In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?
In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?
In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?
In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media
The location of the opening runs along with traditional conventions of media. Isolated woods have been
used in a multitude of times in the genre of horror Friday the 13’Th and blair witch project just too state
two. The isolated woods works well because it showcases the helplessness of the victim and gives the
scene much darker feel.
The costume used run along with the conventions of thriller/horror films. The victim character isn’t seen
wearing any specific clothing she is just seen wearing everyday clothes. The fact that the she is seen
wearing everyday clothing is important because it makes the audience see her as an average person and
subliminally makes the audience put themselves in that situation.
The camera and editing used throughout is typical of thriller films prime example of this is the nighttime
stalking scene’s use of first person view which can be comparable to the opening sequence of man
hunter. The first person view is also the only form of character establishment in the opening title
sequence although little is revealed about the killer the audience is able to see an attack through the
killer’s eyes. Also the use of film noir effect when in these first person scenes helps the audience
differentiate between the scene of her on the phone and scenes from the killer’s point of view.
The use of static transitions and cross cutting draws great inspiration from the dawn of the dead film
which uses both. However what makes our opening sequence differ is the crosscutting is between two
continuous linking clips instead of random events.
It is clear that from the opening sequence the audiences are watching a thriller/horror through the
opening story and the effects and dark feel of the film. The use of colour filters during the news report
also adds a surreal feel to the sequence and makes clearer that these are events that have already past.
The story of the opening sequence runs along with conventions of typical horror film by showing the
audience a pre credit killing which has been seen in number of film Friday the 13 th and wrong turn to
name a few.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The victim scene in our opening sequence is used to for the representation of teenagers (typical teenage
girl) which is a very common trait in many survival horror films.
Our character shares many similarities with the character of Casey from the opening sequence of
Both are seen as normal teenage girls and are both in normal everyday attire which makes it easier for
the audience to identify with them. The fact that they perceive them as normal teenager is imperative to
drawing the audience into the film if they can’t envision themselves in the film then they are less likely
to get drawn in.
Another similarity is both characters have a noticeable change in body language as the scene unfolds
form relaxed and casual to scared and panicky.
The dialogue differs greatly between the two our victim has very little dialogue when compared to the
character of Casey has much dialogue during the scene. We cut our victims dialogue to the minimum so
the audience can better see her through the killer’s eyes.
The roles of both characters are very much the same they are both portrayed as innocent teenage girls
whose role in the film as first victim is to simply set the template for the rest of the film but have very
little to do with the plot itself.
What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?
A film distributer’s job is to launch a film into the market and then try and sustain it for as long
as possible.
They will attempt to attract the widest audience they possible can through the use of strategic
marketing promotion.
The more money that a film distributer spends on the film’s release then the more interest will
be generated about that product.
All films distributed have a high risk factor so distributers must strategically plan promotion of a
film’s release if they wish to cover their production costs, this is especially true for the opening
box office weekend which on average generates 25-30% of all of their overall box office revenue.
The FDA ( film distributor association ) are the trade body who represent UK film distributor and
are involved in issues such as piracy laws, counterfeiting and future planning.