Week 3 Computer and Network Security CMDI
Week 3 Computer and Network Security CMDI
Week 3 Computer and Network Security CMDI
• 1945
• 1986
• 1998
• 2001
• 2006
• 2010
• Confidentiality
The information must just be accessible to the authorized
Confidentiality is the principle of protecting information from
disclosure to unauthorized entities.
Access control, and cryptographic encryption of data over a
network or on a storage device are common techniques for
achieving confidentiality.
• Availability
Assurance that the systems responsible for delivering,
storing and processing information are accessible when
needed, by those who need them.
• Reliability
Computers should work without having unexpected
• Authentication
Guarantee that only authorized persons can access to
the resources
Computer security concepts
Passive Attack
attempts to learn or make use of information from the
system but does not affect system resources.
• Computer crime
Any illegal act involving a computer generally is
referred to as a computer crime.
• Cracker
A cracker is someone with extensive computer knowledge
who accesses a computer or network illegally , someone
whose purpose is to destroy data, steal information, or
other malicious action
• Cyber terrorist
A cyber terrorist is someone who uses the Internet or
network to destroy or damage computers for political
• Rootkit
A rootkit is a program that hides in a computer
and allows someone from a remote location to take
full control of the computer.
Types of Security
• Network Security
• System and software security
• Physical Security
• Network security
Network security refers to any activities designed to protect
your network. Specifically, these activities protect the
usability, reliability, integrity, and safety of your network and