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Durable Wearing Course For Bituminous Pavements

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Nikhil Saboo*, M.A. Reddy** and B.B. Pandey***

ABSTRACT VG 30 bitumen over Dense Bituminous Macadam

A good wearing course is necessary for the protection of flexible meeting the MoRTH(2) specifications. Flushing and
pavement to make it durable. While a wearing course of surface rutting on the surface of highway pavements are often
dressing has been known for its durability all over the world on
low volume roads, the wearing course of premix carpet and seal observed when traffic is heavy. Fig. 1 shows rutting
coat is very common in India though frequent pothole repair and failure of a National Highway under a very heavy
patching well within five years of construction are not uncommon. traffic. When binder content is reduced in the mix
Conventional bituminous concrete wearing course in the hot climate
of India not been performing well on heavy volume highways
to avoid flushing and rutting, the heavy traffic load
with life not exceeding three years due to the brittleness caused by caused surface cracking (Fig. 2). It is necessary to use
faster oxidation of the binder. Bituminous Concrete with Crumb harder binder such as VG 40 in the lower layers to limit
rubber modified bitumen also has a success rate of less than 50%
rutting in the base layer, a practice very common in
as per the survey by the senior author. Polymer modified bitumen
is less common because of higher cost but it was reported to last Europe. Mix design must be robust enough so that the
longer though isolated cases of failure within five years have also performance is satisfactory even if there is variation
been reported. The paper presents an investigation on different in the binder content within the permissible limits.
types of wearing course of bituminous mixes to examine their
likely field performance and suggest wearing coursed which may BC mixes with Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
last longer. Binders such as VG30,VG40 and CRMB and PMB (CRMB) and Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) as
with dense and gap gradations were used in the investigations. It per IRC:SP:53(3) have also been used for wearing
was found that high binder gap gradation bituminous mixes even
course at many locations for heavy traffic. PMB mixes
with CRMB binder have a good chance to provide a long lasting
low maintenance crack and rut free wearing surface on high were reported to last longer than the mixes with virgin
volume highways rather than dense graded Bituminous Concrete bitumen though some have suffered early failure. The
with conventional binder. Cost implication and environmental Research Scheme R-55(4) implemented by Central
issues are also discussed.
Road Research Institute reported that Rubber and
1 INTRODUCTION Polymer Modified Bituminous mixes had longer lives
and the intervals of resurfacing could be increased
Premix carpet with seal coat is the most common type
of wearing course in India for low volume roads but by two to three years than the bituminous mixes with
frequent pothole repair and patching on such wearing normal bitumen. A number of bituminous concrete
courses are not uncommon. Though MoRTH(2) has wearing courses of multilane highways with normal
laid down specifications for surface dressing, it did binder get damaged within two to three years of their
not get wider acceptance for lack of experience and construction due to the faster oxidation of the binder
wide spread trials. Two coat surface dressing over in the hot weather coupled with heavy traffic much
granular bases has been used with success up to a before the schedule resurfacing intervals of five years.
design traffic of five million standard axles in South In a number of projects in India, many CRMB mixes
Africa(1) and other countries. The thick film of bitumen with dense graded aggregates have displayed cracking
in the surface dressing oxidises slowly and retains within three years of construction under heavy traffic
flexibility for a longer period. A bituminous pavement and hot climate. Continuous crack sealing to avoid
carrying a heavy traffic is commonly provided with further damage to the pavement surface is a common
a wearing course of Bituminous Concrete (BC) with site on major highways. Grade of binder, ageing, film

* Ex-M.Tech. Student
** Associate Professor Civil Engg., Department, IIT Kharagpur
*** Advisor, SRIC and Ex-Professor



thickness of the binder and gradation of the aggregates 2 Previous Work

are major factors that determine the performance of Bituminous Concrete having dense graded aggregates
wearing courses. It is necessary to examine various meeting the requirement of MoRTH specifications(2) is
factors about the cracking and rutting potential of being commonly used in India on most highways. In
mixes with different gradations and different binder spite of higher cost, Mastic Asphalt wearing course(2,5)
contents and suggest better performing bituminous containing a high percentage of a hard bitumen is
mixes. International practice to obtain durable mixes being widely used in India on city streets and traffic
needs examination to get the direction of research in intersections because of its high resistance to water
India. The present paper describes test results of a damage as well as traffic load stresses. A bituminous
number of dense and gap graded wearing course mixes wearing course known as Rolled Asphalt (RA) with
with normal bitumen and modified bitumen to evaluate 50 penetration bitumen(5) is very common in United
their relative cracking potential. Their rutting potential Kingdom on pavement having heavy traffic. The
also is evaluated through wheel tracking test. An bitumen content in RA mix varies from 7 to 8 percent.
example also is illustrated to demonstrate how cracks A harder bitumen having a penetration of 35(5) is used
can develop at the surface near the tyre edge and a on roads with very heavy traffic and other severely
durable bituminous wearing course is suggested based stressed locations though the temperatures are much
on the review of practice and laboratory investigation. lower compared to that in India. In most European
Cost implication of high binder wearing course and countries, Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) has been
environmental considerations are also discussed. used with success. A trial section of wearing course
of SMA(6) laid between Palanpur and Radhampur on
NH14 in Gujarat is in a sound condition with a good
surface texture after three years of service. It is a gap
graded mix that has higher voids in mineral aggregates
to accommodate greater amount of binders to increase
its durability. Higher film thickness results in slow
rate of ageing and flexibility is retained for much
longer time even in a hot climate. Gap Graded mixes
using about 8% of crumb rubber modified bitumen are
popular in many states in USA(7, 8, 9, 10). The minimum
crumb rubber content(7, 8) by weight of the binder
Fig. 1 Rutting in the Bituminous Layer
was 20 percent so that the minimum viscosity of the
binder was 15 Poise at 177ºC. The State of California
introduced an assembly bill in 2005(11) to encourage
use up to 50% of rubberised asphalt concrete by 2015
for the construction and repair of pavements to tide
over the massive problem of tyre disposal . It has been
using gap graded mixes with asphalt rubber for the
surface layer and its crack resistance capability was
established by heavy vehicle simulator. It was found
that 30 mm of asphalt rubber mix overlay performs as
well as 60 mm of the conventional asphalt concrete
from fatigue consideration(8) While it is recognised
that polymer modified binders perform better than
Fig. 2 Surface Cracks in the Bituminous Layer crumb rubber modified binders, many researchers



such as Harvey(12) et al, Ulliditch et al(13), Palit modelled in the laboratory without calibrating from
et al.(14), Hamzah et al(15), Chiu(16) , Sugandh et al.(17), field data.
Kaloush(18) and many others have been carrying out
3 Methodology adopted
research to maximise use of crumb rubber to solve the
disposal problem of used tyres and durable wearing Four different binders were selected for the study
courses were proposed by using higher binder that included two Viscosity Grade (VG) bitumens
content with gap graded mixes. Burning of tyres for VG 30, VG 40 as per Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS-
energy is being highly discouraged in developed 73 , 2006) and two modified binders: Crumb Rubber
countries from environment considerations. Tayfur Modified Binder CRMB 60 and polymer (SBS)
and Aksoy(19) reported lower rutting in the polymer modified binder PMB 40 as per Indian Roads Congress
modified bituminous mix. It is also reported that a (IRC:SP-53, 2002 and 2010). Three gap-graded mixes
well-designed mix with CRMB can perform as well consisted of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) as per
as PMB mixes(8, 18). IRC:SP:79-2008, CALTRANS gap-gradation(11)
and Coarse Matrix High Binder (CMHB) mix of
Review of literature clearly indicates that a durable
Texas(10). The conventional dense graded Bituminous
wearing course needs a stiff binder in greater amount
Concrete (BC) as per MoRTH(2) was also chosen for
to avoid cracking and rutting. The ageing process
is delayed due to greater binder film thickness and
flexibility is retained. It is necessary to compare 4 Experiment and Analysis
fatigue lives of dense graded mixes used in India Standard tests were conducted on binders and
with those of various gap graded bituminous mixes aggregates. Tables 1 and 2 show the test results of
through laboratory experiments so that a mix with viscosity grade and modified binders respectively. The
potential of higher durability may be selected properties of aggregates and the various gradations
though the ageing behaviour cannot be truly adopted for the study are shown in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 1 Properties of Viscosity Grade Binders

Parameters Test Method (BIS-73, 2006) VG 30 VG 40

Properties Properties
Absolute viscosity at 60ºC, Poise 1206 (Part 2) (1978) 2553 3600
Kinematic viscosity @ 135ºC 1206 (Part 3) (1978) 586 697
Penetration at 25ºC, 100g, 5s, 0.1 mm 1203 (1978) 65 38
Softening point (R &B) , ºC 1205 (1978) 48 57
Table 2 Properties of Modified Binders

Parameters Test Method CRMB 60 PMB 40

Result Spec Result Spec
Penetration at 25ºC, 100g, 5s, 0.1 mm IS1203 (1978) 45 Max 50 45 30-50
Softening point (R &B), ºC IS1205 (1978) 62 Min 60 60.5 Min 60
Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer IRC:SP:53-2010 65 Min 50 65 Min 70
at 15ºC, %
G*/sin δ (unaged), ≥ 1 kPa, ºC IRC:SP:53-2010 77 76 78 76ºC
G*/sin δ (RTFO aged), ≥ 2.2 kPa, ºC IRC:SP:53-2010 78 76 79 76ºC


Table 3 Physical Properties of Aggregates
Parameters Test Method Result Specification
Water Absorption IS 2386-part 3 0.7% Max 2%
Agg. Impact value IS 2386-part 4 12% Max 30%
Agg. Crushing Value IS 2386-part 4 14% Max 30%
Flakiness and elongation index IS 2386-part 1 27% Max 40%
Specific gravity IS 2386-part 1 2.7 ………….
Los Angeles abrasion value IS 2386-part 4 12.5% Max 30%
Stripping value ASTM D3635-96 2-3% Max 5%
Table 4 Aggregate Gradation Adopted in the Study
Sieve Size, mm % Passing by wt
26.5 100 100 100 100
19 89.5 100 100 99
13.2 69 95 95 88
9.5 62 63 85 70
4.75 45 24 35 39
2.36 36 20 20 25
1.18 27 17 15 20
0.6 21 15 10 17
0.3 15 15 8 13
0.15 9 15 7 8
0.075 5 10 7 7

Coarse Matrix High Binder (CMHB) gradation of Table 5 Mixing and Compaction Temperature
Texas lies between the BC gradation and SMA Binder Mixing Compaction
gradation. Caltrans(7) and Arizona(9) recommend Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)
Asphalt-Rubber (CRMB) of minimum viscosity of VG-40 170 140
15 poise at 177ºC which is a very stiff binder.
VG-30 163 135
5 Mixing and Compaction CRMB-60 182 145
Temperature PMB-40 175 145
Mixing and Compaction temperatures are important
indesign of bituminous mixes for proper coating 6 Marshall Mix Design for
and compacted density. A large variation in the Bituminous Mixes
corresponding temperatures may lead to variation All the mixes considered in the present study were
in properties. Table 5 shows the values of mixing prepared as per Marshall Mix design procedure. BC
and compaction temperatures for VG 30 and VG 40 mix was compacted with 75 blows whereas gap-
bitumen from rotational viscometer satisfying the graded mixes SMA, CARLTANS and CMHB with
viscosity requirement of 1.70 ± 0.2 poise and 2.80 50 blows as recommended in IRC:SP:79-2008(24).
poise ± 0.3 poise respectively. For the modified Table 6 shows different volumetric and properties
bitumen, suppliers’ recommendation was used. of bituminous mixes corresponding to 4% air void



content. It was found that PMB 40 and CRMB of 14%(10) among all the gap-graded mixes because of
60 mixes have almost the same volumetric properties. its gradation on the denser side, but it is still higher
It can be seen from Table 7 that Gap-Graded (GG) than the minimum recommended for the BC mix.
mixes have higher binder content owing to high VMA. Optimum binder contents for a given type are almost
Also CMHB mix has the lowest recommended VMA same for both PMB as well as CRMB.
Table 6 Volumetric Properties of Different Mixes
Type of Mix Type of Vinder OBC (%) Gmb* Gmm** VMA (%) Marshall Parameters
Stability (kg) Flow (mm)
BC VG 30 4.9 2.53 2.64 12.5 1011 2.9
BC VG 40 5 2.54 2.65 12.2 1311 3.2
BC CRMB 60 5.2 2.52 2.63 13.12 1450 4.1
BC PMB 40 5.2 2.51 2.62 13.4 1440 3.7
SMA CRMB 60 7 2.35 2.44 20.5 1220 3.8
SMA PMB 40 6.9 2.35 2.44 20.4 1260 4.2
CALTRANS CRMB 60 7.3 2.42 2.53 18.42 1042 2.3
CALTRANS PMB 40 7.2 2.40 2.51 19.01 1120 2.8
CMHB CRMB 60 6.5 2.45 2.56 16.7 1344 3.9
CMHB PMB 40 6.6 2.43 2.53 17.4 1330 3.7
* Bulk density; ** Maximum theoretical density given in Table 7. Binder contents with VG bitumens
7 Draindown Characteristics of for the drain down tests were same as that for the
Gap Graded Mixes corresponding modified bitumen. Volumetric may be
The viscosity of binders must be high enough to expected to be similar to those with modified binders.
prevent their drain down from the surface of the It can be seen that the drain down values are higher
aggregate during the storage and transportation than the limiting value of 0.3% with VG 30 and VG 40
of bituminous mixes. Drain down test was carried bitumen with the exception for the VG 40 and CMHB
out for all the gap-graded mixes considered in the mix. This is due to the denser gradation of CMHB as
study using different binders as per the test method compared to other gap graded aggregates and higher
recommended in IRC:SP:79-2008(24) and results are viscosity of VG 40.
Table 7 Drain Down Characteristic of Different Mixes
Type of Mix Type of Binder Drain Down Value (%)
SMA VG 40 0.35%
SMA VG30 0.41%
CALTRANS VG 30 0.47%
CALTRANS VG 40 0.43%
CMHB VG 30 0.32%
CMHB VG 40 0.30%
SMA CRMB 60 & PMB 40 0.27%
CALTRANS CRMB 60 & PMB 40 0.29%
CMHB CRMB 60 & PMB 40 0.25%



It is noticed that the drain down values for all the 8 Indirect tensile strength of
Gap Graded (GG) mixes are within acceptable limit bituminous mixes
of 0.3% for the stiff modified binders. The use of In the study, indirect tension test(21) was conducted
cellulose fibres for the SMA and other GG mixes is at 25ºC, 30ºC and 35ºC. The primary purpose of
not necessary when modified binders with properties conducting the test at different temperatures was
given in Table 2 are used. Fibres increase the viscosity to examine the variation of strength of mixes with
of binders but it is to be used with extreme care to different binders. It is expected that modified binders
preventing balling during mixing. Mixes with harder will have lower temperature susceptibility and the
bitumen, Virgin or modified, used in Europe and USA Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) of mixes with modified
may give much lower drain down values due to use binders may change less with temperatures compared
of high viscosity binder. For further study on gap- to those with unmodified bitumen. Table 8 shows the
graded mixes, only CRMB 60 and PMB 40 binders values of indirect tensile strength of different mixes at
were considered. the three different temperatures.

Table 8 Indirect Tensile Strength of Different Mixes

Type of Mix Type of Binder Indirect Tensile Strength (kPa)
25ºC 30ºC 35ºC
VG 30 1209.9 893.07 604.9
VG 40 1584.4 1200 864.2
CRMB 60 1613.2 1411.62 1123.5
PMB 40 1642.09 1382.81 1065.92
CRMB 60 1094.73 921.8 691.4
PMB 40 1152.34 864.2 720.2
CRMB 60 1267.58 950.6 691.4
PMB 40 1280 1006 825
CRMB 60 1382.62 1123.5 864.26
PMB 40 1390.1 1067.7 850.05

BC with VG 30 has the lowest indirect tensile strength graded mixes and at the same time they have higher
at (ITS) 35ºC and the BC with CRMB and PMB have binder content than the BC mixes to resist cracking.
higher ITS compared to compared to others. Film It is necessary to determine the resistance to cracking
thickness around the aggregates is lower in BC mixes for different mixes from repeated bending tests.
and the mix will age faster under a hot weather starting
from the surface. Such mixes may become brittle fast 9 Resilient modulus test of
and cracking and raveling may follow depending upon Bituminous mixes
the volume of traffic. GG mixes containing higher The values of resilient moduli of bituminous mixes are
amount of binder have lower ITS values but ageing needed for pavement design. Resilient modulus test
will be slow due to greater film thickness. Flexibility was conducted using Universal Testing Machine as
will be retained for much longer time GG wearing per ASTM D 7369(22). A haversine load equal to 10%
course is subjected to compression pressure only in of ITS value was applied with 0.1 secpulse loading
the wheel path and chance of rutting also is negligible time and 0.9 sec rest period. The average value of
due to stone to stone contact and stiff binder. CMHB resilient modulus at different temperatures is shown
mixes have highest tensile strength among the gap in Table 9.


Table 9 Resilient Modulus for Different Mixes
Type of Mix Type of Binder Resilient Modulus (MPa)
25ºC 30ºC 35ºC
VG 30 6800 4600 1650
VG 40 7300 5300 2750
CRMB 60 8000 5600 3100
PMB 40 7800 5200 2850
CRMB 60 3800 2750 2200
PMB 40 3600 2450 1850
CRMB 60 4500 2700 1825
PMB 40 4620 2750 1920
CRMB 60 5200 4650 2820
PMB 40 5550 3800 2560

SMA and CALTRANS Gap-graded mixes with of the wearing course may be higher since (i) the
modified binders showed lower modulus value than wearing course along the wheel path is subjected to
those of conventional dense graded BC mixes with compression and (ii) there is always ageing during
same binders. Lowering of the moduli is due to higher mixing, storage, transportation and laying.
binder content in gap graded mixes. Little difference 10 Rut behaviour of bituminous
in the resilient modulus values was observed at 35ºC mixes
among dense graded mixes and CMHB mixes with Relative rut potential of the bituminous mixes was
modified binders. It may be mentioned that bitumen evaluated using a indigenously developed rut tester at
as well as modified bitumen from different sources 60ºC at 5000 cycles. Salient features of the rut tester
give different modulus values. Considering a large are described elsewhere[23]. Table 10 shows the rut
variation of modulus in 24 hours, minor differences depth measured on cylindrical specimens prepared at
do not affect the design. Actual values of modulus 4 % air voids.
Table 10 Rutdepths for Different Mixes
Type of Mix Type of Binder Average Rut Depth for 5000 Cycles at 60ºC (mm)
BC VG 30 12.2
VG 40 8.9
CRMB 60 7.8
PMB 40 8.1
SMA CRMB 60 10.2
PMB 40 8.9
CMHB CRMB 60 7.9
PMB 40 8.4

Conventional dense graded BC mix with VG 30 gap graded mixes have much higher binder content
showed highest rut depth at 60ºC, a trend displayed in than the dense graded mixes and still their rutting
the field also. Lower rutting was shown by mixes with values from wheel tracking test are not high due to
VG40 and modified binders. Both SMA and CMHB stone to stone contact in both the mixes. Among two



gap-graded mixes tested, performance of CMHB mix mixes containing higher binder contents of both
was found to be better than the SMA mix. This is due CRMB 60 and PMB 40 performed far better than BC
gradation of the mix which is more towards dense mixes. The fatigue life of gap-graded samples can
gradation and yet has good stone to stone contact. It is be 5-10 times of the conventional BC mixes. Ageing
thus evident that such mixes can be successfully used caused by oxidation will harden the BC mixes faster
as a wearing course and binder course. A stiffer binder than CMHB and other GG mixes and the difference in
such as CRMB with 20% crumb rubber may provide a performance between BC and GG mixes may be much
very high rut resistance(8). larger in the field. It can thus be concluded that CMHB
mixes if used in wearing course can give much better
11 Fatigue Test on Bituminous Mixes performance than BC mixes. It can also be concluded
Beam fatigue test was conducted on BC and CMHB that the CARLTRANS and SMA mixes also would
mixes using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) at give similar or better results than CMHB mix due to
25ºC as per AASHTO T 321(2003). Test specimens higher binder content. It is now easy to understand
were prepared in the laboratory maintaining 4% air why mixes with normal bitumen crack do early.
voids in the mix. The controlled strain test was done
at a high bending strain of 400 micro strain to bring 12 Crack resistance capability of
about early failure. BC beams were made with all the surface layer
four types of binders whereas CMHB beams were Fig. 3 shows a structure of a flexible pavement under
made using modified binders only. A test specimen a Load
is supposed to have failed when its resilient modulus
reached fifty per cent of its initial value. The test
was terminated after loading to 100000 cycles.
Table 11 shows the test results conducted on the beam
Table 11 Flexure Fatigue life of of Bituminous Mixes
Mix Type Binder No. of Cycles to Ratio of Fig. 3 Flexible Pavement Showing Cracking Near the Edge of
Failure at 400 Fatigue Life Wheel Load
Microstrain of Mixes with
Respect BC Let a pavement has the following composition
with VG 30
Subgrade with a CBR of 5, GSB = 250 mm,
1 2 3 4 WMM = 250 mm, DBM = 150 mm, BC = 40 mm.
VG 30 15300 1.0 Single axle loads weighing 200 kNon Indian highways
BC VG 40 9500 0.62 are not uncommon and the tensile strains near the edge
gradation CRMB 60 24800 1.62 of a tyre is examined for the axle load.
PMB 40 35300 2.31 For an air temperature of 60ºC, assuming the
CMHB CRMB 60 > 100000 > 6.54 modulus of the wearing course as 600 MPa, DBM as
gradation PMB 40 > 100000 > 6.54 1000 MPa and modulus of the granular layer as per
Relative fatigue lives of different mixes from IRC:37-2001, the principal tensile strain near the edge
laboratory fatigue tests are given in column 4 of of a dual wheel under an axle load of 200 kN is found
Table 11. Among the dense graded BC mixes, to be over 600 micro strain. The high flexural strain
PMB40 mix has the highest fatigue life followed by will initiate surface cracks in a short time. Thus cracks
CRMB 60 and VG 30 mixes. From the fatigue test starting from the surface may lead to cracking of the
results, it is also observed that gap-gradation CMHB wearing course. If the crack sealing is delayed, water
may enter the pavement damaging it completely.



Table 11 clearly indicates that the dense graded mixes 13.3 Field Trials
will crack much earlier as compared to CMHB mixes. Based on the study of the encouraging research
Faster ageing may aggravate the cracking problem. experience reported in the paper, a wearing courses
Since Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) as well as Caltrans of GG mixes of Texas(10) as will as that of Arizona(9)
mix have higher binder contents than the CMHB mix,
40mm thick were laid on NH6 in West Bengal about
it is obvious that the they will also perform well, may
six months back. The CRMB binder was obtained by
be better but the cost will be higher due to higher
blending 20% crumb rubber in VG 30 bitumen giving
binder content. To delay the cracks, the base also
a binder viscosity of 16 poise at 177ºC as per the
should have high modulus and the wearing course
should have higher binder content of a stiff binder. specification of Texas. The surface texture appears to
provide a good skid resistant surface, and the noise
13 Choice of wearing Course due to tyre-pavement interaction is greatly reduced
13.1 A wearing course is subjected to damaging as observed by driving over it. It is expected that the
effect of heavy traffic loads, moisture and ageing. bearing course will outlast all others.
Ageing is much faster in a hot climate prevalent in
13.4 Environmental Issue
India. A durable wearing course must be resistant to
adverse effect of all the above damaging factors. From Number of automobiles has been increasing by
the review of literature, it is very clear that such a leaps and bound for quite some time and waste tyre
wearing course must have gap graded aggregates with disposal is going to be problem in India also. Burning
greater amount of high viscosity modified binder to of tyres cannot be permitted from environmental
impart durability. Thick binder film around aggregates considerations. Use of waste tyres to obtain high
undergoes slow ageing and resists moisture damage quality stiff CRMB similar to the specifications of
better. Results of laboratory experiments (Table 11) Caltrans(8)/Arizona(9) can give rise to binders which
reported in the paper clearly proves that only a gap may perform as well as PMB in wearing course
graded mix such as CMHB has the potential of a long mixes if the results of Table 11 is any guide. A stiff
life against load associated fatigue fracture extending CRMB binder needs a higher temperature of about
even up to ten years in the field considering that BC 175ºC for mixing. Additives for lowering mixing and
with virgin bitumen or with CRMB mix last hardly compaction temperature are commercially available
two to three years in a hot climate with heavy traffic. and reduction in fuel consumption of about 2 litres
Large binder content makes the mix water resistant.
per ton of hot mix can be affected apart from reduction
For low volume roads having only light vehicles, two
of emission from hot mix plants.
coat surface dressing appears to be the best wearing
course because of thick binder which remains flexible 14 Conclusions
longer considering the experience of South Africa and
Australia. There is little experience of surface dressing Following conclusions are drawn from the review
in India. of previous work and the findings of the research
included in the paper.
13.2 Cost Implication
1. Two coat surface dressing has given good
40 mm thick high binder wearing course may have performance abroad. This must be given a fair
an additional cost of Rs.400 per m3 which is about
trial in India also in view of good performance
Rs.16/m2. Cost of two crack-sealing in five years is
about Rs.100/m2 @ Rs.50/m2/crack sealing. Cost of
40mm overlay after five years is about Rs.400/m2. It 2. In developed countries, many highways carrying
can be seen that the savings can be huge in ten years heavy traffic are usually provided with gap
due to decreased intervals of crack sealing, patching graded bituminous wearing course containing
and resurfacing cost if a high binder GG wearing hard bitumen or modified bitumen for a long
course is used. maintenance free life of about ten years.



3. In India, a conventional wearing course of 10. DOT, Texas (2004),’ Standard Specifications for
BC mix with a normal binder has a short life Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and
Bridges’ Texas, USA.
extending from one to three years on highways
11. http://legix.info/us-ca/measures;2005-06;ab0338/
carrying heavy traffic. doc@98 of 12Dec 2012.
4. Even the wearing course with a CRMB mix 12. Harvey, J., Bejarano, M. and Popeseu, L. (2001).
with dense gradation has 50% success rate as “Accelerated Pavement Testing of Rutting and Cracking
found from the survey of a few highways. Performance of Asphalt Rubber and Conventional Asphalt
Concrete Overlay Strategies.” Road Materials and
5. Gap graded mixes with CRMB or PMB should Pavement Design, pp. 229-262.
be used to have a (i) long fracture life to eliminate 13. Ullidtz, P., J. Harvey, B.W. Tsai and D. Jones, “Evaluation
surface cracking and (ii) a good resistance to of Reflective Cracking Performance of AC Mixes with
rutting as observed from wheel tracking test. Asphalt Rubber Binder Using HVS Tests and Recursive
Such mixes require greater amount of binder Mechanistic-Empirical Analysis,” Proceedings, 6th
which ages at a lower rate. RILEM International Conference on Cracking in
Pavements, Chicago, June, 2008, pp 741-749.
6. CMHB mixes can have a high fatigue life that 14. Palit, S K., Reddy, K S.and Pandey, B B. (2004).
may be 5 to 10 times that of the dense graded “Laboratory Evaluation of Crumb Rubber Modified
mixes as found from tests (Table 11). The Stone Asphalt Mix, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
Matrix Asphalt and GG mix of Caltrans also ASCE, 0899-1561.
are expected to have better fatigue lives due to 15. Hamzah, M O., Mohammed, AA., Ismail, H. (2006).
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