Braden Scale For Predicting Pressure Sore Risk: Score
Braden Scale For Predicting Pressure Sore Risk: Score
Braden Scale For Predicting Pressure Sore Risk: Score
Patient Rm# _______ Age _______ Gender _______ Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Date: _________________
Diagnosis ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ SCORE
1. Completely Limited: 2. Very Limited: 3. Slightly Limited:
4. No Impairment:
Unresponsive (does not moan, flinch, or Responds only to painful stimuli. Responds to verbal commands, but
SENSORY PERCEPTION Responds to verbal
grasp) to painful stimuli, due to Cannot communicate discomfort except cannot always communicate
Ability to respond commands. Has no sensory
diminished level of consciousness or by moaning or restlessness. discomfort or the need to be turned.
meaningfully to pressure- deficit which would limit ability
sedation. OR OR has a sensory impairment which OR has some sensory impairment
related discomfort. to feel or voice pain or
Limited ability to feel pain over most of limits the ability to feel pain or which limits ability to feel pain or
body surface. discomfort over 1/2 of body. discomfort in 1 or 2 extremities.
1. Constantly Moist:
2. Moist: 3. Occasionally Moist: 4. Rarely Moist:
MOISTURE Skin is kept moist almost constantly by
Skin is often, but not always moist. Skin is occasionally moist, requiring Skin is usually dry, linen
Degree to which skin is perspiration, urine, etc. Dampness is
Linen must be changed at least once a an extra linen change approximately requires changing only at
exposed to moisture. detected every time patient is moved or
shift. once a day. routine intervals.
2. Very Limited:
1. Completely Immobile: 3. Slightly Limited: 4. No Limitation:
MOBILITY Makes occasional slight changes in
Does not make even slight changes in Makes frequent though slight Makes major and frequent
Ability to change and control body or extremity position but unable to
body or extremity position without changes in body or extremity changes in position without
body position. make frequent or significant changes
assistance. position independently. assistance.
1. Problem:
2. Potential Problem:
Requires moderate to maximum
Moves feebly or requires minimum 3. No Apparent Problem:
assistance in moving. Complete lifting
assistance. During a move skin Moves in bed and in chair
without sliding against sheets is
probably slides to some extent against independently and has sufficient
FRICTION & SHEAR impossible. Frequently slides down in
sheets, chair, restraints or other muscle strength to lift up completely
bed or chair, requiring frequent
devices. Maintains relatively good during move. Maintains good
repositioning with maximum assistance.
position in chair or bed most of the time position in bed or chair at aid times.
Spasticity, contractures or agitation
but occasionally slides down.
leads to almost constant friction.
INTERPRETATION OF SCORE: Check the appropriate box below and indicate what the patient is at risk for. SCORE
Based on the Braden score, this patient is: 19-23 No Risk 15-18 At Risk 13-14 Mod Risk 10-12 High Risk ≤ Very High Risk
for _______________________________