AND8132/D Performance Improvements To The NCP1012 Evaluation Board
AND8132/D Performance Improvements To The NCP1012 Evaluation Board
AND8132/D Performance Improvements To The NCP1012 Evaluation Board
Performance Improvements
to the NCP1012
Evaluation Board
Prepared by: Bc. Jan Grulich
EMEA Application Lab
SCG CDC Roznov, Czech Republic
This application note uses the standard NCP1012 application note describes modifications to the basic circuit
evaluation board, referenced in the NCP1010–1014 data to reduce standby power consumption, increase efficiency,
sheet. The board includes only the core components needed and reduce EMI.
to demonstrate the operation of the NCP101x; the
C1 D6
2n2/Y B150
1N4007 1 TR1 8
D5 470 /25 V
D1 D2 150 k
U160 6 2
4 5 1
R1 10 /400 V IC1 ZD1
47 R NCP1012 J2
11 V
1 5 CZM5/2
2 E2 PC817 R3
2 4
GND FB 100 R
J1 3
GND 8 R4
CEE7.5/2 7
D3 D4
1N4007 10 /63 V
1N4007 C2
The evaluation board demonstrates the NCP1012 in a circuit, the feedback loop operating current and various
7.0 W SMPS with the universal input voltage range transformer losses. Of these, only the feedback loop
(85 VAC−265 VAC) and an output of 12 V. The schematic operating current and drain clamp circuit can easily be
of the SMPS is shown in Figure 1, and the component modified.
placement in Figure 2. The tested performance of the The feedback loop operating current must be calculated
unmodified board is shown below: properly to achieve good DC voltage stability, adequate
dynamic response and acceptable noise immunity. For the
Item Test 1 Test 2 simplest case – zener type feedback − a typical operating
Vin DC (V) 125 325 current is 4.0−6.0 mA. This method is used in the demo
Iin DC (mA) 66 25.1 board, resulting in 695 mW of standby consumption at
325 VDC. By reducing the operating current of the loop, the
Pin (W) 8.25 8.15
standby consumption is reduced, but with negative effects
Vout DC (V) 11.99 12.1 on the noise immunity and accuracy. For example, when bias
Iout DC (mA) 520 520 resistor R4 is removed, the operating current is as low as
Pout (W) 6.24 6.29
335 A and standby consumption is reduced to 314 mW. In
this case circuit operation is still in the non−burst mode, so
Efficiency (%) 75.6 77.1 although the voltage stability is not as good there is still low
Standby (mW) 638.3 695.6 AC ripple at the output.
A more complicated, but more accurate, solution is based
Feedback Stability: The regulation was tested for stability on the TLV431 shunt regulator. This regulator operates
over the full input voltage range (85 VAC−265 VAC) with correctly at an operating current as low as 100 A. When
a load of 550 mA. No instability was found. used for this design, at no load, due to the high gain, it
operates in burst mode. In this mode the complete design has
Standby Consumption
standby consumption as low as 100 mW, but the output
Standby power consumption is one of the most important
voltage is unstable, with noise and AC ripple, as shown in
parameters for an SMPS under low− or no−load conditions.
Figure 4.
In the demo board the main sources of standby power
Output voltage waveforms for both feedback solutions:
consumption are the NCP1012 Vcc supply, the drain clamp
There are various ways to design the drain clamp circuit. P6KE200A or SA170A, or the SMD versions of both −
The RDC clamp, used in the evaluation board, is the P6SMB200AT3 and 1SMB170AT3 respectively. This
cheapest and most widely used. This clamp dissipates the clamp consists of a high voltage zener diode, or a TVS with
peak energy from the transformer and part of the an ultrafast rectifier diode in series. The zener clamp voltage
transformed energy. The peak energy need to be dissipated, is usually set to around 200 V. Using this clamp, the power
but the transformed energy not. In case of the demo board consumption is significantly reduced. With R4 connected,
this clamp is used. With R4 connected the consumption at the consumption is 526 mW at 300 V DC input voltage
325 V DC input voltage is 695 mW. When R4 is removed, versus 306 mW with R4 disconnected. The active clamp
the consumption is reduced to 314 mW. allows greater reduction of standby power, but is more
Another approach is to use a TVS (transient voltage expensive than the simple RDC clamp.
suppressor) clamp. Recommended parts include ON’s
This TVS clamp solution has positive results not only on example, an EMI filter is not necessary for the basic function
the standby consumption, but also on the efficiency both of the SMPS, but it is mandatory for a real−world design.
under normal operation and light load conditions. At Figure 5 shows the EMI performance for the basic demo
100 mA output current and 325 V DC input voltage, the board before any modification; conducted emissions at the
input power drops from 2.94 W with the RDC clamp to input are well above the maximum allowed by EN50081−1.
2.83 W with the TVS clamp. For higher output powers the When a 47 nF suppression capacitor X2 is added at the
benefit is not so significant. input, the magnitude of the EMI is dramatically reduced.
If the demo board design is intended for production, The result is shown in Figure 6. This solution may be usable
improvements in EMI performance are needed. For if X2 is increased to 100 nF or more.
Further improvement results from adding an LC filter L1 PCB layout guidelines are followed. Figure 8 shows the
and E2 between the rectifier bridge and the bulk capacitor improvement in conducted emissions as a result of adding
E1, as shown in Figure 7. capacitor X2 and coil L1 only; Figure 9 shows the result of
implementing the complete EMI filter.
R1 2, 2 mH
47 R E1
10 /400 V
1 X2 E2
2 47 n 10 /400 V
Bills of material used for the standard and TVS versions of the demo board:
ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make
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