Lokpal Bill - Govt N Civil Society Draft

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1. The Lokpal will have jurisdiction only over the 1. The Lokpal will have jurisdiction over politicians, bureaucrats and
Prime Minister, ministers and MPs. judges. The CVC and the entire vigilance machinery of the Centre
will be merged into the Lokpal.

2. The Lokpal will not have suo motu power to 2. The Lokpal can not only initiate action on its own but it can also
initiate inquiry or even receive complaints of entertain complaints directly from the public. It will not need
corruption directly from the public. The complaints reference or permission from any authority.
will be forwarded to it by the presiding officer of
either House of Parliament.

3. It is purely an advisory body and can therefore 3. After completing its investigation against a public servant, the
only give recommendations to the Prime Minister on Lokpal can initiate prosecution or order disciplinary proceedings or
complaints against ministers and to the presiding both.
officer of either House on complaints against the
Prime Minister and MPs.

4. Since it has no police powers, the Lokpal cannot 4. With the corruption branch of the CBI merged into it, the Lokpal
register an FIR on any complaint. All it can do is a will be able to register FIRs, conduct investigations under the
preliminary inquiry. Criminal Procedure Code and launch prosecution.

5. Anybody found to have lodged a false complaint 5. The Lokpal can only impose financial penalties for complaints
will be punished summarily by the Lokpal with found to be false.
imprisonment ranging from one year to three years.

6. The Lokpal will consist of three members, all of 6. The Lokpal will consist of 10 members and one chairperson, out
whom will be retired judges. This may aggravate the of whom only four are required to have legal background without
trend of retiring judges becoming vulnerable to necessarily having any judicial experience.
government pressures.

7. The committee to select Lokpal members will 7. The selection committee will consist of members from judicial
consist entirely of political dignitaries and its background, chief election commissioner, comptroller and auditor
composition is loaded in favour of the ruling party. general of India and international awardees (like Nobel prize
winners and Magsaysay awardees of Indian origin). The bill
prescribes a transparent and participatory selection process in great

8. If a complaint against the Prime Minister relates 8. There is no such bar on the Lokpal's powers
to subjects like security, defence and foreign affairs,
the Lokpal is barred from probing those allegations.

9. Though a time limit of six months to one year has 9. The Lokpal will have to complete its investigation within one year
been prescribed for the Lokpal to conduct its probe, and the subsequent trial will have to be over in another year.
there is no limit for completion of trial, if any.

10. Nothing has been provided in law to recover ill- 10. Loss caused to the government due to corruption will be
gotten wealth. After serving his sentence a corrupt recovered from all those proved guilty.
person can come out of jail and enjoy that money.

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