Truyền Nhiệt Trong Lò Nung
Truyền Nhiệt Trong Lò Nung
Truyền Nhiệt Trong Lò Nung
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
1 Introduction
The ceramic industry is well known to be characterized by energy intense processes and
among them the kiln is one of the main responsible of the primary energy consumption.
Recent regulations for the energy consumption limit the fuel or electricity use [1] and
therefore, the design of the kiln plays a fundamental role in meeting the regulations’
Due to the complex physical phenomena that take place in industrial ceramic kiln,
simulation tools are an important instrument in the design process of the kiln; thus, different
approaches have been adopted for the optimization of the kilns’ performance. In [2]
a theoretical formulation for the prediction of the kiln operating characteristics has been
proposed under regime conditions and many simplifications to the physical phenomena had
to be made in order to close the mathematical model. Similar approach is adopted also in
[3] in which the main focus was the assessment of the heat transfer between the hot air flow
and the kiln walls. The numerical simulation becomes a valuable tool in investigating the
performance of complex physical systems including different physical phenomena. Lumped
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E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00117 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
and distributed numerical analysis has been extensively adopted for the simulation of
complex systems under time dependent operating conditions. In [4] a novel concept for the
hydrogen production has been investigated by modelling the entire proposed plant and
different operations have been compared in order to define the best energy efficiency
configuration. Similarly, in [5] the numerical analysis of the entire cogeneration systems
based on aluminium-water combustion was used to determine the best turbine operating
point under different working conditions. The modelling approach has also been employed
for the validation of integrated waste-to-energy systems with low environmental impact and
the advantages compared to traditional technologies have been outlined [6]. Despite the
dimensional approximation, the 0D/1D models proved also to be able to account for
complex physics involving heat transfer phenomena while including the layout of the full
system. Nevertheless, the lumped and distributed parameter model has to assume a large
number of quantities that can be difficult to derive from experimental measurements or
theoretical approaches. Thus, the combination of this modelling approach to a full
multi-dimensional approach of the involved physics is paramount in addressing accurately
the behaviour of the analysed systems [7–9].
In this paper, the CFD simulation of the full geometry of a ceramic kiln model is carried
out. A module of the preheating section as well as a module in the firing section are
analysed. Insulating materials and alumina rollers and burners are included in the
simulation and the effect on the tile temperature distribution is investigated. Furthermore,
radiation is accounted for in the modelling in order to assess the contribution of the
radiative heat transfer in the total heat absorbed by the ceramic tiles during the preheating
and firing regions of the kiln. The results are useful not only to better model the heat
transfer processes in the lumped and distributed parameter model of the real kiln, but also
to better understand the main heat transfer contributions that influence the tiles’
temperature profile and thus the product quality.
2 Test case
The ceramic kiln simulated in this paper is real production facility located in the ceramic
district in Emilia Romagna – Italy. It is characterized by a production rate of approximately
5,000 kg/h of tiles and it is designed for a continuous working load of about 8,700 hours
per year. The entire ceramic kiln includes 43 modules with a length of 2.1 m each and it can
be subdivided into the following 5 sections: pre-heating, firing, fast cooling, slow-cooling
and outlet section, see Figure 1.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00117 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
installed above and below the rollers’ plane respectively. The different control of the
burners in the chambers above and below the rollers is critical for achieving the correct
temperatures in these volumes. At the end of the firing section, a fireproof wall is
positioned in order to separate the cooling zone to the firing zone; main task of this wall is
to partition the flow between the firing and fast-cooling sections. Its height is adjusted in
order to always direct the flow from the cooling to the firing section and regulate the
temperature at the interface of these two regions.
An important characteristic of the analysed kiln is the opposite direction of the hot air
flow and the tile motion. A mentioned before, the air is inducted from the cooling zone by
means of a fan located at the beginning of the kiln before the flue gas stack. Therefore, the
pressure in the cooling zone is higher than the one in the firing section, which is usually
characterized by values below the atmospheric pressure. Thus, the leakages in the walls of
the modules allow the cold ambient air to enter the kiln chambers influencing the
temperature of the hot air flow and thus the energy consumption of the entire system. This
effect is not taken in the present analysis into account. The remaining portion of air in the
fast-cooling section exits the kiln through the slow-cooling section and the final outlet
stack. An important feature of the analysed kiln is the counter-current heat transfer mode.
3 Numerical modelling
The CFD analysis is carried out by means of the Star CCM+ code licensed by CD-Adapco.
Particular care in the mesh construction as well as in the modeling of the heat transfer is
paid. Ideal gas law is assumed to model the air thermal behavior, while the energy equation
is solved for the enthalpy and coupled to the Navier-Stokes equation to solve the fluid flow.
Dynamic simulations are performed in order to account also for the tiles’ motion. Figure 2
shows the real geometry of the analysed modules, while Figures 3a) and 3b) depict the
computational domains adopted for the simulation of the preheating module and the firing
module respectively. The latter domain includes also the grid for the EKO burners, which
are designed to preheat the oxidizing air by recovery the heat from the hot air flow drawn
from the kiln chambers.
a) b)
Fig. 3. Computational domain for the module in the a) preheating and b) firing sections.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00117 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
Both grids are constructed using a trimmed hexahedral mesh with proper refinements
particularly in the regions where the burners’ flame is supposed to take place, see Figure
3b). The total number of cells used in the CFD domain is approximately 4 million. The
mesh used in the simulation is the best trade-off between result’s accuracy and
computational effort. The fluid domains consist of the upper and lower chambers, the
alumina rollers, the tiles’ material and eventually the EKO burners. Turbulence is
accounted for by means of the two zonal version of the k-ω model, known as the shear
stress transport model [9]. This approach demonstrated in previous studies a good accuracy
in predicting the flow field for multi-phase flows in hydraulic components [10].
The radiation contribution on the total heat transfer is calculated by using the
Surface-to-Surface (S2S) radiation model that model the thermal radiative heat transfer
between surfaces of arbitrary complexity that form enclosed spaces. The medium that fills
the space between the surfaces is non-participating, thus, it does not absorb, emit, or scatter
radiation. The radiation properties and the thermal boundary conditions that are imposed on
each surface define uniquely the amount of radiation that a surface receives and emits. The
radiation energy transfer to or from each surface is calculated from the radiation transport
equation and the boundary conditions [12, 13].
The combustion process for the burners in the firing section module is modelled
according to the Eddy Brake Up (EBU) approach. This model characterizes the reacting
flow system by a specified number of species and chemical reactions. The individual
species in the global reaction are assumed to be transported at different rates according to
their own governing equations. The Standard EBU model uses Eqn. (1) as the governing
transport equation. The reaction rate is modelled through an expression that takes the
turbulent micromixing process into account by means of dimensional arguments. Thus, for
a reaction of the form:
the rate of fuel depletion is assumed to be:
; ;
where k is the turbulent kinetic energy and ε its dissipation rate. The min operator on the
right-hand side of Eqn. (2) indicates that the concentration of the limiting reactant should be
used to determine a mass fraction scale when calculating the reactant consumption rate.
Eqn. (2) essentially states that the integrated micromixing rate is proportional to the mean
(macroscopic) concentration of the limiting reactant divided by the time scale of the large
Figure 4 shows the boundary conditions adopted for the simulations. Since many of the
data necessary for properly setting the CFD boundary conditions were not available from
experimental measurements, the values are derived from a previous simulation of the
overall ceramic kiln under actual operations using a lumped and distributed parameter
model described in [13]. In particular, the inlet mass flow rate for the upper and lower
chambers as well as the relating outlet pressure values are taken in the 0D/1D at the exact
location as in the real module.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00117 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00117 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
a) b)
Fig. 5. Temperature distribution on the top surface of the tile for the a) preheating module and b) the
eight-burner module.
a) b)
Fig. 6. Temperature distribution on the bottom surface of the tile for the a) preheating module and b)
the eight-burner module.
a) b)
Fig. 7. Temperature distribution on the lateral surface of the tile and on the alumina rollers for the a)
preheating module and b) the eight-burner module.
a) b)
Fig. 8. Temperature distribution on a cut plane through the burners’ axis of a) the upper chamber and
b) the lower chamber for the eight-burner module.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00117 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
Nevertheless, the central regions of the upper and lower chambers demonstrate to have
a uniform temperature close to 1300°C. Colder spots can be noticed close to the walls in
between the burners’ flames that act like a shield for the hot air stream. Therefore,
recirculation regions form at low temperature due to the heat dissipation through the walls.
Figure 9 plots the time histories of the characteristic temperatures for the tile. The
difference between the average value of the temperature on the top and bottom surfaces of
the tile is close to 10°C for the preheating module and reaches 30°C in the firing module.
This difference is very important to control, since it may influence significantly the quality
of the product and it is very difficult to be measured experimentally. The simulations
demonstrate that even though the thickness of the tile is small, i.e. less than 10 mm, the
temperature gradient between the top and the bottom of the tile is significant. Furthermore,
the highest temperature in the tile surface is reached at the front side, where the tile is more
strongly affected by the hot counter-current flow. The temperature at the side results to be
approximately 40°C larger than the volume average temperature, whose value demonstrate
to be close to the tile bottom temperature.
Finally, Figure 10 shows the time histories of the total heat transfer to the tile and the
contribution of the radiative heat transfer. The heat radiated from the surrounding walls to
the tiles results to be the main responsible of the total heat transfer, i.e. 81% and 72% for
the preheating and firing modules respectively. In fact, the temperature difference between
the tile surfaces and the surrounding ones remains very large in both analysed modules.
Furthermore, the relative velocity of the flow and the tiles is rather slow radiative heat
transfer, thus limiting the convection heat transfer from the hot stream to the tile surfaces.
These figures add an insight in the thermal behaviour of the tile firing within the ceramic
kiln; moreover, they are used to improve the accuracy of the predictive capabilities of the
lumped and distributed parameter model. In fact, the view factors of the radiating surfaces
are calculated in the 0D/1D model in order to determine the correct contribution of
radiation on the total heat transfer to the tile on the basis of this CFD result.
80 940
Temperature [°C]
40 880
Volume Average Top Surface
Bottom Surface Side Surface 860
0 820
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]
a) Time [s]
Fig. 9. Time histories of volume average temperature and of the tile surfaces’ temperature for the a)
preheating module and b) the eight-burner module.
14 50
Heat Flux [kW]
Heat Flux [kW]
8 30
4 Total Heat Flux Radiative Heat Flux Total Heat Flux Radiative Heat Flux
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]
a) Time [s]
Fig. 10. Time histories of total heat flux absorbed by the tile and the contribution due to radiation the
a) preheating module and b) the eight-burner module.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00117 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200117
5 Conclusion
In this paper, the CFD analysis of a full-scale module of an industrial ceramic kiln under
actual operating conditions has been carried out. A module in the preheating section and
one in the firing region have been investigated and the thermal behaviour of the tiles in
these parts of the kiln has been assessed.
In the analysis the combustion in the burners of the firing module has been addressed by
using the Eddy Brake Up model for the oxidation of natural gas with air; the
Surface-to-Surface (S2S) radiation model has been adopted for calculating the thermal
radiative heat transfer between surfaces of the ambient surrounding the tiles.
Numerical results demonstrated that the temperature distribution on the top and bottom
surfaces of the tile is not uniform despite the small thickness and a difference of
approximately 10°C and 30°C is highlighted in the preheating and in the firing modules
respectively. The hottest part of the tile proved to be the front side surface with
a temperature 40°C higher than the rest of the surfaces.
Finally, the contribution of the radiative heat transfer to the total heat absorbed by the
tile was calculated to be close to 81% in the preheating module and to 72% in the firing
section. This result is paramount for improving the predictive capabilities of the lumped
and distributed parameter model of the entire kiln, as well as to address the thermal
behaviour of the tile firing process.
The present work is part of Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in CerAMic Kilns
(DREAM) project. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723641.
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