Teaching Music in Elementary Grade Handouts
Teaching Music in Elementary Grade Handouts
Teaching Music in Elementary Grade Handouts
Music 1
Lesson 1: Introduction
What is Music
Why do we Study Music
Brief History of Music
Significance of Music Education
Objectives of Music Education
Lesson 2: Musical Terms
The Staff (A Staff, Singing Names, Pitch Names and the Clef).
The Scale ( A scale, Kinds of Scales, The Chromatic signs – Sharp & Flat,
Half Step, Step, Intermediate notes, Natural or Cancel, Tones below the
keynote, Tones below the octave. The ledger lines.
The Notes and Rests (The Notes – parts of a note, kinds of notes, Relative
time values of notes, how to copy notes, The Rests.
The measure signature (Measure, Beat, Measure signature, Functions of
Measure Signatures, Measure signature which are not numerical symbols.
Simplest form of the Hand Movement.
Lesson 3: Musical Symbols and their meanings.
Simple musical symbols (Breath Mark, Bar & Double bar line, Dot, The
broken measure, The Slur, The hold, Repeat Mark, The First and second
endings. Da capo.
Kinds of Measure ( Half Measure, Quarter measure & eight measure)
The Key Signature (Functions of a Key signature, Placement of sharp in the
staff, Steps in placing the sharps in the staff, Kinds of Keys, How to teach the
key names, Rule for Placing the “Do” in the sharp keys, The Flat keys, Steps
in Placing the Flats in the Staff, the key names of the Flat keys, Rule for
Placing the “Do” in the Flat keys.
Musical Terms of Expression (Power terms or Dynamics, The movement
term or tempo, Modifications of Movement, The Chorus.
Lesson 4: Kinds of Musical Instruments
Types of Musical Instruments
1. The String Instruments
2. The Woodwinds
3. The Brass Instruments
4. The Percussion Instruments
5. The Band
6. The Orchestra
7. Jazz Music
8. The Violin
Group 1 – Abpa, Bagal, Gallego, Delin, Aldabon - The Staff (A Staff, Singing Names, Pitch Names
and the Clef).
Grouo 2 – Ebrahim, Utap, Nabe Jasmine, Cordovez, Lariosa - The Scale ( A scale, Kinds of Scales,
The Chromatic signs – Sharp & Flat, Half Step, Step, Intermediate notes, Natural or Cancel, Tones
below the keynote, Tones below the octave. The ledger lines.
Group 3 – Malinis, Mama, Ukat, Nabe Saula, Naim - The Notes and Rests (The Notes – parts of a
note, kinds of notes, Relative time values of notes, how to copy notes, The Rests.
Group 4 – Muslimin, Pagagao, Mumbas, Dumato, Sandelina - The measure signature (Measure,
Beat, Measure signature, Functions of Measure Signatures, Measure signature which are not
numerical symbols. Simplest form of the Hand Movement.
Group 5 – Tulisok, Utto, Gumenggen, Galindez, Fano - Simple musical symbols (Breath Mark, Bar
& Double bar line, Dot, The broken measure, The Slur, The hold, Repeat Mark, The First and second
endings. Da capo.
Group 6 – Guialudin, Musa, Aldaino, Macadla, Salendab - Kinds of Measure (Half Measure, Quarter
measure & eight measure)
Group 7 Angeles, Angi, Ulama, baud, Balasan - The Key Signature (Functions of a Key signature,
Placement of sharp in the staff, Steps in placing the sharps in the staff, Kinds of Keys, How to teach
the key names, Rule for Placing the “Do” in the sharp keys, The Flat keys, Steps in Placing the Flats
in the Staff, the key names of the Flat keys, Rule for Placing the “Do” in the Flat keys.
Group Reporting
Make a Semi-detailed Lesson Plan about your topic.
Make a Power Point Presentation or Google Slide presentation or Using Visual Aid/Materials as
long as visible.
Video Record or Online Virtual class discussion
Content of Presentation
1. Preliminary Activities
Setting of Class Standards
Checking of Attendance
2. Lesson Proper
Motivation (Activity)
Subject Matter/ Topic
Additional Activity
Written assessment