Malaysia (EF566751), and the Arabian Sea
higher than other Prorocentrum blooms of previous studies (e.g. the P.
(EF566752). Moreover, the phylogenetic analysis results based on ITS
lima blooms (approximately 4.5 × 104 cells g−1 wet weight) on mac-
regions were consistent with the phylogenetic tree based on LSU se-
roalgae in the French coast and the P. lima (1.0 × 104 and
quences. The P. concavum strain HN437 was the sister clade of the other
3.0 × 104 cells g−1 wet weight, respectively) on Phaeophyta in
four P. concavum strains (KY010227, KY010228, KY010226, and
Caribbean Sea and on Thalassia in Gulf of Mexico) (Blanfuné et al.,
KY010229) isolated from Hainan Island (Fig. S2).
2015; Delgado et al., 2006). The average ratio of P. concavum
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
Fig. 4. Light and scanning electron micrographs of P. concavum. (A and B) Light microscopy (LM); (A) a live field cell showing the shape of the cell and pusule, and
(B) a live cultured cell showing the shape of the cell. (C and D) Fluorescence LM; (C) a cell showing the location of the pyrenoids (P) and arrangement of the
chloroplasts (Chl), and (D) a cell stained with SYBR Green exhibiting the shape and location of the nucleus (N). (E–I) SEM; (E and F) the right and left valve showing
the V-shaped periflagellar area, countless depressions, and thecal pores, (G) the intercalary band showing the transverse striations, (H) the details of the thecal pores,
and (I) the details of the periflagellar area showing nine platelets, the flagella pore (fp), and the accessory pore (ap). Scale bars: 10 μm (A–G), 1 μm (H and I). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
abundance was 96.7% in the benthos and even reached 99.7% in the Totti, 2016). Thus, the same phenomenon could exist in P. concavum
water column. Additionally, we found that all of the nutrient con- and Prorocentrum other species. Due to occasional blooms and diffi-
centrations were lower in the bloom area than in the non-bloom area, culties in sampling, there were little reports paying attention to benthic
indicating that the numerous P. concavum exhausted lots of nutrients Prorocentrum so far. As one of the main results in present study, the
during the bloom. Thus, it is rare that the P. concavum bloom in Chinese benthic P. concavum bloom was firstly reported in the substrate and
coastal waters had a high density and amount. Although the P. ara- water column in Xincun Bay. The P. concavum bloom has not been
bianum (sym. P. concavum) bloom was reported previously in the water noted as present in China before and the abundance of the causative
column in the Gulf of Oman, 1995, this study did not concern the species had not previously been reported anywhere in the world during
concentration and hazard of the bloom (Morton et al., 2002). Besides, P. blooms as well. Therefore, it need further attention that if this benthic
arabianum was found in water column and was originally reported as a P. concavum bloom occurred again in this region.
planktonic species. As other benthic dinoflagellates (e.g. Ostreopsis), the
cell may detach from the substrate to water column by the hydro-
graphic conditions such as tide, wave and turbulence (Accoroni and
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree for the genus Prorocentrum based on the LSU nucleotide sequences, using Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods.
The outgroup is Adenoides eludens ADE15 France (LC002847). The numbers above the branches refer to the ML bootstrap values (left) and Bayesian posterior
probability values (right). The black dots represent support values equal to 100/1.00. The values are > 50 and 0.8 for the ML bootstrap analysis and Bayesian
posterior probabilities, respectively. The scale bar represents the substitutions per site.
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
Fig. 6. Toxicology of the field and cultured samples (P. concavum, P. lima, and P. micans) to brine shrimp (48 h treatment). Solvent (SC) and filtered seawater (SW)
were provided for eliminating the effects of 1% Tween80 and artificial seawater.
J. Zou, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111313
toxin investigation of P. concavum (Aquino-Cruz et al., 2018). Besides species (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) from Anse Dufour (Martinique Island, eastern
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of strains may lead to the difference in toxin detection. For instance, Epiphytic dinoflagellates associated with ciguatera in the northwestern coast of Cuba.
Dickey et al. (1990) and Lillian et al. (1997) reported that P. concavum Rev. Biol. Trop. 54, 299–310.
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1.5 × 104 cell ml−1, which was lower than some toxic dinoflagellate zur Erkenntnis grosser Organisationen in der Richtung des kleinsten Raumes. Abh.
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Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// Prorocentrum belizeanum (Dinophyceae, Prorocentrales), the same species? An in-
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