Remote Sensing Imagery Sensors and Image Interpretation-IJRASET
Remote Sensing Imagery Sensors and Image Interpretation-IJRASET
Remote Sensing Imagery Sensors and Image Interpretation-IJRASET
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue IX Sep 2021- Available at
Abstract: Remote sensing a universal term that represents the activity of gaining data of an object with a sensor that is genuinely
away from the item from an aircraft or satellite. Special cameras are used to gather remotely sensed picture which help the
analyst to sense the things about the earth.
Remote sensing makes it probable to assemble data of risky or unapproachable zones. Remote sensing data allows researchers to
examine the biosphere's biotic and abiotic segments.
Remote sensing is used in various fields to acquire the data which is widely used in Geographical Information System.
Image interpretation is most basic feature of remote sensing technology. Image interpretation is a process of recognizing the
images and collect information for multiple uses. The photographs are usually taken by satellite or aircrafts.
Keywords: Image interpretation, image interpretation devices, sensor, remote sensing, data analysis.
Environmental monitoring, Natural resource conservation, Biodiversity conservation, food security need solutions that can be
extracted mainly from the information given by remote sensing data [1].
Image interpretation in remote sensing is simplest way of collecting information of remotely sensed data. The interpretation of
image is based on few elements named as height, tone, shape, size, shadow, pattern, location and site. Image interpretation is a way
of analyzing aerial photograph or advanced remote sensing image and physically recognizing the highlights in that picture. The
various elements are explained below:
1) Height- ‘height and depth’ is also known as elevation or altitude. The objects with tallness will give a shadow and can provide
information about its height.
2) Tone- the information can be recorded in shades of grey ranging from black to white.
3) Shape- it is one of most important element of interpretation.
4) Shadow- generally from polar orbits satellite take images of the shadow casted by the objects. These shadows can give
information about hill, tower and tall things.
5) Pattern- pattern is the geographical arrangement of lines or scale.
6) Location- in the form of coordinates the précised location can be obtained.
7) Size- it allows to recognize the image clearly.
8) Site- the relationship of feature to the surroundings provides clues to its identity.
Pixel level fusion of data joins or combines fresh data from various sources and produces one informative data. The feature level
fusion is applied to extract features like texture, corners, lines etc., which is used for further processing. Decision level fusion of
data consolidatesoutcomes given by various calculations to get a last intertwined choice. At the point when the outcomes from
various calculations are communicated as a confidences instead of choices, it is called as the soft fusion of data; else, called as the
hard fusion of data.
In this paper various devices that perform remote sensing imagery have been reviewed. The paper discussed about image
interpretation elements, and how to take out information from images provided by remote sensors. A range of remote sensing sensor
and their application are covered. Remote sensing imagery is a key for monitoring earth surface and gain important information
about many things that are necessary for monitoring activities happening on earth. These remote sensing techniques can be applied
to various fields of science to acquire information like it can be used in surveying equipment from the ground, it can be used as
device to map habitat suitability, its can be used to access NPP( Net Primary Productivity) of an area in an ecosystem. It can apply
to computer science in field of artificial intelligence as machine learning has so many applications in geosciences.
[1] Thomas Lillesand, Ralph W. Kiefer, Jonathan Chipman, Book Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 7th EditionISBN: 978-1-118-34328-9 February 2015.
[2] C. Phol & J L Van Ganderen International Journal of Remote Sensing volume 19, 1998
[3] Yichun Xie, Zongyao Sha, and Mei Yu Journal of plant ecology Volume 1, Number 1 March 2008. page 13.
[4] Yichun Xie, Zongyao Sha, and Mei Yu Journal of plant ecology Volume 1, Number 1 March 2008. page 14.
[5] SPOT System (
[6] G Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, Rebret C Harris, David Skole (Biotropica 33(3), 378-384, 2001)