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07/31/20 DESIGN NO. - SECTION 15410 Plumbing Piping Part 1 - General 1.01 Description of Work

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07/31/20 DESIGN NO.





A. Extent of plumbing piping work is indicated on Drawings

and by the requirements of this Section including but
is not limited to the following:

1. Pipe

2. Fittings

3. Piping Joints

4. Sleeves for Pipes

5. Unions

6. Cleanouts and Cleaning Screw Plugs

7. Escutcheon Plates

8. Traps

9. Drain Bibbs

10. Hose Bibbs

B. All pipe and pipe fittings that convey water for human
consumption must be certified for meeting the
requirements of the federally mandated Reduction of
Lead in Drinking Water Act of 2014 (not more than a
weighted average of .25% lead). Regardless of the pipe
manufacturer listed in these specifications, provide
pipe and pipe fittings that meet the requirements of
the act. All solder used during installation of piping
associated with the potable water system designed for
human consumption must also meet the requirements.


A. Division 2 .......................... Sitework


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

B. Firestopping......................... Section 07270

C. Painting............................. Section 09900

D. Drainage............................. Section 15415

E. Gas Piping Systems................... Section 15416

F. Cold Water Supply.................... Section 15417

G. Hot Water Supply..................... Section 15418


A. Comply with applicable portions of the Building Code of

the City of New York. Where requirements for
products, materials, equipment, methods and other
portion of the work specified herein exceed minimum
requirements of NYC Building Code, contractor shall
comply with such requirements specified herein, unless
specifically approved otherwise by the Authority.

B. Standards listed below are referenced in this section.

1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

2. American Standards Association (ASA)

3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

4. United States of America Standards Institute


5. Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute (CISPI)

6. American Water Works Association (AWWA)

7. NSF International

C. Brazing: Certify brazing procedures and brazers.

D. Approved Agency Certification: Certification and

listing by an Approved Agency in accordance with NYC
Dept. of Buildings rules, indicating that the
materials and assemblies as regulated by the NYC
Building Code are acceptable for the intended use.
When test methods are stipulated in the NYC Building


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

Code, the tests utilized shall be stated in the

Certification. Prior MEA approvals are acceptable for
materials and assemblies conforming to current Code

E. Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act: Beginning on

January 4, 2014, a federal law known as “Reduction of
Lead in Drinking Water Act” takes effect. This law
requires that faucet, plumbing fixtures, pipe and pipe
fittings must conform to” lead free” criteria level
whenever these plumbing related products are employed
for delivery of potable water for human consumption.

1. The law makes it unlawful for any person,

including a contractor, to introduce into commerce
any pipe, pipe fitting, plumbing fixture, faucet
that is not lead free.

a. “Lead free” content is intended to mean not

more than 0.2% lead when applied in
connection to solder and flux and not more
than 0.25 percent of the weighted average of
lead when used with respect to the wetted
surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing
fixtures and faucets.

b. The section of the federal act that applies

to solder and flux, 0.2% lead content, went
into effect back in August of 1998; and for
the most part soldering product being sold in
today’s market complies with the law.

c. The requirement for .25% weighted average of

lead when applied to the wetted surfaces of
pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fixtures and
faucet is the new section of the law that
requires special attention from a contractor.

2. To ensure compliance with “Reduction of Lead in

Drinking Water Act”, a procedure for determining
lead content was developed. The calculation
procedure works as follows:

a. “For each wetted component, the percentage of

lead in the component shall be multiplied by
the ratio of the wetted surface area of that
component to the total wetted surface area of


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

the entire product to arrive at the weighted

percentage of lead of the component. The
weighted percentage of lead of each wetted
component shall be added together, and the
sum of these weighted percentages shall
constitute the weighted average lead content
of the product. The lead content of the
material used to produce wetted components
shall be used to determine compliance with
paragraph (1)(B) [Paragraph 1B Describes
0.25% Requirement for 0.25 % Lead Content]”

b. As an alternative to implementing the lead

content calculation, the contractor may
choose to demonstrate compliance with the act
by requiring from manufacturer documentation
certifying that products are lead free based
on either calculation or tests or third party


A. Deliver pipe materials properly protected, and


B. Properly protect all piping so as to prevent damage to

the pipe or the introduction of foreign material into
the pipe. For the purpose of protecting piping from
pre-installation contamination, all piping shall be
shipped to job site with suitable caps, sheet metal
covers or plugs. Pipe caps shall not be removed until
just before installation.

C. Examine all pipe and fittings before laying. Do not

install any piece that is found to be defective.


A. Product Data

1. Clean-outs

2. Escutcheons

3. Pipes & fittings

4. Thermo-well


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Submit a compliance affidavit, if pipe and fittings
match contract documents. Manufacturer’s technical
product data submission will be required if a
substitution is proposed.

B. Submit Shop Drawings for all piping installations.

C. Pipe Schedule: Itemize pipe and fitting materials for

each specified application.

D. Sample: Polypropylene pipe & fittings with the required


E. Certifications

1. Brazing Certifications: Submit as required for

piping work.

2. Lead-free Certifications: Provide manufacturer’s

certification that pipe and fittings in contact
with potable water meet the requirements of the
Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act effective
Jan 4, 2014.



A. Piping shall conform to the following:

4 1. Cast-iron Pipe

a. Bell and Spigot ends:

Evenly coated, cylindrical, smooth, free from

all defects, of uniform thickness and of the
weights required by the New York City rules
governing Plumbing and Drainage, and shall be
of the grade known in commerce as “service
weight”. Each length of pipe and each
fitting shall be plainly marked with the
manufacturer's name or registered trademark
and with the letters “SV” to indicate
“Service weight”. The marking may be cast,
stenciled, or otherwise applied on the pipe


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so as to be clear and legible at the time of

installation. The marking shall be cast on
fittings and shall be located away from the
spigot end so as not to interfere with proper
joining upon installation. Cast-iron soil
pipe and fittings shall comply with ASTM A74;

b. No-Hub:

Evenly coated, cylindrical, smooth, free from

all defects, of uniform thickness and of the
weights required by the New York City rules
governing Plumbing and Drainage. Each length
of pipe and each fitting shall be plainly
marked with the manufacturer’s name or
registered trademark. The marking may be
cast, stenciled, or otherwise applied on the
pipe, and cast on fittings so as to be clear
and legible at the time of installation.
Cast-iron soil pipe and fittings for hubless
cast iron sanitary system shall comply with
CISPI Standard 301, and ASTM A888, latest

2. Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe

a. Pipe shall conform to all requirements of

ASTM C76, Class III, Wall B of that standard.

b. The pipe shall be made by a manufacturer

experienced in the manufacturing of precast
reinforced concrete pipe. Inside surface of
pipe shall be smooth.

3. Steel Pipe

a. Black steel pipe and galvanized steel pipe

shall be Grade A, seamless, electric
resistance welded pipe, or type F furnace
butt-welded, and shall be made in accordance
with the current Edition of the ASTM A53.
Pipe shall be free from scale, and rust,
injurious sand marks, blisters, scale pits,
laminations, imperfect welds, or other
defects that might affect its strength,
appearance or ability to resist corrosion.
The maker's name shall be rolled or stamped


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in the metal at intervals of each length of

pipe 2" and larger, and stamped on a metal
tag secured to each bundle of pipe 11/2" and

b. Unless otherwise specified or indicated on

Drawings, black steel pipe shall be standard
weight and galvanized steel pipe shall be
Schedule 40 galv. pipe.

c. Available Manufacturers:

U.S. Steel Co.

Sawhill Tubular Co.
North Star Steel
Sharon Tube Co.
Koppel Steel Corp.
Wheatland Tube Company
Nucor Tubular

4. Brass Pipe

a. Seamless drawn red-brass pipe made in

accordance with the current edition of ASTM
B43 and of an alloy containing not less than
eighty-five (85%) copper and not more than
0.05% lead, semi-annealed, regular weight.
Pipe to be threaded on both ends with NPT
(Taper Pipe Threads) conforming to ANSI B2.1.
The maker's name shall be stamped at
intervals on each length of pipe and the pipe
shall be color-coded White in accordance with
The Copper and Brass Research Association

b. Manufacturers:

Chase Brass & Copper Co.

Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corp.
Revere Copper & Brass Inc.
Merit Brass Company.

5. Copper Tubing Type "K": Tubing shall be hard drawn

seamless tubing manufactured in 20 foot lengths,
in accordance with the Copper Development
Association and ASTM B88, for below ground use
only. Each tube shall be identified by means of


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color bars, green, running full length of each


6. Copper Tubing Type "L": Tubing shall be hard drawn

seamless tubing manufactured in 20 foot lengths,
in accordance with the Copper Development
Association and ASTM B88, for above ground use
only. Each tube shall be identified by means of
color bars, blue, running full length of each

7. Polypropylene Plastic Pipe:

a. Pipe shall be similar to a product

manufactured by GF Piping Systems LLC,
Enfield "Enfusion", Orion Blueline, Zurn
Chemical Drainage or other approved pipe
manufacturers, having flame retardant
pattern, Schedule 40 polypropylene approved
by New York City Materials and Equipment
Acceptance Division. Materials shall be in
accordance with ASTM D4101 and shall be flame
retardant in accordance with ASTM D635. All
piping shall be compatible with the Coil
Fusion method. Each length of pipe shall be
plainly marked with manufacturer’s name, pipe
size, schedule, type and ASTM information.
The marking may be stenciled or otherwise
applied on the pipe so as to be clear and
legible at the time of installation. The
sample of pipe showing required markings
shall be submitted for approval.

8. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Piping:

a. Manufactured pipe shall be of smooth interior, annular exterior,

2 corrugated polyethylene complying with the requirements for test
methods, dimensions, and markings found in AASHTO M294
Type S or ASTM-D3350 for 12” – 60” diameters.

b. Virgin material for 12”- 60” Pipe and fitting production shall meet
the requirements of AASHTO M294 or ASTM F2306, which is a
slow crack resistant material, evaluated using the notched constant
ligament-stress (NCLS) test according to the procedure described
in Section 9.5 of AASHTO M294 or Section 7.8 of ASTM F2306.


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c. Pipe shall be joined with a bell-and-spigot joint and shall be

watertight. Pipe shall be Hancor BLUESEAL, ADS N12 WT, or
pre-approved equal.

d. The bell-and-spigot HDPE piping network shall be joined using

watertight connections in accordance with the requirements of
ASTM D3212. Elastomeric seals (gaskets) made of polyisoprene
and meeting the requirements of ASTM F477 shall show no
visible water leaks when tested under 10 feet hydrostatic water
test. A joint lubricant recommended by the manufacturer shall be
used on the gasket and bell during assembly.

e. To preclude crumbling and provide better joint performance of the

HDPE pipe, the bell and spigot ends shall be reinforced, including
a bell tolerance device. The bell tolerance device must be installed
by the pipe manufacturer.

f. Approved Manufacturers:

Hancor Inc., ADS Inc.

9. Ductile Iron Pipe

a. Ductile iron pipe shall have an outer coating

of coal tar and shall comply with the
requirements of the latest Standard
Specifications of AWWA C151.

b. Thickness class of pipe shall be as follows:

1) Yard Drainage: thickness class 51 for

all sizes

2) House Sewers: thickness class 56 for all


3) Water Service piping: thickness class 52

for three (3) & four (4) inch diameter
pipe and thickness class 56 for pipe
size greater than four (4) inch.

c. Ductile iron pipe shall also comply with the

following requirements:

1) Marking: the weight and class and other

designated markings required by ANSI


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specifications shall be stenciled at the

foundry on all ductile iron pipe,
fittings and specials.

Markings shall be painted conspicuously

in white on the outside of each pipe
length, fitting and special casting
after the shop coat has hardened.

2) Cement Lining: Pipe to be cement lined,

except when used in association with
sewer piping, in accordance with AWWA
C104 with thickness of lining to be 1/8"
minimum. A plus tolerance of 1/8" shall
be permitted on all sizes of pipe.

d. Manufacturers:

1. U.S.Pipe and Foundry

2. American Cast Iron Foundry
3. Amsted Industries/Griffin Pipe
Products Co.

10. Vacuum and Air Piping: Risers and branches to be

black steel pipe or type L copper tubing.

11. Polyvinylidene Fluoride Plastic Pipe (PVDF):

a. Chemical and acid resistant pipe material
with developed smoke rating less than 50 and
flame spread index less than 25. All piping
and fittings must meet the requirements of
ASTM F1673, ASTM E84 and UL 723.

1) Schedule 40 PVDF pipe, including

fittings for drainage of wastes laden
with corrosive substances or chemicals
shall be joined by the use of the heat
fusion method.

2) Each length of pipe shall be plainly

marked with manufacturer’s name, pipe
size, schedule, ASTM and UL. The marking
may be stenciled or otherwise applied on
the pipe so as to be clear and legible
at the time of installation.


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B. Fittings and Joints

1. Cast-iron Hub and Spigot Piping:

a. Fitting shall be service weight pattern,

evenly coated, manufactured in accordance
with the current ASTM A74 and shall
correspond with the pipe in all particulars.

b Material used for Hub and Spigot caulked

joints shall be molten lead and packed oakum.

2. Cast-iron No-Hub Piping (Hubless Coupling)

a. Cast iron No-Hub pipe fittings shall be made

up to comply with CISPI Standard 301 and ASTM
A888. No-Hub coupling gaskets shall conform
to ASTM C564. Each approved coupling shall
be permanently marked on its external surface
with: manufacturer's name or trade mark,
nominal pipe size, and shall meet pressure
testing standards set in ASTM C1540.

b. Stainless steel couplings shall be heavy duty

with shield of 28 gauge 304, 18-8 chromium
nickel stainless steel, neoprene gasket and
stainless steel bolts and bands and shall
conform to ASTM C1540.

Couplings shall be HI-Torque 80 by Clamp-All

Corp., with two (2) clamps for pipe sizes up
to and including 4" and four (4) clamps for
pipe 5" to 10"; or Husky HD-2000 by Husky
Technologies Division of ANACO with four (4)
clamps for pipe sizes up to and including 4"
and six (6) clamps for sizes 5" to 10" or
Mission HW Series by Mission Rubber Company,
with four (4) clamps for pipes up to and
including 4” and six (6) clamps for pipes 5”
to 10”; or POC coupling by Thermafit

3. Fittings and Joints for Ductile Iron Pipe

a. Jointing for water carrying pipe shall be

mechanical type consisting of bell end with
cast flange, cast iron gland, rubber gasket


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and necessary bolts and nuts. Mechanical

joints shall conform to AWWA C110, ductile-
or gray-iron standard pattern or AWWA C153,
ductile-iron compact pattern and gaskets to
AWWA C111. Bolts shall be high-strength, low-
alloy steel with minimum 45,000 psi yield
strength and comply with AWWA C111. Unless
otherwise specified, gasket material shall be

b. Push-on joints shall conform to AWWA C110,

ductile- or gray-iron standard pattern or
AWWA C153, ductile-iron compact pattern and
gaskets to AWWA C111. Push-on joints shall
also be restrained using Field- Flange 350
fitting and Field-Lok 350 gasket assembly as
manufactured by U.S. Pipe or other approved
equal. Unless otherwise specified, gasket
material shall be rubber. Push-on Joints
shall be similar to Tyton Joint of U.S. Pipe
and Foundry or Fastite Joint of American Cast
Iron Pipe Company. Push-on joints
manufactured by Griffin Pipe Product Co. will
also be acceptable.

c. Fittings, joints and accessories for ductile

iron shall comply with the requirements of
the latest Standard Specifications of AWWA
C115; C153; C151 & C110

4. Fittings for Galvanized Pipe:

a. Fittings and couplings shall be galvanized

cast-iron, recessed and threaded drainage
fittings conforming to ASTM A126, Class B,
with smooth interior waterway and with
threads tapped so as to give a uniform grade
to branches of not less than 1/4" to the foot
and keep the vertical lines plumb.

b. Fittings for screwed vent piping shall be

maleable iron recessed and threaded drainage

c. Roll Grooved Ends:


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

1) Housing: Ductile iron: ASTM A536 Grade

65-45-12 with factory grooved ends
designed to accept manufacturer’s
couplings; EPDM gaskets.

2) Manufacturers: Victaulic, Anvil

International Inc, TYCO Grinnell
Mechanical Products, Shurjoint Piping

5. Fittings for brass water supply piping shall be

cast bronze threaded fittings, Class 125 working
steam pressure, conforming to ASME/ANSI B16.15.
They shall be made of cast bronze containing not
less than eighty-five percent (85%) copper and
five percent (5%) each of lead, tin and zinc. All
connecting threads of pipes and fittings shall be
NPT conforming to the requirements of ASME/ANSI
B2.1. Exposed fittings for fixture connections
shall be rough, plain, polished or chromium plated
as specified.

6. Fittings for Type "K" copper tubing shall be cast

bronze solder joint fittings suitable for soft-
soldering and shall be in accordance with ASSE
1061; ASME/ANSI B16.15; ASME/ANSI B16.18;
B16.26; ASME/ANSI B16.29 Fittings for Type "L"
copper tubing shall be wrought copper solder joint
fittings suitable for soft-soldering and shall be
in accordance with ASSE 1061; ASME/ANSI B16.15;
B16.23; ASME/ANSI B16.26; ASME/ANSI B16.29. Type
"K" and Type "L" fittings shall have a minimum
working water pressure of 150 p.s.i. and shall be
as manufactured by Nibco Inc., Stanley G. Flagg &
Co., Smith-Cooper International or Elkhart
Products Corporation.
Alternately, fittings for Type K or L may be press
fittings (pressure-sealed joints) by Viega
ProPress; Elkhart Xpress, Elkhart Products
Corporation; NIBCO Press System; Tyco/Grinnell G-
PRESS, Mueller Copper Press (or approved equal) up
to and including 4 inches in diameter. O-rings
for copper press-connect fittings shall be EPDM.
Use special tools recommended and approved by the


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Solder shall be lead-free solder as per ASTM B32

Mechanically formed extruded tee-branch outlet is

permitted on copper tubing running overhead.
Extruded-tee outlets shall be made according to
ASTM F2014. All joints formed in this manner shall
be brazed in compliance with Code and
manufacturer’s recommendations. Soft soldered
joints shall not be permitted.

a. Manufacturers:
T-DRILL Indsutries. Inc.

7. Grooved Joints-Copper Piping: Rolled grooves, EPDM

center legged gaskets, Ductile Iron housing,
wrought copper or cast bronze fittings, rated for
300 psi working pressure. System shall be
designed for rigid installation. Brazed flanges
must be used at equipment connections, and for
maintenance removal sections. Manufacturers:
Victaulic, Grinnell by Tyco, Anvil International,
Shurjoint Piping Products.

8. Fittings for polypropylene plastic pipe shall be

DWV pattern flame retardant schedule 40
polypropylene fittings. Materials shall be in
accordance with ASTM D4101 and shall be fire
retardant in accordance to ASTM D635. Fittings
shall be legibly marked with molded on letters
showing manufacturer's trademark, pipe size of
each socket, manufacturer's part number, and
symbol PPFR. Joints and fittings shall be DWV
electric fusion made of the same material as the
piping. Submit samples of fitting, showing
required markings, for approval.

9. Fittings for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Piping shall be watertight bell and spigot
assemblies. The gasket material shall be
polyisoprene and shall meet ASTM F477. Pipe
joints shall meet AASHTO M294 or AASHTO MP7. In
addition, the gaskets shall be free of visible
cracks when tested according to ASTM D1149: 72
hours exposure in 50 PPHM ozone at 104°F. The
fittings/joints shall be manufactured by Hancor
Blue Seal or approved equal. Hancor’s Sure-Lok


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F477 fittings/joints are not acceptable as they

are not water-tight. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) piping
shall only be used for underground yard drainage and storm water piping
within the property line but outside of the foundation walls of the

10. Fittings for Polyvinylidene Fluoride Plastic Pipe

(PVDF) shall be DWV pattern fittings flame
retardant manufactured to Schedule 40 dimensions.
3 Materials shall be in accordance with ASTM F1673
and shall be fire retardant in accordance to ASTM
D635. Fittings shall be legibly marked with molded
on letters showing manufacturer's trademark, pipe
size of each fitting, manufacturer's part number,
and symbol PVDF. Fittings shall be joined to the
PVDF pipe by means of a fusion method.

11. Fittings for vacuum and air piping shall be

malleable iron.

C. Water service pipe, water distribution pipe and all

pipe fittings utilized in water supply systems shall
conform to NSF 61

D. Pipe Nipples

1. All pipe nipples shall be of the same materials as

the connecting piping.

2. The use of close nipples is prohibited

E. Unions

1. Unions 2" and smaller shall be threaded. Unions

21/2" and larger shall be flanged.

2. Threaded unions on copper or brass pipe shall be

brass, ground joint suitable for 300 pounds W.S.P.

3. Threaded unions on steel pipe, unless otherwise

specified, shall be of malleable iron with bronze
ground seats suitable for 300 pounds W.S.P.

4. Flanged unions shall be cast iron for steel pipe,

and brass for copper or brass pipe, gasket type
suitable for 150 pounds W.S.P.


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5. Flanged unions shall be provided with the

necessary steel bolts, nuts and gaskets.

6. All unions used on galvanized piping shall be


7. All unions used on chromium plated piping shall be

chromium plated.

8. Unions shall be as manufactured by

Anvil International
Ward Manufacturing LLC
The Viking Corporation

F. Dielectric Fittings/Unions

1. Unions shall be rated at 250 psi at 180oF and

shall meet the requirements of ASME/ANSI B16.39.
Pipe threads shall be in accordance with ASME/
ANSI B2.1 and solder ends shall be suitable for

2. Flange fittings shall have a minimum rating of 175

psi and shall conform to ASME/ANSI B16.24
(Bronze), ASME/B16.42 (Iron).

3. Manufacturers:

Mueller Industries
Capitol Mfg. Co.; Division of Harsco Copr.
Eclipse, Inc.

8 G. Thermo-wells

1. Thermo-wells are required for all temperature

sensors in fluids transported within piping such
as, but not limited to, water and steam.

2. Thermo-wells shall be supplied as a complete

assembly including the sensor, separable well,
wellhead and Greenfield fitting.


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3. Thermo-wells shall be pressure-rated and

constructed in accordance with the system working

4. Thermo-wells and sensors shall be mounted in a

thread-o-let or 1/2" NPT saddle and allow easy
access to the sensor for repair or replacement.

5. Thermo-wells shall be filled with heat-conductive

compound that is specifically manufactured for the
application. The compound shall be suitable for
the temperature range being sensed.

6. Thermo-wells shall be constructed of the following


a. Chilled and Hot Water; brass.

b. Steam; 316 stainless steel.

c. Brine (salt solutions): marine grade

stainless steel.

H. Gaskets: Gaskets for cold and hot water services shall

be full face gaskets. The retaining gasket shall be
made of 1175 fabric inserted rubber sheeting and shall
be pre-cut at the factory for standard 125 pound cast
iron flanges and fittings and for 150 pound raised
face steel flanges and fittings.

I. Cleanouts and Cleaning Screw Plugs

7 1. Cleanouts shall conform to the features of the
cleanouts contained in the schedule below. The
manufacturer's numbers are for the purpose of type
only. The contractor shall submit manufacturer
product technical data for each type required
before installation for approval.

a. Gasket seal plugs will not be accepted in

place of taper thread plugs.

2. Cleanout plugs shall be bronze and countersunk

type with taper screw threads.


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3. Cleanouts for cast iron pipe and galvanized steel

pipe in exposed horizontal runs and accessible
hung ceilings shall be as follows:

a. Cleanouts for membrane waterproof floors

shall be provided with an integrally cast
flashing flange with flashing clamp.

b. Cleanouts in unfinished areas shall have cast

iron tops and covers and in finished areas
shall have nickel bronze tops and covers.

Cleanout Schedule:

Location Piping Figure Number

Wall Exposed Cast Smith 4420

Iron Wade W-8550E w/8480R
Zurn Z1440-BP w/ZS-1469
Cleanout: Cast iron spigot ferrule with cast
bronze taper thread plug and S/S cover.

Wall Exposed SteelSmith 4470

Wade W-8590E
Zurn Z1470
Cleanout Plug: Cast bronze taper thread plug.

Wall Concealed Smith 4532-U

Cast Iron Wade W-8560E w/8480R-75
MIFAB C1460-RD-6
Zurn Z1446-BP-VP
Cleanout: Cast iron cleanout tee, taper thread,
bronze plug with stainless steel round cover and
vandal-proof screw.

Wall Concealed Smith 4472-U

Steel Wade W-8590E w/8480R
MIFAB C1430-RD-6
Zurn ZS1468-VP
Cleanout: Cast bronze taper thread plug with
stainless steel round cover and screw.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

Floor-Concrete Steel or Smith 4248-U

Cast Iron Wade W-6000Z,75
Zurn ZN1400-BP-VP
Cleanout: Cast iron floor level cleanout assembly
with heavy duty, round, adjustable, scoriated cast
iron top, non-tilt tractor cover, and an inside
caulk outlet; taper thread, bronze plug and
vandal-proof screw.

Floor-Asphalt Cast Iron Smith 4168-U

Tile Wade W-6000TS,75
Zurn ZN1400-TX-BP-VP
Cleanout: Cast iron floor level cleanout assembly
with a square adjustable nickel bronze top
recessed for 1/8” tile and an inside caulk outlet;
taper thread, bronze plug and vandal-proof screw.

Floor-Terrazzo Cast Iron Smith 4188-U

Wade W-6000U,75
Zurn ZN1400-Z-BP-VP
Cleanout: Cast iron floor level cleanout assembly
with round adjustable nickel bronze top recessed
for terrazzo and an inside caulk outlet; taper
thread, bronze plug vandal-proof screw.

Floor-General Cast Iron Smith 4028-U

Finished Area Wade W-6000-1,75
Zurn ZN1400-BP-VP
Cleanout: Cast iron floor level cleanout assembly
with round, adjustable, scoriated, nickel bronze
top, and no-hub outlet; taper thread, bronze plug
and vandal-proof screw.

Outside Grade Cast Smith 4258

Wade W-8300MF w/6000,75
MIFAB C1300MF w/C1230-6
Zurn Z1474-N w/Z1440-BP
WATTS CO-300-MF W/CO-380


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

Cleanout: Cast iron cleanout and double flanged

housing with heavy duty, secured, scoriated cast
iron cover with lifting device and an inside caulk
outlet; taper thread, bronze plug and vandal-proof

5. Cleanouts and Cleaning Screw Plugs for Acid

Drainage Piping:

a. Cleanouts flush with floor shall be silicon

iron. All other cleanouts shall be of the
same materials and by the same manufacturer
as the piping to which they are connected.

b. Wall access covers shall be chrome plated

bronze square frame and secured flush-with-
wall cover with anchoring lugs: Jay R. Smith
Fig. 4735-NB-U, Wade W-8480S, Zurn ZANB1462-
VP, WATTS CO-300-S-1-6 or MIFAB C1400-S-1.
Floor access cleanout covers shall be square
nickel bronze frame and secured scoriated
cover: Jay R. Smith Fig. 4930-U, Wade W-8300-
S, Zurn ZAB1460-VP, WATTS CO-300-S-6 or MIFAB
C1300-S-1. Provide spanner type vandal proof
screws for access covers.

J. Pipe Sleeves: Provide pipe sleeves of one of the

following. Pipe sleeve must be appropriate type and
thickness for the UL firestopping assembly selected:

1. Sleeves and materials for sealing sleeves for gas

piping through exterior walls and floor slabs on
earth shall be as specified and approved by the
Gas Company.

2. Sheet-Metal: Fabricate from galvanized sheet

metal; round tube closed with snaplock joint,
welded spiral seams, or welded longitudinal joint.
Fabricate from the following gauges: 3" and
smaller, 20 gage minimum; 4" to 6", 16 gage
minimum; over 6", 14 gage minimum.

3. Steel-Pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 40 galvanized

steel pipe; remove burrs.

4. Iron-Pipe: Fabricate from cast-iron or ductile-

iron pipe; remove burrs.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

5. Firestop penetration materials for sealing sleeves

shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and
if not listed have MEA or OTCR approval. The
materials shall be as specified in Section 07270.
For pipes passing through fire-rated floor, cast-
in place firestop device with Underwriters
Laboratories listing, and if not listed have MEA
or OTCR approval, is permitted as an acceptable
sleeve alternative to a metallic sleeve with
firestopping material. The cast-in place device
is a one-step firestopping process that does not
require additional firestop penetration materials
for sealing the sleeves. The device shall be
installed where required for sleeving purposes.
The cast-in place firestop device shall not be
used for wall applications.

6. Material for sealing spaces between pipe and

sleeve through foundation walls below grade shall
be Link-Seal Type "C" as manufactured by
Thunderline Corp; Belleville, Mich. Seals shall be
modular mechanical type, consisting of
interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to
continuously fill the annular space between the
pipe and sleeve. Links shall be loosely assembled
with bolts to form a continuous rubber bolt around
the pipe with a pressure plate under each bolt
head and nut. Link-Seal pressure plates shall be
Type "C" (insulating type) to provide for
electrical insulation and cathodic protection.

7. Materials for sealing space between each pipe and

sleeve through non-fire rated exterior walls above
grade shall be Non-shrinking cement. Materials
for sealing space between each pipe and sleeve
through non-rated interior walls shall consist of
mineral wool and sealant.

8. Waterproof sleeves shall be Link-Seal Wall Sleeve

as manufactured by Thunderline Corp, or MetraSeal
wall sleeve by the Metraflex Co.

K. Traps

1. Brass traps shall be heavy pattern cast brass New

York regulation traps conforming to the Building


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

Code of New York City. All cast brass visible

traps shall be chrome plated.

2. Cast-iron and silicon iron traps shall be extra

heavy pattern, manufactured in accordance with the
current ASTM Standard Specifications.

3. Traps associated with drains placed in slab on

grade shall be deep seal type with floor cleanout
as J.R. Smith Fig 7231S, Zurn Z-1012-1406-BP with
adjustable housing ferrule and cover or approved

L. Pipe escutcheons shall have inside diameter closely

fitting pipe outside diameter or outside of pipe
insulation where pipe is insulated. Select outside
diameter of escutcheon to completely cover pipe
penetration hole in floors, walls, or ceilings; and
pipe sleeve extension, if any. Escutcheon plate types
shall be as follows:

1. Galvanized cast-iron with set screw as

manufactured by Anvil International, Fig. No. 395
or Carpenter & Paterson, Inc. Submit manufacturer
product technical data.

2. Chrome-plated cast or sheet brass, solid or split-

hinged, with brass set screws as manufactured by
Kohler, Zurn or McGuire Mfg. Co. Submit
manufacturer product technical data.

3. Cast or sheet brass, solid or split-hinged, with

brass set screws as manufactured by Kohler, Zurn
or McGuire Mfg. Co. Submit manufacturer product
technical data.

M. Drain Bibbs

1. Drain Bibbs shall be 1/2" heavy brass compression

faucets with plain end.

2. Drain Bibbs in the supply connections under the

lavatories and wash sinks shall have lock shields
and loose keys. Exposed drain bibbs and lock
shields shall be chrome plated.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

3. Approved model: T & S Brass and Bronze B-703

modified with B-127 lockshield and key.

N. Hose bibbs shall be 3/4" brass with integral vacuum

breakers and nickel plated finish and shall be
Woodford Manufacturing Co. Model 24 or MIFAB MHY-90.

O. Chromium: All metal parts including tubular shapes,

castings, etc., shall be finely ground and polished to
a smooth satin finish. Every particle of scale, rough
or foreign matter shall be removed.



A. Acid Waste

1. Inside the building:

a. For non-plenum ceiling system: Polypropylene

plastic pipe and fittings, schedule 40


b. For ceiling used as air plenum:

Polyvinylidene Fluoride, PVDF, pipe and
fittings joined by a fusing method, and
meeting smoke and flame rating indexes, 50
and 25 respectively.

2. Acid vent extensions above roof: Polypropylene

plastic pipe, schedule 40, joined by heat fusion.

B. Compressed Air: Above Ground-Interior

Black steel pipe with malleable iron fittings;

Type L copper tubing with wrought copper solder
joint fittings. Mechanically formed tee fittings
may be used in lieu of solder-joint tee fittings.

C. Domestic Hot & Cold Water: Above Ground-Interior

1. Type L (blue color bar) copper tubing with wrought

copper solder joint fittings suitable for soft
soldering; Brass, seamless drawn pipe, regular
weight with cast bronze fitting; Groove copper


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

pipe and grooved fittings for 2” and above.

Copper tubing for short branch connection to
plumbing fixture. Mechanically formed tee fittings
may be used in lieu of solder-joint tee fittings.
Pressure-Seal fittings and Pressure-sealed joints
in lieu of soldering are acceptable.

1 2. Exposed Piping Serving Laboratory, and Food

Service Equipment, Except Piping Installed within
Cabinets, and not Exposed to View: Polished,
chrome plated brass pipe with cast brass fittings,
and threaded joints.

D. Domestic Water: Service Underground – Exterior &


1. 2½” and Less: Type K soft annealed copper tube

with cast bronze solder joint fittings; Brass,
seamless drawn pipe with threaded fittings.

2. 3” and Up: Ductile iron and fittings with

mechanical joints

E. Gas Piping: Standard weight, schedule 40, black.

Refer to section 15416 for pipe joint requirements.

F. Storm Piping: Above Ground - Interior

1. Hubless Service Weight Cast Iron (SVCI) with

mechanical stainless steel couplings.

G. Storm Piping: Underground - Interior

Service Weight Cast Iron bell and spigot with lead and
6 oakum joints.

H. Storm Piping: Exterior – Yard Drainage

Provide following as shown on drawings:

1. Service Weight Cast Iron (SVCI) bell and spigot

with lead & oakum joints

2. Ductile iron for all sizes with push-on joints

3. Precast reinforced concrete pipe with rubber

gasket watertight joint


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

4. Extra strength vitrified tile pipe made of fire

clay, surface clay, shale, or a combination of
these materials with heavy duty fittings &
compression joints

5. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) piping, bell

and spigot, watertight joints.

I. Storm Piping: Exterior – House Drain & House Sewer

Service Weight Cast Iron bell and spigot with lead &
6 oakum joints, Ductile iron for all sizes with push-on

J. Storm Piping: Exterior – Leader

Service Weight Cast Iron bell and spigot with lead &
oakum joints to point where sheet metal leader enters.

K. Sanitary Piping, Waste & Vent: Above Ground and House

Drain Lines - Pump Discharge - Interior

1. Hubless Service Weight Cast Iron with mechanical

stainless steel couplings.


2. Galvanized steel pipe schedule 40, with threaded

drainage fittings; Roll grooved ends, grooved pipe
fittings in sizes 2” and above.

L. Sanitary Piping, Waste & Vent: Underground - Interior

Service Weight Cast Iron bell and spigot with lead and
oakum joints.

M. Sanitary Piping, Waste & Vent: House Sewer/Underground

- Exterior

Ductile iron with push-on joint


A. Piping (General)


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

1. The run and arrangements of all pipes shall be

4 approximately as shown on drawings or specified
and as directed during installation, and shall be
as straight and direct as possible, forming right
angles or parallel lines with building walls and
other pipes, and neatly spaced. No pipe shall be
installed where the headroom will be interfered
with unless the conditions are such that it is
unavoidable and permission is obtained from the
Authority. Offsets will be permitted where walls
reduce in thickness or beams interfere with direct
runs; offsets shall be made at an angle of 45 o to
the vertical; in no case shall the space between
the pipes, partitions, walls, etc., exceed 5".
All exposed risers shall be erected plumb,
standing free, close to and parallel with walls
and other pipes and be uniformly spaced. All
horizontal runs of piping hung from structural
floor, slab or floor beams shall be erected as
closely as possible to bottom of floor slabs,
ceilings, or I-beams as the case may be. In no
case shall the headroom, beneath the pipe, be less
than (7'-0") where the pipe is installed more than
(1'-0") from wall, partition, etc., except where
piping is required to be installed in Boiler Room
and Mechanical spaces above floor. Horizontal
piping shall be so graded as to drain to the low
points and water lines to drain bibbs. All piping
installed in floor shall be painted with a heavy
coat of asphaltum. All piping shall be installed
with ample space for pipe covering. All exposed
plumbing piping in the Kitchen Areas shall be
chrome plated brass pipe except for gas line.
Provide threaded fittings. Chrome (silver) paints
will not be accepted.

2. Roughing under ground or concealed in the floor or

wall construction shall be properly installed,
tested and inspected before any of the roughing is
covered up. Should any work be covered up before
being inspected and tested, it shall be uncovered
and recovered at the expense of the Contractor.
Plugged fittings shall be installed when called
for. Reducer fittings shall be used in making
reductions in sizes of pipes; bushings will not be
allowed. Suitable air chambers or Water Hammers


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

Arresters shall be provided as called for in other


3. All lines of piping and branches for fixtures

passing through or in connection with
waterproofing shall be brought to the proper
locations and levels so that fixtures and piping
may be installed without disturbing the

4. For work in existing buildings the following

addition requirements shall be adhered to:

a. Piping shall run as straight as possible with

the fewest number of changes in direction,
with such variations from the layout shown on
the Drawings as conditions at the premises
may require, as approved by the Authority at
no extra cost to the Authority. Provide
piping without sharp bends, quick changes of
sections, pockets or bushings.

b. The locations of all existing piping which

are indicated on the Drawings are
approximate. The Contractor shall
investigate and ascertain the exact locations
of such piping and make whatever minor
variations in runs of new piping that may be
required at no extra cost to the Authority.

c. Contractor shall consider the location of all

equipment, ductwork, piping, electric
conduits, supports, steel work, etc., and all
new piping shall be installed without
interference therewith.

d. Wherever existing branch piping interfere

with installation of new branch piping, the
existing branch piping shall be removed and
re-routed to accommodate the new work. The
rerouted work shall be of new material.

e. All new extensions and relocations of

existing piping systems shall be concealed in
existing or new walls, floors, ceilings, pipe
chases or as otherwise specified.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

f. Unused dead ended soil, waste and vent piping

shall be removed as far as each branch, main,
stack, etc., and capped or plugged concealed
in hung ceilings, below floors or behind

g. All individual hot and cold water branches to

and from new and existing mains or risers
shall be valved.

5. For High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) storm

drainage piping inside the property line but
outside of the building walls the following
addition requirements shall be adhered to:

a. Pipe shall be installed at the line and grade

shown in the contract plans following the
requirements of ASTM F2306 and ASTM D2321 for
trench width, embedment, and compaction.

b. Material meeting ASTM D2321, Class 1B dense-

graded, clean, manufactured or processed
aggregates shall be for bedding, haunching
and initial backfill.

c. Provide a concrete access structure to

inspect and clean HDPE piping used in
conjunction with storm water detention
systems. Connections between concrete access
structure and piping shall be constructed
with a joint tightness compatible with the
overall system.

B. Piping Joints

1. Cast iron bell and Spigot Type

a. Joints in cast-iron bell and spigot piping

shall be caulked joints made with packed
oakum and molten lead, 12 ounces of which
must be used for each inch in diameter of the
pipes at each joint and must be poured in at
one time. The lead to be used for this
purpose shall be soft "Pig" or "Bar." After
cooling and shrinking, the lead shall be
thoroughly caulked and the joints made
impermeable to gases and liquids, and also be


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

capable of withstanding the tests applied.

The face of the lead joints shall finish
flush with the face of the hub and be left
without putty, paints or cement. Whenever
joints are made on the floor or surface they
shall be re-caulked after being placed in

2. Joints in cast iron No-Hub pipe shall be heavy-

duty type couplings. No-Hub cast iron pipe shall
be cut square.

a. The use of No-Hub pipe and fittings for soil, waste, vent
and storm piping is PERMITTED when installed above ground
within buildings.

b. The use of No-Hub pipe and fittings is NOT

PERMITTED for underground applications or
when embedded in concrete.

3. Joints in Ductile Iron Pipe:

a. Push-On Joints: Assemble push-on joints using

lubricant furnished by manufacturer. Guide
plain end of pipe into bell until contact is
made with gasket. Exert sufficient force to
drive pipe home until penetration is made to
depth recommended by manufacturer.

b. Mechanical Joints: Assemble mechanical joints

in accordance with Method of Installation,
AWWA C111, Appendix A. Tighten all bolts by
means of torque wrenches such that the
follower is brought up evenly. Disassemble,
clean and reassemble joint if effective
sealing is not obtained at specified torques.

c. Joints for ductile iron mechanical joint pipe

shall be made by using ductile iron
mechanical joint retainer glands.

4. Joints for precast reinforced concrete pipe shall

be watertight and shall be made by using approved
rubber gaskets. Joints, including rubber gaskets,
shall conform to all the requirements of ASTM
C443, Latest Edition.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

5. The joints of steel and brass piping shall be

screwed joints of full length and threads shall be
NPT conforming to the requirements of ASME/ANSI
B2.1. All pipes shall be screwed close up to their
shoulders. The use of lamp wick is prohibited in
threaded joints. All burrs shall be removed.
Pipe joint cement or Teflon tape shall be used
only on male threads.

6. Joints in type "L" copper tubing and type "K"

copper tubing shall be soft-soldered joint. All
surplus flux shall be wiped off immediately after
completion of the soldering.
Contractor may use mechanically formed Tee
connections in conjunction with copper piping. The
maximum diameter of branches shall be 21/8”.
Mechanically formed tee connection shall be formed
by drilling a pilot hole and drawing out the tube
surface to form a collar having a height of not
less than three times the thickness of the branch
wall. Forming procedures shall be in accordance
with the tool manufacturer’s recommendations. All
joints shall be brazed.

Press Connect (Pressure Seal) Fittings: All

connections shall be made in accordance with the
manufacturer’s installation instructions. Copper
tubing shall be cut at right angles using
displacement type cutter or fine-toothed saw.
Burrs shall be removed from inside and outside of
tubing to prevent cutting sealing element. Mark
insertion depth according to manufacturer’s
insertion depth chart. Alignment shall be checked
for correct fit. Only the manufacturer’s sealing
elements shall be used. Press fitting shall be
slid onto tubing while turning slightly to the
marked depth. Oils or lubricants shall not be
used. Fitting connections shall be made with
tools provided by the manufacturer.

For locations where there is insufficient access

to accommodate the pressing tool (e.g. under
plumbing fixtures), this type of joint is not
allowed. Sufficient clearance must be left around
each joint to allow room for the pressing tool and
jaw to be attached without interference when
repairing the system in the future.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

7. Joints between galvanized steel and cast iron

pipes shall be caulked joints as specified for
cast iron piping.

8. Polypropylene piping:

a. Polypropylene pipe and fittings shall be

joined by use of electrical fusion coils,
energized by a variable, low voltage power
supply according to the manufacturer's
recommendation. Piping systems made by
different manufacturers are usually not

b. Polypropylene shall be permitted for acid

waste piping and fittings in underground
application; it may also be used for
strainers, overflows, outlets and traps for
science sinks and science tables

10. Polyvinylidene Fluoride Plastic Pipe (PVDF)


a. Polyvinylidene Fluoride Plastic Pipe (PVDF)

and fittings shall be joined by the fusing
method approved by the manufacturer. The
method shall be submitted with the shop
drawing. All joints shall be made with the
fusion tool indicated by the manufacturer to
produce a hermetically sealed joint.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Plastic Pipe (PVDF)
and Polypropylene Piping (PP) will not fuse
together since they are dissimilar materials.
Piping systems made by different
manufacturers are usually not compatible.

b. Polyvinylidene Fluoride Plastic Pipe shall be

permitted for acid waste piping and fittings
installed inside ceilings used as air plenum

9. Unions shall be used to connect equipment (pumps,

circulators, tanks, meters, etc.) to water lines.
The union shall be installed as close to the
equipment as practical. Where valves are adjacent
to equipment, union shall be on down stream side
of valves.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

10. Dielectric fittings and unions shall be installed

where ferrous piping joins copper tubing or brass

C. Cleanouts and Cleaning Screw Plugs

1. Install cleanouts in the following locations: on

all traps (except traps integral with floor
drains), at the end of and at all points in change
of direction of all drain pipes and branch drains,
at all offsets, at the ends of all branch soil and
7 waste pipes, and located in runs not more than
fifty (50'-0") feet on center, and at all points
to make accessible all parts of the drainage
system. In underground lines the cleanouts for
drains, traps, or branches shall extend up to and
finish flush with finished level or made
accessible with brick pits with cast iron frame
and covers. Cleanouts in connection with vertical
cast iron pipe above the cellar, except the traps
and fittings on horizontal branches, shall have
tapped tee fittings, same size as pipe, closed
with bronze screw plugs. All other cleanouts in
connection with cast iron pipes, traps and
fittings shall have heavy full size cast iron
ferrules, same size as pipes or fitting, caulked
into hub and closed with bronze screw plug. All
cleanouts in connection with galvanized steel
pipe, traps and fittings shall consist of drainage
fittings closed with bronze screw plugs of heavy
pattern. All cleanouts for silicon iron pipe
shall be silicon iron, with silicon iron bolted
covers, except cleanouts flush with floor, which
shall be of the type as indicated on drawings.

2. Plugs used for cleanouts shall be same size as the

fittings up to and including 4 inches. Sizes
above 4" shall be reduced to allow for 4"
cleanouts. For house traps 8" and larger plugs
allowing for 6" cleanouts shall be used.

3. Cleanouts occurring in membrane waterproof floors

shall be provided with a flashing clamp device
secured with brass bolts. Cleanouts in unfinished
areas shall have brass or bronze tops and cover.
Cleanouts in finished areas shall have polished


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

nickel bronze tops and cover. Provide cleanouts

with spanner type vandal proof screws.

4. Provide cleanouts at the base of all soil, waste

and storm water leaders, and at all changes in
direction on horizontal piping.

5. The complete list of locations of access doors and

frames for cleanouts located behind walls shall be
furnished by the plumbing subcontractor to the
prime General Contractor prior to erection of

6. Cleanouts on 3" and larger pipes shall be

installed so as to allow clearance of at least
18". Cleanouts on pipes less than 3" shall be
installed so as to allow at least 12" of

D. Sleeves for Pipes

1. General: All plumbing pipes passing through

floors, roofs, walls, partitions, furring, beams,
trenches, and wherever else indicated on drawings
shall be provided with sleeves installed and
maintained by the Contractor. Core drilled holes
shall be provided with sleeves. Where plumbing
pipes pass through potentially wet floors that do
not have membrane waterproofing such as toilet
rooms, cafeteria kitchens, serving areas, dish
washing room, janitor's sink closet, mechanical
equipment rooms, pipe chases and areas that are
provided with fire protection sprinkler systems,
the Contractor shall install sleeves of galvanized
steel pipe with welded clips or equivalent at
bottom ends for securing sleeves to form work and
shall project one inch above finished floors, and
shall be caulked watertight.

2. Sleeves for gas service piping through exterior

walls below grade and floor slabs on earth shall
be installed and sealed in accordance with the
latest regulations of the Administrative Code of
the City of New York. Sleeves for gas piping and
gas vents through exterior walls shall be
installed and sealed in accordance with the
requirements of the serving utility. The space


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

between each pipe and its sleeve through floor

slabs on earth and exterior walls above grade for
all other piping shall be sealed tightly with
picked oakum and molten lead. The lead caulking
shall finish flush with the face of the sleeve.
The space between each pipe and its sleeve through
exterior walls below grade for all other piping
shall be sealed tightly with link seals.

3. For interior walls and floors and for pipes

through roof, the space between each installed
pipe and its sleeve shall be sealed with a three
hour rated fire stop penetration material. Fire
stop materials shall be installed in accordance
with the instructions of the manufacturer.
For floors and for pipes and for pipes through
roof and not in walls: Cast-in fire stop device
with Underwriters Laboratories listing and
Material and Equipment Acceptance (MEA) approval
or Approved Agency Certification listed and/or
label is permitted as an acceptable sleeve
alternative to a metallic sleeve with fire rated
sealing caulk. The cast-in device is a one-step
fire stopping process that shall not require
additional fire stop penetration materials for
sealing the sleeves. The device shall be installed
where required for sleeving purposes.

4. Sheet Metal Sleeves

a. Sleeves for pipes passing through floors,

partitions, hung or furred ceilings, shall be
installed with 1/2" maximum clearance all
around pipes. Each sleeve for a pipe passing
through an interior floor slab shall be
fitted with a one-inch flange, or equivalent,
at the bottom end for the purpose of securing
it to the form work or sheet metal deck.
The sleeve shall finish flush with the top of
the finished floor. Sleeves for pipes
passing through partitions, hung or furred
ceilings shall be of one-piece construction
and shall finish flush with the finished


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

b. Sleeves installed for pipes passing through

vent ducts shall be securely fastened,
soldered and made airtight.

5. Pipe Sleeve: Install pipe sleeves for pipes

passing through roofs, concrete beams, brick
walls, foundation walls and floor slabs on earth.
Sleeves shall be installed with 1/2" maximum
clearance all around pipe and shall finish flush
with the surfaces penetrated. Pipe sleeves for
pipes through roof shall be made of service weight
cast iron only.

6. Sleeves through foundation walls below grade shall

be provided under General Construction Work.

E. Traps: Install traps full size of the piping to which

it connects as indicated on Drawings or as required.
All traps, except integral trap with floor drains,
shall have cleanout.

F. Escutcheon Plates

1. Install galvanized cast iron or brass escutcheon

plates with set screw on concealed pipes passing
through walls, partitions, floors and on exposed
to view piping in unfinished rooms and spaces.
Material shall be appropriate for the material to
prevent galvanic reaction (i.e. brass or chrome
plated brass escutcheon for copper pipe)

2. Install chrome-plated brass escutcheon plates with

set screw at:

a. All exposed to view pipes passing through

walls, partitions, floors and ceilings, in
finished rooms and spaces

b. All exposed to view finished locations and

within all cabinets on waste and water supply
piping at all plumbing fixtures including
lavatories, drinking fountains, cabinet
sinks, wash sinks, etc.

3. Plates shall fit snugly around the pipes or

insulation so escutcheon covers penetration hole,
and is flush with adjoining surface.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

G. Drain Bibbs: Provide drain bibbs in the following


1. At the base of all water risers.

2. At low points of water lines.

3. On the cold supply branch under one fixture in

each room, including warming pantry and kitchen
area, having a floor drain or stall urinal.

4. Where supply piping to fixture is concealed or

only Barrier Free Lavatory or Barrier Free Wash
Center is installed, the drain bibb shall be wall
mounted 18" above the finished floor adjacent to
the fixture in each room having a floor drain.

5. At all other points indicated on Drawings.

H. Hose bibbs shall be installed where indicated on


8 I. Install Thermo-wells at locations where sensors to be

provided by the TCC are to be installed.



Notes to Specifier (Delete from Specifications)

1. Edit the last sentence. Delete if the Project Specification does not incorporate Section
11400: Food Service Equipment. Confirm with the Project Architect.

2. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is permissible for storm drainage piping inside the
property line but outside of the building walls.

3. Provide 1/4” details with clear instructions about dropped ceilings used as air plenums
where the PVDF piping material is routed. Use special legend to identify PVDF pipe.

4. Edit out piping not required for project. Specification is used for many CIP projects
where existing piping may need to be matched, but would not be typically used.

5. Verify with designer that they have filled out the SD-1 submitted to DEP with material
matching that of the specification.


07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______

6. If existing construction requires the following material,

modify to suit project: Precast reinforced concrete pipe
with rubber gasket watertight joint; Extra strength
vitrified tile pipe made of fire clay, surface clay, shale,
or a combination of these materials with heavy duty fittings
& compression joints; High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
piping, bell and spigot, watertight joints.

7. For building sewers 8” and larger, manholes in lieu of

clean-outs shall be provided and located not more than 200
feet from the junction of the building drain and building
sewer, at each change in direction and at intervals of not
more than 400 feet apart as per PC 708.3. Designers shall
indicate location of manholes on Drawings and shall refer to
Section 02722 for manhole specifications.

8. Delete for projects with no BMS system.



07/31/20 DESIGN NO. _______



Product Data:

1. Clean-outs ______________ _____________

2. Escutcheons ______________ _____________

3. Pipe & fittings ______________ _____________

8 4. Thermo-well ______________ _____________


Contractor’s affidavit
Stating compliance with
Piping materials requirements _____________ _____________

Shop Drawings _____________ _____________


1. Pipe & fittings _____________ _____________


1. Polypropylene pipe
& fittings ____________ _____________


1. Brazing _____________ _____________

2. Pipes and fittings
meet reduction
in lead act _____________ _____________



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