LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

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LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul Engish For Social Communication

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Descriptive text 1 ; Person and animal
2. Exploring Descriptive text 2 ; Things and Place
3. Exploring Report Text 1 ; Classifying Report and
Compositional Report
4. Exploring Report Text 2 ; Comparative report and
Historical Report
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1 Daftar peta konsep Learning Activity 1 : Descriptive text 1;Person and animal
(istilah dan definisi) di Descriptive text (person and animal) is a text to describe
modul ini something expecially the characteristics, appearance, physical
features, or anything about person and animal

The Generic Structure:

1. Identification or general statements. It introduces or
identifies specific object (a person and animal).
2. Descriptions: The parts of a text describe the object

Social Function
 To give information about a particular entity by describing
its features, history, and special characteristics of person
and animal
 To give information about things by describing physical
attributes, behaviors, uses, etc.

The language Feature:

1. Focus on specific participants as the main character
2. Use present tense
3. Use linking verbs
4. Use action verbs
5. Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings
6. Use nominal group frequently to describe
7. Use adjective and adverbs to add information to nouns and
verbs to provide more detailed description about the topic
8. Use adverbial phrases

Learning Activity 2 : Descriptive text 1;Things and Place

Descriptive text ( Things and Place ) is a text to describe
something expecially the characteristics, appearance or
anything about Things and Place

The Generic Structure:

1. Identification or general statements. It introduces or
identifies specific object ( Things and Place ).
2. Descriptions: The parts of a text describe the object

Social Function :
to give a visual picture of a thing and a picture of a tourism
place by explaining its features, forms, types, location, or
anything related to what the writer describes
The language Feature:
- Specific participant : it has a certain object, is not common
and unique (only one).
- The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun
- The use of simple present tense
- Action verb
- using passive voice
- using noun phrase
- using technical terms
- using general and abstract noun.
- using conjunction of time and cause-effect

Learning Activity 3 : Report Text 1 ; Classifying Report

and Compositional Report

Report text is a text that presents the information of

something in general, its usually referred as a result of
systematic observation and analyses.

In this learning activity, report text decided into classifying

report and compositional report. Both are text tell the general
categories of things rather than events and happenings and
with informing about technical and scientific topics.

Social Function:
 Classifying report is To organise and describe a field or
topic into a class and subclass hierarchy
 Compositional report is To organise and describe a field or
topic according to its part (a part or whole part)

Generic Structure:
1. general classification : stating classification of general
aspect of thing ( animal, public place, plant, etc ) which
will be describe in general
2. description : describing the characteristics of the object
which will be discussed in detile

Language Feature:
1. using simple present
2. using general noun
3. using action verb
4. using linking verb

Learning Activity 4 : Report Text 2;Comparative report

and Historical Report

Comparative report is text which introduce the things to be

compare, its decribe the systematic analysis of similarities
and differences between two things

Historical report is text to inform historical of things or

places. It returns all issues from a specified time period that
also match the selected assignment, status and priority

Social function:
 Comparative report : To identify the similarities and
differences between two or more classes or things
 historical report : To give information about the way things
were in relation to a particular historical period or site.

Generic structure of comparative report

1. General Statement : It introduces things to be compared
2. Description: It contains the systematic analysis of
similarities and differences

Generic structure of Historical report

1. General Statement : It Identifies historical period or site
and it defines and locates in time and place
2. Description, consist of Features or characteristics,
Activities, Behaviours, Artefacts, Historical significance

Language Features:
1. Using simple noun groups
2. Using linking verb
3. Using present tense (with the exception of an historical
4. Attitudinal vocabulary is unusual as the emphasis is on
facts rather on opinions

2 Daftar materi yang sulit Learning Activity 1 :

dipahami di modul ini Language features

Learning Activity 2 :
Lexicogrammatical features

Learning Activity 3 :
Differences between classifying and compositional report text

Learning Activity 4 :
Language features

3 Daftar materi yang sering Learning Activity 1 :

mengalami miskonsepsi Linking verb, adjective, mental verb

Learning Activity 2 :
Function and the purpose of the descriptive text

Learning Activity 3 :
Social functions of Classifying Report and Compositional

Learning Activity 4 :
Social functions of Comparative report and Historical Report

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