Reaction Road Map
Reaction Road Map
Reaction Road Map
Reaction Map: Reactions of Alkanes, Alkyl Halides, Alkenes, Alkynes and Alcohols 1
Free radical chlorination Cl2, hγ Not highly selective
29 Ozonolysis (reductive O 3, then Zn/H+ or cleaves C=C to give two carbonyls. Alkenyl
workup) (CH3)2S C-H bonds remain
37 Hydroboration BH 3, then NaOH, anti-Markovnikov selective, syn-selective 61 Conversion of alcohols to PBr 3 SN2 reaction. PCl 3 can also be used to make
H 2O 2 alkyl halides with PBr 3 alkyl chlorides
38 Acid-catalyzed hydration H 2SO4, H 2O Markovnikov selective; rearr possible
62 SOCl2 conversion of SOCl2 Usually taught as SN2. Pyridine can be used
alcohols to alkyl chlorides as base.
39 Partial hydrogenation Lindlar, H 2 syn-selective
(Lindlar) 63 Alcohols to alkyl halides HCl, HBr, HI Can go through SN1 or SN2 depending on
with HX type of alcohol
40 Partial hydrogenation Na/NH 3 anti-selective
(sodium reduction)
64 Tosylate and mesylate TsCl or MsCl Does not affect stereochemistry. Can use a
41 Alkyne hydroboration BH 3, then NaOH, anti-Markovnikov selective; tautomerization formation base such as pyridine.
H 2O 2
42 Alkyne Oxymercuration HgSO 4, H 2O, Markovnikov selective; tautomerization 65 Disulfide formation I 2 (oxidant) Can use other oxidants but I 2 is most
H 2SO4 common
43 Alkyne Ozonolysis O3 Carboxylic acids formed; terminal alkynes 66 Alcohol oxidation with PCC PCC 1° alcohols to aldehydes; 2° alcohols to
give CO2 ketones
45 Hydrogenation Pd/C, H 2 Adds twice to alkynes 68 Dess Martin oxidation Dess Martin 1° alcohols to aldehydes; 2° alcohols to
Periodinane ketones
46 Alkyne double halogenation Cl2, Br 2, or I 2 Each individual reaction is anti-selective 69 Basic ring opening of Grignards, Add to least substituted position of epoxides
(2 equiv) epoxides –OH, LiAlH
52 Double addition of H–Cl to H–Cl [2 equiv] Adds twice to alkyne; Markovnikov selective
53 Double addition of H–Br to H–Br [2 equiv] Adds twice to alkyne; Markovnikov selective
54 Double addition of H–I to H–I [2 equiv] Adds twice to alkyne; Markovnikov selective